Monday, September 19, 2016

Period 9/10 Blog #2

Your comment post should be at least 220 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

“You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take” - Wayne Gretzky

   * That do you think this quote means?

   *How does it relate to an experience in your own life?


  1. To me that means to just try and do not be afraid of the outcome. Just do whatever you want in life and do not give up. Do not give up. Even if you fail do not give up,get back on your feet and try again. Say I wanted to be a football player, and this would be my first time playing football and I don't want to be a bad football player. I am going to have to practice to be good and I can't just give up. If I gave up I wouldn't be good. Also you cannot expect what you want to do is going to be easy right away. It's definitely not going to be easy at all. It will start off as very difficult. You're going to want to give up and just call it quits. If you call it quits, what was all the work for if you were just going to quit? There was no point of doing it if you're just going to quit. So don't even start it if it's going to go to waste, there was no point. So it's not going to be easy. Last year I wrestled for the first time and I thought it was going to be easy just because I watched WWE. When we started to have wrestle offs to see who would make the A Team. When it was my turn I was feeling a little bit of confidence inside because I watched WWE. Then I ended up being slammed 3 times and got pinned. It was not easy at all. I didn't give up though. I kept wrestling and then I got better and better and even practiced during the summer to increase my skill level and it has increased. So just do not give up at all and keep trying. Just like basketball if you take 100 shots, you're garanteed to make 1 it's a low percentage that you'll miss all of them. So just do not give up.

    1. I really like how you think about this comment. In such a positive way. Hopefully the steps and advice you have given me will let me think about the quote the same way.

    2. You think very well Thad,you have determination not to give up on your have the spirit to not fall down to your challenge.Also you have confidence while facing it too.

    3. You think very well Thad,you have determination not to give up on your have the spirit to not fall down to your challenge.Also you have confidence while facing it too.

  2. “You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take” - Wayne Gretzky
    This quote has a lot of meaning … To everyone it maybe in a positive way or it can be impacting you, in a way making you change the option you are making now and change it in the perspective you’d like. This quote meaning to me is .. You can be at work (mining) on a nice Saturday morning. It’s so hot you can barely even think correctly or you’re just too lazy to work. But your boss says go finish and you can come inside the air conditioned room with the rest of the co-workers. And of course you attempt to finish but imagine being all the way down just digging and digging. Your thoughts that come to mind are either finish this today and tomorrow. Being person that you are you chose to finish tomorrow. The next morning you notice that the boss is congratulating one of the guys.. You go up to see what’s going on and he had found gold in his hole. You peek in to see which one it s and it’s the one that you didn’t finish yesterday. Moral of the story is you’re going to miss out big chance by either being lazy or just the attitude being. This quote experiences in my own life by telling us to change for the better and not to be stuck up and actually try. To not quit and be the best, work hard for what you need to get their.

  3. It means that you’re facing a possibility you may fail in due to you never experience it before instead think and search about it and also may be possibly pass it if you have the
    Determination to finish an impossible goal.

    It relates in my experience in a dramatic way i used to remember when i was young (not really) i couldn’t know to play soccer due to unequal age and the fact that in life there is possible difficulties to win even though people consider it impossible luck for me i won
    With the team but as a matter of fact that trying again wouldn’t be a good idea since that day i felt an experience which gives me a happy and stressed feel in that experience where later i couldn’t do it again i felt i was a lucky beggar not a real soccer player but of course
    It really did get that far with me to be honest in the end i learned that not only
    Quotes are amazing things to describe but in every experience there is a theme themes that
    Will affect your life after words the theme i learned in this experience is depending on luck
    Doesn’t get you anywhere except death or consequence so afterwards this is the
    Relation and experience of Wayne Gretzky quote with greatness.
