Monday, October 31, 2016

Period 1 Blog #8

Your comment post should be at least 290 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

After writing your short story and peer editing others, do you think this is true explain why or why not...


  1. This quote , I think is true as a writer you have to be able to bring your own feelings out and think bright enough about what to write , Like if your playing a movie in your head or a flashback. Writing is in need of a lot of detail there's also a lot of ways to plot your story out while your writing . For example, Plot Diagram is something you will use to plot out your story. Writing takes me to another whole world in my mind. Writing is a good brain exercise for people. When I'm writing I feel like I'm dreaming awake.

  2. I think this quote is true because as a writer you need to be able to think of the unimaginable just on the spot and write about it, then continue to write about it and continue to think of crazy things to happen in the story. So i believe the quote is true because most writers don't just think of things over night they have to day dream or dream while wake, some writers who struggle with this have to take the time to write out all the settings, characters and what is going to happen. While writers who can dream while awake they can just flow right through the short story because they are thinking of things fast and on the spot. If i was a writer i would love to be able to think of random, interesting stuff in the blink of an eye. Writing helps some people focus or even make a career out of it so people will tell themselfs to dream why wake alot because it will keep them calm and clear their minds.

    1. i like what you said about the "unimaginable." Its true, People write fiction stories, which are not real and can have make-believe characters in it. A writer can be the first person to come up with a certain animal, like if he or she wants a lion and a horse he can call it "lorse."

    2. i like what you said about the "unimaginable." Its true, People write fiction stories, which are not real and can have make-believe characters in it. A writer can be the first person to come up with a certain animal, like if he or she wants a lion and a horse he can call it "lorse."

  3. This quote really is true. When you're writing you have to use your imagination, and come up with ideas for the story. I didn't have to do that because my story is based off of something that really happened. But when writers write their stories they have to dream it, and use their imagination to get ideas, and put the plot together. No-One can just wake up one day and write a 200 page story. It is a process, you need to come up with ideas, and think of details to really show what's happening in the story. For example, When i wrote my first story in the 3rd grade, it took me 3 days just for 2 pages. It was because i had to think of details and try to extend the idea, or make it more entertaining to the reader. If i wrote a story by myself, it would be like 1 paragraph. I'm not a story writer but i can tell you that the quote in that picture is true. If you write something just off the top of your head, you're bound to fail. If you think about it and write it, you can succeed. Do you think people just write something down on a piece of paper and they make millions? No, its a process and it takes time to do it. James patterson for example, he is a famous writer, and im sure his book takes months to write, and takes just as long to get it published. What im trying to say is if you think about something and your able to make a story out of it, write it. Because when i write, i daydream about the subject until it all comes together.

    1. I like how you gave detials on why you aggred with it and also how you related it to your own story and what you did to make your own story good and the detials you put in it.

    2. i think your right because the longer you take to do something it shows that you have worked hard.if you write and dont take your time you will fail

  4. "As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake.”I think this means you got to learn how to day dream.It helps you not get bored,you can ignore people when you daydream,and dream about fanasies.You can also ignore annoying teachers or daydream to prevent yourself from really sleeping.You won’t get in trouble for daydreaming because your eyes are open and not closed.But in writing its important because it means that you have to have a good imagination in order to write an interesting and popular story.Good stories get you readers and lots of them and readers tell other readers and boom your book just got a newbery medal for your AWESOME book because you daydreamed and used your mind to come up with that book.”Your imagination takes you to any where you can dream and think of.”These words right here that you just read a couple of second ago were created by me.Now I think that everyone should have there own personal quote because I just thought of my very own with the help of my IMAGINATION and my skills of DAYDREAMING.It’s not that hard or even hard at all to use your imagination because you just need to TRY.Something great comes from a daydream.
