Monday, October 10, 2016

Period 1 Blog #5

Your comment post should be at least 250 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.

*Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "**Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."* * *That do you think this quote means? * * *How does it relate to an experience in your own life?*


  1. I think this quote means don't follow anyone else like your friends or who ever be the leader not the follower in life do your own things you want to do. Its good to be something new people will remember about a new trail that people won't forget in life. I could relate this to my own personal life by one time there were a group of kids going to go watch a fight , but me in my own shoes walked a different trail to lead the new trail in life. Its not all about what everyone does its what your heart feels and does for you to lead yourself.This is my opinion on this quote by Ralph Waldo

  2. *Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "**Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."* * *That do you think this quote means? * * *How does it relate to an experience in your own life?* I think this means you have to be independent and not follow others. Like my mom says “Be a leader not a follower.” Also I think it means you have to become someone and achieve high expectations. To think differently and to soar higher. You cant be somebody your not. You are unique individuals that have different traits, personalities, different life stories but almost similar problems. There are so many paths you can choose from but don't take the easy way out of it make your own path and lead the way. Don't think just accomplish and do the work. If you follow others than you will be following in their own footsteps and wont succeed things on your own. Never take the easy way because it proves that you cant do things on your own and that you don't try as hard enough as you are supposed to. It shows that you are lazy and that you will constantly fail when things get harder. In order to get help you have to help yourself first. Become the leader that you thought you could never be or become. Dream bigger so that you can be someone known and people will know you for your actions, accomplishments, achievements.

    1. adrianna i like how you answered this, i agree with you. i like the way you related it to a time in your life, you worded everything very nicely. good job i really like your answer


  3. I think this quote means that don’t follow a path that someone has set out for you or following because told you it was right. It’s saying do you, follow your own path make your dreams come true. Don’t let anyone make you do something that doesn’t make you happy. I can relate this to a time in my life when i thought of i messed up i would be in hell forever. This relates to my region. I grow up living with my grandparents and my grandma was very christian. I had to follow all these ways and made sure i never made any mistakes if i wanted god to be happy and be living in heaven one. But i realized that i'm not following my own path. Yes i believe in god and i follow my ways in religion but i know that if i mess up i won’t be punished forever. Because as kid i let my religion make my decisions but now i don’t. I know that sounds messed up but it’s hard to explain. I stand by it and do follow in certain things but i don’t follow its path into what makes me happy because they don’t always support things but i have to do what it takes to succeed and i believe that god does understand me in ways and knows that i'm not making bad choices i'm following my own path not the path someone set up for me. So this quote is a way of saying follow your path not anyone else's. Do you and make yourself happy and succeed.

  4. *Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "**Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."* * *That do you think this quote means? * * *How does it relate to an experience in your own life?*

    What this quote is saying is that , do not go the way that you already know is going to lead you to where you gotta go. Find your own way into leading you where you have to go. Try to find your own path , create new ideas onto where you actually need to be. This is also saying that you can’t always have someone there for you when you need them. You sometimes need to do things on your own and do better things for yourself because at the end you really only have yourself. Nobody is truly here for you , make your own path into finding what you need and not let others help you find your path. Try to be your own person and don't try to be like anyone else. Everyone's different in their own way and NOBODY can stop you from being who you are so don't let anybody stop you from finding your path. You have your own ways that you are gonna mess up sometimes, but don't let anyone mess up what you are dreaming to be just because you want them to be your friend. Don't do things that you know is going to get you in trouble and have consequences to them. Be your own person, be who you TRULY want to be and not what others want you to be.

  5. The Quote Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail means to me don't be a follower and be a leader, make your own path and don't follow behind others. If you want to be like someone then you follow in their footsteps and do exactly what they did but instead you do your own thing and make your own path to success, your own trail on how you got to where you are. This relates to a experience in my own life when i had to decide on what soccer team to play for, all my friends where on one team that wasn't that good while i had a offer for a team that i knew no one on but were really good. So i made my own path and went with the good team of course my friends were upset but i didn't want to be like them i wanted to do my own thing. Another experience with this was when i was with a bunch of my friends and we went out to eat, they all planned on getting the same thing just because someone said it was really good. They all tried talking me into buying it too but i just didn't want what they were having so i didn't get it and i made my own path and got what i wanted. It turned out i made the right decision because the food they got turned out really bad,so our one friend was wrong about it being really good and ever since then no one listens to him when he says something is good when we go out to eat.
