Monday, September 26, 2016

Period 1 Blog #3

Your comment post should be at least 230 words this week due Thursday by11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points). This week you will be replying to the following questions.

  Henry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity t begin again, this time more intelligently."
  -That do you think this quote means?

   -How does it relate to an experience in your own life?


  1. Henry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin agian, This time more intelligently." What I think this quote means is that when you fail at something you think and learn about your mistake and you rethink what you were doing wrong and you picture what you have to do right. For example like people that take there driving tests. When they fail they see what they did wrong and better luck next time and then they come back for there other test and they know what they have to do failure gives you a time to think of what you did and makes you think of what you could do to make it better. Also I can relate this to my own life. One time I had to take a test in school and i failed it but thank god my teacher gave me another chance to take it and I went home study harder then I did last time and looked at my last test to see what I got wrong study thfor questions and better I came in with a better grade. This quote just means you fail but next time you will do it better.

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  4. There is a definition to this quote. It means that if you fail at something, you now know what not to do. For example, if you’re making something but it fails and you see what went wrong. You now know how to prevent it from happening. Failing makes people smarter, so they won’t make that mistake again. Do you think it took one try to make a Harley Davidson motorcycle? No it took Those two men a long time to get it right, and when they got it wrong, they knew what to fix and never made the mistake again. This quote means a lot to me, because I have a tendency to make a lot of mistakes. When I crashed my quad and got hurt I bought gear and protection so I could suppress my chances of getting hurt. Or, When I almost failed 7th and 8th grade, I now know to do my work and try to get as good grades as possible so I wont have to do summer school again. Because of failure, I can be a better person and do things for myself. If you’re someone who spoiled all your life and never made a mistake then you don’t think or do things for yourself. Without failure and mistakes you could be a bad person not knowing your right from wrong. Failure changed me for the best.


  5. I think this means that you will always have another chance to start over and do what is right. And you need to do it more respectfully. It’s basically saying when you fail your gonna have another chance to start over and do it more respectfully. I know this from expereince because everytime i failed a class or did something wrong my teachers would always give me another chance or if me and my mom fought she would always give me more chances. SO when you do something or fail do it over again the right time so you dont have to do it over again. And you always gotta try your best when you do something because you never know if your gonna get a second chance or not. And sometimes you wanna prove yourself to some people because they think differently but sometimes its not that easy to do it but like i said you always have to try your best. For example, if you take a test and you fail the first time because you didnt know or you were too lazy and you ask for another chance they say no you messed up because maybe you did know you were just too lazy to get it done and now you dont have another chance but the teacher comes back and says she will give you another chance and now you know you have to do your best because if you fail again you know your not getting a third chance

  6. I think Henry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently" means to not give up and just because you fail at something you should try again. Also to think in a different way so you can achieve something. I can relate this to my life because when I was in fifth grade I was failing language arts because I didn’t get it. When my mom found out I wasn't doing good in language arts she made me read stories and study a lot more to get a better grade in language arts. When I took my next test I studied really hard and when I got my grade after a few days later I got a 100 and all that hard work was for a good thing. I feel when you try to achieve something you want to improve on you try as hard as you can to get a good result of it. If you try your best something good will come out of it. When Henry Ford says ‘‘Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again’’ I feel he is saying is once you fail at something you have an opportunity to try your hardest to try to fix you failure. I think this quote from Henry Ford is a good quote in life and it helps people succeed in life if you try.

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  8. I think Henry Ford’s quote means that if you fail don’t give up, try again and try even harder then the first time. A time this happened me was when i tried horseback riding. I tried for my first time and i couldn’t get it right. I kept falling off, i couldn’t get the horse to listen to me and, i almost gave up. I was at my breaking point, i had no faith in myself. But then one day i finally got it, i got the horse out from his field, tacked him up, brought him in the ring and bam, i got it. I was so happy and i got my confidence back. I tried my hardest that last time, i gave my all and motivated myself. Failing is very upsetting, you feel discouraged. That’s why a lot of people never try at things, seconds chances or maybe even a third for fourth chance you’ll make it. This quote shows you that you shouldn’t just give up on yourself. If you or someone else doesn’t have faith encourage them or yourself. Say you can do it or i can do it. Don't give up on yourself or anyone else, because you can do it. It felt so good when i tried again, because ik if i didn't i would of regret it. Everyone one was so proud, i was really proud. So if you fail don’t just give up, try again just harder.

    1. my gosh Alexis you must be real brave I couldn't ride a horse I did in Puerto Rico and it was horrible especially with there wide big eyes. Like horses give me the hibigeebies. They freak me out and the commercials with the horse with the wig on on the chick-fil-a is the only commercial with a horse that I can watch.the other ones I cant because there not funny and the horses scare me. lol I know it might sound weird but its true.

  9. Henry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." I think this quote means that if you can learn from your mistakes once don’t let the mistakes happen again. If you fail the first time then try again but don’t use the same tactics you did before try a new way. Every time you try to succeed and it don't work and you feel like your a failure and you cant do nothing right just try to have at least a little confidence. So it can grow and then you wont think that you are a waste of time and a failure. Like how everyone says from whoever created this quote ”if you don't succeed try try again. ”Then once you think your alright and everything and now that you got confidence after listening to Demi Lovato’s “Confidence” song then you can move on and enjoy your life. But “first you have to think before you do something. ”Like when you try to try something new.For example when you're at a restaurant and you wanna try something new instead of what you normally get I recommend to pick something that suits your taste buds. I remember I tried something new that was on the menu at a restaurant it turned out I didn’t like it. Then I just sticked to my regular choice.
