Monday, December 12, 2016

Period 11 Blog #12

Your comment post should be  at least 320 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points)
Do You Have Any Bad Health Habits?

Do you have any bad health habits? Is there anything about the way you eat, sleep, use technology, take care of your personal hygiene, or do anything else that doctors or scientists might consider bad for you? Are you worried? Should you be?
In an article with the headline “Children’s Headphones May Carry Risk of Hearing Loss,” Catherine Saint Louis writes:
These days, even 3-year-olds wear headphones, and as the holidays approach, retailers are well stocked with brands that claim to be “safe for young ears” or to deliver “100 percent safe listening.” The devices limit the volume at which sound can be played; parents rely on them to prevent children from blasting, say, Rihanna at hazardous levels that could lead to hearing loss.
But a new analysis by The Wirecutter, a product recommendations website owned by The New York Times, has found that half of 30 sets of children’s headphones tested did not restrict volume to the promised limit. The worst headphones produced sound so loud that it could be hazardous to ears in minutes.
“These are terribly important findings,” said Cory Portnuff, a pediatric audiologist at the University of Colorado Hospital who was not involved in the analysis. “Manufacturers are making claims that aren’t accurate.”
The new analysis should be a wake-up call to parents who thought volume-limiting technology offered adequate protection, said Dr. Blake Papsin, the chief otolaryngologist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
“Headphone manufacturers aren’t interested in the health of your child’s ears,” he said. “They are interested in selling products, and some of them are not good for you.”
Students: Read the entire article, and then tell us:
— Do you wear headphones? If so, do you worry about hearing loss, either now or when you are older? Did the article strike a chord with you?
— What other habits do you have that might be considered bad for your health?
— Does it matter to you what scientific studies might show about how you live your life — about your habits with food, sleep, technology, personal hygiene or anything else? Why?

— Have you ever tried to break a bad habit? Were you successful? Tell us in the comments section.


  1. Most millennials wear headphones! So yes,of course I do, and like most I turn the volume past the warning saying,’Might damage hearing’. I am well aware and already notice my hearing declining. Hearing loss is obviously the epitome of my future. The article hit the nail directly on the head. I have a plethora of bad habits as a 17 year old living in this day of age. Financially, I spend all my money on food, clothes or tattoos. When I know I should be saving up for a car. I can either sleep 14 hours a day or not at all till two purple crescent moons are stamped under both eyes. I spend way too much time on my phone in any awkward situation leaving the with my head bent at a 45 degree angle with the only light on it is from a fluorescent screen that only shows bullshit. “ Mary is at starbucks! #pumpkinspice #fall #hipster” Good for you Mary no one cares. That does not stop my thumb from scrolling to irrelevant post to the next. I have tried to breaks some of this habits. For example, since the school started which vocation starts an hour early so I have to leave by 620. I must some kind of sleep so I have an alarm that makes me get up and takes a picture of something. This way I wake up on time and I don't miss the bus. Also Ive left myself a range in which I must be in bed anywhere from 9 to the 11 the latest this way I at least get 8-6 hours of sleep which is required for my age. Sometimes I get only 5 but that is a lot healthier than my previous sleep cycle. Currently Ive been trying to use social media les. I already hardly post anything that is not relevant to my art or poetry. On top of that I am trying not be on my phone in public. Lately I’ve been texting too much but I am about to just delete my Facebook and SnapChat and just use my phone for communication only.

    1. Its good for you to know all things that you have a bad habit of. Those things aren't healthy especially at a young age. everyone has a bad habit and some don't want to fix it and its sad to see what some bad habits they are. life is a crazy and scary place and people joke around with important stuff.

  2. I don’t wear headphones because I like to hear everything that is around me. If i’m home or at a friends i’ll just play music and turn it up on my phone for everyone to hear. When it comes to school I don’t find the need in listening to music. I see other people blasting music to the point where I can hear it at the other end of the hallway. That always had me wondering how they could still hear and aren’t bothered by the way it feels. Everyone knows it’s not good for you but they do it anyways thinking it won’t affect them. I think sometimes the way I eat is bad for me. I’ll come home from school and just eat a whole bunch of snacks. I will be hanging out with friends and we’ll just stuff our faces until we can’t eat anymore. I’ll even eat dinner and then 15 minutes later i’ll have cereal or make a sandwich. But then also times i’ll do go a day without eating. It’s not healthy to not eat and it’s also not healthy to eat too much, that sometimes will only be junk food. I think in a way it does matter because they are going out of their way to see how things can affect people. They aren’t telling you how to live your life, they are just showing you things that can happen if you aren’t careful. About 80% of everything they study ends up happening to someone. People don’t take it serious until something affects their health. I always tell myself i’ll watch what I eat and it works sometimes and other times it doesn’t. I’ll be good for a week and then when the weekend comes I’ll fail. It got worse this year because I’ve been home most of the school year so far because all the work I do doesn’t give me a social life. So from all of that some habits aren’t good for you.

    1. I agree I don't normally like to listen to headphones, I like to hear what's happening too. I hate when I hear others peoples music or they bring speakers to school. its totally not necessary.


  3. Headphones are a part of me because i love listening to music wherever i go or at any moment. I have also always carry them around because i like to zone out they bring out a good feeling sometimes you need it. Mostly i do love listening to my music through headphones then out loud it's better in my opinion.The bad habits that i have that is not good for my health is eating junk food that is a big one for myself. I know i shouldn't but i still do i consider it bad because it is not good for my body since it's better to eat vegetables and all of those things. When scientific studies shows things that relate to a way person’s life it does not matter to me because everyone is different we all don't have the same things. Some things may be right but others are not but it depends on the things they talk about. But for me it does not matter so much because not everything may be true. I have tried to break my habit by not eating so much it has work lately I haven't because I want to improve my body it can help me alot and improve my health which is a big important thing for myself. I am actually working on it but so far I have felt good

    1. I understand your bad habit. I have the same one but of course I got rid of it. Yes headphones are a part of music lover's lives. It makes the day way better when you can play your favorite song and blast it loud. Zoning out is the best part especially when I'm in school. It keeps me humble.

  4. I do use headphones but I am not really and really concerned about hearing loss. For me I only use them up to half volume but I know many different kid putting at full volume which does concern me a lot. This worry me because they don't know what is going to happen to them when they are older. Reading some part startled me a little because sometime you need headphones to be safe for children especially now. I think another bad habit is staying up really late or pulling an all nighter. The reason is because you are getting the recommended amount of sleep. Another habit I have is saying no to some people. This gets me in a lot of problem with my work, life, and everything all around. I am kind in the heart but that is a habit I have for a while. I feel like Carl Allen for "Yes Man." I think that Scientific research helps people but It cannot change the fact that something are habits. We can learn to control your habits but sometimes it is easier said than done. For example I have a bad habit of eating a little to much but I am learning to control it over time. I have tried to break a lot of habits some were susscessful other were not. I used to have a bad habit of biting my nails but now I stopped that completely. Some bad habit and even good habit are hard to do but it takes time to control it. All we can do is try a little at a time.

    1. i agree with dan 100 percent. trying to get rid of a bad habit is hard. Especially if you have alot of them. I used to have the same habit dan did when i was much younger. I used to bite my nails and i didn't even know why i did it. But now that i have gotten older, i have stopped and i dont do it anymore.

  5. Headphones are a part of me because I love listening to music wherever I go or at any moment.It's like a part of me that I have to have them unless my day would be lame. if I lose my headphones I will feel empty and very lost.I have also always carry them around because I like to zone out they bring out a good feeling sometimes you need it. Also very sad
    Times to feel beer. Mostly I do love listening to my music through headphones then out loud it's better in my opinion.My music is really different to people. Wearing headphones you can hear more of the beats. I like to play The music really loud. I play it loud so that I don't hear anyone. habits that I have that is not good for my health is eating junk food that is a big one for myself. I know I shouldn't but I still do I consider it bad because it is not good for my body since it's better to eat vegetables and all of those things. When scientific studies shows things that relate to a way person’s life it does not matter to me because everyone is different we all don't have the same things. But I do take some things into consideration. Some things may be right but others are not but it depends on the things they talk about. I am actually working on much because not everything may be true. I have tried to break my habit by not eating junk food. Yes I have overcome it. How I did ? I join the girls basketball team and spring track.Both help me eat better and feel better. I don't want to be out of shape. But doing sports and eating well well as improve my health which is a good thing. Not most people can say they broke a bad habit and improve their health.

    1. I agree with you without headphones the day or moment can be so lame. I personally love carrying them around too because they became a part of my day. Junk food has been a bad habit that I have broke off a little more. I am glad to hear you are too by joining the basketball team.


  6. I personally don't wear headphones that often. I don't listen to music that often and when i do it's in the car or my room so there is really no need for them. Im not really concerded about hearing loss becuase if it was really that dangerous they would stop making them and srop selling in this day and age you have so many high tech hearingaids if you lose your hearing you can still hear pretty well. I hope no one needs hearing aids because of this but just in case it happens. Another habit i have that it bad for my health is biting my nails. My mom always says if you keep biting your nails you're not going to be able to grow them out when you quit. This is probably true but it's a habit and it's hard to brake i don't even realize that doing it half the time. I've been doing it for as long as i can remember i quit a few times but i always go back to it. I don't think an article will change what i think about my life as long as i'm happy and not in trouble i think i'm doing all right. You know doing good in school and sports and not doing drugs and in with the bad crowd. So what if i bite m nails or put headphones in i have enough on my plate and nobody's perfect so i don't see the big i said before i tried to break my nail habit. I was not successful but i tried quitting a couple times and it worked for a few weeks and but i slowly broke back into the habit stopped going to the salon to get them done and was back to my old ways.

  7. About the majority of people in this world wear headphones. This includes i myslef and yes sometimes i do go past the volume limit and i am well aware that i can damage my ears and or have hearing loss. As of right now im really not that worried about hearing loss because i believe that as science improves every year, scientist will discover a way to prevent it. When i get older i will be worried about it because i feel like when someone will try and talk to me, im just gonna say what like a dozen times. This article kinda did affect me because i know that in the future i will be worried but as of now i won’t. There are many other habits that may be bad for our health. I believe i have a habit thats bad for my health and thats reading in the dark. I think this is bad for me because i feel like im gonna lose vision. There are many scientific studies that show us what is bad for us but i really dont care because its my life and im gonna live it the way i wanna live it.

    1. I agree with you as we get older science grows and studies change. when we are younger we care less until the time comes and we can't do anything about it. No one can help habits they just happen.

  8. Yes, i most definitely wear headphones. I wear them probably 15 hours of the day. I just love music and they block out the noise pretty good especially because i go to the gym. I honestly do not worry about hearing loss but i probably should. I most of the time turn it up past the damaging ear warning. I’ve always just loved loud music especially the bass on some of the songs which makes it even better. But what makes it worse is that i listen to metal at times plus rock and it is so loud but i love it. The article didn’t sway me because i love music loud and i’m proud of it.
    I have a lot of bad habits considering i have always bitten my nails to the skin which is disgusting believe me i know. Forgetting to wear my glasses or contacts is another one because my sight is really bad already and if i don’t wear either chances are my right eye will go blind as i am told.
    It does matter what scientific studies have shown about how i live my life. I am on the road to bettering my life as of lately. I am trying to master the bad habits and get rid of them. I never had good choices especially with personal hygiene or technology for that matter. I’m always on electronics or just forgetting to take care of myself but i haven’t had the motivation in the past. But now that i am going to the gym my habits are lessening for instance I have been sleeping better and showering regularly and just bettering what i eat. Ive struggled in the past but I know i still have a long journey to go but i am willing to push myself to be healthy and organized.
    I honestly never tried to break a habit i just let it happen which i really shouldn’t i know. Especially with food that one cookie or soda that’s on the counter i don’t stop myself i just take it and i was on the road to failure especially where i want to go in life.

    1. I agree. The bass on some songs is just something you want to hear fully and you want to block everything out for that one song. Music is a massive part of my life and that will never change and just like Megan I am very proud that I love music and I don't hide that.


  9. I am never not wearing headphones. The only time I don’t wear headphones is when I’m asleep. When I’m in school, on a bus, in a car, outside playing a sport, doing homework, etc.. I am always wearing headphones and listening to music. As I type this I am wearing headphones and listening to music. I never worry about hearing loss. My phone is more worried about my hearing loss than I am. When I have my music at full volume for a long time while I have headphones in they will lower it out of nowhere and when I go to put it back louder it says something along the lines of it potentially hurting my hearing. When that happens I usually just put the volume back to 100 again. I don’t ever and I don’t think I will ever be worried about hearing loss because of my headphones. I don’t have that many bad habits in my life that make me unhealthy. I used to be completely overweight and play xbox everyday of my life but I don’t have time for that anymore and I’m glad I don’t. Some scientific studies I look at and if I find out I’m on the bad end of whatever it may be about or on the verge of being on the bad side I will fix whatever that bad habit may be. I always try to break any bad habits of mine. Whether it’s playing xbox too much or if I say a random word or phrase too much I’ll stop saying it so I don’t annoy anyone. I used to eat way too much when I got into like middle school. I used to be overweight and that would show in gym and stuff. But, I decided one day that I needed to stop that and eat healthier and eat less. Which eventually I accomplished. I know today I don’t eat super healthy but I eat way better than I used to.
