Monday, September 19, 2016

Period 1 Blog #2

Your comment post should be at least 220 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

“You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take” - Wayne Gretzky

   * That do you think this quote means?

   *How does it relate to an experience in your own life?


  1. "You will miss 100% of shots you don't take"-Wayne Gretzky I think this quote means that the effort you don't put in to something you will get nothing out of it. I can relate this to my own life of point. For example, One time at a point of my life never wanted to play football never even tried, untill one day I actually tried it and I became out to be nice at it and like the sport and it's fun. This is what I think this quote means that the effort you don't put in like I didn't for football is the 100% shots I missed that I didn't take at all. I also think there's another meaning for this quote which is you wont get what you want without the solution to get to it.

  2. I think that what Wayne Gretzky is trying to say is that if you don't try for some part you'll still never reach 100%.Also that even if you want to quit on something never do it.No matter how much you think your going to fail just keep trying and pushing no matter how hard it might be for you. For example every time I run at cross country practice and feel like stopping I push myself and force myself to go all the way.If I don’t do this then I wont improve and will also grow lazy.Which leads me to fail at meets and games.My team supports me too and I support my teammates as well.Not only the team and coach but while I was running some boys from the boys cross country team were telling me that I was doing great.The thing that motivates me is when people push me to do my best and to keep going on no matter how much it hurts.Sometimes I feel like quitting and I let my mind take over.Just because something seems hard NEVER choose the easy way out of things.Go for the hard way so you’ll improve and do great.Everything is not always easy that’s why you have to keep on trying so that you can achieve and accomplish things in life.

  3. I think this quote means, that if you don’t try for something you definitely won’t make it. Its saying not taking that shot when the moment is granted, next time you won’t make it. I can relate this to a time in my life, when i was doing mma. I started out doing well and doing my assessments and everything. I was moving up to different belts and then came the green belt and i had to a big test for it to pass. So i didn’t take my shot. I said no i’m not doing it. Then when i came back to do it. They said i had missed my shot. So i had stay at my other belt and wait for the green belt again. Then i eventually just quit which was dumb of me to do. And sometimes i still regret it. So take your shot. Because if you don’t you will not make it or get another chance. Taking shots is a good thing, even if you don’t want to if you take it, you could end up loving it. This quote is wake up call for some people, take you shot. Because some of our best athletes and music artists and famous dancers. They took their shots and made it. That could be you, or someone you know, so encourage yourself or others, because one day it could be worth it.

    1. I like how you explained the quote by Wayne Gretzky. I found it interesting on how you used to do MMA. I liked how you compared athletes, artists, and dancers that they took a shot and they made it in life. And I like how you're saying if you take a shot something good might happen and if you don't something good might not happen for you. And I agree with you when you say that this quote is a wake up call.

    2. i feel the same way about the quote, if you dont try nothing new, then how do you know if your going to like it? And, i like how you comnpared this quote to your personal life.

  4. The quote You miss 100% of the shots you don't take by wayne gretzky to me means that if you never try at something how do you know you won't succeed. For example at a point in my life i thought about quitting soccer a week before an academy team try out, i thought about quitting because i didn't think i was good enough for this team and i was playing terrible lately. But i decided to try out for the team anyway and it ended up paying off and i made the team. If i decided to not try out i probably would have regretted it because ever since then i have gotten so much better. So if you don't take opportunities that are given to you and just decided to give up you can be missing out on something big, so you missed a shot that you didn't take. Also something like that happened in my brothers life. My brother when he was little went through a similar situation, he had the the option to go to a football camp over the summer or stay home all summer. He ended up staying home and he didn't take the shot and ended up missing. Later the year he lost his starting spot as running back because the back up went to this camp. My brother missed his shot at starting while the other kid took the shot.

  5. The quote " you will miss 100% of the shots you don't take " means like the things that you didn't put effort into are the things that are not going to be a good outcome in the future. You have to really do a lot of things for better things to happen in life and start shooting for your goals meaning like the things that are going to help you do better and not help you do bad and get nowhere. You can't succeed unless you try and you have to take action into something you actually really want and not what other people want from you. In order to make the shots you have to take the first step into doing good and being successful and letting or making better things happen to you. Some things are sometimes hard in life but it’s going to get easier if you actually try and do your best at it. Never give up and just keep trying until you finally make it and just don't ever stop.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I think Wayne Gretzky once said “You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take” means that taking chances makes opportunities or experiences that you wouldn't know if you just sat still and did nothing. I can relate to this quote because I was nervous to join track and field because I never did it before. I am glad to have joined track and field because I turned out to be an okay thrower in my team. And l made new friends when I joined the track and field team. Once you try it, you discover a new activity or sport that you like and that you can be good at it. I've learned that you have to take chances and try new things in order to try new things to experience life. And if I never tried out I would have never known if I was good at it or not. No matter how much you think your going to fail you should keep pushing yourself. And if I haven't tried out I would have regretted it because I would have never known I was good at that sport. If you are not open minded you will never put your heart into it and if you do you find things to do other than sitting around doing nothing.

  8. This quote really speaks to people. If you do not try something, how would you know if your gonna fail or succeed? I thought i was going to be horrible at basketball and i would never like it, until i tried it. Now i play basketball everyday and it is my favorite sport. Its kind of like the quote “Dont tell me the sky is the limit, when they’re foot prints on the moon.” That quote is another one that really speaks to me. Wayne Gretzky would have never said that if it wasnt true. If i miss 100% of my shots i dont try, well im not doing trying anything new. Im not going and trying new things, like sports, hobbies, collecting things. Its all stuff you have to try in order to like it or dislike it. Do you think michael jordan would’ve been a millionaire if he never tried basketball? What if Noah Syndegaard never played baseball? Those are the things you have to think about, if famous people never did what brought them the fame, then they would be living an average life. I actually used this quote in an argument with my cousin because he didn’t want to play football, so then he tried it and now its his favorite sport. The quote even wins arguments.
