Monday, December 12, 2016

Period 9/10 Blog #12

Your comment post should be  at least 320 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points)
Do You Have Any Bad Health Habits?

Do you have any bad health habits? Is there anything about the way you eat, sleep, use technology, take care of your personal hygiene, or do anything else that doctors or scientists might consider bad for you? Are you worried? Should you be?
In an article with the headline “Children’s Headphones May Carry Risk of Hearing Loss,” Catherine Saint Louis writes:
These days, even 3-year-olds wear headphones, and as the holidays approach, retailers are well stocked with brands that claim to be “safe for young ears” or to deliver “100 percent safe listening.” The devices limit the volume at which sound can be played; parents rely on them to prevent children from blasting, say, Rihanna at hazardous levels that could lead to hearing loss.
But a new analysis by The Wirecutter, a product recommendations website owned by The New York Times, has found that half of 30 sets of children’s headphones tested did not restrict volume to the promised limit. The worst headphones produced sound so loud that it could be hazardous to ears in minutes.
“These are terribly important findings,” said Cory Portnuff, a pediatric audiologist at the University of Colorado Hospital who was not involved in the analysis. “Manufacturers are making claims that aren’t accurate.”
The new analysis should be a wake-up call to parents who thought volume-limiting technology offered adequate protection, said Dr. Blake Papsin, the chief otolaryngologist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
“Headphone manufacturers aren’t interested in the health of your child’s ears,” he said. “They are interested in selling products, and some of them are not good for you.”
Students: Read the entire article, and then tell us:
— Do you wear headphones? If so, do you worry about hearing loss, either now or when you are older? Did the article strike a chord with you?
— What other habits do you have that might be considered bad for your health?
— Does it matter to you what scientific studies might show about how you live your life — about your habits with food, sleep, technology, personal hygiene or anything else? Why?

— Have you ever tried to break a bad habit? Were you successful? Tell us in the comments section.


  1. Yes, i do wear headphones, i love wearing my headphones. I don’t ever worry about hearing loss. If you listen with it not on blast there is nothing to worry about. I think no matter what your ag is if its is not blasting you will be fine. Now if you are older and your ears are weak and your blasting your headphones then you would lose your hearing. If your your younger it really doesn’t affect you as much as a old person because you ears are newer than theirs. The aritle did not chord with me because i believe that headphones does not affect your hearing if you use them the right way. Some other things that i know that are not good for your health is vitural realitiy. It makes you think your in a another world and scientists say it messes with your brain to much. Most of the time scientific studies are true but some of them are not. For example they are not right about the headphones on how you can lose your hearing. I do think they are right about food and sleep as well though. If i do not get my 8 hours of sleep im cranky. Who isn’t though when they don’t get enough sleep. Along with food if someone does not eat three times a day they are usually cranky. “Your Not Yourself When Your Hungry”. Most people can skip a meal though and not be cranky. With personal hygiene they are right for example if you dont take a shower every day you get all nasty. Then you start to carry bactieria and get other people sick. If you don’t take a shower who going to want to be by you. They 100% right about, even with the people who dont ‘t brush their teeth they get bacteria in their mouth witch is nasty. No i have never tried to break a bad habit

  2. Mike, lovely way of putting things, and being specific of what you thought about using and headphones. Over all your opinion matters and it is very well known. As well as describing hygiene and the purposes that come along with it.


  3. — Do you wear headphones?
    Yes I do wear headphones.
    If so, do you worry about hearing loss, either now or when you are older?
    I’m not going to lie I do get scared about not being able to hear due to the headphone wearing, but I enjoy my music loud so I can shut everyone out and just be at peace. I tend to worry about it frequently, about now and the near future. It something that should be a concern for everyone.
    Did the article strike a chord with you?
    Yes this article did strike a chord with me. It made me realize the things I can fix along with the habits I have of doing the wrong things. It speaks out to some people and changes the opinion of others. Overall it makes us all think of different ways of doing the everyday moves we try to achieve.
    — What other habits do you have that might be considered bad for your health?
    Some habits that I know I have that I know are bad for my health are, eating chocolate it makes me have more pimples. My goal is to have a clear face from acne and blackheads any of that sort. But as soon as I’m close to my goal some tempting food always seems to pop up making my horrid acne come back to place. Making a comeback 10x worse then before. Another habit that I have is eating while I’m stressed, depressed and it makes my eating disorder way worse. Especially now through the difficult times, which I shall not talk about. Overweight is something we all have to watch over. Food is good but it can lead to serious causes.
    — Does it matter to you what scientific studies might show about how you live your life — about your habits with food, sleep, technology, personal hygiene or anything else? Why?
    It kind of does matter to me in an annoying way. Knowing that I have an eating disorder and an acne problem and constantly being reminded about it is not healthy for me in my opinion. I tend to want to learn things alone and figure out a way to make myself better. Personal hygiene and over my human look is a huge concern for me and something that I tend to worry about often. I’m getting another pimple just writing about this.

    — Have you ever tried to break a bad habit? Were you successful? Tell us in the comments section.
    Yes I have tried to break a habit but it just ended to be a eating disorder and made matters even worse. I just want to say that the things that happen around you should not affect what you think of yourself.

    1. i liked your blog this week melissa it was very good.this week blog was really long and descritive. i agreed with you on thi blog. i cant wait to read next week blog

    2. Melissa I agree with you! I liked your blog because you gave your opinion but at the same time you described that you can take care of yourself.

  4. Yes I do wear headphones and never worry about hearing loss. I usually put it on blast to cancel all other sounds out. Its usually my way to calm down when I’m mad or sad. So the article did not really strike a chord at all to me. A habit that might be considered bad for my health is not talking to people about how I’m feeling. They say it could effect my future and how i think of things and my actions. It doesnt really matter to me how scientific studies show how I live my life. It is just not that important to me in any way shape or form. Its my life and I live it the way I’d like to live it. No matter what my habits are.and no never have i ever tried to break a bad habit

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yes , I do wear headphones. In my opinion , Hearing loss would not occur to you unless your volume is always / constantly blasting. The article really didn´t affect me that much because i´m not one of those people who blast their music . One really bad habit I have is sleeping . I stay up till like 2 a.m. , every night. On the other hand it is really not my fault because I have sleep paralysis so that´s part of the reason. Another bad habit i have is eating. I really don´t eat that much or drink that much , ( iḿ not starving myself ) sometimes iḿ just not in the mood breakfast , lunch , or dinner. Yes , i have tried to break my bad habits but i just can´t no matter how hard I have tried , but that still doesn´t stop me from trying , Every night i try everything to keep from having sleep paralysis but I can´t.

  7. Yes my bad health habits is drinking energy drinks. I normally drink around 1 everyday. I have slowed down on the amount per day. Over the summer i worked long hours from 3pm to 6am. I loved to drink Red Bull. I consumed about 3 a day over the summer. In the beginning it affected the amount of sleep but then i got so use to it that it didn’t do anything to me. My favorite energy drinks are Red Bull, Monster, and my favorite is Kick Start. Sometimes i do not even think of how much i am drinking and i will get chest pains. Many people i work with will also drink a lot of energy drinks. My boss will have about 6 each day. When i go to wawa or quick check i get the 16 oz. Red Bull or 24 oz. Monster. I think that this is very unhealthy for me but i love the taste of it. Working in a bar all night as an under age you don’t have much to drink. I could drink water but it doesn’t keep me awake and going. I could also drink soda but to much hurts my stomach. After my dad stopped drinking he started to drink energy drinks. He would buy 3 at a time and i would take 1 or 2 of them and drink them in 1 day. I started to drink energy drinks when i was about 10. I use to drink half a can and i would get really bad chest pains. My doctor has never said anything about me having to much but i don’t think they know i drink some much. The only thing i use to worry about is getting kidney stones. When i drink them it would allow me to do y job with caring up cases of beer and lifting kegs. After about an hour the energy would wear off.

    1. Your blog is really good and it's also relative to my brother
      which he also does the same thing as you do going to work
      drinking energy drinks like Gold and enegerone pro

  8. Yes i do wear headphones and i mostly do in my school bus. Yes because after I listen to music i
    Sometimes feel having a headache and worry about it getting worse and afterwards nowadays i stopped listening to music for a while to rest my hearing and instead play apps on my phone, but wouldn't that be unhealthy for my eyesight if i use it too much as i did to my hearing listening to music. No because that’s the author’s opinion in his article he wrote and it’s pretty obvious that he is right since when we didn’t know effects on hearing by listening to music or something else.
    I think other habits that i might consider bad for my health is using my eyesight on phones and video games and sleeping late at night which not only makes me tired but also affects my eyesight and the last thing i consider bad for my health is eating too much candy and not brushing my teeth and not only eating candy affects me normal but also feverly because whenever i eat candy sometimes i feel sour and getting sweaty on my nose and forehead with dizziness. Depends if the scientific study was seriously effective or even dangerous it would eventually matter to me but if the scientific study was just for simply advising it wouldn’t really matter to me. Because i wouldn’t like to always be worried about my health every single time
    And neither i wouldn’t feel good not caring about my health which is important according to science. Yes i did many times and mostly it was listening to music which was 3 weeks ago. Yes but instead i now play games on my phone which is not good for my eyesight causing tiredness and it burns whenever i close my eyes it doesn’t hurt me but i knew that it wasn’t good for my health.

  9. — Do you wear headphones? If so, do you worry about hearing loss, either now or when you are older? Did the article strike a chord with you?
    — What other habits do you have that might be considered bad for your health?
    — Does it matter to you what scientific studies might show about how you live your life — about your habits with food, sleep, technology, personal hygiene or anything else? Why?
    — Have you ever tried to break a bad habit? Were you successful? Tell us in the comments section.

    Yes, I always carry my headphones because I love listening music all the time. I'm that kind of person who can concentrate doing school work with music, it's a bit crazy but it's true. Sometimes I wonder if could lose your hearing, so I always listen music with the bass tone to me no headache or damage my hearing. I do not agree with the article because I think if headphones are used in the right way not affect hearing. Other very important things that affect your health are if you do not shower every day, if you eat three meals day and sleep in the hours needed. If you do not shower every day you can get bacteria and have a foul odor that causes others not complacer him. If you do not brush your teeth you can get bacteria and can get the time that dentists can do nothing and you remove all the teeth. If Do not eat, that happens to me gives me a very strong headache and I get a bad mood all day and no one I hold. If Do not sleep the hours needed for you, when you go to school you notables think, much less pay attention in class. Thank God I have never had such problems.

  10. Yes i do wear headphones and i don’t worry about hearing loss ever i have never thought about it but it would only be a risk if you probably put it too loud that may damage your hearing. This article didn’t really strike a chord. But it did make me realize that it could give you the chance to have hearing loss. I don’t have a bad habit but remembering is a bad habit for me but it wouldn’t affect my health. And it doesn't matter to me if the scientific studies about the bad habits it won’t affect me i would probably still do it. Only if it was certain about it. The headphones only said a risk but i would still use it. Sleep i need at least 8 hours or more. If i dont i would get very tired and it would be hard to pay attention for me. I have never tried to break a bad habits

  11. I do blast my headphones, and I’m sadly known for it. I’ve had my mom and teachers tell me as I get older my hearing is gonna fade slowly, and I know it will. My hearing is probably starting to go now, and I’m only 16. I listen to loud music too, which is even worse for my health. Early hearing loss is also hereditary in my family on my dad’s side. I’m most likely to lose my hearing anyway, and I’m not trying to lose it earlier.
    I most likely have unhealthy habits, I just can’t think of what they are. It does matter to me what’s found in scientific studies because usually they’re proven facts and the things they’ve found out have most likely happened to somebody. If something has happened to one person, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen to everyone else, including me.

    1. I strongly recommend not to blast your headphones. It can damage your eardrum very severely. Its very unhealthy. I have nothing else to say about that.h
