Friday, January 27, 2017

Period 9/10 Blog #14

What Items Would You Place in a Time Capsule for Future Generations?

The 1770 Ear Inn in Lower Manhattan has revealed many souvenirs of past owners, including pottery shards, bottles, keys and a shoe.

Have you ever discovered anything hidden away in an old house or apartment? Have you ever stashed away something so you — or others — could recover it years later?
What stories have you heard about the discoveries of old things in buildings left behind in secret places?
In “The History Hidden in the Walls,” Caitlin Kelly writes:
“The practice of burying or concealing items in the structure of a house is called immurement,” said Joseph Heathcott, an architectural historian and urbanist who teaches at the New School in New York.
“It is actually an ancient practice that cuts across many cultures and civilizations,” Dr. Heathcott added. The most famous examples are artifacts entombed with Egyptian pharaohs in the pyramids, but he said that ritual objects have often been found in the walls of Roman villas and ordinary houses during archaeological excavations. “The history of Freemasonry traces its origins to the rituals of concealment by masons, sealing up secrets in their buildings,” he said.
Objects were often hidden away as a way to bring good luck to inhabitants. This was the case in Ireland, he said, “where it was common when building a home to bury a horse skull in the floor or under the hearth, a Celtic practice that dates back centuries. Sometimes it would be the entire skull, other times just the front section or the top without the lower jaw.”
In England and Ireland, it was also customary in many regions to bury dead cats in the walls or under floors of houses to ward off malicious spirits, Dr. Heathcott added.
Students: Read the entire article, then tell us:
— What can everyday objects from the past tell us about life long ago? What have people learned from uncovering items left behind, either intentionally or accidentally, in homes and buildings?
— If you uncovered an item stashed away long ago, would you feel a connection to the person who left it behind? How curious would you feel about the item you found and the person who used it? Would you want research to find out more? Why or why not?

—What items would you put in a time capsule for future generations, and why?


  1. I think hiding things in the structures of a house or apartment and after many years other person or any young today can get is very funny, but at the same time is very interesting, because at that time you gives curious and want know where he is, who he is, etc. Sometimes people have something that means alot to them and think that the only way not lose is stored in a safe place,are those people who have that fear all his life in which think they will enter your home and will steal all your stuff, are those people who collect things that come out every year of his life and just doing to have nice memories of all his childhood. Not me past me, but I would like to happen me, because I would be the kind of person that gives curious about what story is that object. My grandmother something similar happened when he bought his house many years ago, my grandfather and my grandmother wanted remodel the house as it was not in good condition. One day they were demolishing a wall in which they found as tapas beer or a drink with different dates each. My grandparents so it seemed very funny and curious at the same time, because they had many theories on them was that could be the builder of the house he took and left all caps in that space or could also be that the previous owner collected cap each time they passed the years. They did not keep, because they were not in good condition and they thought to save if they did not know who they were. I've always thought what would find paintings, photographs, letters in which we can see a beautiful love story, if I found that I would somehow prove to world as an exhibition, a story, etc, because perhaps for those times did not have resources to demonstrate their art as well as in the story of love between these two people could be something that can somehow help that young couples today where they have problems with their family, they do not know have a good relationship or just they do not know what love is true. I hope you liked my opinion found! we are in the next blog.

    1. Your comment was amazing talking about your own items to
      store in a time capsule and it's purpose and also great
      examples you commented too.

    2. good job son this week blog. i really enjoyed it and i also liked what you said about it. i agree with what you said about this blog. I'm looking forward to your next week blog

  2. Object from the past can tell us about life in wonderful and awful ways and maybe even both, it can tell us about memories, ages back then and even more things like what happened in the past, like for example sand tombstones from pharaohs which tells us long ago in egypt people believed in human god with animal heads and the afterlife of them and which is mummification and other things like helmets with horns and knights armor with labels tells us of how long ago vikings and police, rights and government were and how nations long ago were like the usa, china and more. Various things, history, truth and memories or even burden. Yes i would if it had a backstory or a sign of some message. Fairly enough not too much to make myself in danger and after all curiosity can hurt you if you’re not careful . Maybe yeah depending on who and what is it’s purpose. Because there is something off about researching something new that i would cover the item, what if the person is still looking for it or before death he hopped in all his heart the item he had would have been a secret. A golden pendant, The (manguezul) book . The golden pendant because so i can memorize what life was life before future generations by just looking at it relation also to confront me while traveling to another place from a long distance if so. The manguezul book because that book was abandoned and forgotten and is hard to find in stores nowadays I don’t expect
    It will no longer exist in the future generations some i putted this book in a time capsule box because to make me remember 2 things, first about my great grandfather who read this book to his children the amazing stories with the time his was in it and second is simply because i think it is something special to keep a book that is extremely rare to find or buy especially this year give you a vibe of importance for a wonderful book like that for certain.

    1. great words of wisdom and i believe you're completely correct and the opinions and facts you stated hgo right along with the topic of conversation. Good job.


    2. Good job Ahmed,I really liked the way you explained everything using history. I agree with you and I think it is very good opinion.

    3. Awesome comment Ahmed I Liked everything in your comment. just like the reply above me you explained everything and mad it way easier for me to understasnd where you are coming from

  3. Everyday objects from the past tell us many things about life long ago.It tells us what people were interested in,what happened when we were’nt here yet.If there was a war or what was popular back then.people could learn history or a new discovery to the world by uncovering items left behind either intentionallyor accidently in homes and buildings.If I uncovered an item stashed away long ago I would feel a connection to the person who left it behind because the item that I had just found brings us together.I would be very curious about the item that I found and who used it because once you find out something and it makes you get interested you want to find out more about it.The items that I would put in a time capsule for future generations is a softball,soccer ball and my cross country running numbers and a picture of my family and a note to my family in the future because i would want them to know how and who i was like.

  4. Finding every day objects makes me wonder a lot of things. For example.. why was it created? and What was the use for it at the time? It also makes me wonder if the inventor of the object made another extraordinary invention making this one. The sizing and the shape as well as the name is critical and makes you wonder if it was originally used for something that no one has yet to uncovered or if it's just a government secret. If someone left an everyday object i believe that they would be amussed and unknown with what to do. I dont think that they would think of it as special. They wouldn't know if it's worth a million dollars and it's in the palm of their hand. I surely can't I'd probably end up breaking it. Although if i ever found a stash or a extrodinary object i would probably take it as a blessing. Mostly because i would either take it as... 1. the inventor is trying to tell me there's something else and I need to keep looking. 2. it has to do with my future involving something good or bad but i would deffinetly take the chance. The item that i would put in the time capsul is a notebook filled with love poems. Happiness,joy everyone needs it and i know it will help someone and bring a smile to their face. I think i should put the notebook with poems because with so much advanced technology i dont think they will use ordinary pencil and paper. I believe that they will be amazed with the art of back then.

  5. Past objects will tell you a lot about how people lived and their culture. It would tell us the type of tools they used to get the items they need for everyday life. Also it would show us what they did for fun, and lots of other things. If I found an item from long ago I do not think I would feel a connection. I am not sure why I would feel a connection. Of course I would be curious about and for the first time do research without it being a homework assignment. Items I will put in a time capsul would be for people to know something about me. So I would put drumsticks a sheet of music paper, video games, footballs, hat, shirt, pants, that would be it.

  6. What everyday objects from the past tell us from a long life ago it can tell you the good and the bad memories you have had. What people have learned from uncovering items left behind in homes and buildings. They probably learned or remembered the the time they had with that object or that they remember it and it brings joy to them and to remember the good or bad of the memory. If recovered and item stash would i feel a connection to it. I probably won't understand it or have a connection to it if it was a soccer ball I would feel a connection to it but if it was an item i wouldn’t. But if someone did know who the person was and they saw that item they would laugh since they know the person they would feel the connection. How curious about the item and i found and the person who used it. I would be really curious to know what’s the background of the item like what it meant for them and how they got it. Like if they got it just recently or did they find it when they were young or did they receive it from someone that they had a connection to.

  7. Many objects from the past can tell us about the past. For example clothing from the past is very different from what we wear today, but it is still called clothing. A shoe can look totally different to what Jordans we wear now. Everything changes year after year but it's stilled called the same thing. Most people leave this stuff accidentally that we find years later. We can learn more about the past the past and how it is different from us.
    If I found a item from the past I wouldn't really have a connection to that person who had it before but if it looked from the past years ago I would want to do my reasearch on it and see if it's worth anything or if it's never been seen before. And I would be the first one to discover this item from years ago.
    If I was going to make a time capsule i would first but some cloths in there and pictures of like cars and phones and computers stuff that would be from the years I live in. And when someone opens it in a hundred years from now they can see what our life's were like and what we have and see if our thing is similar or if they are totally different

  8. Objects can have a lot of meaning to them. each object has a story to tell behind them. so basically all objects are important even if they're bad. I left back so many meaningful objects in new York that i've regret. yes , i have found many things that i haven't seen in a long long time. For example i uncovered a necklace that my grandmother used to wear before she passed away. I have had it for 3 years and i always took care of it ever since. My heart dropped when i found it. that was the only thing i have had from her , well the last thing i have had of her. If i had something to put away for the future i would put my journal in it i have so many things/ stories / memories that i would love for people to read and enjoy it.

  9. Past objects will tell you a lot about how people lived and their culture. It would tell us the type of tools they used to get the items they need for everyday life. Also it would show us what they did for fun, and lots of other things. If I found an item from long ago I do not think I would feel a connection. I am not sure why I would feel a connection. Of course I would be curious about and for the first time do research without it being a homework assignment. Items I will put in a time capsul would be for people to know something about me. So I would put drumsticks a sheet of music paper, video games, footballs, hat, shirt, pants, that would be it. It would show them what I did for fun. They would learn about me because not everybody likes the same thing as me but future humans would find a capsule with my name on it with the objects that I like
