Friday, January 27, 2017

Period 11 Blog #14

What Items Would You Place in a Time Capsule for Future Generations?

The 1770 Ear Inn in Lower Manhattan has revealed many souvenirs of past owners, including pottery shards, bottles, keys and a shoe.

Have you ever discovered anything hidden away in an old house or apartment? Have you ever stashed away something so you — or others — could recover it years later?
What stories have you heard about the discoveries of old things in buildings left behind in secret places?
In “The History Hidden in the Walls,” Caitlin Kelly writes:
“The practice of burying or concealing items in the structure of a house is called immurement,” said Joseph Heathcott, an architectural historian and urbanist who teaches at the New School in New York.
“It is actually an ancient practice that cuts across many cultures and civilizations,” Dr. Heathcott added. The most famous examples are artifacts entombed with Egyptian pharaohs in the pyramids, but he said that ritual objects have often been found in the walls of Roman villas and ordinary houses during archaeological excavations. “The history of Freemasonry traces its origins to the rituals of concealment by masons, sealing up secrets in their buildings,” he said.
Objects were often hidden away as a way to bring good luck to inhabitants. This was the case in Ireland, he said, “where it was common when building a home to bury a horse skull in the floor or under the hearth, a Celtic practice that dates back centuries. Sometimes it would be the entire skull, other times just the front section or the top without the lower jaw.”
In England and Ireland, it was also customary in many regions to bury dead cats in the walls or under floors of houses to ward off malicious spirits, Dr. Heathcott added.
Students: Read the entire article, then tell us:
— What can everyday objects from the past tell us about life long ago? What have people learned from uncovering items left behind, either intentionally or accidentally, in homes and buildings?
— If you uncovered an item stashed away long ago, would you feel a connection to the person who left it behind? How curious would you feel about the item you found and the person who used it? Would you want research to find out more? Why or why not?

—What items would you put in a time capsule for future generations, and why?


  1. Everyday objects can represent very key moments and symbols something greater of our past. When people find these objects we can make out and make hypothesis about how they lived and events that occurred. For example, the egyptians left hieroglyphics on purpose for us to read and to understand their history and their culture, Another example, is when there is a fire and people have left something behind-we can assume who may have been in the fire. Object left behind is the breadcrumbs that we can follow to fully understand events of the past. Most times when something is left behind I do feel a connection with that person. To think that someone else once had this object in their hands or saw it everyday for awhile. There is a connection between me and them, unspoken and sometimes unseen, It weird to think how objects can connect two strangers or two loved ones together. Depending on the object found would point my curiosity. Some things are like going to a thrift store and purchasing used clothes, you don't feel any curiosity you just assume it's joe-smjoe across the street. Other times you find something that could have deeper meaning like antiques,scrapbooks, or personal journals. That have a direct connection from one soul to another. It means something deeply to one person and as another person simply coming across it you have a direct view of their life or timeline. Seeing moments captured or seeing a story in a old antique. I probably wouldnt research the object because I would come up with a really dynamic story of the object I found and I would disappointed if the object had nothing but a mediocre background. If I had to put items in a time capsule I would put my journals,art pieces, records I listen to and some books I read. These objects would be a direct view and sum of whom I am now and I would like to share that with generations of the future;.

    1. I really like everything you wrote about. it had a lot of meaning and you explained it very well. finding something that was once someone else's it such a beautiful thing. you get to imagine how their life was and thats amazing. I also liked the items you would put in there it shows a lot of meaning to you that many people in this world need nowadays.

  2. Finding someone else things buried away in a house or in a store feels like treasure. As years go on many things start to upgrade so it’s amazing to find what is was like years ago. Once you discover something you try to put a story behind it to see how maybe they lived. Just something little like a ring can mean 10 different stories, the same with money, or a page in a book. Everyone is different and everyone has moments to share with someone that would always be with them. They bury it or hide it so the next person can see if they can put the pieces together. It’s not always just finding something in a house, it’s also found in stores. All over the world there are stores out there that give away their stuff for others to have since they didn’t need it anymore. They take it and make memories with themselves or others with it. Everything has a meaning and mostly everything can be reused. That’s what life's all about and it’s a beautiful thing. Me personally if I uncovered an item i would most definitely try and put a story together. I would feel like I just entered their life and could become friends. Finding something so personal means a lot and i would treasure it. It’s not made for someone to ruin it, it’s for others to make it their own. I would want to try and look online to see who had it, to see what their life was and if my story could match it. I love knowing how someone's life is/was, it’s just so interesting. Already this generation is becoming worse as the years go on so honestly if i had to put items in a time capsule it wouldn’t be anything like the objects today. Everyone is so focused on social media and phones and parties and drugs i wouldn’t want to keep it going or make it worse. I would love to put a book in there that is inspirational, or my first ever piece of jewelry, a CD of country songs that has good meaning, and maybe the art in my room. Its nothing bad and it has a lot of meaning. It would help the kids see what's it like outside of the social media/partying world.

    1. This is a good blog Alyssa. I like what you would put in the time capsule cause then kids can find out what we listen to and how we liked our music and what we read.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The everyday objects are different from those that were in the past because a lot has changed during these years. They are way more improve because during the years we learn new things and to make them better. We don't realize how much it can actually tell us what has changed because we see more of everyday objects in this time period as we seen it our whole life. Sometimes not knowing that but things were different in old period of time, there is so much things from the past that we haven't seen. It is amazing how we discover it each day from buildings,homes and many more because we learn new things coming from it. It shows us a little background about their lifestyle and what they have done. If I were able to know how or who left it behind I would feel a connection because it compares how I see it and to them actually using it. I would feel really curious that I would love to actually figure out more things to it to see it makes it better for myself.Yes I would like to research to right amount of information to learn and find out new things because it is really interesting. The thing I would put for other generations to see is a flower because during the years it can change you never know what can happen to them. It wouldn't look the same but it would be unique to see it in a couple of years. The other thing would be an electronic because we have use it a lot in this generation everyone uses it. We have our own life on it and it would seem cool for the others to see how they looked it would attract them since it would be different. These would be the two items that I would like to show them by keeping it in a special place in a wall one day when I get older that would be good. To keep it going by generations so others can learn too.

    1. Things do change a lot and a lot of things will continue to change.putting flowers away would be a very cute.but it would die eventually. And put electronics would be cool as well. People would be able to how it advanced and improved over the time. They could compare and contrast it to the newer version.

  5. The world has changed a lot. A lot of things have been forgotten or not recognizable. There are a lot of objects that have different meanings that may even symbolize things. Everyday objects tell us about how things were used how things work. Most people learn about who used to live there or how things were back then before they were there or that age. For an example when I moved to my new house I came across old letters and mail and jewelry in my attic. I learned that the lady that lived there was a teacher. She was backed up on a lot of bills her jewelry was kinda old fashion she had personal items we had to send away. Also we found a typewriter and other cool old timer things. When I found them items I didn't feel no connection between her but I liked her style of how she enjoy old fashion things. It reminded me of how people used records and typewriters. Nowadays we use computers phones or sometimes CDs. When I found her old letters it was creepy. I would say she probably died since she never came back to get them or any of her jewelry. My mom never told me what had happened to her so I still wonder time to time where she is or is she a ghost watching me in her house. I would put a dictionary in my capsule. I would put a dictionary in there because by time I'm old and have kids they wouldn't be made anymore. I would also put DVD player and CDs my photos and favorite letters my rings and old pair of shoes and jeans. I would put these things in there so I can be talked about and discovered after I'm dead. I would put my shoes and jeans so people can see how I dressed and what was in at the time. I would put movies I liked so people can know what I liked or just how movies has changed like maybe they will stop making DVDs.

  6. Really and object could be use to tell how old something would be. The objects could tell how they live, work, and health, Etc. I tells us about the past that we only have written thing down. With an object and advanced technology we can pin point exactly what the item is and what it was use for. For example say this old pair of scissors was found at an old house. We could find out what it was use for also the exact era it was from. I feel if I found an item long ago I would have a connection with the item. The reason for this is because it will make me feel close to the past and what it was like for the better or the worse. The past is something that we can't repeat the same experience the same time. I would be very curios because I would wonder what this tool or object would be used for and who it was used on. I would research it because I like to know about the past even more. I would but a book the reason is because this generation is the new technology age and soon all book will become completely useless.

    1. i would also put a book in my time capsule come to think of it. i agree with him about how one day all books will be completly useless. So i want the people of the future see how we used to get our information to do things. Like writing papers, or making powerpoints.

  7. in my opinion, i believe that time capsules are a very good thing because it tells us and shows us things from the past. whats everyday objects can tell us about the past life long ago is how people lived and how they used the objects. Also, it can tell us how old the objects are and fro which generation it is from. many people uncover many things from the past. For example, how old it is what it was used for and who used it last. If i uncovered a time capsules with things from long ago, i would think of it as treasure and i think i would feel a connection with the person because out of all the people in the world, why did i discover or find it. i would be very curious about what this item is and who it was used by. I would go to forensic scientist and find out who used it last and why it was placed. if i were to make my own time capsule, i would put in an old iphone, a soccer ball, a picture of me and my family and money. I would put these things inside becuase i want to show future people what our technology was, what sports we played, what was our currency and who buried the time capsule.


  8. Objects from the past can tell us so much about what happen in the past and how people lived and ate and bathed. We can learn so much from objects from the past. Even better we could even ask our grandparents how they lived when they were younger or even our parents. When i was little my Nan and Pop put all of my school work and artwork in boxes and last year i found them in my attic and i was looking at them and it was funny how bad i spelled and how bad i did in school but my teachers let me pass cause i was struggling in school and they did everything they could for me to love school and come everyday and keep trying my hardest and they never gave up on me. It felt so weird to find the boxes because i didn't think they kept my work, but they did and i am happy they did cause now i'm doing awesome in school and i actually want to get better in school and make my family proud of me. When i was i elementary school we had to put an item in a time capsule and i put in my favorite dress when i little cause i wanted to show the kids from this generation's how little kids dressed and with my dress i put a pic of me wearing the dress.

  9. Somethings I would put in a time capsule would be an old phone of mine like an iPhone 4 too show off technology I had as a sixteen year old and compare it to the technology at that current time. I would also put something old like an old car key to keep the history of the past still relevant to the future, I would also put some pictures of me and my family to see if kids at the time I dig up my time capsule still value time with family, and making memories with them. Some household items I would maybe put in my time capsule would be a light switch because soon everything is going to be digital, motion censored, or voice activated. I would also put in an old computer keyboard to see the evolution of computer technology and compare it to when I was young. If I found a time capsule of someone who is maybe deceased or they are not at the age to communicate regularly I feel like I would have to share their story with the things that I found of him or her.
