Monday, September 12, 2016

Period 1 Blog #1

 You will be responding to one topic a week that I post. Your comment (70 pts) should be at least 210 words to start off with (they will eventually get longer but we'll start small) due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for a response (30 pts) in one paragraph (5-7 sentences) to one of your classmates entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.

Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter"

* What do you think this quote means? Relate this quote to an event in your life or to something you have seen someone else experience and explain the relation using examples.


  1. Technology has created numerous advances in our society, and it has led us to bigger and better things, like social media. Many believe that social media takes the people of today out of reality, and makes the common person less intelligent when compared to those without it. Others believe it is expanding our boundaries and can be a fun way to express yourself, no matter where you are. Personally, I think that social media is a good thing, because it has brought us new ideas and inspired different types of technology. Each app and electronic is better than the last. Also, not only does it let us know what our family (and/or) friends are doing, but it allows us to communicate with them within seconds. Even though social media changed the way we communicate, it has helped some of us do things we could never do. Some people found lost family members, and others even found themselves partners and friends. Social media changed communication in a good way.We can tell what people are doing with their lives by just a picture or a message, and that is amazing to me. We have come a long way when it comes to technology, and social media is just one example.

    1. Adrianna i like the way you gave examples about of what your reasons were and how you felt on social media, however i do agree with you that social media makes people less intelligent it also makes us more kinda lazy cause we have all this technology that does a lot for us .

  2. I believe you shouldn’t change who you are because someone tells you to do so. You should change by your own actions,choices and decisions. Never agree with something that you don’t think is right. If you do you would be dishonest to yourself. Also have a hard time trying to be who you really are. You are who you are and you shouldn’t change that because of someone else’s opinion or what they think. Everything that everyone else says is not important. You have the right to make your own choices. Don’t let anyone try to convince you to do things because you decide what path to take. Those people who try to convince you won’t always be there so that’s why you need to learn how to make your own choices. Do what you think is best. Learn how to be Independent don’t depend on others even for the littlest of things. Don’t ask someone for there opinion. Do what you feel is right. Don’t be afraid of what you feel express it. I was once scared about what people thought or still think of me because who I am friends with. But now I don’t care what they think because I chose who I wanted to be friends with.

  3. My opinion on social media is highly respected but in the other hand it can also go another way where i think it infringes on our privacy without our knowledge. Social media is great it's an easy way for us to communicate with people around the world and meet new people around the world, but social media is also something people love where they get to express their feeling or post a picture or a tweet. However i'm one of them but social media has changed the way we communicate a lot by all the things we can do on social media. For Example, snapchat people communicate by video and selfies or whatever. I guess it's not really bad at all it’s something people use every day now. Think about if you didn't have social media today right now in your life. How would you feel ? If i didn't have social media today who knows what my life will be like or our lives will be like. Social media is a big thing for us today in this world is something we're on throughout the day. Social media is also something that helps us find information about things, for example facebook is one app that helps us get information about things.

  4. This quote by Dr suess to me means all the people who matter to you don't care what you say, meanwhile all the people who mind what you say and do don't matter. This quote i can relate to my brother when he was in second grade i remember everyday he would come home and talk about how great school was but then after we would talk about the same kid picking on him and telling him he sucks at everything. But everyone else would tell him how good he was at everything so we keep telling him to not worry about the kid he is probably jealous of you, later that week he came home with another story about this kid picking on him. My brother at this point wanted to start to change and act different so the kid would stop bullying him, we told him changing for someone is never the right thing to do. We told him if you like how you are don't change to make other people happy, especially when the people who matter to you don't find anything wrong with you. Changing for someone who doesn’t matter to you won't do you any good,nothing will change. He thought about what we said and he realized what we said was true, people who matter to you let you do you, people who don't matter hate on you.

  5. I think this quote means that be you, no matter what happens, and say how you feel because you have the right. What the “those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter” means only few ppl will support you or show they care. I can relate to this quote when i was being bullied back in preschool and first and second grade. Kids would bully me for my curly hair and i hurt a lot. But as example i just continued to be me and say how i feel. I told the kids that hurting me isn’t going to make you look cool. It makes people fear you and avoid you, and not want to be friends with you. Being who you are is a hard thing to do , because when people see a flaw and point it out they try to change you. It makes you insecure and try to change yourself. You don’t need to change because someone said so be yourself and express yourself in anyway. This quote is explaining how to stick up for yourself or say how you feel and express yourself anyway you want to because the people who care will matter. Dr.Seuss has a great perspective on life and wants everyone like us to really see that we all matter, no one is better than another person everyone is equal. Everyone is unique in their own way and you don’t need to change for anyone.

    1. Alexis I liked the way you explained the quote by Dr.Suess. I can relate to your life example because when I was in first and second grade the same thing happened to me too. And I like how you wrote that people are unique in their own way.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. I think this quote Dr.Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" means to be yourself and say what you want because you have the right to say what you feel. I think that people who matter to you don’t care what you say and people that care what you say don’t matter. I can relate to this quote because when I was in first and second grade people bullied me. People used to bully me for how tall I was and how my hair was so curly. I didn't care what people thought of me because people that were being mean to me didn't matter to me because I had people that did matter cheer me up. And my friend told that I didn't have to change for no one because someone told me too. And that is true because you should be who you want to be not someone telling you to do this and wear that. You shouldn’t change for someone that doesn't matter to you does not do any good for you as a person. I think what Dr.Suess is trying to say in the quote that you should not change because someone told you.
