Monday, September 26, 2016

Period 2 Blog #3

Your comment post should be at least 230 words this week due Thursday by11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points). This week you will be replying to the following questions.

-Is there ever a time that it is "okay" to have an affair?

-DO you think even if there are no immediate consequences it will effect the person or their relationship in the future? Explain


  1. In my opinion i do not think its ok to ever have an affair. Its will definitely affect the person and the relationship in the future. You’re in the relationship in the first place for a reason. To be with the person, not to be with someone else. Affairs often end up ending relationships because you’re not supposed to be with anyone else. Even if there are no immediate consequences it definitely could affect how the person thinks in the future. It will also definitely affect the relationship in the future because the other person in the relationship is not expecting the other person to do that. When there are no immediate consequences the consequences later tend to be a lot worse than when it was going on because they didn't tell the other person. They hide it from them because they know it’s wrong of them to do that. Then when it comes out it doesn’t end well. My personal opinion is that it is never ok to have an affair when you're in a relationship already because you're meant to be with the person you're in the relationship with and not with someone else, it's not ok. And the consequences will most definitely not be good. That's just my opinion but i think most people will agree with me because it's not ok to have an affair with someone you're not in a relationship with while you're already in a relationship.

    1. I think you did a good job on this writing prompt. It is never ok to have an affair with somebody else. That is wrong in many ways and your wife or girlfriend will find out eventually and it will come back to haunt you. I think that you should just stick to the girl you love because you chose her for a reason. Everything was good just a few spelling errors and thats it.

  2. I don’t think there is ever a “okay” time to have an affair. Here is why it is never okay to have an affair. Number 1 affairs are wrong, they are really wrong. If you can have an affair you are a terrible person. Like why cheat on someone when instead you can leave them. I’d rather have someone leave me than get cheated on and i’m pretty sure that everyone can agree with me on that. No it’s never happened to me but i bet being cheated on is the worst feeling in the world. It must make you feel like crap, you commit yourself to a person through love and trust and it must feel like you’ve been lied too. There is no “okay” time to have an affair. Honestly if you can have an affair you have to be a terrible person. Come on man why hurt someone that puts their trust and love and everything into you for a potential one night stand or someone you are not gonna have something with. Like the way i see it is if you can cheat with me how is there trust in the air. Like you can’t be in a relationship with that kind of stuff. Me personally i could not cheat on a girl at all. It is wrong and if you are gonna do it or have an affair at all you do not to be in a relationship. So no there is no right time to have an affair it is only wrong to do.

    1. I agree with you eli. Its never right to have an affair with someone else. Especially when your already in a relationship. Your meant to be with the person in the relationship. Not with someone else.

    2. I agree with you Eli 100%. I think that cheating on someone and having an affair is very wrong. Some things that you can work on in your response is capitalization, punctuation, and your sentence structure. Also, try not to sound like you're running on in your sentences. But keep up the good work bro!

  3. By Patrick Nardone

    I do not think it is ok to have an affair. This effects many people in many relationships every year. It does not matter if you are male or female both sexes do it for certain reasons. If you want an affair then you do not deserve a wife or husband. If your lover has an affair do not trust them. Meaning if they say they will not do it again I would not fully trust them. If they have the guts to cheat on you once they will do it again. If i was cheated on i would get a devorce so fast. If you can prove that they cheated on you then you may not have to give alamony. This could effect the relstionship in many ways. It can make your lover not trust you anymore. It could make your life and your lovers life very depressing. All because of a lie or cheating these are some of the things that could happen. It is not right to cheat on anyone no matter who it is. If you cheat on someone then you will get what you deserve. Meaning for example you have an affair and you get a STD. Also you may have to get a devorse with your lover. Also along with the devorse you may have to pay he or she money. You could get a bad reputation if you cheat on someone too.

    1. Pat i agree with you. It is never okay to have an affair. It can leave the cheater and the person gettig cheated on in a very uncomfortable position. It is a lot
      better to just leave the relationship instead of faking it and trying to be sneaky. Also, if people find out you had an affair, that could leave you single for a minute.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. In my personal opinion I do not think it is ever ok to have an affair with someone if you are in a serious relationship with someone. I think this because to me it is morally wrong to cheat on your significant other and not tell them. This can cause trust issues in a relationship if cheating has happened and you get back together. Cheating can cause a toxic relationship because what if one person has feelings for their partner and their partner out cheating on them when they said they took a trip to walmart and went to the club or something.
    I think that there can be immediate consequences and that there can be more long lasting consequences too. An immediate consequence would be your girlfriend or wife leaving you and moving out and leaving you devastated if you really cared. An example of a long term consequence would be if your wife caught you cheating and you had kids, you would most likely have to give up your house and pay child support for many many years. Just one night out of cheating could cost you almost your entire adult life! Your ex wife can own you (not literally) ! So I think we can all stop this from happening by just being loyal and not being a terrible person by cheating on their girlfriend or boyfriend. It would make this world a better place.

    1. Marco I totally agree with you. Cheating on someone is never the answer. No matter what they did to you or what they say. It could affect your relationship with your lover. Even if they say to cheat on them do not because it is not right.

  6. Overall it was a good response Marco. There was a few gramer problem and you were very repetitive. The ending result you hit the spot with affairs not being okay. They are not okay and even tho i think you might have one but for your reponse id give you a an A+man. Good job

    1. Sorry Lol you know how it is when you tryna hit that word count my guy.
