Monday, December 5, 2016

Period 11 Blog #11

Your comment post should be at least 310 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

Student Question | What’s Your Dream Job?
By MICHAEL GONCHAR  MARCH 10, 2016 5:00 AM March 10, 2016 5:00 am

What do you want to be when you grow up? Has your dream job changed as you’ve gotten older? Have you already started investing time and effort to try to make it happen?

In “The New Dream Jobs,” Jenna Wortham writes:

When the National Society of High School Scholars asked 18,000 Americans, ages 15 to 29, to rank their ideal future employers, the results were curious. To nobody’s surprise, Google, Apple and Facebook appeared high on the list, but so did the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The Build-A-Bear Workshop was No. 50, just a few spots behind Lockheed Martin and JPMorgan Chase. (The New York Times came in at No. 16.)

However scattershot, the survey offers a glimpse into the ambitions of the millennial generation, which already makes up more than a third of the work force. By 2020, it will make up half. Survey after survey shows that millennials want to work for companies that place a premium on employee welfare, offer flexible scheduling and, above all, bestow a sense of purpose. These priorities are well known and frequently mocked, providing grist for the oft-repeated claim that millennials are lazy, entitled job-hoppers.

But it’s important to remember that this generation was shaped by a recession, an unprecedented crush of student debt and a broad decline in the credibility of all kinds of institutions. Stability is an abstract concept to these young workers, so they instead tend to focus on creating a rich, textured life now, rather than planning for a future obscured by uncertainty.

Students: Read the entire article, then answer the questions below:
— What’s your dream job? Why do you want that job? Do you think you’re well suited for it?

— What qualities are most important to you in your future career? Salary? A sense of purpose? Scheduling flexibility? Feeling challenged? Feeling appreciated? The ability to get ahead? Liking what you do or being good at your job? Anything else?

— What investments are you willing to make now to help you get your dream job eventually?

— What companies would you want to work for? Are you surprised by the National Society of High School Scholars survey rankings? Why?


  1. My true ambitions in this world are simple. I want to create- whether it be a spoken poet,a freelance artist or a comedian. I want to soak in my surrounding and show it to strangers on the street, the mailman, mothers and brothers! The beautiful thing about humans is that we a have a conscious and each one perceiving this spinning wet marble in a different perspective, different shades of stained glass looking at the same sky. It is such a underlooked profession and constantly told left to right that I should ,”Keep it a hobby”. This only makes me want to chase after this pipe dream more. I see people everyday with degrees, still swimming in the whirlpool of student debts and loans- that still have low paying jobs not even related to their degree. It is depressing to see people discard their dreams for something more ‘practical’. Then they work paycheck to paycheck for years. Honestly I rather be homeless doing what I love then living from check to check for something that is ...not me,not meant for me.The question if I am well suited for it or not is not up to me but up to the viewers. The qualities about this job is obviously not the money or feeling appreciated. My hours would be flexible and I would get some praise for whatever I create. The main quality about this career would be liking what I do. The main quality I want in overall life is just passion. As Charles Bukowski put it,” Do not do it unless it comes bursting out of you, it should not be forced. “. I want my love for life for melodic laughter, for every tear that runs down my cheek to be out of passion, to come from the heart. When I paint it comes from pure genuine intentions of simply wanting to create. It flows from my brain and into my veins which comes spilling off the brush. It comes so easily and from a place where no one else can touch.The investments I will make to this job would have to be my times, materials and soul into my art I think would help me escalate to my full creative potential.

    1. I agree with Dakota because the work force in the United States is crazy. Most people will have bills for the rest of there lives. What is the point to work if you will not have a debt that you will never be able to pay back. I want to work and achieve my dream but the world makes it a little impossible to achieve it with out having some sort of debt.

  2. In this week’s blog I will talking about my dream job. My dream job is to be pro football player. I want this job because I love to play football. I do think i’m well suited because i have the size of a football player and i’m athletic enough to be one. I do like the salary of a football player they make 345,000 a game. Another reason that i have a sense to play football is I love to play football. The team I would want to play for is the dallas cowboys. I would want to play for them because they are my favorite team. The investments i would be willing to take is lots of practice. I would work my butt off to get this job. I would practice every day to get better. Being a football player having a flexiable schulele is crazy. All u do is work to make yourself better than everyone else. I like what i do, I love to play football. I am surprised about the national society of high school survey rankings because its crazy how low they are. i will see u next week on the blogger.

  3. My dream job is to be a surgeon. I want to be a surgeon because I want to be able to save and fix people's lives. Yes I think I'm well suited for this job. I am well suited for this job because I am not grossed out by guts or lots of blood. Also because I am not easily attached to people, and u can't be a emotional person when ur a doctor. Getting a good salary being challenged and good schedule. My hours would be flexible and I would get some praise for whatever I create. The main quality about this career would be liking what I do. The main quality I want in overall life is just passion, I will love what I do for for a living . Everyday I want to walk into something crazy and new. Like having to take a bullet out of someone's knee. Or give 20 stitches to a person who got cut or give a girl a new face or nose. I know that my job will keep me on my toes but I also will pray that I'm not as busy when it's family time or on a daily basis so I can catch my breath . I will be a local photographer taking pictures of family portraits or for people businesses. The money I earn will be put all away for college savings. I will do this to get into a good college for me to get a higher degree in medicine. I will like to work for a graphic design company using my photos to create something big. It will put my art out there more and I can make more money to save up for that good college. I am very surprised about the national society of high school survey rankings. I am so surprise because of how crazy low they are.

    1. I really liked hearing what you wanna do when you grow up. That makes me so happy knowing someone wants to care for people like that. I could never do that, I'm not about the blood thing. Its all about how passionate you are about something to make it happen. We will have a good future with out jobs!

  4. I'm so excited to start my dream job. For the past year i've been really dedicated to become an Orthodontist. I just started my first year at OCVTS for dental assisting and I couldn’t be happier to learn more and more things about something I’m so passionate about. I want this job because ever since I got my braces on and off, it opened my eyes to see how interesting it is and how much it changed my life. My whole life I’ve wanted braces, I was so insecure about my smile and how people would look at my teeth. So once I got my braces on I started to feel better. So this being said I want to make other people happy and confident about themselves. I think am well suited for this job because I know what feels uncomfortable and what hurts, so I can help them not think about the pain and how uncomfortable it is to have the wires and all the instruments in their mouth. Qualities that are most important to my future career are being able to communicate, eye contact, neat appearance, and being organized. The average salary of an Orthodontist is 196,170 per year. When I’m passionate about something I’m willing to make all the time in the world to do it. I’m going to have to work my way up to be what I want and I’m excited for the challenge and the long road ahead. When i take the braces off kids I know I will be very happy. Just knowing the feeling of the whole braces things, I know those kids will be very appreciative. I’m willing to go to the best school for the best education and studying for hours on end to get really good grades. I can’t wait to be sitting in that chair helping kids have an amazing smiling and seeing how happy they are once the braces come off.

    1. That's awesome Alyssa!I'm happy you are in VOCS and learning what you want to do after high school. it is awesome that you want to make kids happy and make them have a pretty smile again and be happy with their teeth.

  5. A job I always thought about was to be a Police Officer either State or Township. The way I want to pursue in achieving the title of Police Officer is maybe enlisting in the Army. If I join the army I will serve two years then I will study for my GI Bill which is the equivalent as a College Diploma, maybe instead of doing my GI Bill I can maybe Apply for some Military institutes such as West Point, Virginia Military Institute or just some random college that has ROTC in it. I want to become a Soldier and than a Police Officer because I for one take pride in wearing my Class A Dress uniform, and my Army Combat Uniform (ACU). Something about being a walking billboard for America makes me happy, getting all these greeting from people I don't know makes me happy, meeting new people makes me happy especially if they have something nice to say about me as they approach me. A policemen has many responsibilities such as making the right decisions when it comes to giving out tickets and pulling out any weapons such as their handgun, nightstick, pepper spray, or taser. Policemen can take someones life in the matter of five seconds by firing their handgun. As a person I would not want to take someones life but as a police officer I will live by an oath that will protect me, the people around me and the aggressor and or suspect. As being suited for this type of work I will train my body as I do currently, work on my thinking as it comes time to do so in either the military or the police academy, and I will train the people around me to understand why I am so dedicated to doing this job. I am not going to set my mind to something this hard and not put my full commitment into it. There are two things that will make this job so worth it one is the respect of the public for one being in the military then I get to serve my country and live a dream of mine, also this will become something I might be able to pass down to my kids if it works out the way I want it to. My plan for my adult life is to be able to support my wife and kids, and then some. I really want to retire my mother and father because they are my two inspirations in life who push to be me every single day and I thank them for that. The key sacrifices I am willing to make are my time, and if I have to do my life.

    1. I agree with you John in order to achieve your dreams you must make extreme sacrifices sometimes. You must be aspire to inspire to help other people be happy and yourself as well

    2. I agree with you John. Like Dakota said in order to make your dreams come true you need to be able to make extreme sacrifices and the fact that you are willing to put your life on the line for is very brave and shows you'll do whatever it takes to where that badge and be out there.

  6. My dream job is to be a X Ray technician. I want to be an X Ray technician because when i was younger i hurt my ankle from gymnastics and i got a lot of X Rays on it and i always wonder how does this machine actually work? How does it see your bones? I honestly think it does suit me, because my family always seen me to be in someway in the medical field. Also i love helping people and i hate seeing people in pain cause it makes me upset that i can’t help them. My family has always seen me to be a nurse but i hate seeing other people's blood, i can’t stand it. I can see my own and it doesn’t bother me but other people’s i can’t deal at all. My qualities that i see in my future is that i can help them to feel better but also yeah the money is really good, A X Ray technician makes more than a nurse, My neighbor told me that and she is a nurse. I want to work with kids so then i have easy hours and then i can be home in time for dinner if i have a family and also if i have a family then i can also see my kids in the morning and after school. I want a job which i love instead of working at a restaurant that i don't really like besides that i make money. I want to go to VOCS next year so then i can learn more about the machines and the body parts and all the bones of the body. I can’t wait to leave high school and go to a good college and get my masters degree and then get a real job and then be really happy with my life cause i worked so hard to get there.

    1. i think thats a great future job for you April. i always got hurt and i know what its like to be in all those crazy rooms full of machines. i think thats a great job. Best of luck to you!

  7. My former future job was to be a chef but now my dream has changed to become an engineer. I think I'm will search for this position because I'm good at math, science, and physics. The most important qualities for the specific job is to be smart, fast, and friendly. I find the salary should be reasonable for example about 25 to 30 per hour. In engineering you alway have a sense of purpose. An engineer must always work around a flexible schedule. I like the feeling of getting challenged because it give me something to really think about. The least thing I find important is self or other appreciation because I find that we all need to do are part in the world. For example there are a lot of components in a car but if one break down they all don't work. This is how I view work. I find it important that you like what you do because what would be the point of going to a job that you hate. I find that working at a young age would help you progress to the future of getting your dream job. Also it will help you learn the benefit of hard work. I would want to work with any engineer job that will benefit me to get better to become the best. This does not surprise me because the world to day is more related to the technology age where iPhones, computers, and anything Electronic is the main way of doing something.

    1. I agree with you follow what you want to do. Let your passion take its course to make a career doing something you love. having something that you do not enjoy doing is just a waste of time.


  8. My dream job is to be a lawyer for immigration people that have came to look for a better lifestyle here in the United States because we all have an opportunity to be here and I want to help people ahcieve them. This job is the one way i want to interest myself in because my parents are immigrants i seen the struggle they have faced to get me where i am today.I know every immigrant out there don't come to steal or take away anything from anyone. This will suit me because i have lived with knowing people can be taken away from any reason we all have the rights to speak for ourselves i would love to help the people out. The money is not what is important to me but the fact that i can have the chance to change people's lives that is what i want. Put myself out there to help others out no matter what type of situation a little can also be something. To accomplish this i will need to get good grades in school to be able to go to a great college to learn this about. Read more about cases people have faced that i can be aware of in the future. It can help me out to be the greatest out there to help myself know what i am getting into. This is the job i see myself working it because it has been a part of my life where i grew up to see things . The most i want to do back is help others because it is a great feeling to have knowing you can change something, A lawyer is a strong job to have because there is so much to learn about and go through to be successful. This is what i want for myself to be a lawyer to love what i am doing.

  9. My dream job would have to be being a professional makeup artist in a few years. To be able to work on movie stars or just celebrities would be great. I would want this job because i feel like the journey will be exciting and it is just a passion i would love to take to the next level. There is a lot more involved then you would think. I would love to do theatrical and special fx makeup and designing of the costumes. It just seems very exciting and who knows i could end up in hollywood or something, i love planning the future. I do think i'm suited for it because it’s my passion and i’m in cosmetology right now so i can get my license so i can further my education and be certified. It is also something that i can fall back on.
    The most important quality would be the people that i work with and how much fun i am going to have. A salary of an average makeup artist makes 64,000 dollars or 30.50 an hour. I honestly wouldn't care about flexibility unless i have a family because i would love to do this full time and really advance in this career because practice makes perfect you know. I do feel appreciated especially when i have friends and family routing for me. I would like to go at my own pace and take my time. I would like what i do and i will be good as long as i practice and introduce to new things.Well i am in vocational as of now and after I finish my second year i will take the test to get my stateboard license so that is where i'm starting. A cheaper way to do it too.I would love to work for paul mitchell or quantum creation fx. I’m not surprised because they are very good because they did investments that took a lot of time and effort.

  10. My dream job is to become a professional wrestler. It’s been my dream since I was 3 years old. I want that job because it is something that I have been into for most of my life and I feel as if usually little kids change their minds all the time about what they wanna be when they are growing up. I wasn’t like that. I always wanted to be a wrestler and that hasn’t changed so I feel as if it’s meant to be. I know that it takes a lot to be a wrestler as you have to train a lot and learn and it takes a toll on your body and takes a toll on you mentally but at the end of the day it is completely worth it to me. Whatever I have to give up or do to become a wrestler I’ll do. I don’t wanna be just an average wrestler either I wanna be the best and I have always had that mindset and that’s the mindset I have today and will have forever. The qualities that are most important to become a wrestler are you need to be healthy. Not as in weight because there are wrestlers that are 500 plus pounds. But, you need to be healthy enough where you are at the gym 6 out of 7 days of the week and hopefully wrestling every night and that is where I plan to be one day. Also you have to be good at the sport. With football you go in and you know you gotta get the the end zone and score. Wrestling isn’t like that. You need to cooperate with whoever you are facing and you both need to be able to have chemistry and know each move before it happens so they know how to sell it and where to go in the ring. It is very complicated to explain to someone that has never watched but for me it all makes sense and I know what I have to do. I don’t care about salary. As long as I have surpassed my full potential and I am doing it as my career the salary doesn’t matter to me. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get to my dream job and to be the best. Whether that means I have to move when I’m 18 to wherever or if I have to pick up an extra job or two. I’m willing to do whatever I have to do. The big company I want to work for is World Wrestling Entertainment. That is the biggest wrestling company and where the best of the best go. That’s where I wanna be ranked, as one of the best. It could take me years to get there or only a few. Last year a guy debuted in WWE for the first time and he has been wrestling for 18 plus years before he went there and he is 38 now. Wrestlers usually retire in their late 40’s some even 50’s. But, now the landscape of wrestling has changed and it isn’t about the look anymore it’s about how good you are at the sport. For example they just held a tournament in the UK and a 19 year old won the whole thing. I’m only 2 years and a month off from that so at anytime I can make it there I just have to become the best wrestler possible.
