Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Period 3 Welcome Blog

Hi! Welcome to blogger :)  You will be responding to one topic a week that I post. Your comment (70 pts) should be  at least 200 words to start off with (they will eventually get longer but we'll start small) due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for a response (30 pts) in one paragraph (5-7 sentences) to one of your classmates entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.  I will only post topics that I think will be easy for you to respond to until we get used to this. What I need you to do today is to comment on this post so that I know you can all access it.  Today's question is... 

       What do you think about social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)? Does it sometimes infringe on our privacy without our knowledge? How does social media benefit us?  Has social media changed the way we communicate? If yes, is it for the better or worse?


  1. Sometimes i think social media can interfere with a person's privacy without permission. It is also your choice weather u want to post it so u can somewhat control your privacy. Social media can benefit us because if we don’t have a tv or radio you can still know what is happening in the world. Our communication has changed for the worst. Now, people just text instead of walking or riding something and telling them in person. We went from people hand delivering letters to now just texting or posting about the said topic. It can help us on the other hand, we can now talk to people we may not have seen in a long time. We can find out about important dates like party’s. So i think this is a topic that can go both ways but i think it made things worst.

    1. I think you are right how it can interfere with someones
      privacy.Especially without people not asking to post a picture of and your friend and social media.But i think communication has changed for the better and find new friends and old friends.But i think social media does mess with our privacy.

  2. I think that social media benefits us in many ways. One way being that it guve us something to do when we have time. Another way it benefits us for being able to communicate with people all across the world. Social media has some negatives just like everything has, one thing may be that social media can stop us from actually going outside and talking to other people and instead we just talk over a phone. One more negative is the fact that a lot of bullying can happen over social media like hateful comments and etc.
    Social media does not infringe on our privacy because we have an option to let Instagram, Snapchat to have access to our photos and microphone. You have the option to turn this off. Instagram asks for your location and you can turn that off too. The only way they would be able to invade privacy is if we let them. The way social media stops us from communicating is mostly negative because they let anyone be anyone which is bad because people “catfish” some other people and pretend to be people they are not. This concludes my opinion on social media i think they are all positives and suggest whoever can get one to get one

    1. I agree with what you are saying Damon you do have the option to turn them things off. Which means that you can have privacy unless you have them turned on. And you are also right about bulling because many people get bullied over social media over all this is a good blog.

  3. I think sometimes social media can infringe on our privacy.People can post pictures and leave comments that you don’t want on there account or on your account.Sometimes it can start issues for no reason.But social media can can also help. It helps us communicate a lot better. You could find old friends you haven't talked to in a very long time. You can also see what people are up too by pictures or videos. Social media is even good for having a good laugh with your friends. For example if i found a funny video and i want to show someone that wasn't in my house i could send it to he or she through social media and it would have started a good conversation.
    So i think social media was one of the greatest ideas ever invented. Sure sometimes it can have some downfalls ,but i think it is one the best ways to communicate. I also think it can benefit us in many ways.

    1. I disagree with u because u can block or delete that post or comment and for the rest i agree with and that social media is a great place to meet new people or get back together with old friends.

  4. I believe that social media has both pros and cons. Some pros are that you’re able to contact friends and family through it, you can be up to date with everything, and Social media is enjoyable. Others may not think so, or may not care enough for it. But that’s because people are different. Social media could have also hurt people, and it can even ruin their lives. For example, if somebody sends a picture that he/she didn’t want anybody to see, the person that received that picture could have posted it all over social media, and they could get bullied or made fun of. See, things could get out too fastly with social media. But if you don’t want it out there, then don’t send it to anyone. BECAUSE THAT’S HOW IT GETS OUT THERE. And when people get hurt from it, they can hurt themselves, and think terrible things about themselves. That’s a major con in social media. Bullying. People can bully one another very easily. They can start things that get out of hand, which i think is the main reason for fights. Say someone posted a comment under a pic. The person that posted the pic didn’t like that comment and now wants to hit the person. Now it’s a fight. That’s my pros and cons about social media.


  5. What i think about social media is. Good for kids and teens because they can post on a daily basis and their friends and family can know what they are doing and they could get to know that person A lot more. It does sometimes infringe our privacy without our knowledge because their are creepy people out there that are just creepy. And because people that you don't even know could see where you live and what you look like. Social media benefits in way because it's another way to meet new people and new friends and to find new places to meet your friends at. Social media has changed the way we communicate because we could text each other and see if we could do something together.i think it's better because it's a better way to communicate and gain new friends and go places with anyone you would like to go's also better because it's not so dangerous anymore to go meet your friends or new people and kids could see what there friends are doing and see if there friends can do something so they aren't so bored all day doing nothing. And they could go to different places together and have a lot of fun doing all the stuff they could do in that one day.

  6. I think that social media is a good thing to have because we can communicate better. It could sometimes infringe on our privacy without our knowledge. It is your decision whether you want to post something or not. Social media benefits us in many ways. It has changed how we communicate to people and how we talk to each other and there is many different features. For example, you could message, post a picture, and more. You could also talk to people that don’t live close to you or on the other side of the world. Social media can sometimes be for the better and the worse. It can be for talking to family members, and friends, but it can be bad for cyber bullying. Without social media we would have to deliver letters to talk to each other and it wouldn’t be as simple and easy. Also to cover your privacy you want to make sure what you are saying in your post. You want to carefully read it and make sure it is okay to post it. On the other hand, it could be for the bad. There could be a certain video about someone or people can cyber bully each other.

  7. My opinion on social media is it is a good way to interact with different people and get in touch with them if needed. However i feel as if it does infringe on our privacy because many people nowadays like to place themselves in other people's business and make a bigger problem of what the circumstance already was causing more and more attention to themselves and the target that they are talking about. Although it has a somewhat infringe to others social media is also a way to speak your mind and show how you feel and also be yourself. You can post whatever you want unless you disobey the rules of the site. Plus like i mentioned before it's another way to meet different people and make new friends. But i feel as if it's another way to lose the friends you already have too. If there was one con i could choose about social media is that it makes it easier to talk to people over a phone or a computer, but when you see that person face to face the conversation isn't as fun as it was when you guys were behind a screen. Social media changed the way we communicate in another way such as behind a screen people can say as many hateful words as they want because they remain untouched but it makes the situation more terrible because you can get touched when you see the person you were trash talking online because you don't have a screen to protect you. Therefore social media is for the worst but if people knew how to talk normal on a screen and in person it would definitely be for the better.

    1. I agree with you. I think it's amazing to meet new people. It totally infringes on our privacy. communication is also a key part in relationships I feel. At the same time I disagree with you because you can block or report that person

  8. I think that social media has a positive impact on our lives. I think it's positive because it is a way to talk to friends when you can't see them. Like if a friend goes on vacation you can use social media to get ahold of them. Its also good because you can share your feelings with people. It is good for people to know how you're feeling. But there are also bad things about social media because some people aren't nice and bully people. I personally think that social media is a good thing because you can talk to friends and you will never not be able to talk to someone as long as they have social media which most people now have it because almost every phone can have it. Social media is a good way to talk to people and find out what people are doing. But people get attached to social media and that isn't good because you can live life without it but some people don't think you can because they are so attached to it. In conclusion social media is good and bad but you don't need it to live. I think it has more ups than downs in my opinion.

  9. I think social media is ok but there are ups and downs. In my opinion it does infringe on our privacy because we don't really know what people post on the Internet. As a good thing of social media is we can share our photos of what we are doing or where we went or something like that. You can also block or report the people that are being like that so it's all good. At the same time it's good because it helps us meet people we have never met before. It also helps us stay in touch with family members where ever. Social media is very important in our generation it's good and it's bad you have the power to make it great or bad.
