Friday, January 6, 2017

Period 3 Blog #13

Your comment post should be  at least 330 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points
What Are Your Predictions for 2017?

Bubbles and balloons float over revelers at an event in Tokyo welcoming 2017. Related SlideshowCreditKoji Sasahara/Associated Press

For our first Student Opinion question of 2017, we wonder: What do you think will happen this year? What predictions can you make for global, national or local events? For your own personal life? Why?
Much of the speculation about changes this year is focusing on politics as Republicans are about to seize control of the House, Senate and the White House for the first time since 2006. In the introduction to the Run-Up podcast “Predictions for a Trump Presidency,” Michael Barbaro writes:
Here’s something we did not predict a year ago: that Russia would hack the Democratic National Committee to undermine faith in the 2016 election and that the winner of that race, President-elect Donald J. Trump, would shrug off the entire episode by telling the country to “move on” as he stood next to Don King, a boxing promoter and convicted felon.
Nope. We did not see that coming. Because predictions are hard — even hazardous. But as the final days of the year tick down, The Run-Up wants to look ahead, carefully, to 2017, when a new White House, a new Congress and a new political reality will take over in Washington.
But you might also want to read articles that make predictions about the year ahead in sports (will the “Patriots capture the Super Bowl, deflating the Cowboys”?); food (will “French food, Filipino food, smoked food, whey, cannabis” be in style?); technology (will we see more robots, augmented reality and self-driving cars?); or fashion (“a whole new spin on nuptial trends” thanks to Serena Williams?).
Students: Read some of these articles, or listen to the politics podcast, then tell us:
— What predictions can you make about the presidency of Donald J. Trump? Why? How will his presidency affect the U.S. and the world?
— How will a new era of Republican control affect our nation? What specific Obama-era policies do you expect may change? Why?
— What do you think could happen in the realms of culture, the arts, fashion and style? Be as specific as you can, especially about the aspects of culture that interest you most.
— What about new trends in how people communicatetravel and even shop?
— When it comes to your life and your loved ones’ lives, what do you hope or believe will happen?
— Do you agree with Mr. Barbaro that predictions “are hard — even hazardous”? Why do humans love making predictions? How can that sometimes go awry?
— Which of your predictions most worry you? Most comfort you? Why?
— Do you have any milestones coming up this year, such as a significant birthday or a rite of passage such as a graduation? In general, what do you most look forward to in 2017?


  1. Some predictions I can make for President elect Donald J. Trump are that he is going to make a better president than Hillary Clinton would ever have been. He also could potentially start war with isis or north korea. I say this because Hillary Clinton is a liar and a cheater also. I believe Clinton is the one responsible for the Benghazi attacks in 2012, and she is also responsible for all of the deleted E-Mails. Donald Trump could also start a war with one of the two or both of the countries because they already don't like us, so trump makes it a bigger threat. I think the obama stuff could either be taken down or temporarily taken down and brought back in a better state than it was. Personally i think trump is an uncultured american politic who knows nothing of other people's races, but i don't think that will affect anybody's life. New trends in communication have slowed things down for humanity. Personally i think the more high tech things get, the more the average citizen becomes dumber and dumber every generation. So i think it just gives people an excuse to be lazy. All i want for my friends and family is for us to be happy with our lives because i don't want any fighting to go on between my friends and family. People like making predictions because they get amused to see if they come true. The prediction that worries me the most the war one because i'd rather not get involved with nuclear war. I think it is very likely that trump will get us into war with a powerful country and that could potentially destroy america. That's all i think could happen. Some things i'm looking forward to in 2017 is trying harder and getting better grades in school, and being the best person i possibly can to everyone Those are some predictions and stuff i have for 2017. This is my blog dudes

    1. I agree with you. out of all the people that where running this year I think he was the best one out of all of them. He might not be the best ever but he was the best for right now. Like you said all you want for 2017 is for your friends and family to be healthy and to get better grades. I want that too. And until something like a war or something breaks out thats the time to worry. But until then enjoy life and live it to the fullest. I think there will be no war ,But if there is thats the time to worry not now.

    2. I agree with you, because all the people that were running for president this year, I think that Trump was the best one, and your predictions are very similar to mine for the year of 2017. I don't think you should worry about anything with the new upcoming president, but we'll have to wait and see.

    3. i agree with you because every one that was running for president i think he was the best one yo because he promises to help the country and help alot with terrorism and he said he would have alot more milatary soilders in iraq and afganistan so that is good and we are just gonna have to see what he does for the united states.

  2. I think 2017 isn't gonna be a good year because Of Donald trump he has been elected to be our new president for 4 years and a lot of people don't like him because he is racist and he thinks everyone is wrong and he is right he says he will make america great again but so far he hasn't done anything. I also don't think 2017 is gonna be good because of terrorism and already there has been an act of terrorism inFL at an airport and 5 people were killed and 8 were injured. So a lot has already went down in 2017 and it is not good because a lot of bad things has happened. And it’s not right because people want to make this year great but terrorist are ruining it because they are threatening different states all over the world with bombs and people are scared that it could be there country that’s gonna be attacked next. So i don’t 2017 is gonna be great but it can be and that’s what a lot of people want is for 2017 to be the best year of their life but their are so many people around the world hurting people for no reason at all and even the military is trying to keep isis in the middle east but it’s hard because the us military is also under attack by suicide bombers who try to look like innocent people until it’s time to strike and that’s normally during military patrols in towns and they attack from buildings which is usually dangerous for the military personnel. And a lot are killed during those attacks.

    1. i agree with you matt i think we should give donald trump a fair try at being president. everyone thinks that hes gonna ban anyone everyone who isnt white or something. i also think that he will do a good job getting rid of isis because of what you said about those terrorist attacks. we should be more careful with immigrants from the middle east

  3. A lot of things are going to happen this year in 2017. One big event that is going to happen is that we are getting a new president January 20 2017. Our new president will be Donald J. Trump. Some might say this was the worst election of 2016 because he won and the people that were running for president of the United States. Personally I think there is nothing to worry about and this will be very exciting to see what will change in the next four years. This the first time in history there will be a president without a political background. Also there will be a republican in the white house, and that hasn't happened in a couple years.
    I think out of all the people running this year Donald Trump was one of the best out of all of them running. So think we all have to deal with it even if some people don't like it cause the people that are complaining are also gonna have to deal with it for the next 4 years , or maybe even 8 years . Some things are definitely gonna change from of obama's decisions as president. And change is good because it either can be better for the people or worse. And the only way to find out is by trying new things. Because who knows it might be better for us as a country and people may really like him as a president.
    For 2017 I hope my family and friends are healthy and have a great year and i hope we can all hang out more this year than last year.I want this year to be great and my goal for this year is for me to pass every class this year and be a better person. And I hope I have a lot of fun with my family and friends this year.

    1. I agree with you Chris that Donald trump was the best choice out of the two of them. I also agree that he wouldn't be the best president we have ever had. He doesn't have any experience.


  4.     Some predictions I can make about the presidency is that there will probably be war. I just feel it because Donald Trump is a very bad person and he is very violent. This presidency will affect the world because Russia already hacked us for trump I can’t imagine what will happen next. I expect obama care to change obviously. I want some of them to change but I don’t know if it would be better to let Trump change them or just keep them as they are. Well I think that some cultures will in our country. I think that Trump will make things very bad about cultures. I think that technology will just continue to advance until we can’t advance anymore. Traveling we could make things go faster and who knows we could maybe even make things a lot safer for the world. Shopping will soon be done on the internet and everything will be delivered to us. Then communicating is getting worse by the day so many accidents because someone had to look at their phone while they were driving. This year I hope that we could have less accidents cause it’s so sad and I hope we could stop most of the terrorism. I hope that we could some what stop or find a way to control global warming. I think it’s very bad and that we need to try and do something because all those animals can’t live there because how warm it is getting. I also hope that the crime rate goes down cause that’s scary to think about any second something bad can happen to you. I do agree with him sometimes predicting can be very bad and scary to think about. I just hope that this year won’t be that bad as people say it will be. I think people make predictions just so they can kind of get an idea about the future but their predictions can be very wrong. The predictions that worries me most is about war. I really don’t want to be in a war. I also think that it would end really bad. I look forward to some new movies that are coming out this year. I also look forward to being done with freshman year. Other than that there is not that much to look forward to this year.

  5. Some predictions I can make about the presidency is that there will probably be war. I just feel it because Donald Trump is a very bad person and he is very violent. This presidency will affect the world because Russia already hacked us for trump I can’t imagine what will happen next. I expect obama care to change obviously. I want some of them to change but I don’t know if it would be better to let Trump change them or just keep them as they are. Well I think that some cultures will in our country. I think that Trump will make things very bad about cultures. I think that technology will just continue to advance until we can’t advance anymore. Traveling we could make things go faster and who knows we could maybe even make things a lot safer for the world. Shopping will soon be done on the internet and everything will be delivered to us. Then communicating is getting worse by the day so many accidents because someone had to look at their phone while they were driving. This year I hope that we could have less accidents cause it’s so sad and I hope we could stop most of the terrorism. Donald Trump was one of the best out of all of them running. So think we all have to deal with it even if some people don't like it cause the people that are complaining are also gonna have to deal with it for the next 4 years , or maybe even 8 years . Some things are definitely gonna change from of obama's decisions as president. And change is good because it either can be better for the people or worse. And the only way to find out is by trying new things. Because who knows it might be better for us as a country and people may really like him as a president. I also look forward to being done with freshman year. Other than that there is not that much to look forward to this year.

  6. i agree with david because we dont know what donald trump is gonna do either make america great again or make it worse but we will have to wait and see what he does because there is nothing we can do to make donald trump not president so we are just gonna have to wait and see what he does with america and our troop all around the world and see how he does with other states and see if he will just block them out.

  7. For the year 2017 i don't think Donald Trump is going to be the best president of the united states because to start off with not many people are too fond of him being elected as president. Although Hillary wasn't any better and they both personally in my opinion suck. Trump has so much hatred going against him and that's not something to be proud of basically being the leader of the United States. Also he's not a good role model for the young children in our generation to look up to as they get older. Various reasons like making fun of mentally disabled human beings, to saying information and not being able to back it up, and gettin caught in his own lies. I guess we will never know how his presidency will be going until we wait a little longer into the future. With trump's new “ideas” and “plans” he's changing everything whether is is obama care and not being able to have illegal immigrants in our country, which i think is crazy if they're not doing anything to harm us why should it matter. Most of them came to america to start a better life from previously before. Plus as far as culture is involved i think it's going to change over the time with many people leaving plus there are some racis and nationalities Trump isn't a big fan of. I think it will be harder for people to see their families in different countries if they aren't legal. When it comes to my loved ones i think it will be the same because the puerto rican side of my family are all american citizens so i dont think its really going to affect them.
