Monday, December 5, 2016

Period 9/10 Blog # 11

Your comment post should be  at least 310 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

* If you were faced with ending a relationship because your family and your girlfriend/ boyfriends family did not get along, would you end it or stay together? Explain why or why not and be sure to use examples when explaining and also relate it to Romeo and Juliet.*


  1. If my boyfriend family and mine do not want to be together, as because they think he or I are bad people and we could hurt each other, I not end my relationship. I not end my relationship with my partner because if it is something very strong and real that makes me happy because I leave? I hurt lot to my parents for appearances do that and I did not trust me and do not take the time to know better. Course , if my partner something happens him or his family does not want to be together and do the impossible to get away and he gives and commits a craze for example, like Romeo and Juliet, who was killed when he thought he was dead because without it life not worth living. I will hurt lot but I could not take life because that would not be worthwhile. Elsewhere I try make him understand my family I want be with that person and would do anything to be with her and could be happy together without having to turn away.Love is difficult when it comes to the family because they do not want disappoint them. I hope that does not happen because I think to grow and to have my own family.

    1. Solimar I completely agree with you. Making sure that the relationship is strong before even ending the positive relationship with your family is a positive and a smart way of thinking. All though making sure that he loves you enough to stay and fight the war of death for you is fascinating.


  2. * If you were faced with ending a relationship because your family and your girlfriend/ boyfriend's family did not get along, would you end it or stay together? Explain why or why not and be sure to use examples when explaining and also relate it to Romeo and Juliet.
    If I was forced to end a relationship because my family did not like him or neither of the families got along I wouldn’t end the relationship just because they don’t like him or the family. Mostly because it wouldn’t make sense to end a love so passionate for someone just because they are judging the person I love based on the errors there family did in the past. I disagree with that a 100%. I know for a fact it will start war or it will end up being suicidal to the cause of the two deaths. Romeo fought for his love not even knowing her for a year and knowing that it will probably lead to death they still went on to end the romance. The age… well it said that Juliet was 13 not knowing what she wanted, but for a fact that she wanted to be with Romeo no matter what it took. My relationship should not be based on the negative comments of the family. It shouldn’t be based on what people say as long as you're happy i believe that no one should be separated for what they believe in their heart. I know that juliet was young and people probably thought that she didn’t know what she wanted but she Made herself to sleep to make sure her parents didn’t force her to marry anyone but the supposed “love of her life” Love is not a choice it’s a feeling and you can’t help but to fall in love for. Nor the the size, height, age none of that matters and I believe that Romeo and Juliet expressed that in their love to everyone. Ending with a tragic death making the meaning “till death do us apart” completely true.

    1. good blog melissa it was really good. i liked all the detail in it. it was very descritive and well thought out. all the spelling was good and grammar was good as well.lastly i cant wait to read next weeks blog


  3. Melissa I agree with you because you can not leave a relationship because your family says so. I love your thinking good work!!

  4. In my opinion , it all depends how much I love my boyfriend. My family's feelings does mean a lot to me , but then again they shouldn't be making my decisions because at the end of the day i'm the one who's dating him , not my family. However I might take my family's thoughts into consederation but they could be wrong and just over-reacting.For instance , In Romeo and Juilet their family had a family feud and they still dealt with it .. even though there was a very sad ending they did what was best for them. If that was me , and my family was acting up , and i was truly in love , I would've ignored what my family had to say because my feelings are more important than my family's especially when it comes down to someone i plan on spending my whole entire life with .In conclusion , I would have stayed with my boyfriend no matter how my family felt about it , it is my choice at the end of the day.

    1. I agree with you because in life family should always come first. Even if you have to let go of someone you love more than anything.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. If i was faced with ending a relationship because of my family. I would because family is always more important they a girlfriend. Your family will be there for you every moment you need someone.If your parents do not like your girlfriend it should be for a good reason. If they don’t like her because of her looks then stay with her. But if your parents don’t like her because she she gets into trouble and does bad things than i would listen. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo would go to Juliet’s window at night to see her but after time the two families found out and they started fighting each other. I think of anytime you are with someone that your family does not like it makes the other person feel weird in the situation. There could be times when you think the person you love does not love you back and you never know. You could be get hurt one day and end up in the hospital and they call your girlfriend but she nevers shows up. And the doctor gives your mom a call and she is there is 2 minutes. Most of the time your parents will know what is best for you, whether it is school, job, relationship or anything. In the play Romeo’s family was fighting with Juliet’s family and some people ended up dieing. Which would never happen in real life. The way the story happened it makes sense why the parents would be mad. I mean Romeo is in love with one girl and she breaks his heart so he cries about it and he meets Juliet one night after he said he could never find love again. Then they decide to get married and after a fews hours the families find out and they are 1oo percent against the two seeing each other so at night the sneak off into the world and the two families start to kill each other.

  7. * If you were faced with ending a relationship because your family and your girlfriend/ boyfriends family did not get along, would you end it or stay together? Explain why or why not and be sure to use examples when explaining and also relate it to Romeo and Juliet.*

    If I was faced with that certain problem I would most likely stay together with that person. If I truly did love them my parents or their parents couldn't make a effect on us or our relationship. They should accept the fact that I love that person. A lot of things could end up going wrong. It could lead to devastating things, and you and your family might end up getting into a lot of fights or you guys might not wanna talk to each other anymore. It could ruin the family but only if you let it. Just like in the story Romeo and Juliet there was a falling out with each other's families because their parents didn't want them to be together. So many problems occurred and it caused them to end up both killing themselves because their family couldn't accept them two loving each other. Love is a strong thing and it could either make or break someone. It changes people and makes them change for the good or it can make them change for the bad depending on what had happened. People need to realize that no matter what you say if two people are in love they will always stay in love. Opinions don't matter at all to them. So by disagreeing with them and fighting n screaming is not the answer, but instead having a sit down conversation might help or work out better. People may wanna kill themselves or try to harm themselves because you're trying to push them away from something they want really bad. Love has no boundaries and that could be a very good thing or a very bad thing.


  8. It depends if my girlfriend would not get along for bad and non logical reasons over and over I would end the relationship because i don’t want to love someone that will mostly brag and argue with me and say stuff I didn’t do relentlessly and to be honest relationships from young ages don’t last long mostly like expected but if my girlfriend doesn’t get along because of something more personal and reasonable i would understand that and won’t necessarily end the relationship unless my girlfriend wanted to do so and speaking of my girlfriend not getting along how about my family well some families reject their loving for personal reasons others do for religious reason and last other also do it because worrying reasons but speaking of my family no because even though it’s a religious reason it may have got too far preventing of who i love and who i don’t yet it knots me in the middle making me confused in conclusion. Example from romeo and juliet are when they realized they both belong to families that hate each other which their families would end the relationship because romeo is an montague and juliet is a capulet which are supposed to be enemies also in romeo and juliet the last scene in the last act juliet drinks something to make her look dead so she can wake up and find romeo shows how desperate she is to get along with him but when she wakes up finds out romeo has killed himself in the result of juliet pretending her death know that romeo really loved her she ends up killing herself also which is an example of some non ending relationship can lead to an terrible and unfortunate ending. In the end it really is your choice to end a relationship or not after also romeo and juliet has a lot of love themes and quotes you would want to check out.

    If you were faced with ending a relationship because your family and your girlfriend/ boyfriend family did not get along, would you end it or stay together? Explain why or why not and be sure to use examples when explaining and also relate it to Romeo and Juliet.*


  9. If my family and my girlfriend’s family didn't get along they would stink. It wouldn't our relationship but it may cause some family feuds and what not. But it would definitely not cause us to separate.Its just weird how the families try to control love. I’m trying to say that why should my girlfriend and i end our relationship because our uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, or parents don’t get along. If the love is strong enough then nothing should be able to break that bond. It would be unfair for my parents to separate my girlfriend and i because our families don't get along. It is just completely stupid. You shouldn’t let other people control you life. Let alone your love life. Say our families did not get along, i would not want to have to see my girlfriend in secret. Like Romeo and Juliet had to for an amount of time (until they both died). I’m not saying i wouldn’t but i’m not saying i would like it either. Sometimes there are boundaries of what you should do for you loved ones. Especially when it's not their choice. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet fake kills herself so that her and Romeo would live together. She thought she tried trick everyone but instead she accidentally tricked her boyfriend into killing himself. Then Juliet had to kill herself to be with him. You see when you make a plan, make sure everyone is on board with that plan or it won't work 9 times out of 10. I would take a bullet for my girlfriend but not freaking drink poison or stab myself. That is just stilly and dumb. So what i’m trying to say is no i would not end my relationship with my girlfriend because our family don’t get along. The funny thing is is that our families to get along.

  10. If I were to be faced with that situation it would be a difficult thing for me to comprehend, but yea I would think about it. My family will always be there for me no matter what and will be there for me for a life time. A girlfriend will be there for me but I would not be sure for how long she will be there no matter how hard you try. If the two families were to be fighting I would still stay with her because you never know what could happen the next day. The two dads can go out for a beer to set aside the issues that they have and the two families can become best friends and then we could be happy together and not worry about that fued any more. If it was something more serious I would be hurt, but I would know it would be best and then end the relationship. I have never in my life been in a situation like this ever before. I am sure it would set you in a very depressed mode. If you were in that for a long time, yes it would hurt. I was depressed for about a month after I got out of my longest relationship. That would be the only reason I would hesitate. I would not want to hurt anyone at all including myself

  11. If i were facing an ending relationship because of my family and their family did not get along i would say that it depends on the situation on how bad they wanted us to split. But if you want to stay together you would have to worry about your parents also her parents seeing if we were together. And it would be hard to stay with someone that their parents don’t support them but for me it all depends on the situation. And there are probably going to be consequences like to not go out or to not see them or being grounded. But also you would have to worry about them the same thing will happen to them like for getting grounded etc. But relating to romeo and Juliet they were they both killed themselves just for love and they did all that they can to stay together. Romeo parents did do anything to stop him but Juliet parents did they forced her to marry a guy named Paris. But at the end they ended the feud between their family. That wouldn’t happen in real life. But if Romeo and Juliet ended their relationship the story would have changed and pretty much everything. And Romeo and Juliet had help from other people like when Juliet had the Nurse help her when she didn’t know what to do. So did Romeo he had Benvolio he wouldn’t know what would have happened if Benvolio wasn’t there to help him. Benvolio also fought for Romeo to protect him. But it was hard for Romeo And Juliet because There parents didn’t support them which made them struggle when they were trying to see each other and they could only see each other at night but if it happened in the present there parents would have found out and they would have been not being able to go see them.
