Monday, October 24, 2016

Period 9/10 Blog #7

Your comment post should be at least 270 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

Student Question | Should We Think Twice Before Buying Online?
By MICHAEL GONCHAR  FEBRUARY 23, 2016 5:30 AM February 23, 2016 5:30 am Comment

With the click of a button, we can have almost anything delivered right to our front door — sneakers, toothpaste, even groceries. But what’s the environmental cost of all those home deliveries? The billions of discaded cardboard boxes and fleets of trucks zipping around neighborhoods?
Should we think twice before making online purchases?
In “E-Commerce: Convenience Built on a Mountain of Cardboard,” Matt Richtel writes:
Ruchit Garg, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, says that he worries that something isn’t right with his Internet shopping habit. With each new delivery to his doorstep — sometimes several in a day — he faces the source of his guilt and frustration: another cardboard box.
Then, when he opens the shipment, he is often confronted with a Russian nesting doll’s worth of boxes inside boxes to protect his electronics, deodorant, clothing or groceries. Mr. Garg dutifully recycles, but he shared his concerns recently on Twitter.
A handful of scientists and policy makers are circling the same question, grappling with the long-term environmental effect of an economy that runs increasingly on gotta-have-it-now gratification. This cycle leads consumers to expect that even their modest wants can be satisfied like urgent needs, and not always feel so great about it.
The article continues:
The environmental cost can include the additional cardboard — 35.4 million tons of containerboard were produced in 2014 in the United States, with e-commerce companies among the fastest-growing users — and the emissions from increasingly personalized freight services.
“There’s a whole fleet of trucks circulating through neighborhoods nonstop,” said Dan Sperling, the founding director of the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis, and the transportation expert on the California Air Resources Board. He also is overseeing a new statewide task force of trucking companies and government officials trying to reduce overall emissions from freight deliveries, including for e-commerce.
Dr. Sperling said that consumers shared as much responsibility for the environmental cost of the deliveries as the companies that provided the speedy services.

“From a sustainability perspective, we’re heading in the wrong direction,” he said.

After reading the article, Jamie Gleklen and Robert Schwartz, two members of our new Student Council, wondered: In what ways does the Internet hurt and help the environment? How can we balance convenience with environmental consciousness? And do we have a duty to look after the environment if companies already say that they are working on it?

Students: Read the article, then tell us …

— How much do you shop online? How about your family?

— Have you ever thought about the environmental impact of buying things online? Is it something we should worry about? Should we think twice before making online purchases?

— Are there times when shopping in a brick-and-mortar store makes more sense than buying online, or vice versa? Why?

— Do you have any ideas about how the e-commerce industry and consumers can make online shopping a more sustainable practice? Explain.


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  2. My opinion about shopping online is it’s not the best and it’s not the safest although it is the cheapest way to buy the things you want that are either not available in stores or it’s better by being lower price. I only shopped online once and that was to buy a case for me and a friend. It was not expensive and showed up on time. I like it because you can keep track of it and see where it’s coming from. I checked the price in stores and i bought it on amazon for $9.00 instead of at the mall for $50.00. Overall the condition was great better than at the store actually. My family just shopped once and that was the light up adidas shoes for my brother. They used E-bay but i believe it just took their money away. They went to the bank but never ended getting it back. I haven’t really thought of the environmental issue with online shopping. I see no problem with it, it saves gas money and things are in the same condition for a better price. Although it does make people lazier than they already are. I do think we should worry about though because the stores would run out of business forcing them to close down. Making the town looking ghost town as more than it already does. The citizens take any way out that saves money and it can impact the colony dramatically and not in the most positive way. We can end up being and knowing nothing with the next generation coming, with so much advanced technology and us not having to do nothing. I believe that we should cancel online shopping because you don’t know how it could impact. In my opinion you should be wise and careful about your online shopping. And at time get off our lazy butts and go outside we all need the fresh air…

    1. good job Melissa on the blogger this week. I like your last sentence it was funny. you didn't have alot of mistakes in your blog which is good. also I think your blog was amazing and it was very good how you use examples.

    2. I think like you because of me I like much shopping online as you but we can be victims of identity theft. I really liked your opinion, Melissa good work.

  3. I almost never really, ever shop online. The times I do shop online is when the prices in stores are too much to cover, which is like almost never. I can not even remember the last time I shopped online. My family is the same way. They would only shop online if they can not find what they are looking for in nearby stores. Usually they would know where to go to find something, we try to stay away from buying things from off the web for our homes safety. That's pretty much why

    I personally have never thought about the environmental impact of buying things online. It never ran across my mind because I never buy things from the web, and every time I did buy something from the internet, it would never hit me, because I just want to get the thing from online. Is it something we should worry about? I think it is. The environment is really important, we do live in it, and if i does have an impact we should definitely start worrying about, well at least I will start thinking about it. That leads me to the the next question. We should with no doubt about it start thinking twice before ordering things off the web. That is very important. I do not want to change the environment at all. Not to make it good or bad I would just leave it the way it is.

    Now after reading this article it would have to be both. What if you can not find what you are looking for in the Brick and Mortar store? You would then have no choice but to go online to get what you are looking for. Then would you really want to go shopping online if it would hurt the environment. So that was a really difficult question for me to answer.

    I do not have any ideas as of now.I almost never really, ever shop online. The times I do shop online is when the prices in stores are too much to cover, which is like almost never. I can not even remember the last time I shopped online. My family is the same way. They would only shop online if they can not find what they are looking for in nearby stores. Usually they would know where to go to find something, we try to stay away from buying things from off the web for our homes safety. That's pretty much why

    I personally have never thought about the environmental impact of buying things online. It never ran across my mind because I never buy things from the web, and every time I did buy something from the internet, it would never hit me, because I just want to get the thing from online. Is it something we should worry about? I think it is. The environment is really important, we do live in it, and if i does have an impact we should definitely start worrying about, well at least I will start thinking about it. That leads me to the the next question. We should with no doubt about it start thinking twice before ordering things off the web. That is very important. I do not want to change the environment at all. Not to make it good or bad I would just leave it the way it is.

    Now after reading this article it would have to be both. What if you can not find what you are looking for in the Brick and Mortar store? You would then have no choice but to go online to get what you are looking for. Then would you really want to go shopping online if it would hurt the environment. So that was a really difficult question for me to answer.

    I do not have any ideas as of now.

    1. Thadius, i believe your idea of online shopping is totally different from mine. But we all have different minds and sets for it. There for coming with different opinions and that's okay because without different opinions the world would be doing what everyone does, not that we don't do that now but less of it I guess. Your perspective is another vision and i like the way you thought of it for online shopping. Great job :)

    2. online shopping exists because people are too lazy to go to the grocery store or any other store and be aware new problems could make it much worse but surprisingly shopping can also give positive effects like shopping something for a lower price by online shopping.

  4. I don’t shop online honestly i really don’t but i could do it once if necessary. My brother on the other hand shops online eventually (not much too) and only buys items not food or material. Sadly no i wasn’t aware the effect on the environment by buying things online and also i was wondering why some people say it affects really badly and their hate towards what buy online and saying that it will destroy earth, maybe they are getting too far though. Yeah because it may become worse or even dangerous in overtime we need to talk about this and how it is affecting the environment so it doesn’t cause further damage. Yes since we knew it’s affect we need to think twice before buying something online and even if we didn’t know the damage it causes we still need to strong think twice about doing something. Sometimes because the people who buy there they can also cause environmental air to be polluted by the creation of brick and mortar in their shops but still they both are worse than each other even vice versa can cause the same thing but more effective since they work at labor hardly to produce something that may be used to be thrown by people who hate it that much for legit or unnecessary reason. No because it’s better to get things you want by going to the shop rather waiting a long time inside your which has a worse chance that it won’t be delivered and besides it’s better to walk there rather than sitting in your house waiting for something you can buy by quicker by doing that.

  5. My opinion is that online shopping has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that you can get things at discounted prices and better quality. One also has the opportunity to buy things for seniors, like those people who have their own businesses and get quality stuff and good price to sell for more. For example you want brand shoes in the store and sell at $ 60.00 and when you search on internet are $ 30.00. The person will prefer buy on internet but this is where come the disadvantages; you can run risk that steal your personal information as well as to seek Madness online, never come and stay with your money. This affects the environment because the more buy more paper and cardboard must be obtained from the trees. For my part I have not had a bad experience when buying online thank God. Earrings are always check; where comes, who the provider and see the reviews to see if is reliable or not. I hope you liked, I see you in the next blog.


  6. Sadly , I shop a lot online. Especially from amazon , ebay , etc. I shop a lot , just from things i’ve bought . Now when you ask about how much my family has shopped online , it’s a immense amount including me. I would've never thought that online shopping has a huge environmental impact. We should all think triple times about online shopping . We should just go out and go to the mall instead of shopping online. I feel very ashamed of how many times i had gone online shopping now.. And my family included. I only shopped online so much because sometimes things are less on amazon or etc. For instance i buy cases from amazon all the time for less than $15. In the mall it would probably cost like $30 . Also i do a lot of online shopping for clothes too , because sometimes i cannot find that piece of clothing no where close . In my opinion , we should each have a minimum of how much we can online shop each month. That would definitely decrease the number of online shoppers , or things that have been bought/ purchased . Which would be way better for our community and environment. In conclusion , this article should be shared all over the world so many people can learn from this and stop doing so much online shopping. We need to decrease the number of online shopping and start going out to stores/ malls and going shopping on our own. Whatever is better for an environment we should do it.

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  8. Honestly i don't shop online alot only if there is something I can't get something because either they don't have in stores or they
    only sell it online. I don't buy things every day or every week sometimes once a month or twice it depends on how much i needed. My family really never shops online only if they really needed or can't find what ever they are looking for anywhere then that the only reason why.
    I never thought about the impact of buying things online it never came to my mind about it. I do think it is something we should worry about but at the same time a lot of people will not listen and still buy things online no matter what people tell them. Because a lot people need to buy things online whether it is something they want or for someone else or for there their company. In my opinion i think we should think twice when shopping online
    Shopping in a brick and mortar store does make more sense than shopping online it is almost the same thing as shopping online but it's way easier. And you talk face to face rather than to talk on the phone or not at all.
    They can make it a more sustainable practice by maybe advertising it. Or show how much easier it is or how much safer it is and how it can help the planet. Those are my thought and my opinions about how we can make it more sustainable.
