Monday, October 10, 2016

Period 9/10 Blog #5

Your comment post should be at least 250 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.

*Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "**Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."* * *That do you think this quote means? * * *How does it relate to an experience in your own life?*


  1. What this quote means to me is that to be yourself then try to be like someone else. For example the quote say don't follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trial. Im my opinion it's saying not to be a follower be a leader. A leader is someone wh0 leads a group. A follower is someone who wants to be just like the leader and does what a leader does. I prefer myself to be a leader than a follower. I lead people i don't follow people. I think people should be themselfs then trying to be someone they're not. Also i think that quote means is that make something new and you might discover something new like a scientist finds something new by doing something different. I like being a leader because you can be yourself. People don't judge you from being yourself. In my opinion people talk about you more trying to copy someone then being yourself. Also what that quote means is that if a that trail is blocked you will have to make a new trial and if that trail didnt work you will have a trail to follow back. Also say if that trail worked you will have made something new of your own. Lastly what i think about this quote is that maybe its best to make a change too. Everyone needs a change in their life no matter what. I hoped you enjoyed this blogger see you next week.

    1. Great details in your opinion Mike. I like the part where you said being a leader is more important than anything. It's amazing how a young man, has already opened his eyes to see how life is coming foward. Good or bad!

  2. To me that quote means to not follow the crowd but to go on by yourself and lead your own way. It means to be different and to be yourself. Do not go with the crowd because you're feeling pressure, but go and follow your gut because you never know the crowd can be wrong. I just recently watched a brain game show, and they were asking a question that pretty much asked what line is similar to one line and they would give three different lines and hired people to purposely chose the wrong answer. And it showed that most people will go with the crowd because they feel pressure. I used to go with the wrong crowd a lot and that lead me into a lot of trouble. But I've learned how to be myself and separate from the bad and go my own way. Here is another example, when I was little I used to want to be like my dad but then not so good things happen with my dad so then Id say ima be myself when I get old. Have you ever heard the saying be a leader not a follower. Lead a path so people can follow your steps and then eventually go off on their own. Don't be a follower and try to be like someone else.if you be different a lot of people are going to notice you and some will join you and you will be the leader. Be yourself and nobody else. Lead a group of people in a positive way. Inspire people to be different and lastly be the best you can be don't hide you're true colors so you can fit it let your true colors shine so people can so the brightness in you. And if you are bright people will notice you and will follow the brightness you shine.

    1. Mike I agree with you reading your comment help me understand my thoughts more thanks.

    2. your last sentence was really great it had a form of quotient that fits with the other quote we all are doing.

    3. your blogger this week was pretty good in my opinion. it had a lot of details in it and it was very descriptive. even though you took my blogger it was pretty good. lastly cant wait to read your blogger next week.

  3. It’s means don’t follow what other people did. it’s possible to be original and do something no one else have done or something different to be better depends on how it seems to other people by actions.

    To be fair this also relates to your goal your achieving. This relates often but mines don’t fairly get agreed with. Yesterday i was playing tennis at gym vs teams. Me and my teammate didn’t know how to serve the way the others did so we decide to serve the ball in a different way not a way
    A tennis player would do even if he wasn’t that good. We both really didn’t since the other way worked well for us but surprisingly the others players who didn’t to serve or play tennis good did the same thing and worked for them as well it seems that they are following our way to play
    Which experiences that people can follow your lead without even being aware of that also the coach said it was a bad but since it works out he would mark that in which wonders why do most people follow the paths of others in a different branch of personality traits to cover which persons path are they following. Anyways after the gym period finished the coach talked about both of use of how we caused others to do same as we did i answered him by saying that
    We didn’t notice that they were doing the same as we did he replied i don’t have a problem with that i honestly agree that was a better guide to make the poorly experience tennis students learn better. So after all of this my teammate said with excitement “bro i'm going to be a tennis teacher”.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "Do not go where the path you can take. Go instead where there no path and leave a trail ''. In my opinion it is a good quote because says something very realistic. what I think you mean this appointment is to do things your way and be yourself. When you do things right is good trace to others can learn. It good be yourself and not pretend be someone else because your being yourself can demonstrate your skills as person. I consider myself a follower because I like learn from others but elsewhere would also like be leader because then I can show my skills. it will be many people you will get criticized for anything but always keep in mind that when one fails always have the opportunity to start again. I hope you liked my opinion, see next week .

    1. I agree , with you . You made a very good point and we should all look and understand the quote like you did.

  6. Ralph Waldo Emerson, was a wise man. Always went by what his heart said. There for creating his own path.. and not caring and or listening to what others said. Doubting the fact that it lead to sometimes good or bad results. He still followed his heart leaving a trail for him to go back to his twigs and fixing his mistakes along the way. In my beliefs he did a very smart move, making his own trail. It's amazing now a days because no one wants to have success on their own they rely on someone else to have done the work for them. Although the work won't always be done. This quote relates to my life and others as well. It relates to mine because sometimes i do both of the options this quotes has. Making my own trail isn't easy, it takes time and a lot of patience and going back to the twigs is even more work. Through out the way i'll see that it was worth it. Will i want to do it again? Maybe not because we are lazy, will we get a better reulst instead of just following the path? Of course .. Basically the choice is ours whether we want to have the right and own path go success or copy someone else's life. It’s not always the easiest choice or the work ethect we would like to do. Although it will get farther in the race than the other citizen’s following the same path. Get to the gold no matter how long it takes.

    1. Melissa I agree with you because it's true you have to do what your heart tell you not what others say.

  7. In my opinion , you can look and relate to this quote in many unique different ways. What the central message of his quote was not to follow anyone. Be a leader and not a follower like everyone else , and to be your own person . Nobody can be better a better you, than you! Do your own thing and live your own life and you'll be set. In addition , you need to make your own decisions because not everybody in life is right , and you need to learn from your OWN mistakes , not somebody else. For instance , when I was younger I always looked up to my older cousin , her decisions weren't always the right choices but I thought she was cool for doing the stuff she did, I always wanted to be like her when I grew up but now , I like the person I became and my decisions that i've made. In conclusion ,Ralph Waldo Emerson has some great advice and his quote should be known to everyone because we can all learn and think about that quote once in a while.
