Monday, September 12, 2016

Period 11 Blog #1

 You will be responding to one topic a week that I post. Your comment (70 pts) should be at least 210 words to start off with (they will eventually get longer but we'll start small) due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for a response (30 pts) in one paragraph (5-7 sentences) to one of your classmates entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.

Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter"

* What do you think this quote means? Relate this quote to an event in your life or to something you have seen someone else experience and explain the relation using examples.


  1. I think Dr. Seuss said this quote because your friends don’t care how you act around them and what you say about them if you do something stupid. I relate to this quote because when i’m with my friends i talk about the stupidest stuff ever. But when i'm not around my friends and i'm with there’s i don't talk because i feel like they will judge me and make fun of me. I feel like when i'm in class and you get called on and you say the wrong answer someone will make fun of you and never leave you alone about how you got that answer wrong. Last year in French i was doing a presentation on my project and i messed up on a sentence and this one kid still won’t leave me alone about it. He will text me and say “remember that time you messed up on that sentence last year in french!!!!” So since then i don't want to present anything cause i feel like it's going to happen again.I feel like i relate a lot to this quote of Dr. Seuss because I have so much anxiety when it comes to being myself around people but yet again if i’m not myself then i'm being fake and that's not right i should be myself around my friends and don't think what they think about me.

    1. I agree. Stuttering and small human actions shouldn't be at all insignificant and if someone cares that your not the best public speaker or dancer or athlete does not mean you should be ridiculed. The quote shows those who don't mean the "weirdness" or "oddities" are the ones you feel the happiness with.

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  3. To me, “ Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter”(Dr. Suess), means that don’t let anyone tell you different from what you believe you can do. There’s nothing in this world that can prevent you from doing what you want in life. When you want to voice your opinion, do it, don’t let someone tell you can’t. I have learned about many things that have happened and this is the type of situation involved. When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his speech “I have a dream”, people told him he couldn’t do it because he was black. Yet he still did it because he didn’t care about anyones opinion. All that mattered was what he thought and how he presented it. So no matter how much people told him that he didn’t matter. That because he’s black he couldn’t do anything important, because no one would show up or support him, he still made his speech, and a lot of people showed because he had something important to say and he stuck with it. So no matter what, don’t let anyone tell you different from what you believe you can do. Because if you let that happen, you won’t get anything accomplished in life.

    1. i agree with what you are saying 100%. i love how you related it to MLK, it really did work with the quote. today people are so scared to put their voice out there and i wish it wasn't like that. things need to change and people need to say how they feel or nothing will change. they will just keep getting upset and mad about the same things but thats their fault because they won't say anything.

    2. I agree with this blog completely. Martin Luther King Jr. did not care who listened. He wanted to voice his opinion and his opinion was voiced in a very strong way. He is a perfect example for a quote like this. I agree with this 100%

  4. Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" I think that this quote means to be you and not to let anyone change that. You were made the way you are for a reason so why let somebody irrelevant change you. Most people take those who don’t matters comments to heart rather than people they actual know or someone who does matter. Also to say as you please. For example if you are presenting something for your class don't be embarrassed to say something just because of your surroundings. Always do what's best for you. Nobody else is accountable for you besides yourself. I personally would rather say what I have to say in class whether it’s embarrassing or not than get less of a grade. If you say something embarrassing or stupid those who are close and matter to you wouldn't mind if they were a true friend to you. Those who don't matter should have no effect on what you do or say because if you don't know them you shouldn't care what they say or do. Nothing could possibly go wrong by doing you and the right thing. If you try to be somebody else other than yourself to impress somebody chances are you will look more stupid than if you did it by yourself.

  5. Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" I think this quote means don’t put on an act for anyone, say how you feel and do what you think is right. This is because it’s all you, not what anyone else thinks. Someone can be thinking the same thing as you or they might not be and that completely okay. Never be afraid to put your voice out there. The more you do it the more people will look up to you. And really it doesn’t matter what people say or think about things, it is only how you feel and you will get more in life if you stop worrying about what someone might say about the way you are feeling. In 10 years these people won’t even matter to you anymore. So all i say is live it up! I can relate to this quote because one time i was with a whole group of people and wanted to do things that weren’t okay. And right there i told them they were wrong and i wasn’t doing it. I didn’t care what they said, i knew i was smarter than them and i am so happy i don’t do the stupid things.

    1. I totally agree. I think people should do as hey please without worrying what other people think. I believe everybody should be their own person and do as they please. Your right because after high school nobody else opinions are going to matter. You will be doing you forever so don't ever waste your time getting upset over what other people say or think.

  6. Dr. Suess once said "be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don't mind and theose who mind don't matter". This quote has a very strong meaning. To me this quote means not to let others determine who you are. You should be yourself and not care what other people think. People who judge you for being yourself shouldn't matter to you, you should just forget about them and do what you want because the only thing that should matter in your life is what makes you happy not what makes other people happy. If people don't like what you do they probably don't like you. So be you. Also you should tell the people judging you how it makes you feel when they do that and if they don't care just walk away and go your own way. Because all that you should care about is you, so be yourself no matter what anyone says. Aslo don't be a murderer thats not ok, ok.


  7. Dr.Seuss once said ,"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter". In today’s society we learn to restrict ourself for comfort of strangers and fear of judgment. We limit the truest part of ourselves strictly for our own eyes to see. Then continue leading on a false facade to others which is completely and utterly unhealthy. When Dr. Suess said that line he was encouraging freedom of self and to not worry about others judgement. Those who judge you shouldnt matter,it's the ones who don't mind that will be important and should surround yourself with.In conclusion never be afraid to express yourself and say something due to others around you. Those who mind aren't worth the time.

  8. Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" This quote describe do what you want to do don’t mind what other people say or think about it.This describes everything you should do in life and go by because it’s hard getting through times because of what someone says but it’s not. We became so into listening what others have to say when we should care about ourselves sounds selfish but it's the truth. People would always be there to judge but we can ignore it and move on because we count. We have the right to have feelings and to express the things we have in our heads this quotes is amazing by telling us this
    because in this generation things became of what other people think when no it should be about ourselves that will always be first because at the end of the day it's you and not them. You also have amazing people who would be there for you to listen to everything but come people who act like they are there but aren't.In life we have to accept the fact that we have to realize who we can tell everything to and who we can't. But it's on yourself this quote it all depends on a person the way you think, don't be doing things because someone else says it or does it. But because you want to do it for yourself and that's how it should always be.


    1. I totally agree on this with you!!!! We always care what people think even sometimes what are friends think or if someone is going to judge us. Like if we post something on Instagram or Facebook or snap chat, we think “I hope no one judges me for posting this” we shouldn’t care but we can't help but think that someone will care and make fun of us for it. But then you have your friends who don’t care what you say or what you post and don't make fun of you.

    2. Well said Sarahi. I agree with you 100%. we should not care about what other people think about us. I think that other people change the way we act and that should not happen because we should be proud of who we are.

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  10. Humans, they can be very critical to one another, they could criticize you with lovely words and harsh words too.Either way you shouldn't worry too much to what others think of you, even if it's good or bad, because no one should be wasting time dwelling on what others think of them,for there are way more important things to think about like creating happy memories with those who have accept you for who you are, who have been there for you and forgave you when you were not being yourself, and those who listen and understand you, without criticizing you at all because this are the people who don't mind to where you have been,who you are and what you did ,because they care about you and for that reason we should care for them too.Therefore this short passage sort of goes with what Dr.Seuss was trying to state in one of his brilliant quotes, which is "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter". Moving along there are a lot of things in life that go along with this passage, for example I have been aware that a lot of people lately have been coming out that there lesbian,gay, bisexual or transgender to their family and friends ,and when it comes to this sort of situation ,family members or friends can think that it’s alright or completely not okay, but as I been aware some LGBT people still hang out with there old friends and their families are okay with there change, I guess that makes them realize that they are surrounded with people who care for them and whenever there are people who judge them for who they are they don't care because their opinions don't matter to them, because they know that they have friends and a family cares for them.

  11. Dr. Seuss once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.” to me this is a very important quote for one reason Dr. Seuss tells us to not be afraid of who we are. The people that love us will still love us and the people who don't like what we say or what we do do not matter. He is a world famous book writer and he has dealt with the love and hate from his books. He learned that he has haters and that he should not focus on them but the joy he brings to the millions of little kids everyday. I think that everyone should live by this quote because even if it doesn't seem like it someone loves you. You should not be afraid to be yourself in front of people whose opinion do not make a difference. Sometimes it is hard to tell who matters and who does not but once you figure that out you will Be happy with who you are and forget about the people who do not matter. Once you forget about those who do not matter you will make your life much better surrounded by people who love and care about you.

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  13. Dr. Suess once said “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don’t mind and who mind don’t matter.” What this quote means to me is that whatever you say if it is important to you say what you have to say. If people stare hating what you say just ignore what they think of you because no matter what great idea you have or some great accomplishment you could achieve someone will bound to hate what you did or accomplished. For example Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one man that made a difference even when all against him. Also Mahatma Gandhi fought for India's Independence. Even when he had the whole country of Britain against him the still fought for India’s Freedom. I can kind relate to this but not all that well. For example one time some friend and I were working on a project and we had only one day to get all of it done. Despite all of us managed to get all of it done with four hour that would have originally have taken about six hours. This is what this quote means to me even when all odds are against you stay focused on what you believe and don’t let all the hate get to you just push through it.


  14. Dr. Seuss once said ‘’be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.’’ To me, this quote means that you should be who you want to be and say what you want because nobody can tell you what you can or cannot say and do. For example, like what Frank said, Martin Luther king Jr. had a dream about how people should be treated equally no matter what their race is. People told him over and over that it was a pointless idea and it wasn’t gonna change things but he did it anyway. He did it because he wanted his voice to be heard. He didn’t care about what the people thought and said. He just did what he thought was right and was heard. In addition, this quote relates to me because back then, i used to hang out with these kids who had a bad influence on me. They always got in trouble and did things that they really weren’t supposed to do and whenever they called me to hangout i just said no and they got mad at me but i really didn’t care because I knew that they were ruining their lives not me.


  15. This quote can mean a variety of things. To me, it means to be yourself no matter what and that people that care about you like your friends and family will be okay with it no matter what is because they like you for you. The people that don’t like you or aren’t friends with you are the ones that will say something about you wearing a shirt of a band you like or a pair of shoes that is Star Wars themed. The ones that matter most in life won’t care and won’t judge you for who you wanna be. The people that don’t matter are the ones who will judge and tell you their negative opinion on who you are. No matter if people think you look crazy or think what you wanna represent is dumb you should always be yourself. If you wanna dye your hair pink and wear band t-shirts and ripped up black jeans and some canvas sneakers from K-Mart then do it. Don’t worry about what others think of you or what they say about you. At the end of the day you are the better person for ignoring what they say and not replying to what you may seem as a bad opinion.

    1. I agree with tony on this one. I feel like you should be who you want to be no matter what anybody thinks. you are born the way you are with your own personality and traits. People shouldn't judge thers for that, its just wrong. People should treat other the way they want to be treated.
