Monday, October 31, 2016

Period 3 Blog #8

Your comment post should be at least 290 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

After writing your short story and peer editing others, do you think this is true explain why or why not...


  1. A writer named Aimee Bender once said “as a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake” After writing my short story what i think this means is that when you write you must tell yourself what you are going to write and come up with fresh ideas for your stories. ya boi steve inspired me to write this. When i'm writing a story i usually listen to music to get ideas for parts in a story. This could also mean that you have to think long and hard to come up with new ideas for a story. I think this is true because writing a short story takes time and effort. You can't rush a writing process unless it is a news article or something because it will be sloppy and uncreative and boring. so that is what I think of this quote

    1. I agree with what you say, I feel that its true for authors to have fresh ideas and new thoughts. Sometimes it takes people years upon years to come up with a book. Then they go through peer reviewing in their own personal way. You wan your book to be unique and breathtaking to people so they endorse their book so people go and buy it.

    2. I agree with what Dylan says. I like how he says that he gets ideas and parts from the music he listens to. I think that's a great idea. I feel like sometimes people rush through an essay or story just to get it done, but then the story always goes over the place. Finally, it would be sloppy, boring, and uncreative for the readers.

    3. I agree with Dylan because he is totally right. Listening to music helps me to. So i can relate to him. And the fact that it takes years to do a book is crazy. So you might as well take those years and make the book amazing. I like the fact that he says they have to go through peer reviewing and all that. So instead of making the book boring, you might as well make it amazing.


  2. “As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake” by Aimee Bender. This is true, I feel this quote mean to dig to the innermost part of your soul and write what comes to mind. Many people think just by writing a book makes you a writer but that's not always the case. It should be something that would capture your reader's attention and make them think and imagine himself or herself in the words you wrote. As I was writing my short story I made sure to use a lot of imagery so people who were to read it could picture and imagine them self in my story. The quote to me is very true, books like Harry Potter, Twilight, Divergent, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay are a instant hit to everyone, and are made into movies. They win awards on their books all because they put the imagination and feelings into it. They make the words of the books bring everything to life. In stories you need foreshadow, irony, allusion, metaphor, similes, and personification to bring the story to life. You need a strong plot and theme so people can gravitate to the story. No one wants to read something boring and plain they need something they never read before, something that captures their attention. So i do feel this is true and i couldn't agree more with the quote itself. People sometimes forget that to make a book or a movie you would have had to go threw a lot of experiences and things that's happened in your past. Pain makes a book better, and everyone goes through pain. They all need something they can relate too. In conclusion this is how I feel about the quote from Aimee Bender.

    1. I agree 100 percent with Maritza, because nobody likes to read a story that is boring or makes them want to fall asleep while reading it they want to read a book that will make them want to come back for more and that will make them read all the way to the end. Another thing that Maritza said that I agree with is that most of the time in order for an author to write something they must've went through it or witnessesed it in a person they grew up withs life. Unless there imagery is that GOOD where they don't need to go through something related in there story for it to sound real

  3. I do think this is true because when your a writer you have to have a very open mind. You also have to have a very creative imagination. It's not just about writing anything I mean I can write a paragraph am I a writer. To me it's not. To be a writer to me you have to have a certain way of connecting to your readers. When we where peer revising and I was reading my friends story felt that my friend had a very creative personallity qpand if she actually did finish the story it would be a great story. See I feel that if people do have a very creative mind it would be easier to write it doesn't really make you a writer if you are good at punctuation.

  4. A writer named Aimee Bender once said, “As a writer you ask yourself to dream while being awake.” I think that after writing my short story, this is true because when you are writing a story, you have to be open minded and you have to be creative. Also, you want your story to be detailed, and nicely worded. For example, you want to have correct spelling, and punctuation. If you’re doing an assignment for school, and you don’t have correct spelling and punctuation, you could lose points off that assignment. Also, whenever I write a story I think about my life, and if there if the topic is nothing similar to my life, I would use my imagination or make up something. I think that writing a story is not easy. It takes time and effort depending on what you are writing. For example, if you are writing a biography it should be easy because it is about your life, but if you’re writing about something you have never heard or done before, then you would have to think and use your imagination. When I peer reviewed someone else’s story, I looked for errors such as punctuation, spelling, capitalization, etc. I also looked to see if the story went off topic. Your story always wants to have a good beginning and an ending to it because the readers might think that it could be boring depending on why the events in the story happened. You always want to include dialogue into your story because it could be used for a conversation between two people. You also do not want your story to go all over the place, but you want it to be nicely worded, and neat. You wouldn’t want your story to be sloppy.

  5. After Reading the quote “As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake” by Aimee Bender I feel like this saying had a good relationship with the short story we previously just wrote because as you were writing the story you vision in your head how your story was going as you were writing it. Basically like a little movie in your head that's more like a dream because you can feel the kind of pain the main characters are going through in your story. Also sometimes you can relate whether you were basing the story off of your own life situations or just making it up in your head it's easier for you the reader to understand it because you're the one writing it. I realized by me making my own short story I felt as if I was living it because some came from things I observed in my life and things I just added on into the story itself. So therefore I think this is true because when ur making your own story like an author or writer you have to really concentrate on the kind of vibes you are getting throughout the story. Plus you have to take your time and go steady with it so you don't mess up the theme and flow in your short story. For example a lot of the time authors write stories on what they experienced in their life or witness what others around them went through. So it's easier for them to tell the story because they went through the pain or related with the conflict in their writing.

  6. “As a writer you ask yourself to dream while you’re awake” -Aimee Bender

    I believe this is true because even if you’re not a writer, you always have to think in a way that could be considered “dreaming,” because if you want to have a good story, you must be able to dream to make the story a reality. Without it, your story wouldn’t really make any sense. So i do believe it is true that you need to ask yourself to “dream” even when you’re awake.
    I can relate to this because when I try to write a good story, I need to just think. When I am able to think, I can write. I substitute the word “dream” with “think.” I would much rather use the word think because you need to sit down and think when you write. Thinking helps you come up with all the possible outcomes. So it helps you out when you think it through. Some people just write about a bunch of different things, not thinking it through and the story comes out to be not so good. If they think the story through, like setting up a plot and making sure everything is in correct order, the story could be decent, good, or even amazing. It just takes a matter of time to think. I always think my story though, even if it is just a short story, I still want to make sure it’s at least understandable, let alone “good.” Dreaming can and will always help you, even when you’re awake. As long as you are NOT daydreaming. Daydreaming can make you lead off into a different direction and put you off the topic then you go off track. So, this is how dreaming can help you and why I think it is true.

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