Monday, September 19, 2016

Period 11 Blog #2

Your comment post should be at least 220 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

This week’s blog is going to ask you to reflect personally and think about a specific event in your life that really caused you to grow up.  The topic is from this year’s common app so get familiar with the style of the prompt; you’re going to be answering these types of questions again in the near future…

This week’s prompt:

Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.


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  2. The transition from adolescence to adulthood is a long transformation that can marked down by several events. They may be implications that needed critical thinking or a fork in the road that question what you use to believe in.Sometimes it can be as simples as a bar mitzvah or a sweet 16. Regardless,for me, what marked my transition from childhood to what I am now was a series of unfortunate events.Dark secrets about my family came to light on how reality is simply sad. The harsh realization that I live in poverty and it won't be easy to be successful was a turning point that made me want to work harder and earn my way so i can one day be financially stable and maybe even happy. Another turning point for me is when i worked so hard and i burnt myself out. I hit rock bottom to the point where i felt the world was crashing down around me and everything felt like to much to handle. Then somewhere along the way I took little steps to working again and taking school seriously once more but also loving myself and not trying so hard to be this girl everyone is impressed for. Once I started caring and treating myself everything became easier in the aspects of work and school. In conclusion, this was an accomplishment that marked how things changed for me that im considered an adult but still don't know how to do anything.

    1. I agree with you 100% Dakota becoming an adult is a hard and long progress. I did not have a sweet 16 but the difference from 15 to 16 was huge. i'm sorry that you had to go trough that tough time. i'm happy that you got better and are taking the steps to becoming an adult

    2. I couldn't agree with you more. Becoming an adult in general is very hard and it seems so far away and then it just hits you. It seems as if your road to becoming an adult has been a lot harder than the average person. I'm glad that you have gotten better and that you are taking it step by step and working your way into it.

    3. I agree with Dakota's quote. Life is a long and hard road no matter what we do. Whether we like it or not we all will transcend into adult hood. Only you can make that change and whether it's now or later we will all come to a decision where we have to grow up .

  3. When i was like 4 or 5 i found out of poppy (grandpa) he got diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer and he had to go up to new york every tuesday for chemotherapy. He battled with his cancer for 9 and half years before he couldn’t fight anymore. On August 24, 2011 he died. Till this day i miss him and every day i miss him more and more. No one understands what it is like to live with someone who has cancer and see it eat away the person you love. After my poppy died i change myself completely i didn't know who i was. I went from emo april to girly april back to emo april and back to girly april. But now im me and i know what i like and i don't care what people think about what i wear. I have changed so much since i was 11 but still to this day i'm still that little girl my family loves. My family has changed to since my poppy's death. We aren't that close anymore and we are all older and we have gone our separate ways in life and that what happens when you grow up. Me my brother and sister and grandma are still very close. I love my Grandma, she is my world. I do everything i can for her. But since i was 11 i grew up so much and if my poppy was still alive he would be proud of me and i know he would be.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa. But he's still watching you and he's in a better place now. It's okay still miss him and think about all the stuff you guys did that's the good thing about it. Those memories will never go away. Seeing who you are today is good, you are smart and caring and it's nice to talk to you in class.

  4. When i was 12 years old my aunt had about 5 strokes within a few months. The last stroke really got her good to the point where she can’t talk anymore and also can’t move the whole right of her body. It happened about a month before christmas and just around christmas time it was so bad that the doctor at the hospital said she wasn’t going to make it. For a few days after hearing those words come out of the doctor’s mouth changed my whole life. All the fun we had and telling her every problem i had and always going with her shopping and getting taco bell after was all going to be an end. It was the worst and i never wanted to think she was going to be gone. But she was brave and hung in there and didn’t give up. It opened my eyes to see how strong my aunt can be. After that i knew to never give up no matter what. Even though my aunt and i can’t do the things we used to do, i'm just still happy she is here with us. 5 years later and she is will hanging in there and i couldn't be more proud of her. I always told myself i wasn't brave enough or i can't do something so i can give up now. But since then i changed my whole attitude and never let it get in my way.

    1. I'm glad to hear that she is still here with you. having 5 strokes is horrible and i am happy she is doing better and i'm happy that she has helped you into the person you are today. Just know that she will be here for you. If you ever hit a bump in the road she will help you get over it.

  5. There have been many accomplishments in my life. Whether they be common ones like passing school each year or getting a job, there is a countless amount of accomplishments to choose from. The one accomplishment or event that I think marked my transition from childhood to adulthood is working with my uncle. Getting a job is a very common accomplishment and time of everyone’s life. I realized it was time to get a job because I was always asking for stuff that my mom couldn’t buy at that time. So I decided to ask my uncle if I could work with him and he agreed. I have done multiple jobs with him such as demolition, putting down tile, putting mulch around the house, etc… I’ve done many different jobs with him. I get paid around $75-100 a day depending on how long I work that day. For example, in August I wanted to go to an event in Brooklyn and it costed like $350 per ticket. I already had $100 so I worked for 3 days and made $250. If I ever need money I know I can always work with my uncle doing whatever the job is whether I have done it before or if I need to learn how to do it. So I personally think being able to pay for anything expensive by myself and not having to ask anyone to buy it for me or borrow it transitioned me from childhood to adulthood.

  6. This summer i went to mexico for the first time out of my whole life it was a amazing experience. I went to visit my family but my grandpa passed away in january even though i didn't get to know him i know he is watching over me. My grandma is still there knowing she loss someone she loved she is a strong person. I realized sometimes she would be sad think about him which is normal. I would always listen to her and be by her side made me realize that we grew up not knowing each other to having a amazing bond. I realize I grew up because in some ways I understood her what she went through when you loose someone important. Growing up is great because you realize more thing at this moment in Mexico I learn so many new things. I always saw so many new places that I really want to go back now. My family that I always wonder about to get to know them was such a fun experience knowing new people too. This was the point of my life that I am no longer young and grew up, things happen to make you realize. Time goes by fast and we are growing each day.


  8. One event that changed my life and caused me to grow up was getting my first job. I was a summer camp counselor. That experience made me see the adult world because i came home and i still had to take care of my sister while my parents were at work still. Also i had to clean after work everyday. Also i had to cook dinner so i showed me what my life is going to be like when i live on my own and deal with a house. It also had some positives like getting a debit card and bank account. Also i got money for a car and gas and other things. Just like every american teen this is one of the first steps into becoming an adult. This time period is when your going to see extreme change. Such as getting your first job, finding a college, getting your permit or license and even planning what going to happen in the 2 short years when high school ends. The typical american tradition. My mother tooks these steps and moved out of her parents house when she was 18, she worked two jobs to achieve the american dream. Also most of the kids in school have jobs and work for the same goals of becoming a young adult.

    1. I understand how it felt to clean and watch over your sister while your mom worked. You had the same experience but I had to watch three people and take care of them. I learned a lot as well. Main thing I did learn is that I hate kids and that I will not be having non. After having to take care of my brothers and sister it ruin me I felt like I was always stressed out.Therefore after a while I got used to it but still hate kids. I never had a job though my job is still watching them and making sure they do there homework.And shower and lake lunch and warm up dinner.I will be 18 in a couple months and I still don't have money for college or what college I want to go to.
