Monday, October 31, 2016

Period 11 Blog #8

*This week your final product (comment) should be anywhere from 260-300 words (Due Thursday)

* This week your response should be one paragraph discussing comparing a short story your classmate wrote to Edgar Allan Poe's Writing.

After reading Poe’s short story your task is to create a modern horror story.

*Your story should include all the elements of good writing:
            Plot, Setting, Characters and Climax/Resolution

*Also try to mimic Poe’s style by including elements of:

            Suspense, Drama, Fear and Mystery


  1. One storming night Emily was sitting in her room home alone. She was listening to music and doing her essay for english when she heard a big bang. At first she didn’t think anything of it but then it kept happening. So she slowly went down the stairs following the sound of the noise. Once she got closer her heart started beating faster and faster making her scared to turn the corner. When she fine turned the corner the noise stopped and she was very confused. So Emily looked around and didn’t see or hear anything so we went back up to her room to finish her essay. About 10 minutes later the noise started and sounded like it was walking up the stairs. Emily got really worries and went under her bed, from the corner of her eye she saw movement in the hallway. She realized she left her phone downstairs when she went down there to see what the noise was. The noise was getting closer and she saw the figure even more. It was walking around her room looking through all her stuff making a huge mess. Then she saw another figure walking into her room. She was getting really scared and wishing she had her phone. About 20 minutes later they walked out of her room and went into her parents room on the other side of the hallway. So she ran downstairs and when she go there she heard the figures walking downstairs. She hurried up and called 911, once they reached downstairs they saw her and she ran. It was two robbers looking for anything they can get their hands on. Once she said she called the cops they ran out of the house and she never saw them again.

  2. Mason was on graveyard shift in a old car lot place when it starts to downpour and thunder out of nowhere. The dramatic change in the weather didn't frighten him. This didn't frighten Mason because strange things are always happening at the old car lot. The old car lot was frighteningly itself, it had no life just death written all over it. It had no plants not one true or no little animals. The rain slowed down only a little Mason decided to go to the vending machine outside the shed of the carlot. As he walked out so did an enormous big black figure. As he walked all he could think of is the Loud banging he heard behind the shed. He got a soft drank n two bag of chips ,as Mason walked back to the shed the figure found its way behind him. The big black figure walked behind Mason until he got a sudden brush of freezing cold air and sharply turned around to see nothing but a bunch of dead old cars. The figure stood in front of Mason now when he turned around. Mason face went dull all life drained out of him just like that old dead carlot. The figured looked into Mason's eyes and stole his life Mason grab the figure but couldn't get hold of nothing, there was nothing to grab. Eyes roll of his head and his legs went numb and he fell to the floor as the figure lost eye contact Mason got up with a haze in terror. Running for his soul he ran to the exit tumbling tripping over car parts and disconnect headlights. The figure swaying through the sky almost catching him Mason ran into a wall and went into a heavy sleep. Mason woke up and was greeted by darkness he quickly stood up scan the walls for a light switch. “click”

    Confused he found himself back in the shed of the old dead carlot. Rubbing his head he had a knot. Rubbing his eyes he remembered the figured and sprinted to the exit. Unlocking the his card door seeing a note on his windshield. “we will meet again in time but the next time you would be dead”


  3. Jeff was losing his breath running,running down the stairs that noise that kept getting louder and louder. I don't understand where it coming from said Jeff, who was an original teenager . Jeff has experienced strange things through his life but this one was different from all of them. New York is a huge city where Jeff and his grandparents lived. The house was beautiful inside and out it was re model since it has been there for 20 years but the thing that was never changed was the attic. The attic was old and rusty Jeff grandparents never wanted anyone to go near it and warned Jeff it is not a safe place. Jeff would listen and never go near it but on this night everything changed. The night was going normal as usual starting off good he had ate dinner with his grandparents, watch tv and went to bed. Laying down on his side Jeff wanted to do is sleep closing his eyes he kept hearing a thump getting real loud.He got up and went to check outside the hallway but it was coming from the attic Jeff didn't dare to go up but manage to since he wanted to prove to himself that it was nothing. Walking to the attic looking around pitch black there was nothing to be seen when going down stairs Jeff heard a girl laugh he turned around and saw a doll. The doll had blonde hair with a pink dress it was smiling towards him, Jeff freaks out starts hearing the noise that was a weird beep kept getting louder and louder running down the stairs to his grandparents room locking it and waking them up. The grandma said “Jeff I told you not to go up there that is a dangerous place”. Jeff reply” There is a doll smiling at me I kept hearing a thump what is she doing there?”.That doll has follow us everywhere Jeff we can't destroy it the grandma continued. Jeff was shocked but knew what had to be done, he went back to smash the doll to pieces relieved they all were but never did that doll came back it was a memory from his life looking back the doll really didn't want to hurt anyone.


  4. On a cold winter night in Paris, France 2001, two men by the names of joey smith and robert evans did something that no person should ever be allowed to do. Go inside the forbidden haunted catacombs. Joey and robert one day where walking around the city, where they stumbled upon an abandoned subway tunnel. They decided to go inside and go check it out. As they were walking inside, Robert’s foot got stuck. Joey decided to take out his phone flashlight and shined it at robert’s foot. Then that’s when they discovered this dark small little cave like tunnel. As soon as they saw the tunnel, joey helped robert and both decided to enter the mini tunnel. They had to crawl and crawl and crawl for about a mile and then the tunnel collapsed. They both landed on these weird white misshapen rocks. Joey turned on his phone flash light and screamed. They landed on top of human bones. The air smelt rotten, they both felt so much negative energy that they got up and tried to find a way out. They were running for hours but still there wasn’t an exit in site. Robert soon came to conclusion and realised that they were inside the forbidden catacombs. They were running, panicking trying to escape. Their phones had no service and had low battery. Eventually robert panicked that he ran away screaming leaving joey all alone. Joey decided to look for him. It was like a maze, turn after turn. Soon, Joey found a small tunnel in the ceiling, he climbed the wall and got up and then found another tunnel. Eventually he got out and went to find help. By the time he got back with help, the tunnel collapsed and was blocked off with rocks and rubble leaving robert inside and never to be seen again.

  5. It was a dark rainy night the clouds covering the moon howling of wolves in the darkness. There was a young 12 year old kid named kevin. kevin was a 12 year old boy who lived o my with his mom and his mom always left him home alone all the time because she had to work. So one day kevin was home alone in his room and it started to rain the day turned to night the moon covered by clouds and wolves howling. kevin was scared of being home alone, but he always put his headphones in when it was raining and night so he'd forget about his fears. Later that night kevin heard screamings outside his house coming from the woods behind his house and he started freaking out. kevin heard knocking on his door and he was nervous to answer it so he didn't, after 10 minutes of knocking he finally opened his door and saw a guy wearing a black mask with blood on it and kevin screamed but no one heard him and at that moment the man grabbed him.
    kevin woke up in the middle of the woods and he had no clue where he was. The howling were louder than they were before. kevin wasn't able to see because he had tape on his eyes and his hands were tied behind his back, he found out that he was stuck in a cave. There were wolves in there too kevin had no clue how he was gonna get out but he knew there was gonna be a chance for him to get out. He knew that his life depended on his actions and he quickly untied his hands and took the tape off his eyes he made a Speer with rocks and sticks to protect himself.
    Tim was able to find the exit of the cave but at the exit of it were 5 wolves walking towards him and his Speer didn't work it broke but right before the wolves attacked him a random guy named jason jumped in front of him and fought all of them and lived and gave kevin time to run to safety after kevin got home. jason was able to survive and make it home too. During this story it proved that you should trust your instincts and believe you can do anything.

  6. It was a dark rainy night the clouds covering the moon howling of wolves in the darkness. There was a young 12 year old kid named kevin. kevin was a 12 year old boy who lived o my with his mom and his mom always left him home alone all the time because she had to work. So one day kevin was home alone in his room and it started to rain the day turned to night the moon covered by clouds and wolves howling. kevin was scared of being home alone, but he always put his headphones in when it was raining and night so he'd forget about his fears. Later that night kevin heard screamings outside his house coming from the woods behind his house and he started freaking out. kevin heard knocking on his door and he was nervous to answer it so he didn't, after 10 minutes of knocking he finally opened his door and saw a guy wearing a black mask with blood on it and kevin screamed but no one heard him and at that moment the man grabbed him.
    kevin woke up in the middle of the woods and he had no clue where he was. The howling were louder than they were before. kevin wasn't able to see because he had tape on his eyes and his hands were tied behind his back, he found out that he was stuck in a cave. There were wolves in there too kevin had no clue how he was gonna get out but he knew there was gonna be a chance for him to get out. He knew that his life depended on his actions and he quickly untied his hands and took the tape off his eyes he made a Speer with rocks and sticks to protect himself.
    Tim was able to find the exit of the cave but at the exit of it were 5 wolves walking towards him and his Speer didn't work it broke but right before the wolves attacked him a random guy named jason jumped in front of him and fought all of them and lived and gave kevin time to run to safety after kevin got home. jason was able to survive and make it home too. During this story it proved that you should trust your instincts and believe you can do anything.

  7. One day Allison was home with her family and she was in her room working on math homework and also and essay for english and listening to music. Her music was blasting so that she could not hear her family fighting over stupid stuff. Then all of sudden her music stopped and the house was silent. She got up out of her chair and then opened her door as it made a creaking sound. So then She went down the stairs and she looked around and no one was in the house. So then she went outside. No one to be found still. Allison was now getting scared so she called her mom and her mom’s phone was on the kitchen table with blood on it. Allison got even more scared. So she then ran up to her room and closed the door and locked it and then she heard her dad’s voice and she screamed “DAD IS THAT YOU” and no one answered. Then she opened her door and then she saw a black shadow at the end of the stairs and then she went down and followed the black shadow as it lead her down the stairs and she did not even know she had a basement to her house so she got scared and then tried to go back upstairs and there were no upstairs anymore. She started to scream for help and then someone grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth to stop her from yelling and then the person gave her a shot to calm her down but she did not know it was a drug to kill her. This person was trying to kill her because she killed her family in her sleep without knowing. The guy ended up being a random person that she did not know but he knew she killed her family so he killed her.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It is April 1st, 2015 as I was on my way to my sister’s boyfriend’s farm for a party. I had my headphones in because I didn’t wanna listen to the trashy music they had on in the car. The car ride was pretty long so I decided to take a nap. When I woke up it was late and the sun had set. We had finally arrived. We were supposed to get their earlier but I guess there was traffic I didn’t bother to ask. There were no cars outside. We got inside of the little house that was on the farm and all the lights were out. We all went to use our flashlights at the same time. They came on for a split second just for our phones to die. In that split second that our flashlights were on we saw something written on the wall in red writing. When my sister and I asked what it was her boyfriend said it was just graffiti from a few years back. I knew right then something was wrong because I could tell that the writing was still wet and I saw exactly what it had said. He went to go get candles and I told my sister that we need to go home right at that moment. When her boyfriend came in after like 10 minutes he said he couldn’t find any. So I asked for his car keys because I said I thought I saw a flashlight in the backseat. I told my sister to come along and help me look. We got to the car and I told her to get in the driver seat which she did. I got in the car and I gave her the keys and I told her to drive and not to look back. She was confused and she said that she didn’t wanna leave him here alone. I told her what the writing on the wall said “ The end is near.” She did not believe me and she said she wasn’t leaving him here. So I told her to start the car and look inside of the house. She did and what her and I both saw was an image I will never forget. There was 5 people inside of the house with animal masks on and they all had some kind of weapon with them. My sister then decided to put the car in reverse and go home. As she went to back up a gunshot went off and went through the back and front windshield. It was her boyfriend wearing an animal mask. He slowly walked up towards the window with the gun pointing at her. The other 5 people that were inside started slowly walking towards the car. Her boyfriend took off his mask and asked if I had found the flashlight. He laughed and told us to both get out of the car which we both did. The 5 people grabbed both my sister and I and dragged us inside. My sister was freaking out and I yelled at her to calm down and that I would get us both out of here. We got inside and they tied us up and the lights came on and her boyfriend walked in. He told the other 5 to remove their masks. It was 5 people I didn’t recognize but my sister did. She seemed in shock at who these people were. I asked who these people were and they all laughed. Her boyfriend responded “On the way here we met up with them. You were asleep. There’s Sammy, Andrew, Nigel, Irelyn, me (his name is Tim), and Yassim. We make the group Sanity. I know you have heard of us haven’t you Tony?” Sanity is a satanic group that has been responsible for many deaths in the southern side of New Jersey. No one could ever figure out who the exact people were. I asked my sister if she knew them and she said that she did and that she didn’t know that this was gonna happen to us. He put a gun to both of our heads. He started to countdown from 10 to 1. He started slow and counted faster and faster. My sister and I both said we loved each other before he pulled the trigger. He pulled it and they just made a clicking noise and the group laughed and they all screamed April Fool’s Day.

  10. There is so much anguish in the world. There is the poor starving on the streets while higher up business men only drink the finest wine with no fear to waste a drop. Corruption is what we are surrounded by,lying to ourselves that nice day is enough reason for our brains to be happy. Lets face it drugs and alcohol.are the only thing that can release high amount of dopamine and seratonin and oxytocin in our systems making us fall in love and be truly happy.

    Julie was a chemist for experimental prescription drugs. Everyday she did controlled experiments for drugs for menopause and nicotine add of the drugs she worked on was usually the commercial of pleasing images with fast speaker saying the side effects include kidney failure or death. She herself suffered from a mental disease that she refused to take pills for she was in the industry herself so she knew the side effects and she would not be herself. One night she was in the lab and one of her control experiments went horribly wrong. There was a white room with two rusty bunk beds where the volunteers would stay while under the influence of the experimental drugs. Julie was watching them through the little screen watching their activity all of sudden and errie sound echoed through the lab and the image flickered. When the sound disappeared and the image was clear it showed the volunteers gruesomely stained all over the white room. There lungs have exploded.

    After Julie became completely hysterical her boss told her to go home and relax. She walked home in foggy fall night. Completely unaware of her surroundings was very soothing. Her heartbeat slowed and she thought about what could've happened to make this happen. She tore herself apart. Self hatred is the sharpest of all blades. That night she unlocked the door and flew herself to her floor . She reached into her lab coat and pulled out the drugs that killed the volunteers. It was suppose to be to help you sleep soothingly. Her bloodshot eyes read it ad figured why not. Why not? She took them there right on the floor, but she did not feel her lungs explode.

    She woke up later, sad that she woke up. She sighed and cleaned herself up and then ready to go back to the lab. When she walked onto the streets they were empty. It was strange for it being almost noon. The streets have even gotten fogger to the point where she could not see her own hand in front of her face. She kept walking and walking but she ended up right at her front step again . her heartbeat was racing she began to run down the street till sweat drenched her back and she ended up at the foot at her front steps once more. She created this reality. She sat down with her forehead in her hands. This was limbo and she created her misery and this street will be the extend of her world for her breathing life but for the life after death.
