Friday, January 6, 2017

Period 11 Blog #13

Your comment post should be  at least 330 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points
What Are Your Predictions for 2017?

Bubbles and balloons float over revelers at an event in Tokyo welcoming 2017. Related SlideshowCreditKoji Sasahara/Associated Press

For our first Student Opinion question of 2017, we wonder: What do you think will happen this year? What predictions can you make for global, national or local events? For your own personal life? Why?
Much of the speculation about changes this year is focusing on politics as Republicans are about to seize control of the House, Senate and the White House for the first time since 2006. In the introduction to the Run-Up podcast “Predictions for a Trump Presidency,” Michael Barbaro writes:
Here’s something we did not predict a year ago: that Russia would hack the Democratic National Committee to undermine faith in the 2016 election and that the winner of that race, President-elect Donald J. Trump, would shrug off the entire episode by telling the country to “move on” as he stood next to Don King, a boxing promoter and convicted felon.
Nope. We did not see that coming. Because predictions are hard — even hazardous. But as the final days of the year tick down, The Run-Up wants to look ahead, carefully, to 2017, when a new White House, a new Congress and a new political reality will take over in Washington.
But you might also want to read articles that make predictions about the year ahead in sports (will the “Patriots capture the Super Bowl, deflating the Cowboys”?); food (will “French food, Filipino food, smoked food, whey, cannabis” be in style?); technology (will we see more robots, augmented reality and self-driving cars?); or fashion (“a whole new spin on nuptial trends” thanks to Serena Williams?).
Students: Read some of these articles, or listen to the politics podcast, then tell us:
— What predictions can you make about the presidency of Donald J. Trump? Why? How will his presidency affect the U.S. and the world?
— How will a new era of Republican control affect our nation? What specific Obama-era policies do you expect may change? Why?
— What do you think could happen in the realms of culture, the arts, fashion and style? Be as specific as you can, especially about the aspects of culture that interest you most.
— What about new trends in how people communicatetravel and even shop?
— When it comes to your life and your loved ones’ lives, what do you hope or believe will happen?
— Do you agree with Mr. Barbaro that predictions “are hard — even hazardous”? Why do humans love making predictions? How can that sometimes go awry?
— Which of your predictions most worry you? Most comfort you? Why?
— Do you have any milestones coming up this year, such as a significant birthday or a rite of passage such as a graduation? In general, what do you most look forward to in 2017?


  1. In my opinion I think people don’t see the real in people. People just listen to what someone has to say ad goes along with it. But 99% of the time they are just exaggerating so people will be on their side. This is how the president's get picked. Donald Trump won because all the things he said he would do to make us great again. Since it’s getting closer to him in office everything he said he is changing and people obviously don’t like that. I don’t pay attention to this stuff i just hear what teachers or my family says about all of it. I just know that Trump is already starting to go against his word. I don’t think that’s fair at all and someone needs to think about the people for once. Really I just think what everyone is saying to get in office is fake and they just want to win. So that being said I don’t think these new few years with these new people are going to be any good. I think lives are going to change. The art, cultures, and fashion will change for the worst. Who ever is in office makes think how they like or don’t like. You can play like that you need to think about the millions of people they have under their fingertips. Culture is a big thing, someone will make it a living hell for someone if they don’t like what they do. I think traveling will be hard to go with everything going on in the world. They are trying to make it safer and sometimes some people can’t leave where they are is something wrong goes on. But communication i think will stay the same. But i think shopping will be different with the prices and fabrics. When it comes to me and my family I hope everyone is healthy and everyone stays getting along. I think predictions are hard or hazardous because no one really knows someone nexts moves. It’s just hard to read their mind. Something that worries me the most has to say how will someone rule our country. And what comforts me has to be my family always being there. The one thing I look forward to in 2017 everyone being healthy and keeping all my good grades.

    1. this is good Alyssa. Everyone has their own predictions about everything in this world. No one can not say something about someone or something. i hope you have a great year and keep your grades up.

  2. To be honest I don't keep up on this political thing. I do not like politics. Nun of it makes sense to me. But the things I heard about Donald Trump and his intentions and they sound okay.I guess I predict that taxes will go up and the economy will fail and most of my friends will be gone. I predict that my friends will be gone because they are not allowed here. But if they get their papers and take this test they can stay. That is a long process.The republican ear will get richer while we struggle I guess. Our nation always have voted for Democrats side. This will affect Obama care will probably be in effect of this. I'm pretty sure Trump wouldn't like the idea of people getting things for free. Nothing will change in fashion or culture or in art, people will judge u still. Things wouldn't and couldn't get that deep into change. I think fashion would be the same but cost of all this stuff would go up. I believe that more people will shop online. Traveling would be harder because now it's going to be hard to get back into America consider the fact that people are not allowed in anymore. They will make people do tons of paperwork. I hope that my family will be safe and not killed because of the color of their skin and what certain people think it represents. I am afraid of what to come because now my family needs to be careful not to get involved with cops and disrespectful people. The prediction that worries me the most is my friends being deported. The one I like is that my family will be safe. I look forward to summer and my birthday and my drivers test this year. This year is the year I finally become an adult in my family. I will have more freedom I will not be home all the time I will be able to drive by myself and be independent.

    1. IO agree with you as the new years comes everyone always expect all this change when hardly anything really deeply changes. I liked your perspective on that. I hope hope after your birthday you get the freedom that your parents should give you

  3. Some predictions I can make for President elect Donald J. Trump are that he is going to make a better president than Hillary Clinton would ever have been. He also could potentially start war with isis or north korea. I say this because Hillary Clinton is a liar and a cheater also. I believe Clinton is the one responsible for the Benghazi attacks in 2012, and she is also responsible for all of the deleted E-Mails. Donald Trump could also start a war with one of the two or both of the countries because they already don't like us, so trump makes it a bigger threat. Personally i think trump is an uncultured american politic who knows nothing of other people's races, but i don't think that will affect anybody's life. My one prediction that most worries me is that when Donald Trump is president is that a lot of poor people might actually lose their homes cause Donald Trump does not believe in poor people and he thinks everyone can have a good life and a good job and support themselves. I think Donald Trump is an idiot because, some people have medical problems or some have a mental illness and if you have a medical problem then you can not work and then they can not afford a house because they have to pay for medical bills or they have to live with someone else cause they can not stand by themselves or they can't walk or they have depression and it is hard for them to get out of bed in the morning to actually shower and have a life with friends cause they have no motion to get up and see their friends or family. When someone has depression you can not tell until they tell you or it gets that bad that they can't even smile or laugh or you realize they aren't coming to school that much or work. In 2017 i am looking forward to having a great summer and actually hanging out with my friends and see my boyfriend more than i usually do because of school, it sucks cause i only get to see him on weekends but its okay. We make it work and that is all that matters to us.

    1. I like the way you explained everything. You were on point about trump and that things he is doing. It's not fair to think everything can live a perfect life. It's hard if people have a problem and trump doesn't see that. Lastly I'm happy you're going to be hanging out with your friends and boyfriend!

  4. In my opinion I think the world is just getting worse and worse as the years go on. I don't like the way Trump handles certain topics. As a citizen of the Untied States of America I hope it will turn out to be ok. With the war and all the terrorism that is happening in the world today. I feel like if he changes thing it would no take a huge change but over time the change will increase. I feel it would change some what but with all people have different ways of thinking some mite have a different opinion on the some topic. The thing I can see get changed the most is Obama-care. I think it will be changed but not completely gone. I think all most everything changed art, society, and jobs. For example the jobs of the 21st century now we see all this computer jobs, electrical, and medical jobs. Even the way we talk to each other is different. Young kids(including myself) use slang terms in steady of real words. Travel is also going to change. For example there are cars that can drive them selves. Shopping is a big one now instead of going out to get something we can order it from our house. For my love ones and myself I hope we can live thing than we are expected to. I agree because something in human nature we love to predict thing that we have no idea about. the prediction that worry me the most in AIS. Artificial Intelligent the computer having the mind of it's own. The most comforting is being able to live longer. I don't really have a milestone this year but for the years to come I hope the year will be better than the last.

    1. i agree with dan on this. I do think that the world is getting worse year after year. i also agree on what he says about donald trump but at the same time, we gotta give him a chance. We gave every president a chance, why doenst he deserve one. Yes i also dont have a milestone as well for this years but i will try to come up with something. For example, learn how to play the guitar or drums...

  5. The election of 2016 was an absolute mockery to the United State citizens intelligence. The election was treated as if it were a reality Television show. The media was definitely a very negative source compared to event that were happening. Just like any other shitty Reality Tv show the public brought into picked sides of their favour characters. The results was businessman Donald J. Trump as president. During the 2016 election he was written off as a spray tanned racist. After brief research on the subject, Donald J. Trump inherited a good sum of his money and the 9 major businesses he had to file for bankruptcy after a fail in business. Is a businessman good in the white house? Maybe. A business who has failed multiple times before. Maybe not. I do have to admit he was an interesting character due to the fact that he has never been involved in politics he is an outsider. Not all polished up with lies and scandals. This may be a turning point for America. My prediction for 2016 for Donald J. Trump is that soon we will have issues with Russia that could have easily been avoidable. I don't know where it will take us but war is the only solution right? As for the economy that Trump promised it is questionable. If he is smart he will close down business in foreign countries and rebuild them here giving us factories which leads to jobs which leads to lower unemployment rate and us selling OUR products to other countries. He has also claimed to get rid of Obama Care which I personally stand for. His back up health care solution you may ask- Don't get sick. I don't think it will be easy to get that passed anytime soon.
    As for the culture and art in this nation I think we are about to see a huge increase in new young artist. Social media gives them the right output for everyone to see to get more free publicity. The thing in 2017 is everyone being different “special little snowflakes’’ so I also believe that fashion will become greatly diverse that many new styles will erupt and all will be appreciated.
    As for traveling and the culture. The culture of millennials is very hard to revolves around technology and as putting out best face on the camera. Despite of all the culture shock that will progress with 2017 and the years beyond I hope to be happy with my man and to keep working on myself and my art.

    1. I can totally agree on how the election was viewed as it were like a television show. Yes many things were said about Donald Trump we just have to wait to see what will happen. Yes that is a great thing to put work into yourself which everyone should. I am glad about the things you want for 2017 hopefully it will work out.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. There has been so much going on lately since it has been a whole change for everyone Donald Trump was chosen to be our new president.Honestly he probably will end up failing on us since he doesn't know much about the politics and all of that. But that may happen or he will actually help us out. Many things may change since the all politics all of that has made a big difference. There is a lot that can switch up during these years,months etc much predictions that can occur. Because we have also change even though we can not see it but we have ourselves that is a good thing. For my love ones i wish them the whole best to live how they want that other people do not matter because it's yourself that comes first. Yes predictions can be hard but that is the point in having them. It is a lot i would like to happen just have to wait and see what will hopefully for the best. The most worry i personally have is our future because technology is taking over that is not a great thing because we should live life to the fullest. The way someone chooses to live their is on them. We have so many predictions that people would like to occur or it won't but that is an amazing thing to do. It shows you want to keep going, The thing i look foward is 2017 to live the moment not take everything so serious but to have a certain point where i can handle it. That its live with the most fullest moment that is what i look forward in 2017 start fresh and have the best moments. 2017 will be one of the more many years to have the time to express myself and learn new thing about myself that is what i hope. For everyone to make it great for themselves but yes this is what i look most into and hope everyone else too.


  8. Personally i think that mr.trump will make an interesting president. He's not really sure how he is going to get things done but he has big plans for us. Weather the plans help or hurt us or help us is a different story. I think some of the things he wants to do like improve trade will be very helpful to the us and other nations. Other things like the wall i think are not going to help the world at all but add more unnecessary debt to our economy. An obama thing that i think is going to change is obama-care. Republicans in general did not like this. So i think trump will get rid of it fairly the terms of culture i think it will change with the new presient and as time changes traditions change so somethings bound to happen. Art and fashion are always changing i think in terms of fashion i think the retro and hipster fashion is slowly coming back and will become more common. And art has changed from van gogh to famous photographers. I think editing and photoshop art will become more popular as they have been the last decade. In technology i know there's going to be new devices. Soon we will be able to talk to people telepathically the way we're heading. In all seriousness i think that we will have a new iphone with the old iphone headphone jack and i think that soon phones will start to get smaller. For my personal life i hope to get a job and keep my close friends i have now. Recently i lost a lot of friends and the few i have left i'd like to keep. A big milestone i will have in 2017 is my 17th birthday and getting my license. I am looking forward for my senior year and and summer with my friends.

  9. Some predictions i think about Donald J. Trump as our new president is that their will be many riots in my opinion. I also believe that he will start wars but at the same time, i believe that he will create more ‘jobs’ and try to help the american people. I think that a new era of republic control will affect our nation because its a really big change. For the past 8 years, the nation was under control by the democratic party which helped every social class. But now since its a republican, i feel that they will change everything. I think that they will get rid of obama care which benefits everyone with insurance. I think that the realm of culture, art and fashion will remain the same because it has been for the past years. In the future, their will be new trends and ways to communicate and travel. For example, their might be an under water train or their might be a gigantic bridge that can take us to different countries. I believe that in the future, my life will change alot because i will be out of college and working do the things i love. I agree with Mr. b because predicting is very hard because things change, people change. In the year 2017 i really look forward to driving and traveling the world because this summer me and my friends are making a plan to travel all across europe for two weeks.
