Monday, October 10, 2016

Period 2 Blog #5

Your comment post should be at least 250 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

*Think about the play we have been reading in class.  Consider the story overall and really spend some time thinking about what the author's intent was.  In this week's blog,  explore the nature of the “American Dream” both as YOU understand it and how it is represented in Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman.


  1. By Patrick Nardone

    The American dream can be defined many different ways. Some definitions are in the book that we have read. This book says that this dream is to have a lot of money. This book also says that being happy is the dream too. Either way you look at it they are both right in some way. I have a definition for this too. Mine is that you should make money and be happy. As long as you are happy you are living the dream. That is my way of defining the dream. There are so many other ways to define the dream. My way is not the only way of defining the dream. In the book willy says the dream is making lots of money. Which he really does not make a lot of money. His son has a different idea then his dad. I also agree with his definition too. His definition is that being happy is the dream. I agree with both of them and think they are both right. I would like to have a job where i make a lot of money. Also i would like to love my job too. This is harder than it sounds. Finding a job that pays well that people love is hard to find. Which is why most people say they hate their job. Even if you make a lot of money it is hard to love your job. This is easier said than done as i like to call it.

    1. Pat your response was very good. Although if im not mistaken willey's American dream was to be handsome and well liked. you hit the spot on where your American dream can be whatever you want and you are very correct about that. agreeing with you ill love to find a good paying job that I love but like u said its easier said than done my man. Keep the good work up Patty pat

  2. In this book the American Dream is represented in many ways. It basically says that you need money. Also it says that you should try your best at what you do. I think the American Dream is to be happy in life. As long as you're happy I think you enjoy your life. Also I think that you should try your best at everything you do no matter how many times it takes you. In the book, Willy doesn't have a lot of money and he struggles with his job but he is enjoying his life even with the downsides of it. His one son is happy and doesn't want to be like his father because he is messed up most of the time. He tried to kill himself and sleeps with many other girls even though he is married. I think he is a wreck. It is messed up he is cheating on his wife so many times. I think the American Dream is what you want your life to be like. For example, whatever makes you happy or what you want to accomplish in life. If you want to move somewhere and live a nice life with a family and kids then thats a good American Dream for you. The American Dream is kind of like your dream goal and your own freedom to do what you want and how you want to do it or accomplish it. The American Dream can mean so many things in different perspectives to other peo

    1. I definitely agree with tyler i also do think the way arthur represents the american is too have a lot of money. i also agree how you think the american dream should be what you want it to be. Even though mine was different i do agree with you. You definitely should be happy if you are living the american dream

    2. I like your beliefs tyler I agree with you. That money means a lot to the American dream. Also like how you thought how the American dream can be what you want it to be. Also how you should if your happy your living the American dream. Good job tyler!

  3. The American Dream is to be happy and successful in whatever you choose to do in your profession or in your life. My American dream personally is to go to the nfl, marry the girl of my dreams, and raise and healthy happy family. Yea maybe that is a lot to say your american dream is but hey your american dream is really whatever you want it to be. Whatever leaves you happy and successful can be it. Just like in the book we are reading death of a salesman. Willey has his version of the american dream, his american dream is to be handsome and well liked and itll get you where you need to be. He preached that to everyone he knew and preached that to his kids as they grew up. He put his american dream and made them believe that it was the right american dream when in reality it was nonsense. Yes i feel your american dream can be anything but his didn't really work out. At the beginning stages of his life yes it did work. He was considered handsome to most and he was very popular. Everyone knew he was and everyone betrayed to like him. But as he grew old it's like he was just in the background. The people he thought were real were really fake and everyone just sorta forgot about him and not really cared about him. So idk about you but to me his American dream only took him so far in life probably not where he really wanted to be.

    1. I agree with you Eli. My American Dream is very similar to yours. I also agree with what you said about Willy. Willy in my opinion needs help with his mental state, I just think he is getting old and needs to retire and have a nice long rest. But keep up the good work bro!

  4. The author has many ways of representing the american dream in this book. He writes about how one man that was a salesman and was very old. He made calls from his house and from his house he could make money and live off of that money. That is one way he tries to represent the american dream. Willy in the book is struggling with money and payments he has to make and he also does not seem to be happy. He obviously seems to not be living the american dream. The way arthur miller sees the american dream is to have money. For example willy's brother ben, he wet into the jungle when he was 19 and came out when he was 21 and he was rich when he came out. The author sees him as living the american dream. Also dave one of the characters in the book has a business and he bought a new machine and shows it off to willy and it is a lot of money. Willy says he will definitely get one but he can't because he can't even sustainably live with the money he's making. Dave seems to be very happy. Obviously the way arthur sees the american dream is to have a lot of money. The way i see the american dream is to be happy with the way your living and to not be disappointed in yourself. Arthur definitely tries to bring up how he thinks the american dream is a lot in the book.

    1. Good job on this writing prompt. I agree with you on this one. The author does show many ways of the american dream and what it means to willy. Also I agree that the american dream is to be happy. I think that happiness is what you need in life in order to be successful because it gives you determination.

  5. The American Dream can be many different things and means something different to everyone. What the American Dream means to me is being completely satisfied in every aspect of your entire adult life. To me this means having everything I ever wanted and all the money and happiness in the world. Even if someone came from absolutely nothing and was homeless at one point and they bought a mobile home in a trailer park and they’re happy now then that is living the American Dream. The American Dream also means to me to make absolutely nothing and turning it into something that you are personally happy about. That’s the beautiful thing about America is that you can do these things and help others and spread the love all around you. That’s why people come here for a better life.
        Willy’s version of the American Dream is being handsome and well liked. I personally do not think this is an American Dream. I just think Willy is insecure about himself and that’s why he tried to commit suicide. He is not satisfied with his life and I also think suicide is never the answer. But also at the same time the American Dream is different for everyone, so really he can’t be wrong because that’s his own opinion. I believe that everyone has their own opinions and we can’t all be right because of that reason. I think Willy just needs to have a nice long vacation from work or maybe even retire at this point. He is getting old and he’s mentally breaking down on the inside.

    1. By Patrick Nardone

      Marco I totally agree with you. The American dream is that everything is good and you love what you do. Also you love how much you make for what you are doing too. Also I think you are right about willy. He is going mental and he does need to retire.

  6. American dream has so many definitions to it. These are a few from many that are the American dream, The American Dream means that you could get a decent education and be well liked. The American dream is to be a big shot guy who people want to be. The whole idea was to be someone in life. To be crazy and have something for you. To go to places and be known in places you never been to before. The American dream was creating things and doing things you never done before. You want to be a successful person. To have all the money possible in the world. To also be a very happy person in life to have major success. You have more freedom than ever so people take advantage of that. You could create your own business and make big bucks. You can protest your beliefs and not be shot. You can do so much you can be anything you want to be honest. Also, to live the American dream you have to be well liked. You have to be really good looking. You have to have nice clothing. You need to make yourself seem like there’s no other like you. The American dream represents who you are in life. What type of person you lived to be. You want the people to be like damn only if I was him. People have succeeded this dream and it wasn’t an easy task for them tell you that much.
