Monday, September 12, 2016

Period 3 Blog #1

 You will be responding to one topic a week that I post. Your comment (70 pts) should be at least 210 words to start off with (they will eventually get longer but we'll start small) due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for a response (30 pts) in one paragraph (5-7 sentences) to one of your classmates entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.

Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter"

* What do you think this quote means? Relate this quote to an event in your life or to something you have seen someone else experience and explain the relation using examples.


  1. In my opinion I think this quote means is be who you are and who cares who the real you is we are all different so just be your true self if some one judges you don't let it bring you down because you know you are better then that. I also think it means that your true friends won't mind like the people that matter to you and if
    some one does not matter to you than you don't care what they say or think you are your own person. My friend has been like this before she friend to change for someone else to like her. She wasn't comfortable about the way she acted around
    the person and how she wasn't being her self so she stoped and realized that she
    wasn't her true self at all. Don't try to change your self just because someone does
    not like the way you act, talk, laugh or do anything. The problem isn't you it's the
    person that doesn't except who you are. Don't make the same mistake that my friend made there are very nice people out there just make the right friends that fit your style and share slot in common with then your good.

    1. I agree with Jess, because a lot of the time many people dont like to see you happy and will do everything in there power to hurt you,but its up to you as the bigger person to not let what they say take a toll on you. Also she used alot of examples and pretty true facts that can be good for advise in the long run in life. Be who you are and not who other people try to create you to be.


  2. Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." I think that this quote means that you should be who you are. For example the election. People think that donald trump is such a bad person and never think about the good things that he’s done. I also think that people should say what they want to say and not be judged. If you tell someone something and they chose to not be your friend because of it ,it shows that you cannot trust that person or they're not really your friend. If someone judges you in a bad way and they put you down it shows what kind of person they are. This quote also goes with Freedom of Speech and saying what you want and how you feel.People in my life that matter to be would listen but people that don't matter would probably criticize me. This quote by Dr.Suess connects with the saying “If it's not nice don't say it at all.” Some people in this world are 2 faced and don't act the same around different crouds. I think this because people don't want to be made fun of or picked on just because of the way that they act.

    1. i agree with you jake because everyone should be who you they are and you should have your own judgement. everyone should have there own opinion on who and what they stand for.It is good to be yourself and you shouldnt let people bring you down.

    2. i agree with you jake because everyone should be who you they are and you should have your own judgement. everyone should have there own opinion on who and what they stand for.It is good to be yourself and you shouldnt let people bring you down.

  3. I think Dr seuss was trying to say to be who you are. You should only care about what you have to say and you shouldn't let other people judge you. And if those people don't care about you you shouldn't care for them either because no matter what you say it won't matter to them it should only matter to you and what you care about. You should do what is best for you and you should only care for yourself

  4. I think Dr seuss was trying to say to be who you are. You should only care about what you have to say and you shouldn't let other people judge you. And if those people don't care about you you shouldn't care for them either because no matter what you say it won't matter to them it should only matter to you and what you care about. You should do what is best for you and you should only care for yourself

  5. Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." I think that this quote means that you should be who you are. For example the election. People think that donald trump is such a bad person and never think about the good things that he’s done. I also think that people should say what they want to say and not be judged. If you tell someone something and they chose to not be your friend because of it ,it shows that you cannot trust that person or they're not really your friend. If someone judges you in a bad way and they put you down it shows what kind of person they are. This quote also goes with Freedom of Speech and saying what you want and how you feel.People in my life that matter to be would listen but people that don't matter would probably criticize me. This quote by Dr.Suess connects with the saying “If it's not nice don't say it at all.” Some people in this world are 2 faced and don't act the same around different crouds. I think this because people don't want to be made fun of or picked on just because of the way that they act.

  6. Dr. Seuss once said “be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter” in my opinion what this quote means to me is be yourself and express who you are meant to be because the ones who matter will support you one hundred percent through your journey and those who deny you were never meant to be in your life in the first place. For example if you tell your friend you want to go to college and they say it's a bad idea or you shouldn't then maybe they shouldn't be in ur life bc there telling you not to do something that will benefit you in the future. Unlike a person who wants you to go to college, who motivates you to be successful in life and pushes you to do harder. Another example is if a person is constantly giving you negative energy just let them go it's not worth it compared to a person who can give you positive vibes without any stress. I can relate to this quote because for a long time I had a lot of people in my life who just didn't deserve to be in it and switched up on me and when I finally got tired of holding onto them I let them go and that was the best choice I've ever made. Now I feel like weight has been lifted off of my shoulders I can actually be who I want to be. Moral of the story the people who lead you in the wrong direction are people who don't deserve to be Around you

  7. Dr. Seuss once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" I think this quote means that we should care about only ourselves and let other people just think what they wanna think. If we just care about ourselves, then other people won’t get hurt as far as there feelings. The world would be a better place if we were all just very independent. No one would get there feelings hurt and there would be a lot less time in the world
