Monday, September 19, 2016

Period 2 Blog #2

Your comment post should be at least 220 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

This week’s blog is going to ask you to reflect personally and think about a specific event in your life that really caused you to grow up.  The topic is from this year’s common app so get familiar with the style of the prompt; you’re going to be answering these types of questions again in the near future…

This week’s prompt:

Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.


  1. Wayne Gretzky once said “You will miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. I think this quote means it's worth it to try it. Also I think he means it doesn't hurt to mess up on something new. For example, when I played soccer for the first time. I didn't know how to curve the ball or kick it high. I thought I was making a fool out of myself, but then I got used to it and practiced and figured out how to do a lot of things. He is pretty much saying don't knock it until you try it. Also my friend never played soccer before and it was his first time as well. He was kicking it with the front of his foot and hurting himself. I had to teach him to kick it with the laces or the side of his foot depending on distance. He was getting embarrassed and was going to quit, but I told him it is your first time playing this sport so take it easy and don’t worry about it. Also this quote means it’s not a bad thing if you don't make a shot either. For example, if you shoot a basketball and miss it’s fine at least you shot it other than holding it and letting the clock run out when you're down.

    1. By Patrick Nardone

      I agree with you Tyler because I also think anything is worth a try. Also I think it is ok to mess something up once or twice. It is all part of being human and nothing can change that. Just like my examples I tried swim and loved it. Also this means that you really should not say that it is bad before trying it.

  2. Everyone has an event in their life that basically takes them from their childhood to their adulthood. An event in my life that marked my transition from childhood to adulthood was when my mom had to get surgery. My mom had gotten surgery and she came home not very well as usual after getting surgery. My dad had to go to work later that day and that meant that i had to get her anything she needed and i also had to take care of my sister. I had to make food for them for a couple days and help them do what they needed to do. From there on in my life my parents made me do a lot more stuff that needed to get done. The start of adulthood is when you start to do stuff that adults do on a daily basis. Normal stuff like doing laundry,cooking, cleaning, etc.. Getting a job is also a big start of adulthood because like most adults they have jobs and more responsibilities. The older you get the more responsibilities you have and your learning more about adulthood. Its all a process of learning the older you get. You learn how to do things that you are going to need for everyday life. All the things that you need to live and afford things like a car a house, its all things you need to know for the adulthood.

    1. Good job on this writing assignment Henry. I agree with what you said. Everyone does have an event in their life that takes away from them. Also the older you get the more responsible you have to be. Although I think you went off topic and just started to talk about adulthood and childhood too much but other then that its good.

  3. By Patrick Nardone

    I have a few events that i feel marked my transition from childhood to adulthood. One of them is when i got in to high school. I felt more mature and i felt like i had more freedom. In middle school you are still not mature and have less freedom. Another one is when i got my permit. I felt like i had more freedom. Also i felt like i was starting to become more mature. Just like an adult i was finally able to drive. I felt great driving for the first time in my life. I was nervous at first but then it got better and better. The last one i will be talking about just happened not too long ago. I got my drivers licence and i really felt like an adult. I was able to drive alone to school and back. I was able to drive to a friends house and back. I was able to drive almost anywhere. I was very nervous at first but in the end i passed. I felt like i had so much freedom when i got my lisence. I was so happy i passed my test. I love driving my car and i feel like an adult. I can not drive anywhere i want to drive to. I love it so much and i really do feel like i am really an adult.

    1. I agree with patrick, its events like those that patrick has had that make you feel more like an adult. Driving is something big that switches you over too adulthood because a lot of adults drive. The older you get the more responsibilities you have and the more you become an adult. Many events lead up to becoming an adult.

  4. A lot of important things can happen in someone's life. An event that I think marked my transition from childhood to adulthood was when I got a job a few months ago. I started working at Dunkin Donuts in April 2016. This was a big change for me because now I had responsibilities and I never had a job before. Before I got a job I didn’t have a care or a worry in the world and life was simple. I think that’s what being a kid is all about. But then when you become an adult you have to worry about bills and stuff. So when I got my job at Dunkin Donuts I think that’s when my transition from childhood to adulthood ended.
        Another important transition from childhood to adulthood is getting your driver's license. I haven’t even gotten my permit yet but I know for a fact that this is a big step in your life to freedom and adulthood. Because when you get your license you’re free to do and go where ever you want. But they say with great power comes great responsibility. This means you have to stay mature and act like an adult with certain situations like driving. I can’t wait to get my license and start driving, that’s like your official adult card.

    1. Good job marco. I think that response was very good. There are a lot of little steps you need to take before you become an adult. Being an adult there are a lot more responsibilities than being a kid. I think you hit the spot with this response. All of this is very true.

  5. Many things can change people into adult. Like getting a job, becoming more responsible or even more mature. What changed me into an adult was wrestling because you have to be tuff. You have to push your self you have to be a mental person. The sport is brutal but as hard as a chess game and need to know everything like if you can do it in your sleep. The sport is so good for making you a better person and more mature. Its just because of how you work hard pushing your self constantly and your with a group of guys you basically call family. That what has changed me to be the person I am today. Honestly without wrestling I wouldn't be the person I am today. My accomplish was that I had busted my butt all summer getting bigger and better. It made me realize anything is possible it realize that I was becoming a man. It made me feel good about myself. I feel like ive changed and now I am the one who needs to show leadership. Especially since I am a upperclassmen and they still put me as the underdog. That whats makes me want to keep learning and becoming a better adult. Its all I think about is showing my parents I am ready for whatever is ahead.

    1. I agree with Clav. Some things I would do to make this response better is to check my spelling. For example, change "tuff" to "tough". But overall it was a great response. Keep up the good work bro !
