Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Period 1 Welcome Blog

Hi! Welcome to blogger :)  You will be responding to one topic a week that I post. Your comment (70 pts) should be  at least 200 words to start off with (they will eventually get longer but we'll start small) due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for a response (30 pts) in one paragraph (5-7 sentences) to one of your classmates entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.  I will only post topics that I think will be easy for you to respond to until we get used to this. What I need you to do today is to comment on this post so that I know you can all access it.  Today's question is... 

       What do you think about social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)? Does it sometimes infringe on our privacy without our knowledge? How does social media benefit us?  Has social media changed the way we communicate? If yes, is it for the better or worse?


  1. I think that social media like instagram , twitter, snapchat and etc. has changed the way we communicate. The reason that these apps and websites have changed the way we communicate so much is because its easier than meeting up with someone and you can talk to people from out of state and all over the world. Social media sometimes can infringe with our privacy without us knowing, for example say a account on private post a picture of you that you wanted no one to see. Well since they are on private and you don't follow them you cant see the picture ,so therfore you probably don't know they posted it. Social media benefits us because its allows us to keep in touch with people by posting a comment on there picture or sending them a dm with your number so you can catch up with each other and maybe talk about meeting. Personally i would like to say they way we communicate now into social media is better but at times it can be worse like when it takes away from real life things like talking to people not over twitter or text, If you spend so much time on your phone talking to people then you'll miss out on getting better at a sport you like.

  2. What I think about social media is I think it’s a great way to get to know some people. And you meet new people and create new friendships. Although people take advantage and post things they should not post. For example, violence (harming themselves or beating someone up), a picture of someone making fun of the other person, or just normal pictures and in their caption they will put something about someone and tag them. Social media takes a lot of our privacy because we tag where we are at in some pictures or tweets. We put exactly where we are at and you never know what can happen. In my opinion the only way social media benefits us is by getting into contact with someone. You do not NEED to tweet or post a picture everyday or all the time. We just do that for attention (likes and comments). Social media has changed the way we communicate with a lot of people because anyone can say anything over text message. When some people date that they have never seen in person they try not to act shy over text but once it comes down to meeting that one person their whole personality changes. Well maybe it does not change it’s just they need to get comfortable. Another way it has changed the way we communicate is because when someone wants to fight someone else they act all big over social media posting pictures and telling everyone they wanna fight the other person but when it comes down to meeting them in person they wanna apologize and act like they did not do anything. And lastly people always act like something they’re not just to fit in with the crowd. In my opinion I think this is for the worse because it’s only going to get worse.

  3. Social media has changed over the past couple of years. (Facebook, Twitter, Etc). Social media does not infringe on my ( our ) privacy life because we know how to use it , and we know what to put on it and what not to put on it. Some people ( Crazy People ) go beyond themselves and post things that they should’ve have posted and get in big trouble for it. Social media benefits us by letting us communicate with one another from all around the world and letting us see what people think or how they feel about themselves or one another on the internet. In my words i don’t think social media has changed the way that we communicate. They made it better for us meaning ( facetime, facebook video call , oovoo, etc ). Social media is really not a horrible thing for some people but for other people it is. The ones that get bullied all the time thinks social media is STUPID or DUMB because the things that people are posting about them other people can see it so their feeling offended that everyone else can see it and then is going to say the mean things that person was saying to the other person. ( basically what im trying to say social is not meant for everybody because you can get bullied on it. Some people don’t want their feelings hurt on social or in person. If you don’t have nothing nice to say on SOCIAL MEDIA i think you shouldn’t say it at all.

  4. Social media is the best thing ever. It can keep you up to date on things and show you what is happening. It is even entertaining to scroll down your feed and see a funny video. And, let’s say you are at a wedding or a party of any kind, you can take a picture and post it on social media. It is like a way of sharing what’s happening in your daily life and see what other people have been doing.For example, when i go on instagram i can see what my cousin in Oregon has been doing. So for people that say social media is a waste of time they’re wrong, because i can communicate with friends and share what’s happening. I just found out that my cousins step brother had died because of social media.
    My parents always say that social media is a waste of time and useless. Well if there wasn’t social media how could i share things, and how would i have found out about my cousin. Even If i were to miss something on tv i could on any type of social media and see what i missed. Like one time someone got an injury playing basketball, so i was able to go on instagram and find out exactly what happened and when he might be able to play again. There’s all sorts of uses for social media, people think that it’s just for posting pictures or saying dumb things but it’s not. It’s useful in many ways.

  5. Technology has created numerous advances in our society, and it has led us to bigger and better things, like social media. Many believe that social media takes the people of today out of reality, and makes the common person less intelligent when compared to those without it. Others believe it is expanding our boundaries and can be a fun way to express yourself, no matter where you are. Personally, I think that social media is a good thing, because it has brought us new ideas and inspired different types of technology. Each app and electronic is better than the last. Also, not only does it let us know what our family (and/or) friends are doing, but it allows us to communicate with them within seconds. Even though social media changed the way we communicate, it has helped some of us do things we could never do. Some people found lost family members, and others even found themselves partners and friends. Social media changed communication in a good way.We can tell what people are doing with their lives by just a picture or a message, and that is amazing to me. We have come a long way when it comes to technology, and social media is just one example.

  6. I think social media is a more advanced way to communicate, in my opinion i like social media. But i do believe, yes it can sometimes can invade our privacy without us knowing. Posting pictures or tweeting things about what you’re doing can be invading your privacy. There’s a lot of people on social media, millions of people. When you’re tweeting something like going to take a shower, or sharing a picture of where you’re going to eat can be giving people that information that you sometimes don’t want them to know. I would say the way social media benefits us by being able to make new friends or still keep in touch with old friends. It also gives apps and companies ways to advertise. I heard that facebook makes money when someone advertise their company. What i mean is that helps people with their jobs so they can hopefully get paid more. Yes social media has changed they way we communicate, and from my point of view i think it’s worse. I believe it’s worse because kids this days are getting bullied online, now that type of communication is hurting people. Kids this days arent staying away from phones and laptops and tablets because of social media. And therefore they aren’t communicating in person anymore. Its changing everyone in good ways and bad ways but social isn’t a horrible thing.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I think social media is a more advanced way to communicate, in my opinion i like social media. But i do believe, yes it can sometimes can invade our privacy without us knowing. Posting pictures or tweeting things about what you’re doing can be invading your privacy. There’s a lot of people on social media, millions of people. When you’re tweeting something like going to take a shower, or sharing a picture of where you’re going to eat can be giving people that information that you sometimes don’t want them to know. I would say the way social media benefits us by being able to make new friends or still keep in touch with old friends. It also gives apps and companies ways to advertise. I heard that facebook makes money when someone advertise their company. What i mean is that helps people with their jobs so they can hopefully get paid more. Yes social media has changed they way we communicate, and from my point of view i think it’s worse. I believe it’s worse because kids this days are getting bullied online, now that type of communication is hurting people. Kids this days arent staying away from phones and laptops and tablets because of social media. And therefore they aren’t communicating in person anymore. Its changing everyone in good ways and bad ways but social isn’t a horrible thing.

    1. Alexis I like the way you gave examples on social media. And I agree on how you said that the only way people are communicate is in a bad way by bullying people online. Also I think that social media does help make new friends. I found it interesting how you said that Facebook makes money when someone advertise their company. And it helps people with their jobs so they can get paid more.


  8. What I think about social media is that it is a good way to communicate with your friends. Also, it’s a great way to see what your friends been up to by looking at what they post if you haven’t seen your friends in awhile. It does sometimes infringe on our privacy without us knowing because people can hack into your profile without you knowing. Also, the hacker can comment things that are inappropriate on others peoples profile thinking it’s you and it actually isn’t. And you can follow someone thinking you know them but you actually don’t because they are using a fake identity.Social media benefits us by it keeps us informed by what’s going on throughout the day. I think social media has changed the way we communicate,and it is worse that social media has changed the we communicate. I feel this way because people will only text one another instead of talking to someone face to face. Now that people have social media they don’t know how to actually talk to someone without using social media. I feel like social media is a good thing and a bad thing for people that don't know how to communicate.
