Monday, December 5, 2016

Period 1 Blog #11

Your comment post should be  at least 310 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

* If you were faced with ending a relationship because your family and your girlfriend/ boyfriends family did not get along, would you end it or stay together? Explain why or why not and be sure to use examples when explaining and also relate it to Romeo and Juliet.*


  1. If my girlfriend and my family members didn't get along and they wanted me to end it i would stay with my girlfriend because im happy so why would i end my happiness because of others? If my parents don't like my girlfriend and im happy with her they are going to have to get used to her because if the love of my life makes me happy then im not going to drop it for family. I would try and sneak around and try and see her as much as possible even if it would make my family mad, i would do anything for someone if i loved them as much as romeo loved juliet. He would do anything for her literally anything, she was the reason he was living still so when he found out she “died” he killed himself. If i loved someone as much as that i would do the same thing doesn't matter what my family says they arent the ones who are as happy as i am with this girl. If me and my girlfriend had the same connection as romeo and juliet i would be one of the happiest kids alive, but if my family didn't like her i would completely ignore them. I don't care what my family says because i have problems with people they are friends with and they don't end it because of me so why would i end something im happy with if they don't end something they are happy with because i don't like that person. Either way no matter what they think im not ending something that i feel is right for me i don't care what other people in my family think, they can have a problem all they want im not ending it.

    1. i agree with you, you shouldn't have to end your happiness over a dumb family fight.


  2. If my family and my boyfriends family didn’t get along and not want us together, i wouldn’t end the relationship. I wouldn’t end it because if i really liked him and he and i were great together, and in relationships you promise no matter what we will be together. Therefor i wouldn’t let my family and his family ruin something we have and care about. Like the other day when we were asked do we agree with parents making all their child’s decisions, i felt neutral because in some cases yes they should but in others they shouldn’t. Because i believe if you hold your child back from love because of a family feud or anything else they will just rebel and do something stupid. For example like Romeo and Juliet, he killed himself when he thought she was dead because without her life isn’t worth living. But the twist was she wasn’t really dead she drank a sleeping position and when she awoke found him dead, so killed herself because without him life isn’t worth it. Now i don’t think anyone these days would kill themselves but they might run off and go do something stupid. Because acting out and doing something stupid tries to show our parents that they can split us up and we will do anything to be together. Family shouldn’t get in the way of true love or even a little high school relationship. But a relationship shouldn’t get in the way of family like if that boyfriend or girlfriend is disrespecting family or anything like that family comes first. Love is hard when it comes to family, because you don’t want to disappoint them, but stupid family fights shouldn’t end something great or that could be great. All in all family feuds wouldn’t make me end my relationship because one day i need to grow up and have my own family.

    1. I agree, if someone really likes someone else, and they will love each other no matter what they shouldn't let a stupid family fight end it.

    2. i agree with 100 with you thats not the way i would totally go about it but it makes sense.

  3.  If I were to face ending a relationship because my family and boyfriend’s family didn’t get along I would stay together. I would stay together with him because I’m guessing that I would really like him. I mean I can’t be with someone just because I don’t like him. I would have to love them that would be the reason why I am staying with them and not ending the relationship.Also I wouldn’t end it because of a family feud. Even though it affects me and my relationship. I would rather still have a relationship if he is still fine with it and doesn’t want to end it. If he does then there’s no hard feelings. I wouldn’t end my relationship if our family’s have a bad history with each other. Romeo and Juliet were very careless. I think they didn’t know what love was. They only met for a couple days then after that Romeo committed suicide because he couldn’t live without Juliet. But Juliet was not dead she drank something that made her seem dead so she would not have to marry someone who was picked for her in her forced marriage. Not knowing this Romeo stabbed himself in the chest and died. Juliet woke up from her sleep and  found him there lying dead so she committed suicide too. They were both very dumb because they would die for someone they only met for a short time for them it was a couple of days. I  bet they didn’t even know each other that well only that they were willing to end their life for someone they barely even knew. I wouldn’t die for someone that I just met but I will admit that I would miss them since they had passed away. A feud can not break someone’s love or tear apart how someone truly feels.

    1. i agree with what you said at the start,i wouldnt end it because i probably really like them.

  4. If my girlfriend did not like my family, or my family didn’t like her there’s nothing wrong. I would stay together, because if thats your reason to end it thats stupid. Go against what your parents want if you love her, dont let them bug with your personal life. And dont let them have an affect on your relationships. If you let them have an effect on 1 relationship, then they will keep having an affect. If my girlfriend didnt like my family, i dont care. There my family, they were here with me before you. Doesn’t mean I’d leave her, but if she wants to leave she can go ahead. My point is, if you love her try to stay with her, dont let no-one have an affect on your relationship. I dont care if my family doesn’t like her, and i still wouldn’t care if she doesn’t like my family. I wont let that affect our relationship. I only end something if i have to, and things aren’t working out like i hoped. I would never end something because of my family, and what they think of my girlfirend. I could care less about how they feel, because if i want to be with her im gonna be with her. And, my family or hers cant stop that. In Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo thinks juliet is dead, but she is really sleeping. He kills himself because he cares for her that much, and if someone wants to destroy love like that there is something wrong with them. I’ll let people be mad, and try to destroy a relationship, but they will never be able to. Romeo and Juliet were in love, and there families wanted to end it, and destroy that love.

    1. I agree with how you said only you can end your relationship.Just because someone wants you to end it doesn't mean you have to.They can't make you stop loving a person its your feelings and not theirs

  5. No i wouldn’t end it because they’re not getting along. If me and my boyfriend / girlfriend family is not getting along then i would try everything in my power to try and make them work. Just because your parents don’t like each other that doesn’t mean that you have to end your relationship. Yeah i know what they say your parents always have to get along for it to be an amazing relationship but if you guys really loved each other then you wouldn’t dare to put your relationship at risk with that. You both would try to bring both of the families together and try to talk it out or even do fun activities. It really doesn’t matter what ya’ll do just try to do something fun at least. A relationship is going to have arguments yes i know that but you should always make sure that your parents get along no matter what and you have to explain that to them and tell them how much you love that person and say mom / dad look i really love this boy / girl and i don’t want nothing to break us up. Can you please get along with his / her parents. You don't have to be duddy buddy with them but at least just be nice to them for once.

    1. I agree on everything you said,even though family is something that comes first in our relationship but its not always about that. It comes to a point were we have to try to make things right between the familys just like you said there shouldnt be no judgements on who you wanna have a future with.

  6. We all know theres some parents out there that don't want you dating, or maynot want you to be with that person. On the other hand when it comes to the point where your boyfriend/girlfriend family and your family don't get along and there's a whole bunch of mixtures of problems. If i were in these shoes i would not mind staying with the love of my life. Even though the meeting the family is a first start but if no one believes in you guys , and you guys do believe and want to be together that's how it should go from the start no one else is gonna be there for the both of you. In Romeo and Juliet there family members came into 2 groups to fight for them not to be together even though they wanted too. I wouldn't want anything like that to start between my family and the other side cause it's just childish. You be with who you want to be not deceived by family members.

  7. If my family and my boyfriends family did not get along i would not end it. Because their family or would have to choose my boyfriend over my family. It doesnt matter how long you and someone been together mine is not in my relationship. Im not ending something i wanted forevever just because of family. It can ruin a lot of things. And my family and his might turn on us. But we will have eachother. It will phase me but like is aid theyre not in my relationship. Now if the boy i was dating told me i dont want to ruin me and my families relationship i would totally understand. If the boy i was with didnt show me much interest in me and now is acting different because of the family situation yes i would end it but only because of that. Im not gonna be with someone that doesnt want me. Theres no time to force things in your life because there is always better coming. But it can really affect a lot because if you end up breaking up with that person or they break up with you then you are stuck because you sacraficed your own family to be with that person and they left you just like that. And it also depends on how long you have been together. Now as a teen i cant say im choosing my boyfriend over my family because i am still under 18. There is no choice there what so ever. I live with my dad and his girl and i see my mom every once in a while there is really no chance there. And i would never bring it to the point at this age where i er you should always choose family to be honest. Because family fights for family. And depending on how you grew up in that situation depends on your answer. But me honestly would be stuck in the middle
