Monday, December 12, 2016

Period 2 Blog #12

Your comment post should be  at least 320 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points)
Do You Have Any Bad Health Habits?

Do you have any bad health habits? Is there anything about the way you eat, sleep, use technology, take care of your personal hygiene, or do anything else that doctors or scientists might consider bad for you? Are you worried? Should you be?
In an article with the headline “Children’s Headphones May Carry Risk of Hearing Loss,” Catherine Saint Louis writes:
These days, even 3-year-olds wear headphones, and as the holidays approach, retailers are well stocked with brands that claim to be “safe for young ears” or to deliver “100 percent safe listening.” The devices limit the volume at which sound can be played; parents rely on them to prevent children from blasting, say, Rihanna at hazardous levels that could lead to hearing loss.
But a new analysis by The Wirecutter, a product recommendations website owned by The New York Times, has found that half of 30 sets of children’s headphones tested did not restrict volume to the promised limit. The worst headphones produced sound so loud that it could be hazardous to ears in minutes.
“These are terribly important findings,” said Cory Portnuff, a pediatric audiologist at the University of Colorado Hospital who was not involved in the analysis. “Manufacturers are making claims that aren’t accurate.”
The new analysis should be a wake-up call to parents who thought volume-limiting technology offered adequate protection, said Dr. Blake Papsin, the chief otolaryngologist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
“Headphone manufacturers aren’t interested in the health of your child’s ears,” he said. “They are interested in selling products, and some of them are not good for you.”
Students: Read the entire article, and then tell us:
— Do you wear headphones? If so, do you worry about hearing loss, either now or when you are older? Did the article strike a chord with you?
— What other habits do you have that might be considered bad for your health?
— Does it matter to you what scientific studies might show about how you live your life — about your habits with food, sleep, technology, personal hygiene or anything else? Why?

— Have you ever tried to break a bad habit? Were you successful? Tell us in the comments section.


  1. This article has me thinking different. I do wear headphones, but I don't think about losing my hearing. I never really thought that hard about it. I don’t think that I will lose my hearing at all though because I don't listen to the music loud. I don’t have any bad health habits. I think I am only doing the headphone thing wrong,but not really. Sometimes scientific studies matter to me because there might be somethings that I am doing that may affect me now or later on in life and I don’t want any problems. I think some things are good to know about because then you can fix what you are doing if you actually care. My habits with food are really good. I am always eating healthy that is why i'm skinny. Also I never drink anything like soda because it is no good for your teeth or you at all. Next I am good with sleeping. I always get plenty of time of sleep. I go to bed early enough to get 9 hours of sleep. My personal hygiene is really good because i am always playing sports and being active. I am also good with technology. I am never on my phone or the internet a lot because it can hurt your eyes later on in life. Apparently you can get eye cancer and your eye will be completely red and it could explode. I would not want that to happen to me at all. This article did strike a chord with me though. I will try harder to not do anything too long or to be doing something that can later on in life hurt me in a way. I think everything can hurt you in a way though. I feel like when you get older eating foods can just kill you quick or drinking certain things can just hurt you easily. Soon there is going to be a scientific article about every single thing in the world and it is just going to scare everybody because whatever people read on the internet is real to them.

  2. I do wear headphones, whether it is earbuds or over the ear headphones i always have headphones on everywhere i go. I don't ever worry about hearing loss, especially because of the headphones it doesn't really ever come to mind i never really think of it. When i put my headphones in i'm not thinking about going deaf or any of that i think about a song i want to listen to and i just listen to it and jam out that's it. This article didn't really strike a chord with me because at the end of the day i'm still going to use headphones regardless to listen to my music. Bad habits that i have that are bad for my health is definitely not always eating. Sometimes i just don't feel like eating or am to lazy or too tired to get up and go eat some food. I know that that can be unhealthy especially since i have a very busy day. I go to school than go to health and fitness voct training for pretty much my whole day. Than i come back to school and go to basketball or whatever sport that i'm playing at the time which is basketball at the moment. I need to always eat a good meal just to give me energy but sometimes i just don't really feel like it always but i know that i should. Other than that there isn't really any bad habits that i have that effect my health. No it doesn't really matter to me what the scientific studies show about how i live my life. At the end of the day it is my life and i'm just going to live it the way i do now. Simple easy and fun and i'm going to enjoy doing that. The end result is i'm not going to change my life style up for some scientific studies and i don't think no one will.

    1. Me and eli have similar thoughts. Like me i don't think about going deaf or anything at all. We also do care much for our health. We don't want to have health problems now or later in life

    2. Eli I totally agree with you. Me and you had similar thoughts on this topic. I was very surprised to see someone agreeing with me. I love these kinds of topics. Also I love writing about them too.

  3. I do wear headphones a lot, especially during school. I never think about hearing loss now or later. It never comes to mind that i could lose hearing now or later. I don’t blast my music all the way. This article did get me attention because i do listen to music a lot but not blast the music. Even though i don't it did still get my attention because it obviously isn't good to damage your ears. Just like the guy said in the article the companies don’t care about the listener’s ear they just care about selling their products and making profit. I don't have much other health problems other than eating fast food which isn't good for anyone. I don't eat it everyday i eat it maybe like once or twice a week. But like i was saying it’s not good for anyone's health because of the ingredients they use in their food and all the bad stuff. It does matter to me about what scientific studies show about how i'm living my life because if you continue your bad habits you won't be living your life good or long. You think your life would be good because you're enjoying it but problems arise because of the way you are living and from that point you wouldn't think life would be good anymore. I care especially about how i live because i want to enjoy life and have no health problems in my life. I also do care about how the sleep, technology, personal hygiene and everything else affect me. I have tried to break a bad habit, it was eating junk food. I was successful at it, i stopped eating junk food because i thought if i could stop the bad habit now it won't affect my future life and i would be ok and not have any health problems when i grow up. Like i was saying i want to live my life good not bad.

    1. Like Henery said both our opinions are very similar. Why we are both focused on our health we don't think we are going deaf but still continue to listen to music. Good response Henery keep the good work. And keep jamming out to music

    2. Henry both our opinions are very close. we are both worried on our health but we don't think we are going to loose our hearing and listen to music still. Good response. keep the good work bro.

  4. By Patrick Nardone

    Lots of people wear headphones and turn the volume up high. If you say you don't you are lying. Everyone does it and you know it. I don't worry about hearing loss. My headphones are not loud. If they are I lower the volume. Most people deal with the high volume. I am not one of those people. I am not afraid of hearing loss when I get older it is all a part of growing up. This arrival did strike me. It showed me that I am doing the right thing. It showed me that what I am doing is good for my ears. Most people may get hearing loss from it. That is on them and not on the headphones. I have a lot of bad habits. One is that I eat food when I am sad. Food makes me feel better because it is good. It is not good for me but I do it. I am not proud of it either. No one is proud of their bad habits. Scientific studies have some impact on me. I don't do everything that is science approved. No one does it and everyone knows it. It is up to you on how to live your life. Science can't tell you how to live your live. Only you can live your life how you want to live it. I have tried to break habits. Everyone has and most are successful. Me I was not successful on the food front. I will only do this if I am really sad. So I have not kicked it yet. Some people just can't kick their habits. It does not make you a better person if you do. It only makes you seem like you care a lot that you want to kick it. That is a really good thing to do. Everyone what to kick their habits. It is a really good thing if you do. If you want to kick it just don't think about it. Distract yourself from your habits. That is a good way to kick it too.

    1. I do agree with you almost 100% Pat. I think that people are just gonna do what they wanna do when it comes down to it. Listening to music at high volumes is ok sometimes, but maybe we need to just turn the volume down just a little bit. Good job on your article.

    2. I agree with you Pat, Everyone listens to their music high and does not think about going deaf at all. Maybe we should sit back and see we could maybe lose hearing and turn it down but its what they want to do. Good Job

  5. This article has gotten me to think a little about my decisions. Yes I do wear headphones. I wear headphones everyday actually. I do wonder sometimes if I will suffer from hearing loss when I am older from using headphones. I do understand that listening to music at high volumes daily is probably bad for your ears and that this could most likely lead to health issues later but it’s just so hard not to when you are a music lover like myself. I listen to music everywhere I go with everything I do. Not always at high volumes but you get the point. Another habit that might be bad for my health is staying up late almost every night and playing xbox or watching tv. I know this is proven to be bad for you but it is so hard to not stay up late when you go to school all day and have very little free time to yourself because of homework. Also if you work it makes it even harder, which I do. So why do us humans keep doing things even though in the back of our heads we know it’s bad for us. I think it’s because deep down we are animals and are reckless and just do things to do em knowing the consequences. To me the scientific studies do matter a little bit about my habits but they don’t stop me from changing my day to day lifestyle. I think that a lot of people live by a quote Drake once said “I’m here for a good time, not a long time”. I think this because no matter how much someone says what we’re doing is no good we still do it because you only live once and to some people it’s about the quality of life they life not the quantity. I have tried to break a bad habit before and have failed, it’s very hard for me to stop doing something once I start. But eventually if I really needed to I can stop doing whatever it is.

    1. I agree with you Marco. We both have similarities on this. I dont think about what is going to happen to me when I wear earphones. I might consider it now.

  6. Either it's headphones or earbuds I never truly think about losing my hearing. I always blast music and never have a care in the world about anything. I truly don't worry about losing my hearing now or later on in life and I think i should start too. The article made me sit back and think that maybe I should lower my music so that I don't have problems now or when I get older. Rather take care of myself now so when I get older i got less to worry about. Other habits I have that might be considered bad for my health is what I eat. Junk food and greasy fried food makes my stomach hurt and makes me feel like garbage. Besides that I don't have any other bad habits I am really good with staying healthy due to my mom being big in the health department. My mom makes my family and I stay away from all gluten and non protein food. We have junk food day which is every friday but besides that we have certain days certain foods that are good for our bodies and help us grow. We never have soda in my house and if we do it’s a gift because we only drink water and milk. What studies show me about how I live my life with technology,sleeping,Personal hygiene I do not worry about it. I think how I live my life is perfect and I couldn't be healthier.I definitely think that I could get more sleep than I do and I should stop staying on my phone all night playing games and checking social media. My bad habit I had was biting my nails, Over time I told myself I would stop and eventually I stopped it was hard to but it was the best for me so I stopped and I haven't bite my nails since.

  7. Yes I wear headphones all the time. I do worry about hearing loss and its crazy because I am 16 years old and I already lost some hearing in my right year. I can hear perfectly fine but not low things what people say. Its crazy to think about it sometimes. No the article wont change my ideas of headphones. I listen to music every day its a part of my daily routine to be honest. Other things I consider bad health the use of so much hats. People playing video games every day. People spend hours and hours playing video games. Its so unhealthy for there eyes they could hurt there eyes. its not good for there brains and there eyes. It will affect there eye sight. Video Games is fun and all but they affect a lot so I don't recommend it. One bad habit I have is that I used to cross my hands a lot when I would wrestle in tournaments. I didn't like how my body was so my dad made me break that habit. I was just not used to wearing a singlet. I just felt uncomfortable and felt weird in it. My dad told me I had to if not be would be mad. So I did and now I don't cross them anymore. Scientific studies doesn't always show how ones live. It doesn't define how I live not how I eat sleep or about my technology. I think I am very fit and good shape. I may stay on technology a lot but it doesn't mean anything. It wont affect me because I still get 7 hours of sleep. I eat very clean because I am in season and I'm a athlete. I haven't been this fit ever and the best shape right now. I feel like I am the healthiest in my family as of right now. I don't know anyone in my family whos in my caliber shape.

  8. Yes, i do wear headphones. It could be big over the ear headphones, or the little apple ones that come with the phone. I am not very worried about hearing loss, especially because of the headphones it doesn't really ever come to mind i never really think of it. I never put them to the maximum volume, because that could be dangerous. I do wear headphones, but I don't think about losing my hearing. I never really thought that hard about it. I don’t think that I will lose my hearing at all though because I don't listen to the music loud. I don’t have any bad health habits. I think I am only doing the headphone thing wrong,but not really. Sometimes i might have them a little too loud, but i really never thought about going deaf. Maybe with younger kids, it is easier to get ear damage from loud music because i guess that they are still developing are growing. I am not afraid of hearing loss when I get older it is all a part of growing up. This arrival did strike me. It showed me that I am doing the right thing. It showed me that what I am doing is good for my ears. Most people may get hearing loss from it. That is on them and not on the headphones. I wear headphones everyday actually. I do wonder sometimes if I will suffer from hearing loss when I am older from using headphones. I do understand that listening to music at high volumes daily is probably bad for your ears and that this could most likely lead to health issues later but it’s just so hard not to when you are a music lover like myself. I listen to music everywhere I go with everything I do. I can hear perfectly fine but not low things what people say. Its crazy to think about it sometimes.
