Friday, January 6, 2017

Period 2 Blog #13

Your comment post should be  at least 330 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points
What Are Your Predictions for 2017?

Bubbles and balloons float over revelers at an event in Tokyo welcoming 2017. Related SlideshowCreditKoji Sasahara/Associated Press

For our first Student Opinion question of 2017, we wonder: What do you think will happen this year? What predictions can you make for global, national or local events? For your own personal life? Why?
Much of the speculation about changes this year is focusing on politics as Republicans are about to seize control of the House, Senate and the White House for the first time since 2006. In the introduction to the Run-Up podcast “Predictions for a Trump Presidency,” Michael Barbaro writes:
Here’s something we did not predict a year ago: that Russia would hack the Democratic National Committee to undermine faith in the 2016 election and that the winner of that race, President-elect Donald J. Trump, would shrug off the entire episode by telling the country to “move on” as he stood next to Don King, a boxing promoter and convicted felon.
Nope. We did not see that coming. Because predictions are hard — even hazardous. But as the final days of the year tick down, The Run-Up wants to look ahead, carefully, to 2017, when a new White House, a new Congress and a new political reality will take over in Washington.
But you might also want to read articles that make predictions about the year ahead in sports (will the “Patriots capture the Super Bowl, deflating the Cowboys”?); food (will “French food, Filipino food, smoked food, whey, cannabis” be in style?); technology (will we see more robots, augmented reality and self-driving cars?); or fashion (“a whole new spin on nuptial trends” thanks to Serena Williams?).
Students: Read some of these articles, or listen to the politics podcast, then tell us:
— What predictions can you make about the presidency of Donald J. Trump? Why? How will his presidency affect the U.S. and the world?
— How will a new era of Republican control affect our nation? What specific Obama-era policies do you expect may change? Why?
— What do you think could happen in the realms of culture, the arts, fashion and style? Be as specific as you can, especially about the aspects of culture that interest you most.
— What about new trends in how people communicatetravel and even shop?
— When it comes to your life and your loved ones’ lives, what do you hope or believe will happen?
— Do you agree with Mr. Barbaro that predictions “are hard — even hazardous”? Why do humans love making predictions? How can that sometimes go awry?
— Which of your predictions most worry you? Most comfort you? Why?
— Do you have any milestones coming up this year, such as a significant birthday or a rite of passage such as a graduation? In general, what do you most look forward to in 2017?


  1. There are many predictions that I can make about what is going to happen in 2017 and the near future. With the new president Donald Trump, I think e is going to cause trouble. I think he will get us into another war. I think he just has a loud mouth and he is not smart with what he does. For example, he said he wants to build a wall like what an idiot. Then I think that fashion could be a big part too. There might be shirts that are touch screen or shirts that change colors randomly. Next Communication is a big one. There might be an easier way to talk to somebody than through a phone. Also people might be able to talk to somebody easier in general. Traveling will most likely be different as well. The cars would be able to drive themselves and park by themselves as well. Also there might be an easier way to fly or take cabs. When it comes to my life and loved ones I think we are going to be fine with what is going to be going on. I don't think we have anything to worry about other than what the president is going to do. Predictions are hazardous because there can be many bad things that can happen about this year and the near future. There could possibly be terrorist attacks which are the worst things that can possibly happen. Next you may predict something and the complete opposite might happen. People love making predictions because they would like to just see what can happen and if they say is going to happen or be true in the near future. I have many milestones this year. I want to make it to the finals for my basketball team. Also I want to pass my junior year of high school. Next I would like to make it to finals for soccer as well. Then I would like to look at colleges to see where I will go when I am done with high school.

    1. I agree with tyler that this year with the presidency will be a little crazy. Because like i was saying he has no political experience and that is a problem. The technology is definitely changing and becoming more advanced and i predict we will see some of the things tyler is predicting. I can see tyler hope to be doing big things in the future so i wish him the best of luck.

  2. I think 2017 is going to be a good year for everyone, no year can ever get worse than 2016. Six is an unlucky number and seven is a lucky number so hopefully this could mean this year will be better. My predictions of Donald J. Trump aren’t really that clear, I’m unsure what’s actually going to happen or what he is going to do. But I think that everyone should just give him a chance and see what happens before hating him. What we do know is that at this point we should stop the hate and violence and just come together at this point, I feel in 2016 as a nation we were more divided than ever. I definitely think that our nation is going to see a lot of changes under republican control, some good, some bad. I do expect Trump to repeal and replace ObamaCare like he said he would, I think that program has been a disaster and it’s time for some things to change. I do think that fashion might change a bit as well like it always does every year, there is always always something new to wear every year and some old trends come back too. Something I am looking forward to in 2017 is the new music that is going to be released, specifically Hip-Hop/Rap and R&B. That has always been my favorite genre of music and I get excited every year for new releases. I think that traveling and communication will change a bit more too. For example, all these new self driving smart cars set to release soon and technology being used to communicate more and more. My life this year I have a good feeling about, I hope it will be good like i’m anticipating. I think that predictions are just opinions and i’m not worried about what anyone else has to think about this year. Something I am looking forward to this year is getting my liscense. I turn 17 years old in August and hope to pass my drivers test, I just gotta practice that’s all. But overall I wish everyone luck and I think this is gonna be a good year.

    1. I agree with Marco, There is a lot of things coming to 2017 that we should be ready for. I think our nation should come to one and get ready for changes. I agree with the music and everything he wrote. Good job Marco.

    2. Marcos response was good and I agree with it. I think he's right by you can't get any worst than 2016 and I feel 2017 will be good. I think that we will grow as a country and things will just be alright.

  3. 2017 is going to be a year full of different things and mysterious that I am excited for. Next Friday January 20 Donald J. Trump goes into the white house. I can predict that he will be the best thing for America, His presidency will change the way America works with other countries and itself. Obama Care and all of his era policies will be gone and some will get kept. The new Republican era will change a lot for our country and make it better since this country has gone down hill and can really use a change to make it great again. I think cultures will change a lot due to Donald Trump kicking people out, Same goes for arts. Fashion will stay the same or only get better like it does every year, Usually we bring back old styles or we bring in new styles. Everything is going to be different with how people shop and communicate.Shopping there will be more technology and less people working there. Communication is going to change due to our technology and how advanced it is. Traveling is going to change a little bit because we have smart cars now that drive their self, But we still will have the same normal train, Airplane, Boat traveling. Our security is going to be way more advanced for traveling to make sure nothing bad happens. When it comes to me and my loved ones I hope for money raises and insurance get's better. Predictions are hard because you never know what truly will happen...Humans love making predictions because it gets them curious and always wondering. I look forward to many things in 2017 like my birthday, Moving on to senior year, getting a second job and new Rap music and video games that will be coming out also the new technology. 2017 is going to have so many things to offer and I am very excited to see the surprises it gives us.

    1. Great job on your response Mark, I wish the best for my family and yours in 2017 also. I think that you made a lot of valid points. I also agree with that in 2017 things will change under republican control, hopefully in a positive way. Good luck in 2017 to all.

    2. Good job mark liked your response. Hope you achieve your milestones. Keep working hard in 2017 you'll have a great year. I know it!

  4. I feel like the new year of 2017 will overall be a pretty good year. I feel that there is a lot of new change coming to the new year and i feel that change will shock a lot of people and prove a lot of people wrong. First being donald trump. Something inside of me is saying watch him end up being a great president and i hope i'm right because we as americans do NOT need a bad president running our country. The predictions i have on trump to be honest i really don't know, you never know what you will get from trump he's really not scared to do or say anything. I feel him being president will affect the us in good ways and bad ways not all presidents do 100% good and i don't expect that from him either. I think the culture of arts and styles will change once again. The styles,arts,trends,fashions,and etc constantly change like every month or so so i do expect them to change again. The trends of traveling and communicate for the most part i feel will stay the same, but shopping i feel a lot more shopping online will be happening. Me myself i do pretty much all of my shopping online and it's easier it helps me save time and i could do something else with that time so i feel a lot more people will realize that and use the online shopping to their advantage. In the new year in my life i'm hoping for more success to do better in everything i do and same with my family. Nothing but the best. I definitely believe with mr. barbaro predictions are hard because you really never know what you'll get no matter what you predict. You can predict something and get the complete opposite. The prediction that worries me the most is the one that trump will be a good president. Im hoping that im right but if im not and he ends up being bad that can affect my life because he's my president and can ruin my country and that's just not what i want. For the most part my life in our country is good and the only way i want it to change is if it's gonna get better than it is now. What i look forward to in 2017 is winning a state championship in football which will happen watch and see. I'm eager in feeling out the college process and just taking the sat and visiting schools and just getting ready to be on my own. Its nerve racking but is exciting at the same time and i can't wait for it all.

  5. I think the presidency of donald trump will cause some trouble because he doesn’t have much political experience. It's better to have political experience because you can be better and know a little of what to do. There have also been riots because many people don't want him to be president and other marches. These will probably wear down but the tension will probably always be there. What his decisions are is what depends on how the country and the world will react. The republican control will affect our nation big because what republicans believe in is probably what is going to go rather than what the democrats believe because there is now more republicans that the democrats. They have a lot of power now. Arts, fashion, and culture will definitely change because people's opions will change as well with our new president. Trends and how people communicate will change as well. There is supposed to be a ten percent increase on shoes that people collect that are already expensive. So it will affect those people. And the way we will communicate will change because people are trying to be private about their things but hackers can hack people things just like the russian hackers. When it come to my life and my loved ones i just hope in 2017 we are doing well, everyone is healthy and happy. Us humans like to make predictions because they want to be right and when the person is right they get that good feeling because they were right. This whole presidency is what worries me because it just feels like it might be bad by the way things are going so far. This year i turn 17 and i can get my license and drive. I have lots of other exciting stuff coming up this year. I’ve been doing good for myself since the end of last year, i’ve been doing things that will brighten my future,so i hope to be doing good all through this year too.


  6. What I believe of trump presidency it will not be bad at all. People be hating on trump way too much for no reason. Trump will have a descent presidency. There will be a lot of protesting and riots throughout the years though. People need to give the man a shot. He's a smart man and a good businessman. People don't realize that he is a bright man he may say me dumb stuff sometimes but still. What Obama policies will change? Definitely ObamaCare. It's good for our nations it's not well organized. People pay either way too much or way too little. I think it's not fair to certain people. Obama was a great president but Obama should had organized it better. It's going to be all fine though. Our world is changing how we travel now. We can travel to Cuba now which is crazy. Cuba hasn't let us go there in years. Now everything is evolving. Nice cars newer planes etc. What I look to most is wrestling season. I am actually having a solid season. I'm so excited for districts to give it all I got one last time of the season. Try to place this year and trying to do big things. I honestly can't wait it's less than a month away. It's been all I've been waiting for and now it's almost time to do my thing. Also another milestone is my sisters birthday they are so grown. They are getting big and almost one year olds now it's crazy to say that. There birthday is a day before mine and now I can share a birthday and say I have siblings. It's great wish they grew up wit me
    Though that would of been great experience for me. It's still a great experience for me because once I have kids this will be easy for me and I should have no problems. Hopefully my sisters and I don't get into fights when there old.
