Monday, September 19, 2016

Period 3 Blog #2

Your comment post should be at least 220 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

“You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take” - Wayne Gretzky

   * That do you think this quote means?

   *How does it relate to an experience in your own life?


  1. One thing I think made me really start to grow up is highschool. Highschool really started to make me grow up because of the responsibilities and stuff. One of my responsibilities was making sure I do all my work and get to class on time do good on test and quizzes. Another one is to be on time to everything. Being on time will help for the future because you have to be on time to your job or whatever you have to be on time for. Also another thing that helped me grow up was sports, sports helped me grow up because I had to keep my grades up to play the sport I wanted to play. This made me keep my grades up and work harder to play sports. I think growing up and having big responsibilities help you grow up because if you take care of your responsibilities you basically can be trusted. Being an adult is a big responsibility if you can't handle your responsibilities you will have a lot of trouble in the future. Also it would be harder to get a job because people won't be able to trust you. Growing up takes a lot, but if you're not lazy and you do what you have to do you will be successful in your future. This is what made me start to grow up.

  2. Vance you are the smartest kid. I really think of you as an adult. This encourages kids to finally grow up and take responsibility of things. School is a big responsibility and I think if everyone take responsibility in their school work there will be many young adults in highschool.

  3. I think the quote means to try get out there and do you're best. People don't do what things because they are scared of failure. Well I'm saying don't be. You don't have to be scared who cares what other people think about you as long you know you did you're best. Don't hide your self from something you're good at because your scared of failure or someone might do it better than you. All you have to do is try.It also means to ne that you have to be risky success isn't going to just come to you. You have to earn it and how will you earn it if you don't even try?.
    This quote relates to a time in my life when I was going to try out for softball. I was scared and intimidated because I didn't know anybody and I thought they were all better than me. I was having second doubts about my decision before I even tried. Then I kept on telling my self not to give a crap what people said or thought about me. So I tried out and I actually was pretty good so don't go through what I did I all most a really bad choice. What if you actually made the mistake and you would have regretted it the rest of your life.


  4. I think this quote by Wayne Gretzky means that if you don't take opportunities that are given to you then you will get nowhere In life. For instance, when a well educated and smart man is losing his money and gets offered a job that pays a lot, and doesn't take it he is being a fool and not taking the great job opportunity. This is an example of how someone didn't take the shot and made a bad decision. I can relate to this quote because usually when I am asked to do something or go somewhere I usually refuse and don't take the opportunity. I remember my father and stepmother went to an island where my uncle lives, and i was asked if i wanted to go and i said no. i regretted that because they said they had an awesome time. Next time that happens i will not say no. this could also mean that if you don't try your hardest then you will not succeed in what you plan to do with your life and not get anywhere. I think what i said first is right though because I feel that trying your hardest would be more like if you get second place you don't win type of thing. So that is my opinion on that quote.

    1. I agree with what Dylan says. I like how he says if you don't take opportunities that are given to you then you will get nowhere in life. Also, I like how he relates to this to his life.

  5. Once you overcome your fears nothing is going to get in your way. “You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take” - Wayne Gretzky. This quote speaks to me because it reminds me of myself when i was younger i wasn't a big risk taker. I always said no to the things i thought i couldn't do till the day i overcame one of my fears which is heights. What i think this quote means is you will miss out on anything you're too scared to do. I feel people should step into places where they feel uncomfortable because they may like it. People will miss out on things they think are un easy. Such as roller coasters, rock climbing, etc. In my life i was always afraid of heights until i joined JROTC. We went on thsi trip to fort diccks to go repelling, and i wasnt scared. As soon as i got up the ladder and looked down my heart dropped to my stomach and i thought i couldn't do it but i overcame my fear and repelled off the building. Overall i wanted to skip the trip but i knew it was going to be better for myself and once i did it i felt like i can do anything.

    1. I agree with what Maritza said about the going stepping out of your comfort zone because it is true. If you never try something you will never know if you liked it or not. Plus if you keep doing the same things your used to you can get bored of it, so i think you should take chances because you only have one life to live. Lastly i liked how Maritza used a lot of detail


  6. I think this quote means if you fail once you try again but this time come back stronger and better.because once you fail a lot of people don’t try again they give up once they fail. So that quote helps those people to try again instead of giving up the first time.I also think it means to never give up because once you do give up u fail but if u do decide to come back and try again you have to come back way stronger than you did the first time. Also in a sport that quote could help achieve your goals and become better at that sport you are playing.that quote means a lot of different things in a lot of different ways.I've had an experience where i was trying to do a trick on my bmx bike and i fell so i was about to give up until my friend told me to keep going because if you keep trying and keep practicing one day you will master that trick and then you will be able to do a lot of better tricks that you want .but all you have to do is keep practicing then you will land the trick you are trying to do.

  7. I think that the quote, “You will miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” means that you will not succeed if you do not try. For example, say you’re playing a football game and you and some of your teammates do not try. You drop every ball thrown to you, and you don’t do well in the game in general. If you and your teammates do not try, you will not succeed or win the game. Sometimes, the game could be way too easy so you won’t need to try. Also, if you don’t catch a football that was thrown to you, that means you are not trying. But, that is only if the ball was a good throw and a smart throw. By smart throw, I mean not a throw that was not thrown to a defender. If your whole team tries in the game, you will be more likely to succeed than to fail. Don’t be afraid to try your best, because you may be the game winner. You can earn anything just by trying. This quote relates to me because one time I wanted to get a new computer, and I had to save up so much money for it. I helped my mom with chores, and I would even work outside too. I never knew I could gain so much money, but I tried, and I succeeded.

  8. Wayne Gretzky once said “You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take” what this quote means to me is sometimes in your life you have a thing called a “once in a lifetime chance” and with this chance you can either take it or regret letting it down in the future. This relates to what Wayne Gretzky said because if you don't try something new you never know if you're going to like it. For example when I was younger I never knew I would like basketball until I tried it one summer and it was actually pretty fun doing it. After I played it all I could think was what if I never gave it a try I never would've knew how much I liked it. My experience relates to the quote above because if I never tried something new I would've missed a big part in my life of me liking something. This also comes back to what I said previously about the once in a lifetime chance. Most of the time some of the chances you take could better you in the long run throughout life but 98% of the people blow it off to choose something pointless in their life that affects them in a negative not positive way. Weather it be going to school and getting a FREE education or skipping it to do something other than learning. moral of the quote observe wisely of the shots given to you because sometimes you can never get them back.

  9. I think this quote means if you don't take chances in life you will never be sucessfull in life. You need to take chances because it can either positively change your life your negitivly change your life.And that is why you need to take those chances or nothing good will ever happen. Taking shots are good and that's what this quote is trying to tell people.He was trying to tell people to live by this quote

  10. I think this quote by Wayne Gretzky means that if you don't take opportunities that are given to you then you will get nowhere In life. For instance, when a well educated and smart man is losing his money and gets offered a job that pays a lot, and doesn't take it he is being a fool and not taking the great job opportunity. This is an example of how someone didn't take the shot and made a bad decision. I can relate to this quote because usually when I am asked to do something or go somewhere I usually refuse and don't take the opportunity. I remember my father and stepmother went to an island where my uncle lives, and i was asked if i wanted to go and i said no. i regretted that because they said they had an awesome time. Next time that happens i will not say no. this could also mean that if you don't try your hardest then you will not succeed in what you plan to do with your life and not get anywhere. I think what i said first is right though because I feel that trying your hardest would be more like if you get second place you don't win type of thing. So that is my opinion on that quote.
