Monday, September 12, 2016

Period 2 Blog #1

 You will be responding to one topic a week that I post. Your comment (70 pts) should be at least 210 words to start off with (they will eventually get longer but we'll start small) due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for a response (30 pts) in one paragraph (5-7 sentences) to one of your classmates entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.

Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter"

* What do you think this quote means? Relate this quote to an event in your life or to something you have seen someone else experience and explain the relation using examples.


  1. Dr. Suess is right you should be who you are and say what you feel. Nobody should tell you how to feel, be who you want to be. You can also say what you feel not what someone wants you to say. I’ve seen people tell somebody else to jump off something at recess but the person they told isn’t a person that does dangerous things. He told him to be somebody he’s not but since he wanted to be himself and not someone else he didn’t do it. Those kids that told him to do it didn’t matter to him. You don’t have to do whatever it is, it’s your choice in what you want to do and say. The people that matter to you won’t mind who you are and the people that mind dont and shouldnt matter to you. Nobody should mind who you are everyone is different. They wouldn’t like to be told to be someone else. There’s those people in your that life that shouldn’t matter to you and there’s those that should because they don’t care who you are and not if you’re someone else. Dr. Suess is right don’t let those who don’t matter change you. Be yourself not what those people that don’t matter tell you to be.

    1. Henery, your comment is very strong as well as very true. We kinda went the same way in our ideas as well as what we said. You went a little on with some of your sentences but other wise good job. If Dr. seuss was alive hed be very proud of your response. Keep up the kid work bro

  2. Dr. Seuss's quote is a wise and very true quote. What i think he is trying to say in this quote that don't be afraid to express yourself. Do not be scared to say what you want and to who you want. Other people shouldn't cause you to say less because they will mind. Have no filter say what you want at the appropriate times without caring if people mind or not. I actually have had experiences where i said less because what people would think or people would say something that i didn't wanna hear. For instance with my parents, i tend to say less than i would like so i don't have to hear their mouth or so i don't get into any trouble by them. Same thing with teachers i say less and listen more so i don't have to hear a student say i’m disturbing them. So i can say that i am a person that does that. A person that holds back from saying anything i want when i want to who i want because some of it has to do with respect as well as manners. You can't just go around cursing people out for no reason because you want to but i feel you shouldn't mind what people will say to you if you do say certain things. Just keep a filter onto what exactly what you are going to say.So Dr. Seuss quote was a strong quote but i feel he means don't be scared to say what you want when you want.

    1. I 100% agree with you my dude. I can tell what you mean by what he means by not being scared to say what you want when you want. Also I like how you used an example of yourself saying that f you have nothing good to say don't say it. Saying that would only get you into trouble so somethings are better not said. So keep up the hard work and you will be as famous as dr. Seuss

    2. I agree with your response Eli. I can understand what your saying but I would work on something if I were you. I would work on my capitalization and spacing. And sometimes I feel like your sentences run on. But keep up the good work bro!

  3. What this quote means to me is that be who you want and talk how you feel which means that don't try to fit in with others be yourself. Also I think it's saying not to say what someone else wants you to just so you can be cool. If you don't act yourself know one would know the real you. Also what I think this quote is saying is it doesn't matter what people think about you people that have a problem of you being yourself isn't a nice person or a person you should even care about. The people that have something good to say are the people you should care about. Also the people that do care and that do say good things about you are nice people that deserve to be treated with respect. I can relate to this quote because when I was younger I had a friend that didn't care about being himself and someone said something about the cloths he was wearing. So he just ignored him and moved on because there were people that did care and did have nice things to say about him so he ignored all the mean people and listened to the nice people. That is my opinion about this quote.

    1. I agree with what you said Vance. People should just act the way they are and not be somebody else. Also you should treat people with respect. I think you did a good job on writing this. The last sentence could be fixed a little bit, but other than that it was good. Good job on restating as well.

  4. Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter". I think this quote means that you should just be yourself and do what you do. Also I think it means that you shouldn't let people bring you down. For example, i saw a kid being picked on or bullied to go head first down a slide and the kid was about to cry. The kid getting picked on didn't have many friends and looked like he was about to cry. Also I think this quote is saying that you shouldn't try to be a follower. You should just be who you really are and do what you think is best for you. For example, there was a new kid in school and he tried to fit in with kids that were popular so he would wear the same clothes as them and try out for the same sports. He didn't make the sports teams but he was just trying to be someone else and not himself. This quote to me means to be who you truly are and to not hang out with people are aren't gonna be there for you in the long run.

    1. By Patrick Nardone

      Tyler I agree with you I also think that the quote means that we should just be ourselves. If you are not yourself people really do not know you for who you are. I also agree with you about not being a follower too. You should be a leader never be a follower. Also it is said that our generation makes fun of people who are different.

  5. By Patrick Nardone
    Dr. Suess once said “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” This quote is very hard to under stand at first glance. This quote means that be yourself if someone likes it they will not care what you say or do. If they do not like what you are saying or doing they care what you say or do. One good example is Trump he says what he wants whenever he wants to. Some people like him for that and some people hate him for that. Either way that is how he acts and says things and nothing can change it. Another example is one of my friends he is very annoying and he does stuff that most people would hate him for. Either way he is not going to change his ways. Even if my friend and Trump changed some people will still hate them because you can never make everyone happy. This quote could also mean to just be yourself. Even if people do not like you for being yourself do it anyways because no one can make you change your ways. Only you can change your ways do not let anyone tell you otherwise. For example me I am always acting like myself and I do not care what anyone else thinks. I make my own choices and no one can make me change it unless I want to change.

  6. Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter". I think that this quote means to just be who you truly are and not care about other peoples opinions on you because you only live once. So if you only live once why waste that time pretending to be someone you’re not and being sad more than being happy. I can relate this quote to bullying. This relates to bullying because people are bullied all the time for being them and if they heard this quote maybe they would feel a little bit better about themselves. I think everyone should be able to be them without having to worry what other people are going to say to or about them. I think that would give people a major self confidence boost. I also wonder if bullies read this if they would stop bullying people for being different from the rest of the kids. Some people like to be different and that’s ok. I don’t think anyone should be judged and no one’s feelings should get hurt. I think we should use this quote more often to maybe try and end harassment and bullying once and for all. I think Dr. Suess was a genius and will always be remembered by people for his positivity.

    1. I agree completely with what you said. People shoudldnt worry about being themselves. Everybody should feel comfortable in their own body. People would definitly feel better about themselves and maybe succeed a little bit more. I agree with everything you said.

  7. I feel like that quote means that just do you. That don't worry about what people think of you. Just go out there be your self and embrace it. Embrace who you are and embrace what you feel. In this Country we have so much freedom that people don't even realize it. We have the right to say what we want. I as a person can say whatever I want and I could care less what people think. it's because i embrace my thoughts. We should all speak out to the world and stop being so shy. We all have a powerful mouth on any topic no matter what. People cannot tell you how to live your life or tell you what you can't say. You as one need to do what feel is needed. Like we can change the world, people's lives. Some people are arrogant so your comment doesnt mean Anything to them but that doesn't mean you don't say a thing. People don't take advice or comments they just listen to it and ignore it and that why Dr.Seus said that. Everybody can say a thing and they don't have to worry you about people. Honestly speak up say what you feel and don't worry about anything stoping you.

    1. I agree with you clav, I think people should take more of look at life and realize how much freedom they have and should fully use it to the max and enjoy life alittle bit more and not care about what anyone says and should have a positive carless out look on life.

  8. This quote means don't be afraid to be yourself and create your own path. Don't be a follower and listen to what people tell you all the time. If someone asks you to do something and you do it, that's being someone you're not because if that person never asked to do it, it would of never happened. Dr. Suess also meant that the people who like you for you and don't ask you to change are the people that matter. The people who don't like you for you and ask you to change are people who don't matter. An example would be is if a kid liked rock music and other kids would tell him to stop listening to it and to listen to something else. The other people wouldn't care what he listened and they would like him for him and they wouldn't want him to change. In conclusion don't be afraid to be yourself and don't always listen to what other people say to you.

    1. I agree with you matt, i said things similar to what you are saying. The people that tell you to change are infact telling you to be someone your not. The people that don't ask you to change are the ones that matter. But those people that do tell you to change are the ones that shouldn't matter. Matt is right you shouldn't always listen to what people say.


  9. I think what Dr. Suess said is true because in life you shouldn’t care what people think of you. You are who you are and no one should ever try and change you. In this world everyone is different for our own reasons, I think that in life you should have a careless attitude about what people think of you and you should always be happy with who you are and never think down on yourself for who you are and becoming. People will always try and change you and make you do things you don’t want to but since you are your own person you have your own mindset and that should make you never second guess who are. I think to many people worry about what others think of them and that is sad because in 5 years from now you only stick with a couple of them. When i was younger people would always make my friends do stuff he wouldn’t want to do and i would always try and explain things to him but he just wanted to be considered “cool” but after awhile he started to realize he was doing stuff that didn't make him happy and he finally stopped and started to do him and become happy.

    1. I totally agree wit you mark. People shouldn't care what people think of them. I agree how you should not let anybody try to change you. Very good reasoning and explaining. I all your beliefs personally think you did great. How you explained everything about how people try to change you and etc.

  10. Dr. Seuss once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter". When Dr. Seuss was alive, he was a very inspirational person. He said a lot of quotes that you can live your life by. What he means by this quote is that you should always speak your mind. It is always better to say how you feel instead of keeping it inside. Dr. Seuss is saying that the people who stand up and speak their mind will be heard, and the people who remain quiet and in the shadows will never be heard. This quote also reminds me of another quote by Wayne Gretzky. He said you miss 100% of the shots you do not take. I can see this similarity because they both say that if you don't try at something you really want to do, you obviously will not achieve anything. I can relate this quote to a moment in my life. I can remember one time in school the teacher was asking the class a question, She asked if anyone needed extra help with the subject. In my mind, i knew i needed it, but in guess i was too ashamed of needing help, even though no one should feel like that. The next day we had a quiz and of course i bombed it. I knew the next time I was in that same situation, I would have to speak my mind, raise my hand, ask questions, and eventually succeed
