Friday, January 6, 2017

Period 1 Blog #13

Your comment post should be  at least 330 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points
What Are Your Predictions for 2017?

Bubbles and balloons float over revelers at an event in Tokyo welcoming 2017. Related SlideshowCreditKoji Sasahara/Associated Press

For our first Student Opinion question of 2017, we wonder: What do you think will happen this year? What predictions can you make for global, national or local events? For your own personal life? Why?
Much of the speculation about changes this year is focusing on politics as Republicans are about to seize control of the House, Senate and the White House for the first time since 2006. In the introduction to the Run-Up podcast “Predictions for a Trump Presidency,” Michael Barbaro writes:
Here’s something we did not predict a year ago: that Russia would hack the Democratic National Committee to undermine faith in the 2016 election and that the winner of that race, President-elect Donald J. Trump, would shrug off the entire episode by telling the country to “move on” as he stood next to Don King, a boxing promoter and convicted felon.
Nope. We did not see that coming. Because predictions are hard — even hazardous. But as the final days of the year tick down, The Run-Up wants to look ahead, carefully, to 2017, when a new White House, a new Congress and a new political reality will take over in Washington.
But you might also want to read articles that make predictions about the year ahead in sports (will the “Patriots capture the Super Bowl, deflating the Cowboys”?); food (will “French food, Filipino food, smoked food, whey, cannabis” be in style?); technology (will we see more robots, augmented reality and self-driving cars?); or fashion (“a whole new spin on nuptial trends” thanks to Serena Williams?).
Students: Read some of these articles, or listen to the politics podcast, then tell us:
— What predictions can you make about the presidency of Donald J. Trump? Why? How will his presidency affect the U.S. and the world?
— How will a new era of Republican control affect our nation? What specific Obama-era policies do you expect may change? Why?
— What do you think could happen in the realms of culture, the arts, fashion and style? Be as specific as you can, especially about the aspects of culture that interest you most.
— What about new trends in how people communicatetravel and even shop?
— When it comes to your life and your loved ones’ lives, what do you hope or believe will happen?
— Do you agree with Mr. Barbaro that predictions “are hard — even hazardous”? Why do humans love making predictions? How can that sometimes go awry?
— Which of your predictions most worry you? Most comfort you? Why?
— Do you have any milestones coming up this year, such as a significant birthday or a rite of passage such as a graduation? In general, what do you most look forward to in 2017?


  1. 2017 Predicting the future

    -One predicting i could make about our president Donald J Trump is he will try to make america great again but therefore he will also probably cost a lot of wars again because of the things he says and does that make people not want to hear him.

    -A new era of republican will affect our nation by taking down what Obama had. For Example like Obama care. Donald Trump is now working on the “wall” he always talking about from the borders of mexico.

    - I think the cultures might get a little more serious as everything counties on. The art works will get more and more intense.

    - The way people travel and communicate will not change at all people still gonna travel in planes or cars. People are gonna communicate still with technology just maybe a little different way than other apps.

    -When it comes to myself and my love ones is where i wanna stay at i want my family to stick together , strong, and making money. Where we all enjoy ourselves and always have a great time with things.

    -The most prediction that worries me is the president one and us getting a republican after years that we last had one. The one that comforts me is my family one because i wanna go strong with my family and make them happy and proud.

    -what i have in mind for 2017 is sports, school , and a lot of more brighter things i could do to make my family and myself proud.

  2. 1.)The predictions i can make about Donald J Trump is that he is one of the biggest liar there is. In my opinion i feel as he would bring back slavery and he will somehow throw the purge in there. That will affect the whole world in many different ways.

    2.) Some policies i think that might change is the obama care. Everything obama did he’s trying to do it but he’s failing at it and can’t seem to get it right.
    3.)What i think could happen is that all the arts and drawings that people do , they aren’t gonna be able to do it anymore because some of the drawings have probably a beautiful picture of a like umm a naked lady with amazing colors around it. ( IF YOU GET WHAT I’M SAYING ) some of the paintings he may not like so he would take them down.
    4.)Shopping online i feel as the prices are gonna get higher same as the traveling part to. Phone bills are gonna get higher who knows ? you know !
    5.) I just hope that we will get as far as we possibly can without getting hurt from donalds mistakes and authorities that he’s trying to give us.
    6.)We love making predictions because we believe that one day that might actually happen and if it does all we have to say is “i told you” and just move on with the struggle that you predicted.
    7.) The prediction that most worries me is the purge affect one because lmao i honestly don’t wanna die young i wanna live as far as possible, achieve my goals that i want to succeed first.
    8.)I’m looking forward my birthday in the summer July 22nd , and also my brothers birthday party, January 21st.

    1. i agree with your prediction, he will bring back segregation. And he will change this country for the worst.

    2. if he does bring slavery back then who will be the one to stop it because we dont have Abraham Lincoln,Martin Luther King Jr. or any people that have fought for the rights of this country like they did today

  3. — What predictions can you make about the presidency of Donald J. Trump? Why? How will his presidency affect the U.S. and the world?
    I think his presidency will have a big effect on the world in a positive and negative way, the positive way is if he does what he says he is more jobs will open up for “legal” people in the us. The negative about it is that while he is president he could could assassinated or something because of everything he has said and what he says he will do.
    — How will a new era of Republican control affect our nation? What specific Obama-era policies do you expect may change? Why?
    Some policies enforced by obama trump claims he will try and take them away or i think he will put a little twist on some of it help him, like obama-care trump will try and change it

    — What do you think could happen in the realms of culture, the arts, fashion and style? Be as specific as you can, especially about the aspects of culture that interest you most.
    I think the fashion and style this year will turn into all rips all over everything like it started to in 2016 but this year it's going to take full swing and everything is going to have it
    — What about new trends in how people communicate, travel and even shop?
    All the new trends like shopping online and talking online like skype are all going to get more advanced, they will make it easier to order food and clothes online so it comes faster and skype will be made easier to use so you don't need wifi everything will change.

    — When it comes to your life and your loved ones’ lives, what do you hope or believe will happen?
    When it comes to my life i hope and im working for it and that's a scholarship to a 4 year college for soccer, doesn't matter what college just any type of help with a scholarship would be amazing.

    — Which of your predictions most worry you? Most comfort you? Why?
    The predictions that worry me the most would be the changes that trump might make and the ones that comfort me is that the patriots will win the superbowl because i hate the cowboys/
    — Do you have any milestones coming up this year, such as a significant birthday or a rite of passage such as a graduation? In general, what do you most look forward to in 2017?
    In 2017 i look forward to a good start on my new soccer team, a good rest of the school year and hopefully move into a new house and stay happy for the rest of the year.

  4.  -I predict that Donald Trump will not stop immigration. The wall is very expensive, we don’t have the money, and Mexico is not paying for anything. I think  Mexico wants there culture to spread and for there people and other immigrants from other countries  to have a good, better, new life and to get away from the dangers of what they are running away from. In America you can have any religion that you want. America allows the gay community to get married and that has changed our country and has been another reason why more people are coming to the United States. I think we should focus more attention on wars and are relationships with other countries. That is more important than stopping immigrants from entering and crossing the Mexican border. Most people think its a big problem mainly because there RACIST and PREJUDICE and don’t want races to mix well its going to happen because if you say that you are concerned about people coming over well deal with it because they have had long journeys to get across that land that they are getting away from and they just want to enter a new safe world with less dangers because that is what Donald Trump promised. They don’t want to be sent back to where they came from because that long painful journey was difficult. They will have to cross it another time if sent back and that’s what they’re trying to escape from. Donald trump said that he would higher the security and he said that he will “Make America Great Again” if he wants to do that than he has to do what’s right even for  the immigrants. He will affect the world because he is now connected to the Army, Military, Navy, Marines and nuclear weapons. He is also connected to the government and he will make wrong and bad decisions for the U.S. this is not because I like Hillary Clinton better or anything like that it’s because everyone makes mistakes and knowing Donald Trump by his appearance and reputation and the way he thinks about topics and politics he will make enemies and will choose wrong.
    -It will affect the nation because we didn’t have a republican president for over 10 years and it will change the way that people think and it might change people’s minds of what side they will choose like Democratic or Republican. I think Obama-care will stop because Trump never liked the thought of it and because he thinks that people should pay for it instead of it being free.
    -Fashion and art will change it changes every year because there are new artists, new ideas, and creations. Music will also change especially science there will be  new ways, inventions to help people, and new discoveries.
    -There will be new technology that helps you move around and talk to others because inventors always make things more new and add on to old ideas.
    -I hope that I will have another year with my family and many more to come because you never know what is going to happen that’s why you have to enjoy things in the moment that it is happening
    -Humans love making predictions because we want to see if we are right about what we guessed about and it helps us prevent things. It can go awry because if we hold onto that hope longer than we are supposed to then you are missing out on the importanest parts of your lives and missing and wasting your time on a prediction rather than seeing the ones that you love and wanting that prediction to come true and you will waste your precious time waiting for that prediction to come true
    -I most look forward to see more seconds, minutes, hours ,days, weeks, months, years, decades in the world because I don’t want to have a short life  I don’t know about you but I want to live for more than 80 years see how technology has advanced and see if I can make a difference in the world. I am looking forward to my birthday and the  track season but most of all cross country even though its next school year I want to break my personal best and see how faster and better I can become

  5. — What predictions can you make about the presidency of Donald J. Trump? Why? How will his presidency affect the U.S. and the world?
    The predictions i can make about the presidency of Donald Trump is it might go well. Our country has kind of fallen apart, and Trump might be able to fix it. Now i don’t really like him that much because i’ve seen his debates, i don’t like or agree with what he has said. Now i can’t judge because he’s has done anything as president, but he might do well so my predictions are hoping he will “make America great again”.
    — How will a new era of Republican control affect our nation? What specific Obama-era policies do you expect may change? Why?
    I believe a new era of Republican control will affect our nation by making it great. An Obama-era policy i think will change is Obama care. I think it will change and probably be shut down because Trump said he doesn’t like it and most americans don’t want it.
    — What do you think could happen in the realms of culture, the arts, fashion and style? Be as specific as you can, especially about the aspects of culture that interest you most.
    I believe fighting could happen, between the people, because they have different cultures and art pieces and fashion styles so they think there ways are right in which would cause a disagreement or fight. — What about new trends in how people communicate, travel and even shop?
    — When it comes to your life and your loved ones’ lives, what do you hope or believe will happen?
    When it comes down to my life and my love ones lives, i hope that all goes well. I don’t ever want to lose anyone but i do know it’s going to happen one day. I hope that in my life i succeed and reach my goal. I wanna leave high school knowing i made it. For my loved ones, like my friends i hope they succeed as well, i don’t want to see any of my friends in jail or dead. And and for my family i hope they are happy with their life.
    — Do you agree with Mr. Barbaro that predictions “are hard — even hazardous”? Why do humans love making predictions? How can that sometimes go awry?
    I don’t really agree and i kind of do, some predictions are hard, and some are easy. Humans like making predictions because it gives them an idea of what is going to happen. Now making predictions can go wrong because you might predict wrong like you get yourself all excited and happy but really it’s going to go all wrong.

    — Which of your predictions most worry you? Most comfort you? Why?
    Some predictions that worry are my future. I second guess myself a lot and i hope my prediction on my future is right or close to it. But it worries me because i think well what if i never make it. Now they also excite me because i’m excited to see my future.
    — Do you have any milestones coming up this year, such as a significant birthday or a rite of passage such as a graduation? In general, what do you most look forward to in 2017? In 2017 i look forward to meeting new people maybe new family members i look forward to my sweet 16. That’s a tradition for lots of people for their daughters to have a sweet 16. I can’t wait to get my permit. It just symbolizes that i’m close to getting my license. I hope 2017 is a great year for me.

  6. — What predictions can you make about the presidency of Donald J. Trump? Why? How will his presidency affect the U.S. and the world?
    Donald trump will make us strong in some areas as a president, but he will also ruin us. How are we supposed to be “the land of the free” with a racist as our president. He makes people worry about innocent civilians, and he,s going to cause the fall of the United States. For example, when Donald Trump was elected president, many innocent foreigners moved out of our country looking for another home. He scares people off and that's going to be a downfall.
    — How will a new era of Republican control affect our nation? What specific Obama-era policies do you expect may change? Why?
    2)This will drastically affect us. We’re no longer a free country, we have a bad man leading us now. Obama was a fair man, he wants equality and he had it. Now Donald Trump wants us to be superior, and its going cause wars and other battles.
    — What do you think could happen in the realms of culture, the arts, fashion and style? Be as specific as you can, especially about the aspects of culture that interest you most.
    3) In my opinion, Our president will make a lot of people go against colored people, or any foreigners. That's honestly the way hes looking right now, our new president is a racist.
    — What about new trends in how people communicate, travel and even shop?
    4) I dont think style will change, or how people communicate. I think everything will stay the same, but the people will change. Surroundings won’t change, but the people will start to think like trump. We will not be a free country with him as our president.
    — When it comes to your life and your loved ones’ lives, what do you hope or believe will happen?
    5)I hope everyone in my family remains the same. I dont want a family that worries about the race of a person i hang out with, and i dont want a racist family in general. If my family changes because of our president, im going to be upset because they would change in the wrong way.
    — Do you agree with Mr. Barbaro that predictions “are hard — even hazardous”? Why do humans love making predictions? How can that sometimes go awry?
    6) I agree, but also disagree with Mr. Barbaro. Predictions are hard to make. But when you hear a person talk about what they’re going to do, and their plans. Its almost easy to predict how it will end.
    — Which of your predictions most worry you? Most comfort you?
    7) none of my predictions comfort me, cause they could easily be wrong and i could sound dumb.
    — Do you have any milestones coming up this year, such as a significant birthday or a rite of passage such as a graduation? In general, what do you most look forward to in 2017?
    I dont have goals for this year, it just started so i have a lot to think about. And i have to try to plan out my year and try to make it go how i want.
