Monday, September 26, 2016

Period 9/10 Blog #3

Your comment post should be at least 230 words this week due Thursday by11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points). This week you will be replying to the following questions.

  Henry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity t begin again, this time more intelligently."
  -That do you think this quote means?

   -How does it relate to an experience in your own life?


  1. Henry Ford once said " Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again , this time more intelligently." In my opinion , This quote means many things. The central idea or central message that he's trying to say is just because you failed doesn't mean that you've failed overall it means start again. When you start again you have a better chance of making it .For instance , say you failed tryouts for basketball this year.. next year you'll have a better chance or "opportunity" of making it next year. You should be even more determined to make it the next year.There are many many many examples that this quote can occur to. I can relate to this quote by when i was failing the second marking period badly and i couldn't do anything to bring my grades up so i failed for that marking period. However I was ashamed of what i got so i Started doing everything that i was supposed to be doing. On top of that i was doing extra credit and studying that whole marking period long. In conclusion , This quote can be inspiring to may people for many different things.

    1. good work and the fact that you may had mistakes doing that blog and doing it again but more (intelligently)
      which shows that the quote is still with you no matter what you do.

    2. Good Job! I agree with you because whenever there is an opportunity we must seize to fix the errors.

  2. The quote “failure is an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” means that when you have a mistake, that's when you should not just throw it away like it was a waste of your time, but it’s when you should take that opportunity to look at your mistake, and then realize what you did wrong and try again but from a different perspective from before. You should be able to look at your mistake and know what you did wrong. If you don’t then just keep looking and eventually you will find it. It's like a like science experiment. When a scientist works on something and it goes wrong, they look over their work to find out what they did wrong. Then the scientist would try the experiment over again and try it differently. When I was learning how to put my playstation together for the first time, it was confusing and i kept getting it wrong because of all the wires i had to put together. I wanted to just put it back in its box and send it back to the store it came from, but when i took like thirty seconds to look at it, it was obvious why it wasn't working, there was more wires. So I restarted and was able to get the playstation together. So it means to just look at your mistakes and try to fix them

    1. great job thad you did a good job with this. I like your response it was very descrpdive. I agree with you I put the same in my blog. I liked how u restated in the begging. lastly I liked your last sentence it was good.


  3. what I think this quote mean is when you fail you can fix your mistakes. If something does not work try it again. Henry ford probably had a lot of mistakes with his cars. For example the cars did not start or if they did not stop. Henry fixed those problems and became famous. Also what i think the quote means is it you never fail you never know what's wrong with something. Everybody makes mistakes in their life some are good some are bad. What he trying to say is if u make a mistake you can make it better. What that also means to me is that if you make a mistake just be more smart decisions to fix the problem. I think of that quote is to make something better out of the problem. For example thomas edison was the first person to make light i'm pretty sure he has to start over. He fixed the problem that he was having and then he created light. He pushed through while making mistakes. He make the problems that he had go away by making things smarter. Lastly i think that quote means that you will never not make mistakes there will always be a time when u make mistakes. Just make those mistakes better the next time. To conclude this blog i will say if you can not mistakes then try to do that but other wise make your mistakes better the next time.

    1. You're opinion is amazing. I believe that you put it in the proper words that fit you. I was having trouble understanding the quote. Although your way of umderstand helped making the blog way easier. The way it expierienced you're own life really fit in well with the example. Awesome job!

  4. -I think that quote means that the one time fail at something you don’t fall back you get back up and try harder than before to success at your goal.

    -I think that quote means that there is hope in something even if you don’t think so as you have the determination to do your goal again.

    It relates often not only me but to everybody else’s experience.I had so many things i mistake in but try again and if this blog isn’t well to success i try again harder to win my goal for example
    Thomasen anderson the one who created light bulbs had the same experience in his creation
    When he tried to make the light bulb it took him like 100 times to created this wonderful experient
    Until he succeeded. That shows that when Thomas anderson failed all these times he didn’t fall
    After those times trying. He didn’t give up instead he still had hope and all this hope led him to create the light bulb and if Thomas anderson gave up the light bulb wouldn’t be invented and we
    Would still use torches and candles that could burn our houses.shows an example that hope and not holding back would lead to winning your goal.In my relation i had a bunch of experiences
    When i was the age of 8 i was trying to learn to play soccer but i permanently kick the ball at the in the wrong position and failed at kicking in the goal and i tried again and again until once that ball would get to the goal which made me know what mistakes i have to win at soccer i did fall down but i backed up and (tried again and this time more intelligently) and hoping to get the goal.


  6. Henry Ford once said "failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." My opinion is that the failure gives you the opportunity to start again. For example a person dreams of going to one of the best universities the world is from high school is preparing and arrives the day of taking the exam and fails. At that time one feels bad because he is disappointed oneself but next year have the opportunity to take the exam again and can better prepare. And in my case I had trouble with English but I always have in mind that if others can because I and my family can not. If the time comes that I fail in every way not give hope, to learn from my mistakes and try again.
