Monday, September 26, 2016

Period 11 Blog #3

Your comment post should be at least 230 words this week due Thursday by11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points). This week you will be replying to the following questions.

-Is there ever a time that it is "okay" to have an affair?

-DO you think even if there are no immediate consequences it will effect the person or their relationship in the future? Explain


  1. To me i don’t think there is ever a time that it is “okay” to have an affair. I think this because if you get married and you are committed to that one person and you are happy that you want to spend the rest of your life with them then you shouldn’t fall out of love and if you do, then get divorced but don't have sex with another person when you're married just to end that marriage. I have heard so many stories about people having affairs with their wife’s or husband and i’m like “ why would you do that?” If you are married and you always say “ Man i’m in love with him or her” If you have the guts to actually cheat on your husband or wife with someone else, that is really messed up. How do you think your partner would feel when you tell them. “I’m sorry but i’m having an affair with you” If my husband every told me that i would be so heartbroken and upset and would never forgive him.
    I think it depends on the person and how long the affair has been going on. If it has been going on for awhile then maybe the person will divorce the person but if it doesn't go on for awhile and it was just a one time thing, then maybe the person can forgive the person for what they did. But who knows, it all depends on the person and how long it went on for. But that is my opinion on this. But if you are thinking about having an affair with your husband or wife just get divorced and save the other person less pain.

    1. April i agree with everything you are saying. I can get why people will have an affair it really blows my mind. Dont walk into a marriage if you are unhappy and if you really love them you wouldn’t do what you are doing. People make their life so much harder than it is and then complain about. Life isn’t bad it is just how you make it. So yeah people are stupid.

    2. I agree with April quote. I get where it is coming from but when you are committed to this one person for the rest of your life there is alway the possibility of them cheating. No matter what we do somewhere in life some people are bound to cheat on another. Even in a relationship some people will cheat.

  2. In my opinion i don’t think it is ever “okay” to have an affair. Marriage is something that you and your partner are both committed to. You should never walk into a marriage with a doubt of being with that person for the rest of you life. Marrying someone is so important and it isn’t something to just throw out the window. Your marriage should be your only marriage. You will know when you are ready and you will know when you aren’t ready. So if you’re definitely not ready don’t go into it. Marriage is not a joke, it’s meant to be with the person you love and trust for the rest of your life. I think if you are married and you aren’t happy anymore then try to make it work first, go see someone and if that doesn’t work then end it. Try everything you can to make it work again and if it doesn’t don’t sit there married and go see other people. That’s not the point in marriage. So many people walk into a marriage and are so unhappy. Don’t jump into something and if everything is perfect in the beginning and years down the road it turns bad then try really hard to get back what you once had. If people have been cheating for a long time then that marriage is over and it will be hard to find someone again. Everyone is different people that have an affair and their partner finds out, some will stay because they love them and are stupid, and some will leave because they are smart. So in my opinion affairs are not “okay” and they are stupid.


    1. I agree with you Alyssa, people are stupid for having affairs and even if they are unhappy with one another they should at least seek help and try to make things work. Marriage is really no joke and should be thrown in the trash as if it was nothing.

    2. i completely agree with you Alyssa! if you aren't happy before you get married then don't. Having an affair is completely wrong and i feel like people who do that shouldn't be trusted

  3. No, during a relationship with your partner there shouldn’t be a ‘okay’ to having an affair in that case don’t be together.In my opinion if you need to have a affair with someone else during your relationship you aren’t happy why not leave them.The point of a relationship is bulid with each other, if something goes wrong yes i get not everything works out but its doing more damage to yourself at the end it will get back to. There is some situations that are different because one doesn't love the other think having a affair will help which is not okay because you putting yourself in a bad place. It should be important to know where you stand with your relationship if it's not great then remove yourself it will be hard but time will help. The thing about having an affair with someone else that is not your partner will bring eventually. Everything may be going great at the start but a lie always comes out. The worse part it's the worse thing to do to anyone because the outcome will be there chance of being in a relationship.It effect your other partner so why put them in that sitaution. When in a relationship you aren't just thinking about yourself if not the partner who you going with at this life too.


  4. No. There is never an okay time to have an affair under any circumstances. If you aren’t happy with the person you are with then you should tell them and settle it in an adult way. Cheating on someone to get out of a relationship is a childish and disgusting way to leave the one you supposedly loved. You should try and have a conversation with that person and if that person isn’t happy with your decision on wanting a divorce or a break up at least you tried to end it on good terms in a respectful manner. Cheating or having an affair is never the answer. It’s very disrespectful and hurtful to the other person. I most certainly think that if there are not consequences from the start eventually there will be. You can’t run from something like that. If the person you cheated with on your ex wife or girlfriend didn’t know about the wife or girlfriend she will probably leave you and then you are stuck with no one. It can also have an affect on the friendships you have. You may lose some good friendships just because you didn’t wanna be with the person you thought you wanted to be with and you handled that situation in an unjustifiable manner by cheating on him/her. It’s an obvious bad decision in my opinion and the fact that this type of stuff happens on a daily basis is very childish and very wrong.


    1. Kenny figueroa

      Period 11

      I agree with Tony one hundred percent. Like he just said, if you don’t love the person that you supposedly love anymore, try talking with them. Having an affair is never the answer because it can lead up to many problems in the future. Like he said, try handling it as adults, not acting childish. At least you tried to end it in good terms.

  5. In a romantic monogamous relationship it is never right to have an affair. Having an affair shows a lot about the person committing the sin. It shows no self control, unhappy and no morals. In a marriage you make a commitment to one another. You loved a person so much you got the government to make it official that, that is legally your person and vice versa. All that time and effort with that one person and all to break their heart, trust and any kinda foundations between you and that person. Even under certain circumstances like a horrible marriage with no communications or even they will not do anything with me. These are problems that make you unhappy doesn tmean to degrade yourself to go behind their back. That is not a solution just another problem down the road that will end with bitter hatred for one another. One way or another the person will find out or maybe the person that is having the affair will feel so disgusted with themselves and admit what they have done . either way it will leave emotional damage and even psychological damage. We are humans with emotions we should be caring and kind to one another even if the other person is completely in the wrong we are all humans we are all fragile and learning and trying or struggling. No reason to be stupid and start and build a relationship just to hurt them badly at the end.

    1. I couldn't agree more. There is no reason to end a relationship by having an affair. If the person isn't happy it should be settled between the two adults in the relationship not with the cheater and the side girl .

  6. I personally think that it is never okay to have an affair. If you feel the need to be with another person then leave your partner. Cheating is never okay, someone puts their trust in you and cheating i like taking that trust and burning it like it never happened, you leave your partner heartbroken. Breaking someone's heart is not okay. None of this stuff is okay it is cruel. It sucks being away from your partner but you stay loyal to them because it is the right thing to do. If you are having problems in a relationship you have to talk to the other person instead of ignoring them and hurting them. I think people's relationships would be affected by the affair even if there was no immediate consequences because eventually your significant other is going to find out. If I found out someone was cheating on me i would end the relationship. Other relationships were the cheater is forgiven there is often major tension between the two and the affair does not end and the relationship is a reck. I think cheating is the worse thing a person can do in a relationship and deserves to be left. Cheating is terrible and should never be done by anyone, it is not fair to their partners. Also any cheater is going to get in trouble no matter what.


  8. It isn't acceptable or okay to have an affair ,because to whomever is in a relationship with someone and that person they are in a relationship with respects and trust them,how can they have the audacity to cheat on them with another person when they are really loyal to them.As well to why in the world are they in a relationship with someone, when clearly they don't know how to handle there emotions, for it will be less devastating to there partner's life.And to however they are in affair with and that person is completely aware that the person is in relationship with someone , that's very awful of them to go along with the affair because there is a possibility that the other person has done nothing wrong to whomever it is to deserve such a disgusting treatment.Moving along having an affair doesn't have it's immediate consequences,but it can have a bad impaction to the person who is having an affair, meaning it can impact the person who is the cheater in the relationship because he/she will end up confused with his/her emotions.As well not being able to have an acceptable relationship in the future because he/she doesn't know or is aware to what a relationship is with someone.And that person could end up with karma for the past could haunt them and attack them to what they did .And to wonder why people have affairs knowing very well that it isn't alright and that there partner deosnt deserve such treatment and that isnt good form them as well.


  9. Kenny figueroa

    Period 11

    Is there ever a time where it is okay to have an affair? For some people the answer might be yes and for others, the answer might be no. To me the answer is that it’s never okay to have an affair ever no matter what is happening or occurring. I believe that it’s never okay to have an affair because if you are married, your in a relationship with the person that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with no matter what. Even if there’s a lot of problems within the relationship, it’s still doesn’t give you the right to forgot and betray the person that you married, exchanged your vows with, it just isn’t right to me.I believe that once you marry the person you love, you can’t betray them. Your a couple and not just that but you are also a team and you can’t betray and hurt your teammates. Even if you are having an affair and your partner doesn’t know anything about it, you need to remember that one day, they will find out and there will be many consequences. But not only will there be consequences, the person that you married will be heartbroken and will be very depressed. They will have a thought in their head, thinking of what they have done wrong and what did the do to deserve this.
