Friday, January 6, 2017

Period 9/10 Blog #13

Your comment post should be  at least 330 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points
What Are Your Predictions for 2017?

Bubbles and balloons float over revelers at an event in Tokyo welcoming 2017. Related SlideshowCreditKoji Sasahara/Associated Press

For our first Student Opinion question of 2017, we wonder: What do you think will happen this year? What predictions can you make for global, national or local events? For your own personal life? Why?
Much of the speculation about changes this year is focusing on politics as Republicans are about to seize control of the House, Senate and the White House for the first time since 2006. In the introduction to the Run-Up podcast “Predictions for a Trump Presidency,” Michael Barbaro writes:
Here’s something we did not predict a year ago: that Russia would hack the Democratic National Committee to undermine faith in the 2016 election and that the winner of that race, President-elect Donald J. Trump, would shrug off the entire episode by telling the country to “move on” as he stood next to Don King, a boxing promoter and convicted felon.
Nope. We did not see that coming. Because predictions are hard — even hazardous. But as the final days of the year tick down, The Run-Up wants to look ahead, carefully, to 2017, when a new White House, a new Congress and a new political reality will take over in Washington.
But you might also want to read articles that make predictions about the year ahead in sports (will the “Patriots capture the Super Bowl, deflating the Cowboys”?); food (will “French food, Filipino food, smoked food, whey, cannabis” be in style?); technology (will we see more robots, augmented reality and self-driving cars?); or fashion (“a whole new spin on nuptial trends” thanks to Serena Williams?).
Students: Read some of these articles, or listen to the politics podcast, then tell us:
— What predictions can you make about the presidency of Donald J. Trump? Why? How will his presidency affect the U.S. and the world?
— How will a new era of Republican control affect our nation? What specific Obama-era policies do you expect may change? Why?
— What do you think could happen in the realms of culture, the arts, fashion and style? Be as specific as you can, especially about the aspects of culture that interest you most.
— What about new trends in how people communicatetravel and even shop?
— When it comes to your life and your loved ones’ lives, what do you hope or believe will happen?
— Do you agree with Mr. Barbaro that predictions “are hard — even hazardous”? Why do humans love making predictions? How can that sometimes go awry?
— Which of your predictions most worry you? Most comfort you? Why?
— Do you have any milestones coming up this year, such as a significant birthday or a rite of passage such as a graduation? In general, what do you most look forward to in 2017?


  1. At first I was kind of skeptic of the election between the two, having trouble deciding which of the two candidates was worst. Over all I believe that Donald J. Trump will bring nothing but positivity to this country.

    I feel like the presidency will be affected of both positive and negative impacts. Choosing either the negative or positive from both sides.
    new era will effect our Republican control because although most of the positive and that’s most with all caps, be republican sides it can be such a loss for the country, because a lot of people can lose their jobs effecting families and expanding or decreasing the community.
    my opinion Donald Trump wanted an all American country and he won’t be able to gain that, unless he can expand the American culture in a negative way. The art would still be beauty no matter who creates or touches the brush. The fashion style would be only American brands being that we wants to move all the factories to the U.S.
    The trending is depending on what it is and help, traveling should increase of the amount of money its bringing in, due to the way Donald is brining racism into the inside of schools and the inside of airports. Shopping prices will lower, Donald Trump’s take on having international factories only be here in the U.S will make objects for the government more expensive making the prices drop in retails.
    — I rarely have an intake on humans’ opinion especially when it comes to politics, although he is correct for this situation making everything hazardous, keeping a close eye and intake in things to see where we are heading.
    Humans love making predictions because we love to guess, making things way more impossible than they seem for ourselves.
    — My prediction that worries me the most overall is, having my parents leave my side because some guy decided to take over and make everything worst for, it doesn’t make sense to me that people die for love all the time because of so much hatred but people pay to see the hate. I fear that one day I will wake up and not see my parents by my side just because someone doesn’t want my race here. Not because he has to but because he abused his power for the wrong being.
    — My milestone passage is to lose weight, and have better self esteem for myself over all.

    1. you have done a wonderful job on your blog Melissa
      your milestone says it all hopefully you succeed in

    2. great job Ahmad ! i related to you mostly everything that you have said.

    3. Melissa I liked the way you explained your answers and I also understand your concerns because I have them too. Good job Melissa!

    4. Although on some statements i disagree with, I still like your detailed answers and your quotes

  2. I would predict he would do everything he said but not every president would do what they say he may also change his mind. Because people can say things they are going to do including having power but you cannot read their minds what they are actually going to do. He will give benefit for his supports causing some sort of racism towards other races kicking them out either way in conclusion making the usa much more powerful and a bit restrict and causing immigrants to either get out of the USA or rebel angrily. It will affect s either abandon or allowing the executive branch, support will be increased in the debt limit and fights between the republicans running congress and the white house. As i said the executive branch will be supported and his administration will be infusing and their constituents with hostility and disregard for that republicans must lead rather than ridicule. Because so they can expand democratic minorities and to disdain for activist government. They could be critically banned and illegalized or simply judged and subjected with racism harshly. My aspects of culture that interests me the most is indian. People will communicate more race dedicated or more worrying about the election year beside changing ways in communication throughout the years and traveling will be less or even rejected to leave the country and journalists and tourists who went to other countries may be more subjected and feared restrictedly and shop i don’t think so. in all together especially this year 2017 may be more worse not but i am pretty sure it will at some point since this isn’t something new and always happens anyways. I hope that this wouldn’t come true but i also believed that their is a law where if you stayed long enough you would be considered an american citizen that due to me being 1 years here when i was 1 year old. Yes because sometimes they push the predictions making it having a better chance to happen. Because they either want attention or they are just so worried and hopeless. Yes because it can get pushy to a level where people can go crazy because of it. Building a wall and banning different races. said he will help the economy and committing high education. Because i don’t want to people from other races treated like garbage and neither having a problem to disagree with supporting education even though i'm not interested. No. that things get better hopefully.

    1. emmet, your view on politics is interesting and i believe your words beg to differ to mine but i shouldn't let it be a huge conflict to chose from, polictics start a huge discussion but your deffense turns out perfect.

  3. In my opinion , I don’t think Donald trump is going to do a great job , or “ Make America great again”. I think he’s going to bring nothing but Negativity. Don’t get me wrong he’s a very smart business man but he has a very bad temper, and he needs to know how to hold his tongue. God forbid some other president make a rude remark he would go overboard and do something cruel. He does not know how to ignore ignorant comments and that can definitely affect the world . The new era of republican control , is going to be very different then what we are used to. He’s going to break up a lot of families and take away a lot of jobs , just because people don’t belong here. In my opinion , I think that is very stupid. Many families come here for better jobs and a better life for them and their family. I don’t think much is going to change about fashion , culture , arts etc. They’re might be a lot of different more kinds of that stuff but not that much should change. I think they’re is going to be many new ways to communicate and travel & shop. Probably more phones coming out , new transportation like trains , cars , buses etc. Shopping is probably going to be all online, like how it is now. I hope this is the year for my family do have many blessings and reaching our goals. All i want is what’s best for my family , especially my parents. My mom is going to finally be a RN , and my dad is going to get a better job with working with professional companies ( he’s a truck driver) so i am very very very excited for them. For me i want to bring home a Straight A report card , which i need to work on a lot , and stop being lazy. Yes , i do agree with MR.Barbaro , we humans do love making predictions , well at least i do. Sometimes we do not know the real answer to a curiosity so that’s what we do. I’m mostly looking foward to my parents and they’re accomplishments.

  4. The presidency of Donald Trump will have a big change on the country and world this year. I think that Donald Trump will get involved with the terrorism problems around the world. I also think that he will slow the rate of illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. His presidency will affect the world because it is a different person in charge of the U.S. And he will be doing more trading with other countries like China and dealing with big world issues like ISIS or North Korea.

    Having a republican in office again will be different than a democrat in many ways. Between their thoughts and opinions on big problems. One thing that president Obama started while he was in office was Obama Care. Donald Trump make it clear during the presidential election that he will remove it.

    The way people travel, communicate and shop have changed a lot over the years. Today communication is mostly from text message or phone call. Shopping is half and half some people go to the store to buy things and others order everything online. The way we travel is
    very different. Now there are cars that fly and can drive for you. Or Taking a plane to a different part of the world.

    In my live i hope that i get to do the things i want to do and get the job i want to get or live in the house i want to live. I hope to live a good long life with a family and a nice house and a job that i like.

    I agree with Mr. Barbaro because He is right on his questions about why people make predictions and that they are hard to make. They can be hard to make because if it is a prediction 5 minutes from now or 20 years from now i can change. You almost never predict how your life will go or what will happen to you in the future.

    The prediction that most worries me is Donald Trump getting involved with ISIS or North Korea because it can start a war and That war can kill and hurt a lot of people.
    The prediction that most comforts me is the prediction that the U.S. will change with having a new president and that everything will go as planned, but nothing ever goes as planned.
    A milestone i have this year is getting my permit in September. This year i am looking forward to working again over the spring and summer. And this year i really want to get my grades up and pass for the year.

    1. matt you did a good job on this. you well explained your answer. i like what you said about donald trump it was good. some of your spelling was off but thats ok. cant wait to read your next one

  5. - What can make predictions about the presidency of Donald J. Trump? Why? How will his presidency the US and the world?
    Every president before being elected propose many things, but unfortunately fail to meet even half. It not necessarily has to be because they are also liars who do not think before proposing things and then no resources to meet, but I'm not here to defend but to talk about the governance of these next four years. In my opinion I think Donald J. Trump affect the US because racism is bringing back something that was already, but his whole attitude is forming a big problem in society. And as for the good things that I hope the promises fulfilled.
    - What about the new trends in how to communicate, travel and even store?
    All day many young people create new things and technology continues advance, just as in the different forms of travel.
    - When it comes to your life and the lives of their loved ones, what do you hope or think will happen?
    Actually do not it can happen with my family, but what if it is that we are good right now and because thanks to God that the decision of Trump did not affect my family, but sorry that if affects many families really they work every day for their families.
    - You agree with Mr. Barbaro that predictions are difficult "- even dangerous"? Why humans love make predictions? How can sometimes go wrong?
    If I agree with what gave the Sr.Barbaro that predictions are difficult "even dangerous" because it's true !! people are very frightened and think things that are not, as they say "the truth hurts" and then sometimes it's better give our opinions but painful.


  6. I feel like the new year of 2017 will overall be a pretty good year. I feel that there is a lot of new change coming to the new year and i feel that change will shock a lot of people and prove a lot of people wrong. First being donald trump. Something inside of me is saying watch him end up being a great president and i hope i'm right because we as americans do NOT need a bad president running our country. The predictions i have on trump to be honest i really don't know, you never know what you will get from trump he's really not scared to do or say anything. I feel him being president will affect the us in good ways and bad ways not all presidents do 100% good and i don't expect that from him either. I think the culture of arts and styles will change once again. The styles,arts,trends,fashions,and etc constantly change like every month or so so i do expect them to change again. The trends of traveling and communicate for the most part i feel will stay the same, but shopping i feel a lot more shopping online will be happening. Me myself i do pretty much all of my shopping online and it's easier it helps me save time and i could do something else with that time so i feel a lot more people will realize that and use the online shopping to their advantage. In the new year in my life i'm hoping for more success to do better in everything i do and same with my family. Nothing but the best. I definitely believe with mr. barbaro predictions are hard because you really never know what you'll get no matter what you predict. You can predict something and get the complete opposite. The prediction that worries me the most is the one that trump will be a good president. Im hoping that im right but if im not and he ends up being bad that can affect my life because he's my president and can ruin my country and that's just not what i want. For the most part my life in our country is good and the only way i want it to change is if it's gonna get better than it is now. What i look forward to in 2017 is winning a state championship in football which will happen watch and see. I'm eager in feeling out the college process and just taking the sat and visiting schools and just getting ready to be on my own. Its nerve racking but is exciting at the same time and i can't wait for it all.

  7. 2017 is really a year to look forward to. There is the switch from a democratic president to a republican president. And there are birthdays to look forward to. I can hardly wait to see what happens in this new year. I think Donald Trump will be pretty good. Although I am not really a good fan towards him, I still think he will make a good president. I thought Obama would not be good, but he was great, and maybe that will happen with Trump.I am not really sure how it will affect America but shortly you and I both should be able to find out.In culture I am not sure what could happen. My answer is that anything could happen. There is always a new fashion style so maybe new Trends may come out in 2017. There will definetly be a new way to communicate. There is always new technology that always comes out like for example the iphone. I am pretty sure there will be another one of those. Travel, I always see car commercials on the TV, there are always new cars. In my life, In this year I will become famous rather it is being the first black person and youngest on the moon or my music career taking off. I hope to become famous
