Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Period 11 Welcome Blog

Hi! Welcome to blogger :)  You will be responding to one topic a week that I post. Your comment (70 pts) should be  at least 200 words to start off with (they will eventually get longer but we'll start small) due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for a response (30 pts) in one paragraph (5-7 sentences) to one of your classmates entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.  I will only post topics that I think will be easy for you to respond to until we get used to this. What I need you to do today is to comment on this post so that I know you can all access it.  Today's question is... 

       What do you think about social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)? Does it sometimes infringe on our privacy without our knowledge? How does social media benefit us?  Has social media changed the way we communicate? If yes, is it for the better or worse?


  1. I think that social media changed the world for the worse. Everything as ateenager is so hectic on social media. A lot of people revolve their whole world around their phones and social media. Everyone's business is all over twitter, instagram, snapchat and facebook. For example if a family member of someone died and you didn't want anybody to know there is always that one person that puts it on social media for the world to see and then everyone knows about it. I 100% believe that social media changed the way we communicate because i see people having full on conversations on snapchat and through dms instead of just texting or talking in person. I think that if social media didn't exist i personally would do much better in school and pay better attention. Phones and all the apps invented are taking a huge toll on this generation. I don't really think it benefits anything except for when your bored because its something to look at that most of the time would interest you. The only time social media would be good for stuff is if something important is going on or if you want to talk to a family member that you haven’t seen or talked to in a long time.

    1. I 100% agree with everything you are saying. I like the part when you put the example of the family member, it’s sad to say that there’s always that one person to ruin someone life. The world is a messed up place and social media would be better off gone. So many people will actually talk in person and not be so rude to other. You did a great job explaining the questions and putting the truth into it!

  2. Facebook,Twitter,Instragram are part of our life now everyday we check them out see what is new and what is happening. Its comes easy to people and not to other but the things we do on it depends on us. Many people don’t realize that some things should be private in your own life but i am not saying you can post what you want but should be more concern about the things we post. The benefit that comes out of this is we figure out new things about each other that we didn’t know, discover new things and many more. Today social media isn’t used as it should be these days many people use them for things it not meant to be. We don’t talk to each other because it’s better to have their facebook or other social media when it’s not we should talk. It’s becoming worse to us since we use it everyday not everyone but basically we do we become use to it using everyday. Social media is a great thing but to a point where we don’t stay to attach to it. Social media is a good thing but it has become worse for us while the years are passing hopefully we can change that.


    1. I agree with you on that. Facebook,Instagram,twitter,and snapchat have taken over lives and we should change that. We rather text each other instead of talk to each other. Social media is a great thing to have but we shouldn't be on it 24/7 and some people can't even put their phone down for a minute to talk to their family members and that is kinda sad. We should just have it for things that our happening in this world and not just for us to see how many “likes” we can get on one picture.

    2. I agree with you 100% on this sarahi!! Social media is a great thing to stay up to date on the world. I also agree that we should be careful about what we post , it can be dangerous. I also agree about no one talking to each other there are so many times i've wanted to talk to people but they were too busy on their phones. Great response!

  3. In my eyes I think social media can be a good thing and a bad thing. I say good because if you’re bored and want to see what people are doing that’s the place to go. But it’s also bad because a lot of rude things can be posted on there for all the see. I’ve seen it plenty of times and it ruins a lot of lives and some kids don’t even want to be seen after it happens. It 100% infringes on our privacy without us knowing. If someone post something and you don’t follow them than you won’t be able to see what is going on. Also a lot of people will text and send direct messages about something in someone life and that person will never know. Social media benefits us by seeing what fun things people are doing in the summer and after school. Also you can meet new people and make friends that way. It changed the way we communicate because people will say rude things over text and on social media but won’t say it to you in person. It’s really been for the worse when it comes to social media in this world today. And it’s sad to see the lives that are getting ruined from it.

    1. Yeah I totally agree with you because when i'm bored with nothing to do I sit on my phone and go on social media. People are very rude I agree with that especially on Instagram.You never know if people are dming about something that you personally posted. I have all social media but I don't like when people know my business because everybody talks. Peoples lives really are getting ruined over social media and the things people post.

  4. Social media provides access to almost everyone's private information. I have also had personal experiences were the creators of social media have infringed on my personal information. Because i have gotten junk mail from random companies i open it and at the bottom of the back page it said address provided by facebook, so the social media site used my address to get money by advertising to a company. Now i didn’t really care because it's just junk mail that i threw in the trash but it's still infringing on my privacy, now that i think about it.
    Now social media is a benefit in many ways. Such as it helps keep in touch with family from far away such as my grandmother keeping in touch with her family in england. As well as it helps us share funny cat videos which who doesn’t love funny cat videos. Now i can’t just talk about how its good because their is always bad in everything that appears good. Such as the fact that it keeps people from doing anything they just sit on their phones all day. Children today are becoming more dependent on their phones and this is a big problem.
    Social media has completely changed the way we communicate you use to have to send a letter then their was the phone then the cell phone then email and then text but now you can send a video to a hundred people at once. Then again social media also allows someone to hack your account and find out your personal information even if you block it to the public people always find away to get what they want. So its good and bad their is no truly bad or truly good

    1. I like how you included about how some companies use your information to get money off other social media accounts. It is not right that they are able to access all your information and no one else can even if they are related to you. And i like that you said that even if you delete it, it won’t matter. They will still find a way to get to your information.

  5. Over the years social media has changed in many ways. But in my opinion social media has changed in bad ways and good ways. But you may not even realize that you are putting something out online that could potentially be good or bad. It does not matter what you think is good, all that matters is how other people see it as. Social media infringes on our privacy in every way. You can end up posting something that you do not want posted, but it will be on the internet forever. Even if you post something about your life, you may not know that through that post, they can go back through your social media and find things out about you that you may not realize that they know.Social media has had many benefits in our daily lives. Over the years of improving social media, you can contact someone a quick as a phone call. Even though they can be in a different country, you can still contact them. The way social media benefits us is how it affects our daily lives. The way we communicate the way we do now is mainly because of social media. But it is not for the better. Now, in the 21st century, all we do is use our phones for communication even if the person is right next to us. That’s all we know how to do is communicate through our phones. We don’t realize it, but social media is beginning to take over our everyday lives. So in my opinion, overall, social media is getting worse.

  6. I think social media is all fun and games, but it has a major effect on today’s generation. Believe it or not most of the social media pages do infringe on our privacy without us even knowing. Facebook is a great example of invasion of privacy. On Facebook’s web page for like a computer i think it’s safer than Facebook’s app. When you use Facebook’s app it wants you to allow access to location, photos, contacts, camera. When you allow the app access to those applications, Facebook can access it anytime. If your facebook profile isn't to secure to who can see what, it can become dangerous because if you post from your house and your location is on anyone can see that. Social media can be beneficial for school or seeing what your friends are doing. You can follow news pages, celebrities, and get the latest information. Social media has changed the way we communicate, Children and teens especially. Today’s generation doesn’t go outside. They worry more about their phones and computers than making friends and going outside. Everything is in our fingertips, so we would never have to go out into the outside world. Many teenagers struggle with social anxiety because they haven’t had to go out and interact with people because of social media. Its crippling today’s generation and its sad.

    1. I totally agree! You make a lot of valid points about apps having access to our camera and location. The fact that social media has affected social media and in all reality made us less social. In some cases teenagers have developed mental issues such as social anxiety and depression from the false sense of feeling active.


  7. Social media, 9 out of 10 people use social media and most likely on a daily basis for several hours a day. Huge corrupt companies use this for advertisement to get well-known. Actors and Actresses have gone viral- the start, most likely social media. More than half of the world's population has an account. All this personal information is asked from social media and we answer them giving them our emails, the list of our friends and family and pictures. Ours lives on display through the looking glass of phones and computers. There have been incidents where hackers can get real personal information such as social security numbers or credit card numbers, There are cases of men preying on girls whom are minors (and vis versa). We still laugh though at the cat videos and smile at the pictures of our friends down our newsfeed completely oblivious the audience and wrong attention we might’ve attracted.
    The reason why social media is so popular, especially with minnelals is because it’s an easy way to stay in touch with loved ones and acquaintances . Some like to stay updated with their interest and the news.Some may argue, like myself, that this generation had a super ego and like the attention from the amount of followers and likes we have. The attention we gain may be the only real benefit we gain from social media.
    The last decade where social media has been real popular you can tell the difference in how people communicate nowadays. I,myself, have fallen a victim to butchering english grammar and spelling as you can tell from this blog. Not only has it changed the spelling and grammar but also how we express ourselves and announce our emotions. Today emotions has to be in this passive aggressive status on facebook for the world to see instead of a face to face communication,

  8. I think social media is a great tool in life. It helps people stay in touch when they are far away. I also think it causes issues with staying on task and talking to others in person and sleeping patterns. Social media is a great way to to stay in touch with people you can’t always be with even if you don’t actually talk to them you can still see what they post and what is happening in their lives. Social media also causes a lot of issues with school kids are always on their phones not paying attention to the teacher or lessons. Also it seem people tend to ignore the people in front of them because they are so into their phones. One thing i’m really guilty of is staying up really late on my phone instead of sleeping and then i’m tired and i end up staying up late again because i’m used to it and everything gets messed up. Yes, social media does infringe on our privacy. People post pictures of you that you don’t want to be shared. Also it is a lot easier to for someone to bully people and share personal things because they are hiding behind a screen and not face to face. Social media has helped they way we communicate we can talk to anyone in the world within seconds, it also hurts who we come come face to face with because we are too busy on social media to talk to them.

  9. I think that social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are great place to know what an individual is feeling. I believe social media sometimes infringe on our privacy. For example say you are someone what is famous. If someone found out where you live it would infringe on the privacy of your life. How social media benefits us because now we can talk to are family member from far away. Also you could contact some old past friend you have not seen in a really long time. It also helps businesses that need to travel very far away so instead of traveling you could use Skype. Another thing social media is good for is telling what is good or not. For example you could be looking for a great food place or a hotel that is nearby. Yelp is a app on social media to help find restaurants that are close and good. I feel like social media has changed the way we communicate. I do not know if the way we communicate is for the better or the worse but it have changed over many years and will continue to change but it is the people who will have the most effect on the way social media is.

    1. I agree with parts of what you are saying to an extant. I agree with what you stated about social media helping businesses and helping families contact each other whenever they want to. The famous idea you put in yes it could infringe on that person’s privacy but at the same time due to him/her being so rich and famous they probably have security in case if that were to ever happen. There have probably been times that celebrities have had fans at their house and the security would usually keep them away and make sure that they leave. All celebrities have security though and celebrities usually don’t just give their address out to just a normal friend. They usually only give it out to family and very close friends. Usually those close friends become famous as well so if that friendship ended they wouldn’t release eachothers address for revenge. That would just lead up to theirs being released. So, I agree to an extent with what you said about social media infringing on our privacy but I disagree with the point you made to give the example.

  10. My opinion on social media such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram is that it could be good thing but at the same time it can also be bad thing . For example, it can start a lot of problems. It can start problems because it can spread a lot of rumors about people and false news, infringing on people’s privacy and not just theirs but ours as well. Even though social media can be a bad thing, at the same time it can be a good thing as well since it benefits us in many ways. It benefits us because it keeps us updated with world news, local news and pretty much anything that we want to know or learn about. Over time, social media has affected the way we communicate and interact with people because nowadays, all you need to do is send a message online to one of your friends and you can chat with them, while back then you had to go talk to them in person if you wanted to chat. In conclusion, i feel like social media is a good thing but at the same time I feel like it can be a bad thing as well.

  11. I think it does infringe on our privacy without our knowledge because if something happens in our lives we pull out our phones and take a video or a picture or tell someone what happens. Also when a fight happens in school or outside of school and then they post it. Then we don’t want people to know our business but now they do cause they know what happened. I think social media benefits us because we are always on our phones and we don’t take our eyes off our screen and look up and see what happens in the people now test and drive and get into car accidents cause they werent paying attention to the road. I think social media has changed the way we communicate worse because, we depend on our phones for everything. The way we talk to our friends with snapchat and instagram and we can see when a famous person post something or retweets something or like something. facebook cause we never have our private lives because we share everything on social media and then people see it and share or like it. I wish people would stay off their phones more often to actually look around and see what’s in front of them.

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    2. Our privacy has change because of our social media i totally agree. Many bad things come a lot from social media as you explain car accident do actually happen because of a text, post things like that. This is totally true because now days we think social media is everything when it is not. Phones have been part of this generation i wish we can change it and enjoy what is around us.

  12. When I think of social media i think of a baby that can be swayed good or bad as it grows old. I am leaning toward a new way of seeing it because the amount definitions of things that are good and bad. Most of which people see very differently and disagree with but on the other hand agree with. These days social media is twisting some of our young minds. Sometimes people post a lot about themselves on these sites. Sometimes other people get a hold of certain information and use that against us. But in all honesty im not trying to make it seem all bad because it also benefits us. It’s a way for us to connect with friends and family to see what they are up to. It's basically the way people act. Some have the nerve to start stuff that doesn't involve them or bring down someone for their own benefit. So in reality it's what you make of it. Lastly I do think social media has changed the way we communicate. I think to me it's neither better or worse. It's just a way to follow up on your friends and family. It's different for everyone when I say this though it's just how people make it they’re either going to abuse the privilege or use it for the better and that could go either way.

  13. I think that social media is a very positive but yet very negative thing for this world. It's positive because it gives us the opportunity to see what our favorite celebrities and role models are doing at that very moment. We can see what our friends are doing with just typing their name into the search engine at the top of the page. We can find new people from all around the world and make new friends. A page that is made about a specific topic or sport has the power to unite many fans and discuss what is going on with that topic or sport that you both enjoy. In person it isn't like that. In person, if any random stranger started talking to you about something it would be awkward and weird. That person has no clue what you like or how you feel about that topic or sport. On social media, they can just look at your page and see what you are interested in or see what you have been talking about and they can put their opinion on the topic and it starts an interaction between the two. Sport pages and news pages have thousands of comments per hour with people commenting how they feel or what they think about the topic. So, social media has its positives but they have many bad negatives. One negative is that many people feel too free on social media and they tend to comment rude or inappropriate things towards people or on someone's personal page. That can lead to suicide or lead to someone becoming depressed about the way they look or becoming depressed about expressing what they like on their page just because of one small negative comment. People are sensitive and not that many people realize that. That one inappropriate comment can lead to jail time and get you in trouble because you caused the death of someone because you couldn't say what you wanted to say in a friendly nice comment. I think social media can infringe on our privacy without our knowledge but then again at the same time if something personal comes out about you. You put it out there for the world to see. Even just direct messaging someone something personal can lead to everyone finding out about it or seeing it. People just need to be careful about what they say whether it is a text or on a private part of that social media page. Social media has revolutionized and completely changed the way people can communicate with others. It’s absolutely insane to think that we aren’t close to being done with this evolution of technology and being able to communicate with millions of people around the world. In conclusion, social media has its pros and cons and one can argue that social media is for the better but it can also be argued that it is for the worst. But there is no denying that social media has changed the way humans live and the way we communicate and this is only the beginning of that evolution.

    1. I agree with tony, I believe that social media is a positive thing but also a negative thing. Its a positive thing because you can keep in touch with family and whats going on in the world. Its a negative thing because it can start drama. I have friends that got into so much problem with other people on social media. I feel like social media really shouldn't be used for drama because a lot of people get involved and it leads to many problems.

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  15. Social media, it can be good and bad, it all depends on the person's perspective and also if there sociable or not .Anyway the reason why I assume social media is good and bad is because it allows us to meet new people , and when it comes to this it can be sort of good because you can get to meet others who have the same interest as you and it can be bad because there are people out there who aren't so nice, meaning that they could be complete psychopaths and Catfish you or they’ll try to steal your identity. Luckily social media does worry about people's privacy, because they make you choose if you want your facebook, Instagram, twitter or snapchat private , but then again there are evil hackers that will infringe on your privacy. So don’t put too much faith on that privacy button.Therefore social media deosnt do anything to benifet us because is just something we go on to show how we are and a little glance of our lives.Moving along , the impactions social media has with our communication isn't that great because now in days it's hard to talk to someone in person , because people are now use to texting , which isn't okay because text messages are 100% meaning less.
