Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Period 9/10 Welcome Blog

Hi! Welcome to blogger :)  You will be responding to one topic a week that I post. Your comment (70 pts) should be  at least 200 words to start off with (they will eventually get longer but we'll start small) due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for a response (30 pts) in one paragraph (5-7 sentences) to one of your classmates entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.  I will only post topics that I think will be easy for you to respond to until we get used to this. What I need you to do today is to comment on this post so that I know you can all access it.  Today's question is... 

       What do you think about social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)? Does it sometimes infringe on our privacy without our knowledge? How does social media benefit us?  Has social media changed the way we communicate? If yes, is it for the better or worse?


  1. melissa sevilla:
    Social Media can go either or depending on the the hands that it’s being dealt with. Surprisingly to say is that it can either save lives and keep the people happy or it can drain someone’s happiness ending someone’s life and i’m not just saying that because i’ve seen both ways of the rope being used. Social Media sometimes invades our privacy … you ever heard of Catfish? Someone at this very moment can be using your picture behind the screen, pretending to be you and you don’t even know it. I’m not even trying to scare the human mind but actually thinking about it gives me goose bumps. Although Social Media benefits us in so many ways such as making us laugh with heart warming and halarious videos. It helps us find information we want such as knowing how to make dietary meals and knowing if your boyfriend is cheating on you or messing around while your on vacation behind your back. Even though you don’t want to know the information’s still there. (not from expirience.) The way of communicating has been strangley advanced through out the years down to how we can face - time grandma and not having any cut - offs or the signal interrupting us. It has been the most positive thing about social media since it’s been invented. Hopefully it will get better through out time and be used only for positive thoughts.

    1. I'm in complete agreement with you. You're right about how it's used both positively and negatively, that's why I do not have a dominant feeling over it. So I'm agreeing with your opinion.

  2. Social networking is a way of free entertainment. My opinion is that social networks have advantages as well as disadvantages, the advantages are reconnect with acquaintances, relationships with people who do not know and are from other countries, share publicly your experiences every day, you can find out what happens around the world, etc. The disadvantages are the dangers that may be subject to security of the person. Many young people do not have control of personal data, their parents do not realize and can becomevictim of fraud, identity theft and often predatory. There are many addicts who get to have mental and physical problems. In social networks we can show our feelings to others without taking precautions obviously ashamed and where we can spend hours talking with family and friends. The influence of social networks is so high that even today can learn what is happening both in your home country and around the world. Social networks are also used for promotional different trades.

  3. I think social media is a good way to share your experience with others as well as build a connection with people around the world. It a great way to keep in touch with family, friends and co workers without having to be meet in person. Nowadays everyone has some form of social media. Social media has changed the way we communicate. We no longer rely on phones for communication now with the power of the internet it's much faster. But with all the good things there are bad things. Social media is a place where many people's opinions are on display which is not always a good thing. Because of Facebook. Instagram and Twitter people think it's okay to bully people. Cyber bullying has become a big issue it is the reason why young people being depressed and have a hard time at school or work. Social media has made a lot of people be self conscious about the way they look because of what other people think of them. For the most part social media has made communication a lot easier and i think within time it will continue to grow and become better. Communication will be better but the opinions or comments online will just get worse.

    1. I do agree with you because nowadays days you cant trust nobody to meet in person because it can be unsafe. with the person you are going to meet in person doesn't know you and you don't know him or her. its makes it much easier for us to communicate with one rather than sending letters to one another.

  4. I think social media is a good thing because if you don’t have a certain person's phone number and you follow them let's say on twitter, you can easily DM them and ask whatever your question may be.
    I think that sometimes it does because i almost basicly put my whole life on twitter but my account is private so only my followers can see what i post but the thing is that i don't really know if the are the person who the say they are or if they are the person in their profile picture.

    Social media benefits us by helping us keep in contact with other people like friends or family because if that person's number you can easily contact them through the apps direct messaging.
    Yes social media has changed the way we communicate because before we had we had any kind of social media people would go outside and go over their friends house and talked to them that way, but now it is all about how many followers they have on Instagram or Twitter and what their Snapchat feed looks like and all about DMing their friends or just texting them.
    To be honest I think it is both better or for worse , it is better because like I said if you don't have a curtain person's number you can contact them through the apps direct messaging,and is also worse because now everything is basically all technology and people working about what's going on in the social media world then the actual world around them.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My feelings for social media are neutral. I don’t think it is bad and I also do not think it is good as well. Mainly because I stopped using it all the time. It think it is there for fun, but I also think it is used for not so good reasons either. It could affect friendships and build friendships, so that's why I feel neutral about it. I think it does infringe on our privacy without our knowledge just to make sure we aren’t wanted criminals. That’s my opinion I’m not completely sure if they do or not but I honestly think so. It would be on our privacy because it would check if we are wanted to give out information to the police. If it doesn’t that would be because we have private information about ourselves that need to be kept to ourselves. Social media benefits us by bringing us together and helping us communicate with our friends easily. It also doesn't benefit us because we go on it every minute of the day. We also don’t talk face to face as often so we don’t see people we talk to. Those are my feelings about social media.

    1. I agree with what you said as my feeling about social media are neutral too. I don't have any form of social media so its not like I understand what its all about. Its good that we are able to connect and make friends and continue to talk to people we don't see. I also agree when you said it can affect friendship especially because so many people thinks its okay to put each other down through social media.Overall i agree with your opinion.

    2. Yes i agree just like Jason. Especially the part the friendship part. Its just not right to post things about other people. Especially about there thoughts, opinions , and feelings. Its not fair to put people down through a computer, laptop, phone, tablet, etc.
      Furthermore i agree with both Jason and Thadeus's post/reply.

  7. in my opinion I think it might sometimes infringe on our pr

    In my opinion i think it might sometimes infringe on our privacy because each time we sign up for a social media our information is spread a little bit at a time. And that can lead into people stalking you or trying to hack into your account to find more information. People might try to use your picture on whatever social media you have and use it for something else like parenting to be you with your picture and use for a different website or social media.

    In my opinion I think social media benefits us in many ways for example finding information that you may not no. It helps us keep update with anything that happened recently in the world or in the country. Example if there is a hurricane or thunderstorm happen it would let us know about it if have an social media.

    Social media changes the way we communicate in many ways. For example it makes it much easier to talk to one another than by sending a letter. You might even makes new friends while you are using some these social media.

    Another example if a person in a different country post a picture of where he lives and you think it's beautiful place to bust you might want to talk to tell you more of where he lives.

  8. In my opinion I think that social media is fun in all, but in a sense it can be very bad. It could be this because you can be exposed to weird people and others can exposed you in a disrespectful manner. So I like it and dislike it because of these reasons. Yes, it does very well infringe with our communication because of multiple reasons. My first reason is that why be lazy when you can call them and speak real words or meet up with them unless if like they are far away. Social media does though benefit us in some ways. Like for an example meeting new friends over online sites. Or sharing things with your friends. Also, post information for birthday parties, events, and sports games. Social media has changed almost every way we communicate because it's just people being lazy unless of distance. It is for the better and the worse because the better part is that people are actually communicating more and every gets to make new friends. The worse part is that many people are it is taking over they way we do things like instead of going to the store to buy some groceries there are lazy people that can just call a grocery boy to get anything they want. I’m saying that it can go both ways.

  9. I think that it can not be the way it used to be before due to social errors it ignores for example Twitter and facebook (except instagram) will respond to your complain but will not ban or kick the
    Racist or inappropriate User which makes social media look bad or worse the developers need to stand up for other users to have support on its social media website. Not to mention
    They will only stand up if the user says something bad about their website so which means they
    are not caring but only for themselves.

    Yes it does infringe our privacies, Just image what can they do with your privacy like they can expose your embarrassing contents to the public which infact can’t help but to think about it.
    It happened at least 24 in total i believe but to be honest it’s scary and cuts deeper if you again think about it. You have the right to keep your secrets away from the public (as long as it isn’t harmful).

  10. In my opinion, social media has changed everything for the best and worst. Sometimes social media infringes on our privacy like what we’ve searched in a normal browser or another app, but it does help us communicate better. People can stay connected to people in other states, countries, ect. For example when my cousin was in Afghanistan, we stayed connected with him through Facebook the whole year he was gone. People even meet other people on social media that they’ve never met in person. Social media can build friendships. It all depends on how people are using social media and who’s using it.
