Monday, September 26, 2016

Period 3 Blog #3

Your comment post should be at least 230 words this week due Thursday by11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points). This week you will be replying to the following questions.

  Henry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity t begin again, this time more intelligently."
  -That do you think this quote means?

   -How does it relate to an experience in your own life?


  1. Henry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." In my opinion i think this quote mean when you fail, you’ll get the chance to get up and start again instead with a better mind set. People will fail over and over again without seeing what they did wrong or learning from their mistakes. They need to make an effort to do good. When you fail it gives you the opportunity to do better than you did last time and really work hard for what you want. For example when people fail a test they won't go back and study to see where they went wrong and try to correct themselves. They'll take the grade and when they have to do a final they'll fail that section and might fail the test which can lead to getting left back. When i got my math test back and i found out i had a 30 on it i was very disappointed. Then i went to my teacher and asked if he can stay after with me to help me and teach me so i know what i did wrong. The next test i got i had an 95.

    1. I do agree with Maritza because I also think that the quote henry ford said. is to never give up on whatever you are doing. and just keep doing whatever you are doing.

    2. Henry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity t0 begin again, this time more intelligently."
      -What do you think this quote means?

      -How does it relate to an experience in your own life?

      This quote means a lot, it has more than one meaning. But a lot of people could answer this differently. And everyone has a different thought to this… Here’s mine.
      This quote definitely brings back all the times I failed. But my main reason is school. In my eighth grade year, i had failed every class, each marking period. The only class I passed was gym. I didn’t try at all, I never did homework, and I failed a lot of tests. So it wasn’t a very good year for me. Throughout the summer I had to worry about being held back. It was so aggravating, but I did study island, and I passed, and got into High school. Now my main goal is to pass all my classes, get good grades on tests, and do all my homework. In Eighth grade I got in trouble a lot. So this year, I’m trying not to get in any trouble. I already got in some trouble, but that’s the only time I’ma get in trouble. ISS and OSS and Detention are the most boring things that I’ve ever been through. So i don’t have any plans on trying to get in trouble again. I was in ISS and it felt like i was lost in a jungle. But that is my failure and how I’m going to reflect off of it.


  2. I think this quote means if you fail once you try again but this time come back stronger and better.because once you fail a lot of people don’t try again they give up once they fail. So that quote helps those people to try again instead of giving up the first time.I also think it means to never give up because once you do give up u fail but if u do decide to come back and try again you have to come back way stronger than you did the first time. Also in a sport that quote could help achieve your goals and become better at that sport you are playing.that quote means a lot of different things in a lot of different ways.I've had an experience where i was trying to do a trick on my bmx bike and i fell so i was about to give up until my friend told me to keep going because if you keep trying and keep practicing one day you will master that trick and then you will be able to do a lot of better tricks that you want .but all you have to do is keep practicing then you will land the trick you are trying to do.

    1. i agree with you that if you fail once you can keep coming back stronger and every time you keep coming back you will eventually get it right. It is like you are practicing each time and getting better at it and eventually you can get great at it

  3. This quote means that it is okay to to fail because you can keep on trying and trying until you can fully understand what you're doing. Practice also makes perfect and that is what this quote is trying to tell you. For example you can make a mistake in life and that's okay because you can prevent it from happening again because you made that mistake because you now know what is going to happen because you have already done it , and you're smarter now and you can prevent it. Everyone has made a mistake and this quote can all relate to us in some type of way because we all prevented something from happening because it has happened before and it makes us smarter on this mistake , and how to prevent it.This is what i think this quote means to me.

    1. I think chris is right when he say the quote means its ok to fail. if no one ever failed there would be no challange in life

    2. I agree with chris. I like how he says practice makes perfect. I also like how he says it is okay to fail because once you get smarter, you can prevent it.

  4. I think the quote by Henry Ford means that when u fail at something u try to do it's like a learning experience and that u should learn from your mistakes and make yourself better. If you know what u did wrong then u can make adjustments and fix those mistakes. Say i fail at a play in football i rerun that play till i get it right and perfect. You could do that in anything in life. You fail a quiz next time put more effort and study more often. This relates to me cuz i'm a perfectionist and i like to be perfect in everything I do. I do MMA for a living and i am the number one guy in my division cuz i failed but i keep going and never quit and always found room for improvement. If i wanted to do good on a text i would study very hard and get all the work and stay after if i needed help the nights leading up to that test. This quote relates to me the most out of anyone i know because i'm perfect.

  5. I think this means that failure is not an option and you shouldn’t give up. Failure is just a new start and should not give up. Every time Edison Edison made a mistake he never gave up with his inventions and this made him very successful. Henry Ford made many mistakes with making cars and having them be affordable but he never gave up now look at him he has his own brand name. He was one of the most richest men alive at the time he lived if that doesn't motivate you to not give up then i don't know what will. This quote means a lot to me because i never give up when it comes to things i set my mind to. One thing i set my mind to was passing the 8th grade and i actually passed the 8th grade and i'm proud of myself. My next goal is to get passed high school. This is a serious goal for me because failure is not an option. I want to go to college and be successful so failing high school will not be a good thing for me. Henry ford made sense with this quote. All in all i think that this quote means not to give up. Giving up can lead to a lot of negative things in life and no one deserves that.

    1. yeah I agree pal we should always try our hardest and never give up

  6. I think the quote means that failure is when you start again and try harder. I think it means this because once you lose you know about the task so that next time you try to do it you can think about the parts you don't know so you can get farther and farther. I have done this a few times when i tried something and didn't succeed i waited a little bit then the next time i did it a completed it and it was easier the second time because i could focus on the harder parts and not so much on the parts that were easy. Also if you fail you shouldn't give up because that isn't a good thing to do. You should keep trying until you succeed. Because once you do something once it is much easier to do everytime after that because you have experience with what you are doing it is just like a job once you get good at it you can do it so easy without any effort. Giving up is not a good thing to do because it makes you feel like a loser and makes you think that you can't do anything so if you just try you can get it done and when you do it it makes you want to do more things because you have confidence that you can do the things you want to do without having to feel bad about yourself.

  7. I think this quote means that failing is just an opportunity to fix your mistakes. If you fall get back up. Why just leave your mistakes as mistakes when have the chance to fix it. That chance could change your whole life. It is just super easy to fix it then when they get older people get mad because they wish they had fix that one mistake because they would have had a better life. Don't be that person and wait to long to fix it. People just are too lazy to just fix this tiny little thing. “Oh but it doesn't matter” they say. When they come to figure out it was a big part of life. You know what people say “sometimes you don't know when to quit.” Yeah but sometimes you don't know when to try. This quote relates to me a lot in school. When I get a good grade on a test and i have the opportunity to fix some answers I don't do it because I think that I don't need it because i already have a high enough grade. Then when i get a low grade I want to fix every little mistake. Why is that? I hope you understand that every little thing counts fix that mistake. If you get up again and try. I can't hurt you it will only help. So just try.

  8. Henry Ford once said “ Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” what this saying means to me is that everyone fails in life but everyone can always find a way to pick themselves up after that fail. It is a way to observe what you did wrong so you dont make that mistake another time around. I can relate to what Henry Ford said because i remember when i was taking my final exam for the end of the marking period. To be honest i didnt study for it at all because i didnt understand how you can study for math so i didnt even bother looking at the review packet. A couple days later that test came around and i never looked at my paper so confused in my life. I regretted not looking at that study guide because i did not know anything. Therefore me not knowing anything led to me failing the exam. Luckily my teacher seen that i needed a better grade and so did i so i winded up doing this whole big extra credit packet for a better grade that would help me pass. Next test came with a study guide for us to study off of and i spent hours writing problems and tips for me to remember the math and then i passed with a good grade. Moral of the story what Henry Ford is trying to say is that if you are going to fail but dont fail off of the same thing twice.

  9. I think that the quote, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” means that if you fail once, you should try again and do better this time. I think that by the way it says intelligently that you should begin doing better than last time and to not get mad if you fail again, because you could just start over. Also, this relates to an experience in my life. One time, I was doing a drawing when I was little, and every time I messed up or it did not seem right, I would restart again. When I restarted I would try better and better in order to make it perfect. Another example that this quote has been related to life is that in first or second grade I was doing a little project and I had to create a poster and when I was decorating it, I put it dinosaurs in the background because it was related to the story that we read in class, and I searched up on the computer a drawing of a dinosaurs, and I tried to sketch it by hand. I erased the dinosaur around four to five times because I messed up a lot but then I finally got it right. There is plenty of other examples that this quote is related to, and i’m sure everyone had something to do in their life that was related to this quote.

  10. Henry Ford once said “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." this is a very great quote because it is true. Although henry ford was a great inventor/builder he still had big failures and mistakes. Personally i think this quote means that even if you do try your hardest and fail you can try again with a more intelligent approach and succeed at it this time. I think that's what the quote means.i have had personal experience with this quote. I have never seen this actual quote by itself but quotes similar to it. What happened was i was when i was younger i played the board game battleship. In the game you would have to use coordinates on a graph type thing. And i would play with my friends, I would always lose. when my friends would play against each other i would memorize their strategy and use it against them. That is one example of this quote. Another could be that when you are building a project, you break it on accident. But when you build it again you can construct it to be better. This quote can tell someone that failed at something previously that gave up to get back up and succeed at what they sought at to do. This is what i think about the quote this week.

  11. I believe the quote .. "Fauilure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time with more integentlly." has the meaning of fauilure is nothing. Anything can happen. Such as a bad cassanareo of a relationship, a job interview or even a school blog. Anything can fail at anytime.. Sometimes unexpectedly or you expect it and you're just too lazy to fix the problem along the way. But even having the opportunity to fail is an outstanding thing. Believe it or not you can really accomplish a lot. From fixing what you did wrong. Or creating a better creation than before. Always fixing the twigs. This is where the second part of the quote comes in.. "this time with more integentlly." Meaning you can be wise.. going back using the steps to see where you made the mistake. Or being a lazy person about it. Either way you ended up achieving something. Halfway or Fully something was done. I believe this quote impacts not only my life but the life of others too, we all make mistakes. Not all of us recognize them but when we do we go back with every opportunity we have. Sometimes you have to make the right choice in order to take another step. Either or we always make it best.
