Monday, December 12, 2016

Period 3 Blog #12

Your comment post should be  at least 320 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points)
Do You Have Any Bad Health Habits?

Do you have any bad health habits? Is there anything about the way you eat, sleep, use technology, take care of your personal hygiene, or do anything else that doctors or scientists might consider bad for you? Are you worried? Should you be?
In an article with the headline “Children’s Headphones May Carry Risk of Hearing Loss,” Catherine Saint Louis writes:
These days, even 3-year-olds wear headphones, and as the holidays approach, retailers are well stocked with brands that claim to be “safe for young ears” or to deliver “100 percent safe listening.” The devices limit the volume at which sound can be played; parents rely on them to prevent children from blasting, say, Rihanna at hazardous levels that could lead to hearing loss.
But a new analysis by The Wirecutter, a product recommendations website owned by The New York Times, has found that half of 30 sets of children’s headphones tested did not restrict volume to the promised limit. The worst headphones produced sound so loud that it could be hazardous to ears in minutes.
“These are terribly important findings,” said Cory Portnuff, a pediatric audiologist at the University of Colorado Hospital who was not involved in the analysis. “Manufacturers are making claims that aren’t accurate.”
The new analysis should be a wake-up call to parents who thought volume-limiting technology offered adequate protection, said Dr. Blake Papsin, the chief otolaryngologist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
“Headphone manufacturers aren’t interested in the health of your child’s ears,” he said. “They are interested in selling products, and some of them are not good for you.”
Students: Read the entire article, and then tell us:
— Do you wear headphones? If so, do you worry about hearing loss, either now or when you are older? Did the article strike a chord with you?
— What other habits do you have that might be considered bad for your health?
— Does it matter to you what scientific studies might show about how you live your life — about your habits with food, sleep, technology, personal hygiene or anything else? Why?

— Have you ever tried to break a bad habit? Were you successful? Tell us in the comments section.


  1. Yes I have always had headphones. No I don’t worry about hearing loss. That doesn’t mean I blast my music. Only sometimes I blast my music but most of the time I just keep it somewhat low. The article wasn’t really saying anything new. My parents have told me to not blast it because I would ruin my ear drums. My sleep habits are not healthy at all. I won’t sleep at all one day then take a nap the next day and stay up the rest of the night. Not because I want to I just can’t fall asleep. Then when I’m really tired I take the nap and that just ruins my whole entire sleep schedule. I don’t think that’s healthy. I think people should have the same sleeping schedule. Not like the same for every person but I think we need to stick to one because if we keep switching sleeping times it will just mess with you and you won’t want to get up. Plus if you do keep the same schedule you will get used to it and you won’t be tired anymore. That’s why people are often tired on mondays because they don’t keep the same schedule as they do in the week days. I do think it matters what scientist say because they know more then us about this stuff and they do experiments to prove their theories multiple times. I’m not saying I trust them completely because I don’t but I do trust them a little bit because of the test results. I certainly trust them with technology because they use all the advanced stuff to make the end result in things. So I do trust them on something's just not all things. Yes I have tried to break my sleeping habits. I have tried taking naps that didn’t work just made me stay up even later. I have tried just staying up until I went to bed that was really hard because of how sleepy I was.

    1. I agree with you I don't blast my music it's very rare that I blast my music and the article didn't really change my opinion on me wearing headphones. And everyone has bad habits and anyone can change them some bad habits are sleep and I agree with you because my sleep schedule is terrible and it is a bad habit and I can fix it but I don't. But I need to
      Because I will be too tired to wake up

  2. Personally I do not wear headphones. I use earbuds. I worry about hearing loss when i'm older just a little bit because i don't want to listen to my music too loud on accident all of the time and go deaf when i'm like 50. Yes the article did because it was intriguing how people can start to go deaf after such a young age. Other examples of habits that could potentially be harmful to you would be watching too much tv, staying up too late, and eating unhealthy foods such as chips candy and Etc. too much of anything can be harmful though. It matters somewhat to me what scientific studies show about my life because if i go to the doctor i don't want to not get disease shots, have unknown cancer, be a diabetic without knowing. It's good to get tested for things once in awhile. It also matters because you could be doing things that you think are ok for you that are actually bad for your health like not brushing your teeth or eating old food that's expired. I've only had a couple habits that i wanted to break one of them was biting my nails. I started biting my nails when i was about 4 and stopped when i was like 11. What i did to stop was i made sure that my nails were always cut so i couldn't do anything about it and eventually stopped.

  3. Sometimes I wear headphones and I do not worry about hearing loss. As much as I use them personally I do not think I will loose my hearing in the future. I do not blast my music or whatever I am listening to. I don't think this article will change anyway I use my headphones from this point on, I think there is more bad habits to worry about than using headphones.
    More bad habits I am concerned about is eating unhealthy things . This is a bad habit that has been bothering me for a very long time. I want to exercise more and eat healthier so I won't become fat. Sometimes it is very hard to break a bad habit and that's okay it is a big challenge and you have to commit to it every time you fail you have to try again. I have bad habits that I try to stop but sometimes it is very hard for me to stop.Everyone can stop our bad habits but sometimes we get lazy and we fail and we just got to keep try and not give up.because if you get up and you will succeed at this bad habit and you will beat it but it takes time and you have to remember that for ever otherwise you could fail.

    1. I agree with you Chris my eating habits aren't the healthiest. It's just so much easier to eat unhealthy because things are in the little plastic bags so its very easy if you don't have time to make a healthy lunch. I also agree with you because I don't like to blast my earbuds be ause to me it just hurts my ears.

    2. I agree with Chris, some of the times I am not eating my healthiest, and there is no reason to even blast your music, because it can be very distracting to other people around you. Depending on the situation, it can sometimes be hard to break a habit.

    3. i agree with you chris because whenever i wear headphones i dont really worry about losing my ability to hear. also i think we should learn to control our habits and domesticate them the best we can. i like your positivity about not giving up as well.

  4. Sometimes I wear headphones and I do not worry about hearing loss. As much as I use them personally I do not think I will loose my hearing in the future. I do not blast my music or whatever I am listening to. I don't think this article will change anyway I use my headphones from this point on, I think there is more bad habits to worry about than using headphones. But, I have other habits where it can be considered bad for my health. For example, when we had winter break I would always stay up to around four or five in the morning then I would go to sleep and wake up really late. It really annoyed me because a lot of time would be wasted in my day. A few days before the break ended, I tried to break the habitat by going to sleep early, so my sleeping schedule would be a lot better, and ready for school. I do think it matters what scientist say because they know more then us about this stuff and they do experiments to prove their theories multiple times. I’m not saying I trust them completely because I don’t but I do trust them a little bit because of the test results. I certainly trust them with technology because they use all the advanced stuff to make the end result in things. So I do trust them on something's just not all things. Yes I have tried to break my sleeping habits. I have tried taking naps that didn’t work just made me stay up even later. I have tried just staying up until I went to bed that was really hard because of how sleepy I was. Also, from before, I think this is why a lot of people are tired on Mondays because their sleeping schedule isn’t the same as the time they go to sleep on weekends.

    1. I agree with david, whenever I wear my head phones I never really worry about my hearing loss at all. I love to just zone things out because I don't wanna be in school. Theres many habits we all have some we just throw into and some we just happen to do from time to time. Its good to fall out of a bad habit just never fall back into one. This article will deffinetly not change the way I view ear phones. Ill still wear them and probably put it loud whenever i feel like it

  5. After reading this article it makes me think a lot about earphones, and some other things not only earphones. They make things to get money off of it, even if it's harmful to the people who want to buy it. I didn't really think too much into it until I read this article and it scares me because what other things are they making that is harmful to people. I didn't even put too much thought into how loud my ear phones would go, and that it could cause loss of hearing. In fact I do wear head phones almost everyday in school, at home, and when I go out. Now I do worry a lot about my hearing because I always put my music high to tune everyone out for a while if I need a break. It struck a chord with me because the fact that people don't really care about your welling being they just care about money, but that's how the world is now though. Other habits I have that is probably bad for my health is biting my nails which can hurt my hand and not only make it ugly but still destroy my teeth slowly. It matters to me about the scientific studies show to I live my life. IT's not only interesting but you learn more about how things are supposed to be and other people's opinions. I have tried to break a bad habit but it's extremely hard, and sometimes i would fall back into it. Some habits can be very deadly like smoking, drugs, drinking. Everything in this world is extremely harmful and many people don't realize it until a loved one or someone they know has died. Even something as simple as being on your phone while driving your car can ruin your life. You can end up killing someone and go to jail for it. You can be here one second and the next second you're not. There's nothing in this world that is safe but you have to be aware of your surroundings and choose the right people to hang out with. My mom says you are who you hang out with and i came to realize its very true.

  6. Yes, i always wear headphones and listen to music, but i don't really worry about hearing loss because i usually always have my headphones to a volume where i can hear people if they are talking to me. Although most of the time i'm blasting my music but my ears are perfectly fine, i'm even blasting my music typing this right now. Besides blasting my music another bad habit i have is using my phone in the dark close up to my eyes without my glasses, my grandma and mom are always telling me to stop doing that because it's straining my eyes more than what they already are wearing glasses. Sometimes it does matter to me what scientist study that can be bad for my health which a lot of things that i do are but once you start something it's kind of hard to end it. One habit i tried to end was successful though which was biting my nails and i haven't been doing that for awhile now. To be honest it was hard at first because i was so used to doing it.
