Monday, October 31, 2016

Period 2 Blog #8

*This week your final product (comment) should be anywhere from 260-300 words (Due Thursday)

* This week your response should be one paragraph discussing comparing a short story your classmate wrote to Edgar Allan Poe's Writing.

After reading Poe’s short story your task is to create a modern horror story.

*Your story should include all the elements of good writing:
            Plot, Setting, Characters and Climax/Resolution

*Also try to mimic Poe’s style by including elements of:

            Suspense, Drama, Fear and Mystery


  1. It was Halloween day in the little town of bayville and everything was going good. The birds were chirping, the dogs were barking everything seemed so good. Larry woke up to the sun beaming into his bedroom and knew it was going to be a good day. But he had a little feeling in his gut that something bad might happen throughout the day but he wasn’t worried about it. So Larry went on with his day he woke up got breakfast went outside to say hi to neighbors and all the little kids trick or treating. While he was handing out candy to the little kids some parent and their kid knocked on the door and said trick or treat. When Larry answered he said “ Happy Halloween” and gave the little candy but when the walked away the old creepy parent said “Hope something bad don’t come your way.” Larry looked at her and just shut the door and didn’t think to much of it. Later on in the night it started to thunderstorm, The wind was loud shaking his house but all he did was just watch tv and enjoyed his night until the tv went out. Larry looked around to see if any cords were unplugged or one of the lines broke causing it to to turn off but nothing. All the sudden all the blinds on the windows shut and he heard a creepy laugh from his bedroom. The lights started to flash on and off and the draws in the kitchen kept opening and shutting making a lot of noise. Larry didn’t have any idea of what was going on but he stayed strong and started to pray to try to get whatever is happening in his house to stop. All the sudden his bedroom door opened and someone said ‘come in”. So Larry walked in to find no one in there so he didn’t know if he was going crazy or someone was in his house. So Larry kept praying and praying throwing holy water all over the place to get this bad thing out of his house. And Boom all the sudden the draws shut, the blinds opened, the tv turned back on, and the lights were on. Larry didn’t know what he did but he thought to himself he beat whatever was in the house. To this day Larry tells this story every Halloween as one of his scary stories and gets everyone with it.

  2. Heavy breathing. Silent screams. Too many emotions race through my mind as I regain consciousness in a slightly visible, cold and lonely room. As I try to remember where and why I am here, a loud thug is to the left of me. A set my sight to what looked like a moving body. After a few moments of my confusion, the body begins to get up. Carefully, he gains balance and stands all the way up. After examining the person, he beings to question me. “Who are you? Why are you in here?”

    It is a strange feeling when someone asks the same questions that are in your head. I felt a small connection with him, but not enough to give him my trust. I being to tell him how I randomly ended up in the room. I then rise to my feet to see a chain and shackles attached to me. At that moment I realize I must be in here for a reason. I then try to recall all the terrible things I had done throughout my life. I try to think of all the people that I have wronged in anyway possible. It is difficult to try to remember anything when my mind is going a million miles a second. I then look at this man and notice that he is not in any sort or restraint. All of this is too much to take in atss.

    once. As I begin to hyperventilate and lose fatigue, I lose consciousness

    My second time waking up in this cold room was no different than the first, only the second time is when I knew I had to get the hell out of here. The only sound in the echoing room is the breathing of the man in the room with me. I become fed up with everything happening and being to question him. I find out his name is “Poe”. Poe is very observant and is looking for any way to get out of the room. As he searches, I start to wonder why I am chained up and he is not. I think to myself that I have to know him. I have to have met him somewhere or at least seen him somewhere, but the slightly lit room does me no favors. I tell him in order to figure out what is happening, we must use teamwork and try to find a way to get out of this room.
    In the corner of the room he finds a saw and we being to hack at my chains. When they break, a strange television turns on. A man in a mask tells us that we do indeed know each other. Approximately 3 years ago, my wife was killed in a car accident. Poe was the defendant's lawyer and after three months of trial, the driver was not guilty. The man on the TV tells me that I have a choice. Either get revenge for the man who took away my happiness, or forgive this man. My rage level was turned up a few notches. I couldn’t believe I had someone's life in my hands. I quickly grab the saw we used to free my from my chains and being to think. I come to the conclusion that he deserves to not live another day, but I tell him otherwise. As I talk to him and tell him i forgive him, I take the saw and slice. All this built up gander and the TV once again. It is showing some family, but no father. I realize that I had stolen away someone's life. I had tension is being exerted out of my body. When I am finished, i father and husband. No one should ever have to go through realize that I had done what Poe did to me. I took someone’s something like that. About an hour later, the TV goes back to the man in the mask. He tells me how the night that he hit my wife with his truck, he had just got off an overtime shift at his job. He was just trying to provide for his family and I took it as him doing it on purpose. I had failed the test that I was put in this room for. Forgiveness is essential and without it, it could leave everybody involved dead, either emotionally or mentally.


  3. Two brothers named Dane and Jordan are on a mission. They got word that on a long dark road there is a man haunting it. Their plan is to try and kill whatever is haunting the road. What Dane and Jordan have to do is figure out why it’s haunting the road and try and stop it. So they do a little digging and they find out quite a lot. They think it’s a ghost. They think it is some guy who had died 15 years ago near that same road. His name was Andrew Greeley. Every year on the night Greeley died is the night he haunts the road. And now Dane and Jordan are going to find out where on the road he died because that is most likely where the ghost will be. On the way to finding Greeley their car looses all power. Now they are stuck on this road in the middle of nowhere. There is no power to the car or any cell phones. Dane and Jordan decide to do walking into the woods to find where Greeley died.After a few minutes of walking they approach an old house. Walking into the old house there is the odd smell. Immediately they both knew what that stench was. There was a dead body somewhere in that house. AFter a while of searching they came across a secret room behind a bookcase. As they were opening the trapdoor they both get pinned to the walls. Greeley pops up out of thin air and starts fighting them. Dane is trying to fight Greeley and keep him occupied. Jordan fights to get to get into the hidden room. If there is a dead body in that room and it is Andrew Greeley they must burn the bones. By burning the bones if kills the ghost of Andrew Greeley forever. To keep Greeley back Dane throws salt at him because that is a haunted spirits weakness. The spirit of Andrew Greeley is too strong so Dane and Jordan decide to go with an alternative plan. They escaped for the house and set it on fire. They did that in hopes of killing the spirit of Greeley forever. Thankfully all the fighting stopped and Greeley’s spirit lit up and died. Dane and Jordan liver happily ever after.

  4. It was a dark rainy night the clouds covering the moon howling of wolves in the darkness. There was a young 12 year old kid named Tim. Tim was a 12 year old boy who lived o my with his mom and his mom always left him home alone all the time because she had to work. So one day Tim was home alone in his room and it started to rain the day turned to night the moon covered by clouds and wolves howling. Tim was scared of being home alone, but he always put his headphones in when it was raining and night so he'd forget about his fears. Later that night Tim heard screamings outside his house coming from the woods behind his house and he started freakin out. Tim heard knocking on his door and he was nervous to answer it so he didn't, after 10 minutes of knocking he finally opened his door and saw a guy wearing a black mask with blood on it and Tim screamed but no one heard him and at that moment the man grabbed him.
    Tim woke up in the middle of the woods and he had no clue where he was. The howling were louder than they were before. Tim wasn't able to see because he had tape on his eyes and his hands were tied behind his back, he found out that he was stuck in a cave. There were wolves in there too Tim had no clue how he was gonna get out but he knew there was gonna be a chance for him to get out. He knew that his life depended on his actions and he quickly untied his hands and took the tape off his eyes he made a Speer with rocks and sticks to protect himself.
    Tim was able to find the exit of the cave but at the exit of it were 5 wolves walking towards him and his Speer didn't work it broke but right before the wolves attacked him a random guy named Bobby jumped in front of him and fought all of them and lived and gave Tim time to run to safety after Tim got home. Bobby was able to survive and make it home too. During this story it proved that you should trust your instincts and believe you can do anything.

    1. By Patrick Nardone

      There was a small town of farmers and merchants. It was in the middle of the US. The time is 1980 in this small little town. “Hey Bill want to play hide and seek” said Tory. Tory is a his 16 year old girlfriend with blond hair. His friend Bill is also 15 but he has brown hair. Bill looks at him and says nothing. Then he says “ya why not”. The place they play hide and seek at is an old abandoned house. The house has said to be haunted by ghosts of people who were killed there. They have never seen or heard them before so they thought the story was a lie. The house is a mile away from where they live. Just like every house in that town they are all far away from each other. When it got dark outside they went to the house. They never went there at night but they were feeling brave. The house was a green white with broken windows. The front door was wide open. They entered and closed the door. Bill hit the switch and nothing happened. A second later a loud bang could be heard throughout the house. They both stopped in their tracks. Bill tried to open the door but it was stuck. Bill looked at Tory and said “the door is stuck.” Tommy tried it and he could not open it either. The lights turned on and they both screamed. Tory said “it was just the lights but that was scary. Bill was in fear because he saw movement in the darkness. Tommy looked at him and said “are you ok”. Bill said “not really I saw something move in the next room”. They to go in the room and they fell in a hole covered by a carpet. They pulled out their flashlights and looked at the maze of hallways. A dark figure can be seen in one of the hallways. Tory fainted and was out like a light. Bill looked at her and said “Tory wake up”. The figure ran at them. Bill picked her up and ran down a hallway. After a while the figure lost them and Bill found a room that had some light in it. He put down Tory and looked at her head, he had a first aid kit so he patched her up. She woke up and said “what happened”. He said “you fainted and the guy ran at us so I picked you up and ran”. She kissed her and they hugged “thanks Bill”. They finally found the way out without seeing the guy. As soon as they got out he was waiting for them. Bill got in front of Tory and said “if you want her you have to get through me”. He just stood there and then said “ok then.” Bill was ready to fight for his girlfriend. They fought and the guy won, he walked over to Tory and she fainted. He picked them both up and took them to a cage. They woke up and were scared to death. Bill said “I'm sorry I could not protect you”. She said “It is fine Bill”, her head was getting worse by the day. The figure never came back, they were left to die there. Bill sat down and started to cry, after a hour he calmed down and picked the lock but Tory passed out so he just picked her up and went to the hospital. Their parents were called and Tory was in surgery. After what seemed like hours the doctor came out. Nothing was said for the longest time. The parents and Bill were about to cry. The doctor walked away and we found out that Tory was still in surgery. After more hours of waiting the real doctor finally came to us. He said nothing and we knew she was gone. Bill said “I can't believe she is gone”. As soon as he finished saying that Tory came out and Bill ran to her and hugged and kissed her. He stayed by her side until she was able to go home. He was able to take care of her too. Later they got married, but to this day the guy is still out there somewhere waiting for his next victim.

  5. Joshua Rivera

    It was November 8, 2016. The most horrific event in America’s history was upon us. The 2016 presidential election. It had been the closest race anyone has ever seen. Donald Trump had gotten the 270 electoral votes required to become president but he didn’t win the election. Hillary won. No one understood how that was possible but people were outraged. Riots were happening all across America. It was the mark of a revolution.
    Trump supporters joined together and divided the country in two. They created an army. Killing innocent woman and children in the streets with no remorse. People couldn’t leave their homes without being scared of losing their lives, myself included. My family and I boarded up all doors and windows and would only leave for basic necessities.
    Trump supporters were getting more and more ruthless each day. They began a purge. Breaking into peoples houses killing everyone in them and move right along to the next house until no one was left. When they got to my house I grabbed my family and hid them in the crawl space under our house. And I stayed to fight them off.
    There were seven of them who broke into my home. I was tired of living in fear and it was time for a stand. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and waited for them upstairs in the bathroom. They separated throughout the house looking for us. I heard two of them walking up the stairs so I clenched my knife, put my back to the wall and prepared to fight. One of them kicked the door in and I lunged towards him and stabbed him in the throat, the other person with him pointed his gun at me and fired 3 shots, I used the person I had stabbed as a shield but one of the shots gazed my right shoulder. I grabbed the gun from the first person and shot the second guy in the neck and he bled out. The five other men that were in my house ran up stairs after me so I jumped out of the second story window and the fall broke my leg. I look up an see a crowd of Trump supporters who had my family tied up and one by one they chopped their heads off. Then they came to me and cut off both of my legs and left me for dead.

  6. “Shhhh” said Tony to Erik. Tony and Erik were hiding on the second floor in a room of an burnt up house that was in the middle of a old farm land. Tony and Erik had gone there to explore and see the remains of this house. Erik asked “what was that”, Tony went on and told Erik what happened to the house. The house had been caught up in a fire that burned all the crops and the house. A man a woman and a dog had lived in the house and there was a fire that had been caused that burned all the crops and the house because the house was right in the middle. Sadly the man the woman and the dog had died with it. The neighbors that live around that house say that they could hear a man yell as if he had been hurt some nights, they could also hear a man scream as if she too had been hurt. They also say they hear the dog too. So many of the neighbors think the house is haunted. Tony told Erik that could have been the ghosts of the man or the woman that had made a noise in the house they were in. Tony opened the door and didn’t see anything. Tony told Erik to open the door and see if he saw anything. Erik looked and told tony he saw a dog. They both thought it was the ghost of the dog that lived in the house. They both walked out of the room and looked again and this time the dog wasn’t there. So they were very scared. They were on the second floor and needed to go downstairs to leave the house. So Tony went first down the stairs because he wasn’t as scared as Erik was. When tony looked down the stairs he said he saw a man and a woman. At that point Tony and Erik ran back to the room they were hiding at. Tony was just as scared as Erik now because they both saw a ghost now. They were trying to find a weapon in the room just in case the ghosts turned out to be actual humans and if they tried to attack them. They found a couple of bottles in the room. They know that other people had been there before. So they used the bottles as weapons. They proceeded to the stairs. This time there was no ghosts. So they went down the stairs and stopped. They saw no ghost so they bolted to the door to escape. The door was locked, they heard the sound of a dog growl so they turned around and looked at it. They were very very scared now. The dog approached them slowly. Tony told the dog to sit hoping that it would sit, but it didn’t. So they saw a window to the side of them and they both jumped through it to save themselves. They broke through it and got up and ran as fast as they could to escape. They ran off into the distance and they were no longer visible. Looking back at the house a man and a woman with a dog in her arms could be seen through the window.


  7. It was a dark and cloudy evening on the 31st of October. Three mid aged teenagers were walking down the street with their Halloween costumes. Matt was in the middle, with his blood covered mask and his sharp knife on his belt. Vraj, on the far left, was wearing football gear and wearing his Odell Beckham Jr. jersey. Brandon was on the right, wearing his fresh new costume that he ordered online. His was wearing an entire jumpsuit that was full black and mask that only showed his eyes. He was the ninja of Bayville, New Jersey.

    Their goal was to go to every house in town and stuff their pillow cases with candy, knowing it would be their last year of trick-or-treating. They were on the last street that had a really sketchy house. The house looked like it was there for over a century. The shingles were barely even there anymore. All of the windows were shattered. The trees looked like they wanted to die. That didn’t stop the three of them.

    Vraj walked up to the sidewalk of the house and said “I don’t know guys. These house doesn’t seem like something we should approach. I think we can miss one house.”

    Brandon punched Vraj on the shoulder and said “Quit being such a baby and ring the doorbell.”

    Vraj tried his best to hold back the pain and did what Brandon said. The ring echoed throughout what seemed like the entire house. No one answered. Matt got angry and started to pound on the door until he put a hole into it. The door opened and behind it was a gigantic bowl of candy the a sign that said “take one, please!” Brandon, not caring at all what the sign said, grabbed two handfuls of candy and headed out the door. As he went to leave the door slammed shut and a swinging blade swung from oblivion and sliced Brandon in half. Half of his corpse lied in front of Matt and Vraj, while the other disappeared in the darkness.

    Vraj screeched and tried to open the bolted shut door. When he grabbed the doorknob, the floor opened beneath him and fell about 20 feet. Both of his ankles were broken and he screamed in pain. When he thought it was over, he knew something wasn’t right. Wolves started to surround him and finished him like Thanksgiving dinner. Matt didn’t know what was going on, but before he could even think, 5 clowns started to approach him. Matt pulled his blade from his belt and finished off the five clowns. He started to search for an exit.

    Matt searched high and low of the pitch black house to find a way out. He tried every single door, but just like the front door, everything was locked from the other side. All except one. Matt walked into a room with a long hallway that had light on the other side. It was an exit to his house. He stepped into the room and triggered a tile that caused the walls to close in. The hallway seemed like it was a mile long, but that didn’t stop Matt. He sprinted down the hallway to get to safety. He was right at the exit, but the walls had already closed. The only thing that made it out was his right hand and his blood covered mask and knife.

  8.     I had jumped out of my sleep gasping for air in a panic. I had a nightmare. I sat myself up for a minute and looked around, I was not in my room...I was in the middle of an abandoned amusement park. It was very dark and cold outside with very little light. But as my eyes adjusted and I took a closer look around this placed looked very familiar. I walked up the sign and it said “Six Flags Great Adventure!” this place had closed years ago though. I had a sigh of relief but then I asked myself “How did I get here?” So I decided to take a look around and look for clues or if anyone else was inside the park. SInce I recognized where I was I knew my way around pretty easily but everything had seemed so dull to me. This was very weird because this is usually a place where everyone goes to have fun and seems is so full life. But I still couldn’t figure out how I got inside here so I decided to shout for help. Nothing but silence, no one answered and my voice echoed in the darkness. I was now getting really scared so I decided to make a run for it. As I ran towards the exit some force stopped me, some unknown force wouldn’t let me leave and I looked at myself and I started to disappear then I remembered the nightmare and had a flashback. I realized that this wasn’t a nightmare and I was really dead. I had died on a roller coaster and my soul was stuck inside the park. I didn’t go to either heaven or hell, my soul was stuck here on earth and I couldn’t do anything about it, I felt so helpless. I felt so angry also and vowed that anyone to enter this park and disturb my soul would die a horrible death...

    1. Good job man. This was harder than it seems and you did a good job. You really hit me in the soul with darkness. And also scared me and thats a good story.

  9. It was a cold windy foggy night. November 1st the night after halloween seemed like it should've been the setting of halloween as the weather matched the seen. Charles and Jaden were walking down albert road in the heart and soul of lakewood. As they walked down that mile long road there heard spooky spooky noises. It started to creep them out knowing it was 10:42 at night and there was no one outside. As they continued to walk all the way to Jaden’s house the seen a blacked out beamer. The more they walked the more the beamer followed them. Until the beamer was right behind them they stopped totally creeped out and approached it. When they approached it they looked in the window but there was absolutely nobody in the car. Both Charles and Jaden both very confused, they glanced again in confusion and still there was nothing.Until they turned around four masked men with bags walked up and surrounded them. They jumped on Charles and Jaden and put the bags over their heads that made them pass them and loaded them in the back of a truck that just pulled up to the center of attention. Once Charles and Jaden woke up they woke up tied up struggled to get untied and wondered what was wrong and why they were in this situation there. They started to think about the things they've both done lately until they both came to conclusion on things they both have done recently. They both cheated on there girlfriends. They both realized and shoutted out it's probably there brothers help us help us there are some crazy men trying to kill us. The men ran into there and taped their mouths up to shut them up to stop them from drawing any type of attention. But little did they know that little bit of yelling that they did worked. I guess a neighbor heard them and called the cops. The cops pulled up and knocked the door down and entered and found the men maced them and pinned them down. AS the 2 officers called for backup he told Charles and Jaden they are in good hands now you are safe.

    1. Good job eli nice scary story. Really had a good theme to it. I thought you did good wit the characters. You definitely nailed it.

  10. One day Nick was walking home from school when he noticed a man creepily staring at him. He started to run from him and the man just gave him a deep look into his eyes and started to walk towards him. As soon as Nick got home he told his parents and they said im sure it was nothing. They looked outside and there was no creepy man. They think he was just messin with his parents to scare them because Halloween was the next day. He was trying to explain to his parents that there was a man being creept but they just wouldnt believe him. Later that night he had a dream about that man. He had a dream about how the man caught him and put him in a car and tied him to the seat. And then he was blindfolded and couldnt see anything. Next he was in a dark room staring at a light flickering above his head. And then he was going towards him with a drill. Nick woke up from that dream and his mother was banging on the door. He was late to get up for school. His mother had to drive him to school and on his way there he saw the man. He was freaking out about it and his mom had no idea. She didnt see him at all. She told him that he was imagining things. In school he saw the man through the window and he went to the nurses office because he felt sick. He got picked up from school and on his way home the man was still there. He told his mom to stop the car to go up to the man. The man was disappeared. He was just an imaginary person. The end said the mom and goodnight. John went to sleep and he had a nightmare about that man being next to him.

    1. Good job tyler i think you did good. It does have that creepy theme to it which is good. Overall it is a good story and has all those good themes and little descriptions of things. It has things similar to how poe wrote his stories.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. One night, I decided to go for a walk outside. On that walk, I discovered an old haunted house on my street. I thought about walking in this haunted house but at the same time I didn’t want to walk in the house. I stood in front of the house for about five minutes. I finally decided to go up to the house and walk inside. As soon as I opened the door to the creepy haunted house, I started to realize that going inside this house wasn’t such a good idea. I scolded myself for wanting to turn, and hesitantly stepped inside to explore a little bit. I had barely started to explore around the house and I already needed to wash my hair because there was so much that was collected on it. I started walking and as I was walking, I saw a doorway to my right that leaded to a dining room. An old, Victorian style table with six chairs. The room was very dusty, just like the rest of the house, and I eventually started coughing because of it. I wanted to get out of the house, so I turned around and started walking back to the doorway I came from.

    When I got to the doorway, everything looked different. Instead of there being a hallway leading to the front door, there was a straight hallway that leaded to a room. I started walking to the room thinking that it would somehow lead to an exit. When I got to the other room, I saw this strange, tall looking figure in the corner of the room. I was too scared to go see what it was so I started to go back to the other room. On my way back, I heard the strange and tall figure slowly creeping up on me. When he was really close to me, I turned around as quick as I could, and I saw that it was a zombie. As soon as I recognized it was a zombie, I turned back around and I started running as fast as I could. It felt like the hallway I was running in could go on forever. Eventually, I saw another room ahead of me and I started to get closer and closer by the second. I was far ahead of the zombie that was running after me, so when I ran to the room, I shut the door and tried to find a way out of the room and out of the house.

    There was only one way to get out of the room and that was by climbing through the window. The only problem was, was that the window was boarded up with big wooden planks. I had nothing to pry the wooden planks off of the window. So I decided to start running into the window to try and break the planks so I could get out. After a few times of me running into the planks, I heard the zombie grunting and also started to bang on the door very loudly. I was starting to get scared and I started to run into the planks harder than I was before. The planks still wouldn’t even budge and the door was about to be broken. I stopped and looked around the room I was in and tried to look for something to help me break the wooden planks on this window before the door broke and the zombie would break in.

    There was a small closet in the room that had a three boxes in it. I ran towards the closet and I started to rip open the boxes to try and find something to help me. There was nothing that could help me in the first box I looked through, there was nothing to help me in the second box either. I was praying that I would find something that would help me in the third and final box. I ripped it open and there was a small sized sledge hammer. It was very rusty, dirty, and also dusty. I quickly picked it up and I started slamming the hammer the planks and they started to break faster than I thought it would.

    The zombie broke down it started walking towards me. My last and final time I hit the planks on the window, they broke! I couldn’t believe it. When they were broken I threw the hammer at the zombie and hit it. Then I ran and jumped out of the window, falling at least five to seven feet to the ground. When I hit the ground, my back and my head were hurting me but that didn’t stop me from getting up as quick as I could. I started to sprint down the road and I got to my house quicker than I thought I would. I sprinted up my driveway, opened and closed my front door, and I locked the door.

  13. "We shouldnt be here man this place is wild" I exclaimed

    "Don't be a baby Jared, this place is fine" said ralph

    As he said that one of the kids we were with knocked over a bunch of plates and they broke and made a loud bang. We all looked at the plates and started laughing histarically.

    "We should break stuff in here its not like anyones in here" I said excitedly

    "I agree Jared" ralph said

    As we through stuff and broke glass we heard laughter from up stairs and we all stopped and looked at eachother. We just ignored it and kept breaking stuff and having fun when all of a sudden we heard.
    "WHY ARE YOU DESTROYING MY HOME" screamed a voice
    We all stopped dead in our tracks and lookef at eachother expecting one of us to break out into laughter. When no body did we all started heading towards the door. But as soon we got to the door it closed loudly and it wouldnt open.
    "Ralph this better not be a prank man this crap isnt funny." i cried

    "I have no idea what the hells going on" seethed ralph
    We all looked at eachother and started looking at one of the windows and i picked up a rock and threw it at the window and it broke. I rolled up my sleeve so the glass didnt hit my skin and knocked out the remaining peices.

    I got the 2 random kids out of the window and ralph was running to me from the other room when I saw a shadow and then a machete. It cut through my ralphs chest and i stared in utter horror
    "" bleched ralph
    I climbed through the window and ran as fast as I could. They all asked where ralph was.. And I told them and we all cried.

    I sat up in my bed and looked around for my phone. I texted ralph. It had to be a dream it just had to be. The text message i received made me realize it wasnt. The text message said "IM coming for you next Jared".

  14. A boy named Mark was coming home from school he was going through his routine he goes everyday. He did his homework ate a snack and played outside. He had gone to bed that night. He felt like something was bothering him. He tried to sleep and tried but just couldn't. He just shut his eyes but wouldn't open them. He heard footsteps outside his door, and he opens his eyes to see what is going on. His door had open by itself. He gets up and checks to see if anybody is home. He checks his parents room to see if they were awake. When he goes back to his room the stalker writes in blood "I'm coming for you". The stalker is under his bed.
    The child is scared beyond belief. He wants to go to his parents but he knows the man is under the bed. Like any kid, he pretends that he slept through the whole night and hasn’t awaken yet. The little boy can hear the man quietly breathing from under his bed.
    An hour passes, and he can't take it anymore. He tries to stay silent still if he was sleeping. The man goes “I know you’re awake”. He feels something shift underneath his bed. He starts yelling on top of his lungs and he yells help. His dad runs grabs his gun and see a man wit a knife ready to kill his kid. His dad yells "STOP or I will shoot you" The man moves and the dad shoots. The guy was dead on the floor of his sons room. His son just witness this. He scared his son start to cry and cry. He was traumatized. The kid got therapy and his family was still a family. Just a matter of seconds and Mark would of been dead. They were one happy family again.
