Monday, October 31, 2016

Period 9/10 Blog #8

Your comment post should be at least 290 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

After writing your short story and peer editing others, do you think this is true explain why or why not...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Melissa that blog was pretty good. I disagreed to it though and typed something way different. but I like your input on this blog. this will help me make my blog so thank you. I also liked how you used very good vocabulary. cant wait to read next weeks.

  3. I don’t think this is true because i'm not a writer. For me i think all u need is a train of thought and something to write with. For example i had to type a 750 word short story this week and i did it. I didn't need to dream about it, all i needed was a train of thought. For me i don't need all that extra crap all i need is something to write about and a train of thought. Some people may have a different method. They might think something completely different than me. For example they might dream about their whole story before they even start writing it. For me it may take me a while to write a story but i get the job done. It took me 2 days to type that short story but i got it done without dreaming about it. I got 4 pages done in 2 days on a train of thought. I really don't believe in that saying as you can tell. Another thing is how do you dream awake like that impossible. As long as you get your writing down you should be fine without dreaming about your writing you will be golden.i also think if you are dreaming while awake isn't that considered daydreaming. My teachers always told me to get my head out of the clouds and get to work. How is daydreaming go to help a writer if they are getting yelled at to stop. What if a student can only write like that but they are getting yelled at for daydreaming. Now that student has to suffer because now he can't write his essay or book. I hoped you enjoyed this week's blog i will see you next week.

    1. Mike, your way of outing things into the effectionist way was amazing, The expression on this will forever change the view of the quote above. Thank you for the amazing words and knowledge.

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    1. I like the way you interpret, and I also like that idea of keeping a notebook in your hand just in case you have a crazy dream. I might try it out

  5. I think that statement was true. It said, “ As a writer, you ask yourself to dream while you are awake.” It is saying that your imagination is working while you are writing because you can be coming up with a story right at that moment. When you are sleeping, your imagination is also working, so it creates a movie in your head while you are asleep which is called dreaming. So you are dreaming of a story while you are awake. You are just writing what comes to your mind, unless you are copying something, but other than that you are daydreaming of a story and just writing it down like now. Just like now I am dreaming of what to say and writing it down because if i were to just say something without thinking it over first, it would probably come out as trash, and probably make no type of sense at all. Dreaming while you are awake is called day dreaming. So you are day dreaming a story and writing it down. I could ask my brain to dream right now and write full story watch.
    There was once a 12 year old boy that goes by the name of Peter. He was a very good athlete, and he knew it. He was the best on his basketball team playing the position of point guard. One day he wanted to show his skill to the whole skill by dunking. Pete has never dunked a basketball ever he was just too short. He was 5’3” trying to dunk on a 10 ft hoop. He kept telling the team he was going to do it and kept jumping. When it was the right time, he jumped to the rim but did not reach the right height and fell on his face and broke his jaw.
    I just came up with a story

    1. Very nice description of your blog Thad, I really loved how you used the example of day dreaming it was overall a great example. The way that you see things is amazing. Setting high standards for yourself is exactly what we need and you got the right amount for it. You're stepping up to the plate which is amazing. Keep up the good work.

    2. Thadeus , I really liked your response .. i could tell you put a lot of mind and effort into it .

  6. " As a write you ask yourself to dream while awake."
    What i think this quote means is that being a writer can benefit you from more advantages in becoming and the making of other stories. You always keep a notebook to hand when you're sleeping just in case you have a crazy dream. You can later on right about it. Although dreaming while awake makes a better story because, you don't visualize the things you're seeing. You actually get to picture them and the view of man kind can either be amazingly beautiful or the worst thing you can picture. The option is up to you , there's no wrong ever in any book. After writing my short story i believe this is 100% true, you can see the better outcome in anything. Everyone has their own way of seeing things and the ending can be good or bad it can be an awesome book or a lame but it's in the reader's eyes what really counts...Only you can chose how the page, and story will end. Overall the fact that you can share your experience with anyone and all over the world it can become in different place but, the story won't change the ending never will. Unless you allow it to or you the author itself want the page to turn. Dreaming while you’re awake is imagining things at a whole other experience in only your perspective. The best part is that there’s no wrong or right and no one can judge you for what you dream it’s the best part of having a pencil and paper.
