Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Period 2 Blog #15

What Challenges Have You Overcome?

MARCH 5, 2014 5:06 AM March 5, 2014 5:06 am

Kayla Montgomery (4) has become a top runner for Mount Tabor High School despite having multiple sclerosis. Related ArticleCredit Jeremy M. Lange for The New York Times
The Times is full of articles every week about people who have overcome challenges of all kinds and have learned from failure.
What challenges have you overcome? Maybe they haven’t been as outwardly dramatic as that of this teenager, who runs track even though her multiple sclerosis causes her to collapse after every race, but perhaps they have felt dramatic and difficult to you.
 When a pack of whip-thin girls zipped across the finish of the 1,600-meter race at a recent track meet here, the smallest runners legs wobbled like rubber, and she flopped into her waiting coach’s arms. She collapses every time she races.
Kayla Montgomery, 18, was found to have multiple sclerosis three years ago. Defying most logic, she has gone on to become one of the fastest young distance runners in the country — one who cannot stay on her feet after crossing the finish line.
Because M.S. blocks nerve signals from Montgomery’s legs to her brain, particularly as her body temperature increases, she can move at steady speeds that cause other runners pain she cannot sense, creating the peculiar circumstance in which the symptoms of a disease might confer an athletic advantage.
But intense exercise can also trigger weakness and instability; as Montgomery goes numb in races, she can continue moving forward as if on autopilot, but any disruption, like stopping, makes her lose control.
“When I finish, it feels like there’s nothing underneath me,” Montgomery said. “I start out feeling normal and then my legs gradually go numb. I’ve trained myself to think about other things while I race, to get through. But when I break the motion, I can’t control them and I fall.”
At the finish of every race, she staggers and crumples. Before momentum sends her flying to the ground, her coach braces to catch her, carrying her aside as her competitors finish and her parents swoop in to ice her legs. Minutes later, sensation returns and she rises, ready for another chance at forestalling a disease that one day may force her to trade the track for a wheelchair. M.S. has no cure.
Students: Read the entire article, then tell us …
— What do you think about Kayla Montgomery’s determination to run, even if she collapses after every race?
— Whom else do you admire who has confronted a challenge and overcome it?
— When have you ever faced a challenge of some kind Consider not just physical challenges, but emotional, academic, interpersonal or artistic challenges as well. What did you do? What happened in the end?
— If you’ll be applying to college sometime soon, you may be interested to know that one Common Application prompt reads, “Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn?” You might consider answering those questions here, too, perhaps as practice for your college essay.


  1. There are many challenges that people have overcome. I think Montgomery’s determination to run after every race even though she collapses is incredible. It just proves and shows that she loves running and that nothing will stop her. I think she can be a good role model to show that you shouldn't let anything stop you from doing what you love. Also that you don't have to stop because of something that will or might happen. A person that I know that overcame a challenge is a friend of mine. He tore something in his hand from falling down in basketball and he still played every game with that injury. He told our coach and he said he wants to play no matter what and if he didn't get in he would be upset and go crazy. He said all he wanted to do was play the game and he didn't want to go to the doctors because he didn't want to hear them say that he couldn't play basketball for awhile. I have that kind of dedication to the sport as well, but it never happened to me yet. I think it is a good thing to have a strong passion about what you love doing. There was one time when I faced failure and it was during a championship game in basketball. We were getting destroyed and I was just going ballistic. I was like how and why is this happening. Although I got over it and the next year it was the same team in the championship that we had to play. I practiced and worked harder to improve and try to beat this team. We ended up winning and all I said was hard work pays off.

    1. I agree with tyler that it is incredible. Not many people can do that. Like tyler said she loves what she does so she does it. Nothing should get in your way

    2. I totally agree with you Tyler. Your blog is so much like mine. We shared the same ideas. We also shared the same topics too.

  2. I think her she is cool that she runs like that. I love that she does it for a good cause. She is mostly a lot of people's role models. She is a great runner and I love that she is so determined. I look up to a swimmer he is fast. He is the best swimmer I have seen in a while. When I am putting up to a challenge I go at it. No matter what the challenge is I will go at it. I would face it and I would do it right. I think anyone would do that. But some people may be too scared to do it too.

    1. I also think that it is cool how she runs like that Patrick. I agree that she is a great determined runner. I really wish that I could be as determined as her sometimes. Great Response Pat..

  3. I think that Kayla’s determination to run even though she collapses after every race is simply amazing. I think that she is not letting anything get in the way of her and her dreams, she is truly a hard working person. Someone I admire who has confronted a challenge and overcame it is Tom Brady in Super Bowl 51. The Falcons were winning in the first half 28-3 and completing owning The Patriots. But after halftime they changed their gameplan and wound up winning the Super Bowl. I have faced many challenges in my life also, One of the biggest challenges I have faced though was passing my final exam for Algebra 1 freshman year. I doubted myself and thought I couldn’t do it. But I studied hard and prepared myself and wound up passing with a 70 just making it. Even though I just made it I was proud of myself for overcoming that challenge.

    1. I agree with Marco when he said that Kayla is a inspiration. I really wish that I could be as determined as her some days. Great Response Marco..

    2. Marco this was a good response. I agree with a lot of the things you said and how much of a inspiration kayla is. good stuff

  4. The girl's determination to run is crazy because even though she has that problem it doesn't stop her from doing what she loves. Even though she has that problem she gets through it every time and even has become one of the fastest young distance in the country. Thats crazy and unbelievable that she can do that with what she has to deal with. My dad has had rough times when he was younger and had to work through everything. It was not easy by what my dad tells me and it sounds very difficult to be dealing with all those things at such a young age. I know i would probably never be able to deal with that he did at that young age. But he got through it and many people see him as a very successful man and i do so myself. It's crazy to think he's got this far since where he started. I was struggling with school in middle school for a bit and it affected me a lot because that just stuck with me since. I almost got held back but i started working harder and trying to do everything as much as i could and i ended up passing with just enough points to move on. It wasn't easy because since i messed everything up in the beginning i had to work hard for all if it back in the short period of time at the end of the year. That time i almost failed the year in middle school was considered a failure to me because even though i just passed it wasn't up to the standards that i was expected to perform. I was expected to have good grades like high b’s but i was getting like 2 b’s and the rest lower. It affected me because since i almost failed i got placed in lower classes the next year because i did so bad the previous year. I learned that I shouldn't be so lazy because the decisions that i made when i was young and still learning will affect how my future life will be and what type of lifestyle i will be living. That's how everyone should be thinking but most people don't realize that and take the easy way out.

    1. I agree with you Henry. I really think its incredible how she runs when she knows something will happen at the end. Also that she never gives up. She has great determination to run.

    2. this was a good response. I agree with a lot of the things you said and how much of a big a factor kayla is. great job


  5. Overcoming challenges could be the most difficult problem in someone's life. Kayla Montgomery has become a top runner for Mount Tabor High School despite having multiple sclerosis. That dedication and drive says a lot about a person's personality. A person that makes a attempt and doesn’t quit, deserves success.I can remember one time in my life when I had to face a challenge. I was at practice late at night and it was almost over. Everything was going fine until after I had shot the ball and came down on someone’s feet. I had bent my ankle and I fell straight down to the floor in pain. It felt different from any other injury I have ever had. The recovery process might have been worse than the actual ankle sprain. All I wanted to do was to get on a court and play, but in order to fully recover, it is best to keep the leg elevated. Maybe my injury hasn’t been as outwardly dramatic as that of this teenager, who runs track even though her multiple sclerosis causes her to collapse after every race, but perhaps it has felt dramatic and difficult to you. I think that Kayla’s determination to run even though she collapses after every race is simply amazing. I think that she is not letting anything get in the way of her and her dreams, she is truly a hard working person. It just proves and shows that she loves running and that nothing will stop her. I think she can be a good role model to show that you shouldn't let anything stop you from doing what you love. Also that you don't have to stop because of something that will or might happen. She is a real inspiration to people who want to give up. The drive is incredible and she is definitely going to go far in life with her attitude.

  6. — What do you think about Kayla Montgomery’s determination to run, even if she collapses after every race?

    — Whom else do you admire who has confronted a challenge and overcome it?

    — When have you ever faced a challenge of some kind Consider not just physical challenges, but emotional, academic, interpersonal or artistic challenges as well. What did you do? What happened in the end?

    — If you’ll be applying to college sometime soon, you may be interested to know that one Common Application prompt reads, “Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn?” You might consider answering those questions here, too, perhaps as practice for your college essay.


  7. What i think about Kayla Montgomery’s determination to run even if she collapses after every single race is just a wow. I think that that is honestly amazing and shows a lot of love for running. I admire that truly. Someone that i admire who constantly confronts a challenge and overcome it is this special needs student in my school named Daryn. Daryn confronts a challenge every single day just being special needs alone but comes in every single day the same. He comes each and every day with a smile and a positive attitude even tho he isn't 100% the same. He makes jokes, cracks me up and a lot of other people and makes sure to always give me a fist pound whenever he sees me. He may not know but just seeing that kid positive everyday makes me appreciate what i have even if i'm having bad day. A time i've faced a challenge of some kind was once my parents were going through something and they both wanted me to be on their side. But me knowing i can't choose sides i was the biggest man and overcame by solving their problem and because of that today we are much closer and there are really never any arguments. A time i experienced failure was last year. I failed two classes for the year and that was the first time ever that has happened to me. I felt like crap but instead of soaking i picked myself up and did summer school passed both classes and now i've made honor roll two marking periods in a row for the first time ever in high school. It taught me a lesson that being goofy in class and talking really isn't “cool” it's not worth almost being held back and having privileges taken from you.

  8. I think that Kayla’s determination to run even though she collapses after every race is simply amazing. I think that she is not letting anything get in the way of her and her dreams; she is truly a hard working person. though her multiple sclerosis causes her to collapse after every race, but perhaps it has felt dramatic and difficult to you. I think that Kayla’s determination to run even though she collapses after every race is simply amazing. I think that she is not letting anything get in the way of her and her dreams, she is truly a hard working person. It just proves and shows that she loves running and that nothing will stop her. I admire that truly. My dad has had rough times when he was younger and had to work through everything. It was not easy by what he tells me and it sounds very difficult to be dealing with all those things at such a young age. I know i would probably never be able to deal with that he did at that young age. But he got past it and many people see him as a very successful man and i do too myself. Someone who i Also i admire who constantly confronts a challenge and overcome it is this special needs student in my school named Daryn. Daryn confronts a challenge every single day just being special needs alone but comes in every single day the same. He comes each and every day with a smile and a positive attitude even though he isn't 100% the same. He makes jokes, cracks me up and a lot of other people and makes sure to always give me a fist pound whenever he sees me. He may not know but just seeing that kid positive everyday makes me appreciate what i have even if i'm having bad day. People need to keep working hard and keep their heads up. hard work pays off and people need to realize what you put outside the room is what you get in the room

  9. I think Kayla Montgomery’s determination to run is amazing. Even though she falls after every race, she always tries her best to win the race or even finish the race. When she collapses after every race, she has her coach waiting to catch her in his arms and he brings her over to the side on the bench and then her parents start to run over to her with ice bags and out them on Kayla’s legs so they’re not numb anymore n she can start walking again. Then she can now celebrate the race with whoever is there at the race to support her. Someone else I admire that had to face a challenge and had to overcome it is my friend Daren. He was a senior in high school and he wanted to graduate early since he had more than enough credits. What he had to do was he had to complete 30 VLA packets. 15 VLA packets were English and the other 15 VLA packets were math. He started them in the beginning of November and he had to finish them before January 10th. If he didn’t finish them before that date, he couldn’t graduate early and this was only a one time thing. He tried very hard to finish them all and he did. He was able to graduate early from school and now he has a decent job. When I faced challenge, I had to get up my grades a little bit for one of my classes. I did all of the make up work that I had to do and I also studied to get good grades on tests and quizzes. I passed that class for the year and I am glad I did.
