Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Period 2 Welcome Blog

Hi! Welcome to blogger :)  You will be responding to one topic a week that I post. Your comment (70 pts) should be  at least 200 words to start off with (they will eventually get longer but we'll start small) due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for a response (30 pts) in one paragraph (5-7 sentences) to one of your classmates entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.  I will only post topics that I think will be easy for you to respond to until we get used to this. What I need you to do today is to comment on this post so that I know you can all access it.  Today's question is... 

       What do you think about social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)? Does it sometimes infringe on our privacy without our knowledge? How does social media benefit us?  Has social media changed the way we communicate? If yes, is it for the better or worse?


  1. Social media is a huge problem, but if used correctly you can talk to a lot of friends. However it is often used to bully and harass people. Social media however does benefit us greatly we can communicate to people easier and share stories and keep memories of good times we had with people. It has greatly changed the way we communicate. We used to use phone calls and now we use social media and text messages to talk to people. It also does infringe on our privacy a bit because the site sometimes asks the question “do we have your permission to do this or that” and sometimes people don’t pay attention and hit yes and then their pictures that were meant to be for them only is leaked and everyone has a chance to see and judge them. I think it ruined the way we communicated with people in some ways. If we have family members or friends that lived far away i beleive its ok but if its a friend that lives next door its preventing people from moving around a lot which could be good and bad in some ways. I think social media could be used a bit differently then it is today.

    1. Jared i honestly agree and disagree but mostly disagree the fact that bullying is being take care of. Majority of the schools are looking at social media. Then after that people stand up for each other now a days because they have that freedom were they can speak. They don't have to hide in the shadows anymore. Social media is changing everything now a days so when you see people getting bullied it is very few

    2. Jared I fully agree with you because it is very easy to be bullied and have no idea who is doing it. If I wanted to bully someone all I need to do is change my twitter name and no one knows who I am. It is so easy to post something on twitter that can hurt someone. Just because it is a big name it does not mean it is safe.

  2. Social media does interfere with our privacy because people leak stuff and people do not like what we tweet sometimes or like a thing we said on facebook. People don’t realize people need to have their privacy. Social media benefits us because you can advertise things, post pictures, tweet our feelings, and talk about our current situation and we meet new people through social media too. Social media has changed the game just with everything you can call on facebook it’s like all theses new gadgets is changing everything. Social media definitely has changed how we communicate because we use our phones more than ever, people text or talk through social media, so we don’t talk anymore we just use our social media. The new gadgets is mostly why we don’t talk much to each other in person. The whole video calling, instagram stories, periscope they all have the communication through there. This has its goods and bads but more goods because of how much our technology is advancing theses days. Technology has advanced so much that soon we might not have to even see each other in person. Social media has definitely have an impact on the whole worldwide.

    1. I Think it has some goods but more bad's in my opinion because no human contact or connection can be dangerous and may lead to huge problems. I think technology is more dangerous to us then it is good. Yes its easier for people to communicate through the internet and social media but its not the same as communicating in person. I think its good in some ways though it is way easier to communicate but i think it would be better if we used it less. In my personal opinion i think it would be better if we could just use phone calls and not social media as much.

  3. Social media is both a good and a bad thing in the world. It all depends on how people use social media to determine whether it is better or worst. Social is good in ways such as it helps you meet new people. It can help you catch up with old friends and family that you have lost touch with. It is good for sharing your life, such as instagram or snapchat. You talk to others by photo you can share photos of you or places you are at and you have changing different effects on the apps. On twitter and Facebook you can talk to the world or share tweets that people have posted. Social media can also be bad in a lot of ways and most of the times it is. It can be used to expose people in ways they shouldn't. You can talk about people and make fun of people and start arguments and fights and arguments and other things like that. I think it probably does invade of privacy because whatever you put on the internet stays there and it probably sees all your personal things. Honestly in my opinion i think social media has helped us communicate because it lets you communicate right where you are. Instead of having to go meet up you can just shoot them a dm or a snapchat to talk to them.

    1. I think this is very good Eli just a little things you could touch up on. You said fight and arguments twice in the same sentence. Another thing you said is like that which i don't understand cause is there more to the sentence? A closing sentence would of been good but by all means this is a solid blog. Good job my man!

    2. I agree with your response Eli. I think you can improve things by double checking your spelling and capitalization and just reading your work before you post it to make sure it makes sense. Also try using different words. But overall good job.

    3. Eli I totally agree with you brotha. I think it could also be bad and good because sometimes people use social media to cyber bully. If there wasn't any social media it would be harder to get cyber bullied. Also it's good because you explained the reasons why it could hurts someone and how it could benefit someone. You did a great job bud keep up the good work.

  4. I think social media is a good way to interact with other people and share pictures and videos of what you are doing. Social media is also a way to get more friends and meet new people. I think social media is a good way to learn more about what's going on and to socialize with others. It does sometimes infringe on our privacy without our knowledge by people can view your profile without you knowing. Social media benefits us by it can let us know what's going on in the world or how the rest of your family is doing. Social media has changed the way we communicate. It has changed by people are commenting all the time on what you post. Also you can reach out to more people through social media. Although social media can be a bad thing. People tend to bully others through it because of what they post or what they look like and how they act. I think it is about even between if it is for the better or the worse. There are many good things that can come from social media and there are also many bad things that can come from social media.

    1. I think Tyler explained how social media is good or bad pretty well. He also explained it almost like I did. It definitely changed the way we communicate today then a few years ago. I also use social media as much as everyone else does.

    2. I think he explained how social media could be good and bad for us well. I think social media is also a good idea to get more friends and meet new people. It also has changed the way we communicate today. Social media is also bad too because of the people who cyberbully. Overall tyler answered nicely and had good points.

  5. In people’s lives social media is a very big impact on everyone. I think social media is a good thing and a bad thing for many reasons. I think it’s good because everyone gets to see what you did or where you go and gets to enjoy your thoughts and pictures. But on the flip side i think it’s bad because someone people spend way too much time on it and don’t enjoy life because they are so whipped by caring about what everyone else is doing and how many lifes and followers they get. I think social media has definitely infringe on our privacy because sometimes we don’t think and post something we didn’t want people to know and now everyone knows and sees what you doing. Social media benefits us though in ways that we might not even know of, It helps us stay in contact with our old friends and see how their lives have changed. They only down thing on social media is that no one knows how to communicate. No one knows how to look each other in the eyes when they talk or how to just talk and be their self without having to look at their phone. I think social media has done a big impact on this world and it might only get better.

    1. I think that is a very true and good response. Our generation does not get out and really be around anymore. All everyone talks about is did you see this or that on twitter. Or stuff like did you see that twitter fight. Social Medias impact on our lives have its up but also the downs.So again good response bro

  6. I think social media is better by the way we communicate because it would take only a few seconds to message your family that could live in another state. Facebook is good for people that can't travel because you can message your friends or family that's probably far from you. Facebook also helps you stay updated with everything because even the news is posted on facebook. The bad thing about facebook is that it has information on there that strangers can look at. Random people can search your name and get information from your account because it's all posted under your name. Facebook would also automatically post your birthday on your account without you doing anything. I think facebook sometimes infringes with our privacy because it does things without your permission. Twitter is like a huge blog site and that's also a good way to stay in contact with family and friends because you can write whatever and either post it on your page or send it to them directly and no one else can see what you said. Instagram is a picture blog. Instagram can help you stay in contact and update to because you can post pictures to your page for friends and family to see. I also think it invades your privacy because anyone can see it unless you manually put your page to private.

    1. I agree with you because people can invade your privacy whenever. Also it helps communicate with other people. Then it would also show when your birthday is. It does help contact family from far away. Also it helps know whats going on

  7. I sometimes feel like social media is not as secure as most people think it is. In the tech age it is very easy to get hacked. It is also easy to not keep your privacy private. For example it is very easy for someone to follow on social media and stalk you. On social media I can just follow you and see what you are posting. Everyone thinks since they use the internet they are safe. But in reality you can be hacked or stalked very easily. Even if you make your account private someone may retweet it and everyone they are following will see it too. Nothing is unhackable, it might be hard to get in to but most of the time it is always hackable. Their are also sites that give out peoples info because the site you were using was hacked. Just because it is a big name that everyone knows and says it is safe it is really not that safe. This does not mean that you can get hacked in a second, it takes time to get hacked but you may not know what is happening until it is too late. Even I use twitter and I feel safe using it but it is not as safe as everyone says it is.

    By Patrick Nardone

  8. What I think about social media is that people use it way too much for things they do not need to use it for. A lot of people use it to know what is going on in the world and to keep themselves up to date with everything going on around them. Facebook is more used by older people it has been out for so long that they are used to it and they probably do not want to switch to Twitter or Instagram is they have not already. It definitely infringes on our privacy without us knowing in many different ways. Kids and Adults know how to hack other people’s computers or laptops and if they have webcams on the computers or laptops, then they can see through the webcam without the person knowing at all. Social media benefits us by everyone in the world using it to get information off of the internet that they do not know. They could look up anything that they do not know and then eventually they will know whatever they looked up means. Social media has definitely changed the way we communicate to other people by using Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to get a hold on another person instead of calling or texting them. It is better in a way because if someone can not get in touch with a person one way, then they have a few more different ways to try to communicate with the person they are talking to.

    1. I agree with you, people use social media to be updated with what’s going on in the world. It does infringe with our privacy like you said without us knowing when or how. It does benefit everyone in the world to know things that are going on rather than like before when you wouldn’t know for a little while. News from the other side of the world could take weeks to travel to another country but now it could travel in a couple seconds. It has changed and shaped the ways this modern society is now. It also benefits us because it gives us other options to get in touch with someone.

  9. I think Social Media is one of the most popular uses of communication in our generation. I think social media is good for some things and bad for others. I will list the pros first. Social media is good because it gives us a free simple way for us to communicate with our friends and meet new people online. You can also advertise your business online on social media on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, FaceBook, Snapchat, and MySpace. Another pro is social media is good for music artists because you can upload your songs on places like SoundCloud and advertise your music and it’s a good way to get fans and followers.
    I will now list the cons of social media. The bad thing is that people now know almost everything about you with a click of a button, and privacy is important to some people. Even if your profile page is on private there are people who can still manage to view it. So in my opinion social media is for the worst. I think technology should have stopped expanding after the flip phone. Things were better that way in my opinion. I wish I could go back in time and see what it was like before technology and social media was as big as it is today.

  10. The definition of social media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. A few examples of social media are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Tumblr. All these applications help whoever has it, but could it also be hurting them? I think social media as a whole both hurts and improve a person’s communication skills. On one hand, you can talk to anybody you want to anywhere around the world without leaving your home. But on the contrary, that could make everybody who has social media very lazy and unmotivated. A lot of people have even said that social media invades their privacy without them knowing. In my opinion, you shouldn’t put something on social media if you don’t want people seeing it. While the main idea of social media is to connect people and bring people from different places together, some people think it has actually done the opposite. Some people think that by being able to talk to people around the world without leaving your house, you can do anything without leaving your house. For example, now you can get things straight through the mail without stepping outside.

  11. It does infringe on our privacy sometimes without us knowing. You can never tell when someone is looking at your profile. Social media benefits us because we can see what other people like friends and family do. We could also see what else is happening in other countries around the world. It’s basically the modern news. You can know what big things are happening in other countries like protests and parades. Social media has changed the way we communicate because before we had all this technology people would have to send leters or go to see the person they want to send the message too. Now we could send messages on the numerous platforms of social media. People also seem more agrresive over social media knowing they might never see those people in there life. Social media has probably changed the way we communicate probably for the worse. It gets worse and worse but it also helps in some ways. People aren’t always mean on social media. Some subject help and some don’t help. Certaint subjects will have a certaint tone or depending on what it is and what groups of people it involves. With all this modern technology you can do alot of stuff that invades your privacy.

  12. What i think about about social media is that it is important. Social media is important to me because it is a faster way to communicate. Also for example instagram when you post a picture you post it so other people can see it or like twitter when you tweet something you tweet it so other people can see what you tweet. Posting something bad can only effect yourself. I think its good because you can let people know how youre doing. Most people use twitter to show how youre doing or feeling and people can message eachother on there too. Sosical media could also be bad at some times too. For example if someone post something and someone makes fun of like there picture then that can start a problem. But social media is a great way to show your feelings and mood. Also social media is a great way to express your feeling and mood to your friends there wouldn't be anyway to get to your friends without social media. That's why I think social media is a good thing to have.

  13. think social media is a way on where people share their moments to the people who is friends with or following it.
    I believe it does not infringe on our privacy without letting us know about it because when you log in it ask about if you let that happen or not and is your choice if you let it, but if it does infringe how will i know to answer this question.
    Social media has benefits for us like for example entertainment like seeing funny things but is more like a form of wasting your time when you are bored and have nothing to do, but some benefits that social media has is communication with new people and family and have plans with your friends like for example if they are far you have to message them and like that is the benefit for us.
    Yes social media has changed the way of communication in a better way because you can communicate with a person that is on the other side of the world but of course you do not need unless you know somebody there.
