Monday, October 17, 2016

Period 3 Blog #6

Your comment post should be at least 260 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

Should Parents Bribe Their Children?

Sometimes children don’t naturally do what their parents want them to do. They play video games instead of reading books. They don’t clean up their toys after they’re finished playing. They make too much noise or don’t eat their vegetables. As they get older, they might not do their homework, study for tests or clean their room. What’s a thoughtful parent to do?
Should parents bribe their children to do what’s right — with cash, extra screen time or other extrinsic rewards?
In “The Right Way to Bribe Your Kids to Read,” KJ Dell’Antonia writes about trying to find the best way to motivate children:
My children need to read this summer. They’re in the middle of a long vacation from school, and I want them to enjoy it — but I also want them to be able to pick up their education where they left off when school starts again in the fall.
Kids who read over the summer lose fewer skills than kids who don’t. This is especially important for children from low-income families and those with language problems, like my younger daughter. When reading is difficult, so is almost everything else. As new readers move from decoding text to fluency, every subject from math to history becomes more accessible, but practice is the only way to get there.
My kids (15, 12, 10 and 10) have an enviable amount of time to read, and plenty of books to choose from. Yet it’s already clear that beyond a late August dash to fulfill their assignments, very few pages are likely to be turned unless I do something. But what?
The answer many parents fall back on is bribery.
Students: Read the entire article, then tell us:
— Should parents bribe their children with money, treats or toys? Are bribes an effective way to get children to do what parents want them to do, such as read more books, eat healthier food or be better behaved? Can they be a way to jump-start or encourage a certain behavior that eventually becomes a habit?
— Or are bribes counterproductive in the long run? Do they end up teaching the wrong lessons? Will children become accustomed to doing the desired behavior (reading, eating healthy, et cetera) only when they expect to receive a reward? For example, will they never learn to read for pure enjoyment?
— Did your parents ever use bribes or rewards with you? Do they still? Did they use sticker charts to encourage reading? Or cash to get you to clean your room? Did the bribes work? Did they backfire? What advice would you give your parents on how to motivate you to do what they think is best?


  1. Sometimes i think bribes aren't the best way to get their children to do something.You could encourage them and explain to them why it is the right thing to do, and how it could help you and your child.Sometimes i personally think it is ok to use bribes but it depends on what it is. I personally think it is a way to encourage kids to do something more and more.But bribing isn't always the way to do it only sometimes. Sometimes my parents do it but not all the time and yes sometimes it does give me more encouragement to do it. But sometimes you just have to do it to learn how to be responsible and that is what parents are trying to do prepare you and help you.

  2. Sometimes i think bribes aren't the best way to get their children to do something.You could encourage them and explain to them why it is the right thing to do, and how it could help you and your child.Sometimes i personally think it is ok to use bribes but it depends on what it is. I personally think it is a way to encourage kids to do something more and more.But bribing isn't always the way to do it only sometimes. Sometimes my parents do it but not all the time and yes sometimes it does give me more encouragement to do it. But sometimes you just have to do it to learn how to be responsible and that is what parents are trying to do prepare you and help you.

    1. yeah I agree because we as people should not have to bribe our children to do anything. they should listen to us anyway

    2. Agree, with Chris because it shows your child that you owe them something whenever you tell them to do something and also i like how you used alot of detail GOOd JOB!

  3. - I think that parents should not bribe their children with money, treats, or toys. Bribes can become an effective way to get someone to do something. For example, someone’s mother can take their phone and say you’ll get your phone back once you’re done eating your vegetables. I think that once you do it enough, it will become a habit.

    - I think that bribes can end up teaching the wrong lesson. Children can be taught on how to bribe and they can use it on others. Children are the ones that are mostly bribed. They only do something because they expect a reward or present. Yes, they will never read for pure enjoyment because they won’t read a book if it’s not exciting or interesting.

    - Yes, my parents did bribe me with rewards once, but they hardly do it anymore. They never used charts but they told me that I would get my phone back if I did my homework, and I ate my dinner. Sometimes the bribes did work, and sometimes they didn’t. I think that my parents can motivate me to do my best by studying and doing all of my homework.

    1. I think that bribes can end up teaching the wrong lesson because they can get out of hand with the money and keep asking for bribes.

  4. I think parents should bribe their children to do stuff because there won’t be a problem because they will get 5 dollars or a dollar to buy something for themselves and it would teach kids how to deal with money and how to save up not just to waste their own money on one thing but instead just save money for another thing that they want. It will also teach the kids how to keep their money safe. Kids should get bribed to do something but the only down side they would always expect money to do something but that’s where their parents should show them that money doesn't always come just for doing something and it will only come is they do something really nice and courteous.

    1. At some points, bribing isn't good but its okay in your example because we all need energy. We get energy from food and drinks and without that we wouldn't live. Also, money shouldn't be the only thing parents bribe children with because it can become a habitat.

  5. No parents should not bribe their kids with money ,and toys, and treats,and everything else. They should not do this this because in my personal opinion it is wrong to bribe kids to do things that they should already do such as being good in public and listening to their parents. What i mean is that kids should be disciplined and not paid or rewarded for being good little boys and girls. Kids should be doing exactly what their parents tell them to do no matter what. There is no exuses for not listening to a parental guardian. This will start the habit of kids thinking they can do whatever they want when they want. Bribes can be counterproductive once in a while not all the time. The only time it is really effective is when there really being bad in public to calm them down or if they do not feel like doing anything and they want their kids to do it for them or something of that sorts. My parents would only bribe me once in a while to clean my room i do not do it anymore. but i would do it anyway so there was no real reason to do it because if i am told to do something i am going to do it anyway. My parents bribe my little brothers to do stuff like get them drinks or chips or something. Otherwise they do not do anything to bribe them for things it is either do what i say or get in trouble. That is all i have on this question.

  6. In my opinion i think it is great for parents to bribe children but only on specific circumstances i dont think its a good idea for parents to bribe them all the time because the the child would think you owe them something after they do the slightest thing. Although i think its a good way to bribe kids if they have a big test or something important coming up grade wise. You can tell them “ if you pass this i will take you out to do eat ” or something related to that but if you have to bribe your child to be respectful to others and you will give them money then thats a whole other story. You should already be respectful. So therefore i would say bribes are counterproductive because its basically putting in the kids heads that whatever you do you will get rewarded for it, but in reality when they get older they have to work for what they want nothing gets handed to them for free. Unfortunately my parents did bribe me when i was younger and it felt weird after a while when they stopped because i was so used to it. Now they dont and im thankful for that because now i know im capable of doing things on my own without expecting something in return like most people. But now here and then if i get a good grade on test or grades in general my mom gives me some money to reward me for trying my best.

    1. I agree with Aliyah, my parents did the exact same thing. Except bribes shouldn't even be a thing. To me I feel like bribes are just trying to get people to do what they want at the moment. I don't agree with what it stands for although other people do which I will not judge them for.


  7. After reading this article it's made me think long and hard about how people are raising their kids. I think in my opinion parents should not bribe their children with money, toys or treats. My response to this is parents should teach their children young to earn what they want and need. They need to know what it is to work hard and be self sufficient. Bribes are an effective way to get children to do what they need to do. Although they aren't good they usually get them to do what's needed to be done. There can be ways that can jumpstart their courage and it becomes a habit by always giving them what they want. To me bribes aren't counterproductive in the long run because your child will be stuck up and stubborn. Their not going to treat people right because their going to want what they want now and if they don't get it now their going to throw a fit. They do end up teaching them the wrong lessons because they're going to be the type of people regular people like you and i don't like. I feel like they won't become accustomed to doing the desired behavior because they just wanted whatever it was you bribed them with their not going to stick to doing what's right for them. It's only in the moment that they do what they want. They will never learn to read for pure enjoyment they will only read because they have to and they'll never like it. My parents did use rewards for me, for example if i got straight A's or honor roll id get money, or ice cream that night

    1. I agree with you.I don't think that parents should bribe their kids to do what they want. It's just not right to me. I don't understand how a parent would pay their child to listen to them or behave

    2. I agree with you.I don't think that parents should bribe their kids to do what they want. It's just not right to me. I don't understand how a parent would pay their child to listen to them or behave

  8. I don't think parents should bribe their kids. To me that's bad parenting. That's what I don't like that people have to bribe their children to do what they want. You are basically giving the kids some what control. If you think about it the kids have the upper hand in this. You are paying them to do things. They should already listen to you when you say it without giving them anything. See good parenting to me is listening. If you bribe your kids their not going to listen to you the next time you ask them to do something unless you give them something. When you give them what they want that's even more of a distraction to them. Also a more reason not to listen to you.
